Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Anyway... Rant. might be cathartic.
So I've screwed around 3 days now and forgot my "happy pills" My blood pressure is probably around stroke level and if I was a boss in a video game, you just aggro-ed me!
I'm looking at a country I thought would be alright until we got nuked or something, Oh sure. they played covid up like it was Armageddon, but it was poop, a power grab, no more, no less. they can kiss my non vaxxed butt.BUT ever since then, I'm seeing crap that makes me think it WAS the apocalypse, it didn't kill a whole lot by pandemic standards, but the rest seem to have gotten brain damage/ADD/PTSD/ and being convinced they're gay by the mass media, not to mention, thin skinned and cranky, self righteous and aggressive. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate gays, it's genetic, even the bible hints as such, but doing it to be trendy is stupid! OH, I know. its been going to hell for decades, but never this fast! I'm getting future shock over here and there is not one damn thing I can do about it. Well, yes there is, but I can't right now. Next time I go, I'm leaving my radio home and not bothering with an uplink. next time I go, its forever. I'm starting to hate this world and all it stands for, I'll fish and hunt squirrels and be out of the way. if they can't find me, they can't bug me!

I need dinner, drugs and bed. maybe it will go away.
I am with most of that but I am a creature of habit and take my blood pressure medicine as part of my routine. I felt like crap before my BP medicine.

I try to stay on top of the Idiocracy because I want The Princess to not have to go back to work when she is 90 and maybe provide for the granddaughters.

I'm sad about my garden this year, but I'm mostly angry about the mice. We're in a bad drought, my tomato plants aren't producing much because of it and the flipping mice are eating what few tomatoes there are. I've put about a dozen snap traps in the 8' x 4' bed, I catch a few but there's still damaged tomatoes. I tried spraying the tomatoes with hot sauce, putting chunks of Irish spring soap and a motion sensor light as a deterrent but nothing stops the stupid little vermin. At this rate I will literally have nothing to eat fresh nevermind put up. I hate them I hate them I hate them. I'm so angry and frustrated. 🤬
I'm sad about my garden this year, but I'm mostly angry about the mice. We're in a bad drought, my tomato plants aren't producing much because of it and the flipping mice are eating what few tomatoes there are. I've put about a dozen snap traps in the 8' x 4' bed, I catch a few but there's still damaged tomatoes. I tried spraying the tomatoes with hot sauce, putting chunks of Irish spring soap and a motion sensor light as a deterrent but nothing stops the stupid little vermin. At this rate I will literally have nothing to eat fresh nevermind put up. I hate them I hate them I hate them. I'm so angry and frustrated. 🤬
I totally relate, we have had some veggies but this drought is bringing in wildlife from the woods. Luckily we were able to put up some sauce, green beans and squash, and locally sourced corn. My farmer friend says Im depressed about it, not so just frustrated.
WTF is up with Fakebook and their algorithm!?

I have a business account for the rabbitry to help sell a few each litter to pay for the rest. To have a business account I have to have a personal account. It is not in my name (blank account other than a picture of a rabbit) and I use it only to chat in the meat rabbit groups when I have a question or concern about one of my animals (rather than pay a vet hundreds).

So today I was checking my feed and updating the business account. On my feed was a post from a VEGAN group. Um... I am only a member and active in a farming/butchering/meat groups. Why in God's name would the algorithm think I want to see crap about vegans and what they think bout my lifestyle????!
WTHeck is up with Fakebook and their algorithm!?

I have a business account for the rabbitry to help sell a few each litter to pay for the rest. To have a business account I have to have a personal account. It is not in my name (blank account other than a picture of a rabbit) and I use it only to chat in the meat rabbit groups when I have a question or concern about one of my animals (rather than pay a vet hundreds).

So today I was checking my feed and updating the business account. On my feed was a post from a VEGAN group. Um... I am only a member and active in a farming/butchering/meat groups. Why in God's name would the algorithm think I want to see crap about vegans and what they think bout my lifestyle????!
They want to force their agenda on you!!
Fed up with drivers who buy large new cars and then drive in the middle of the road because they are afraid of the hedge scratching it - yet have no problem with my old banger having to drive in the ditch.
I've started to copy my husband and drive straight at them until they shift over a bit; which is rude, and that's making me angrier. They are causing me to be a b**** and I don't like it.
I'm not up to date on what is considered "woke". I actually hate that term for some reason.
FB keeps showing me all sorts of weird stuff that has nothing to do with my interests and isn't even remotely related to stuff I look at.
Just woke up from a nap and my stomach feels awful. My whole body aches. To clarify, I didn't want to wake up but Itsy wanted me to wake up so she kept grabbing my hands and tapping my face with her paws because she wanted cuddles.
I'm way older than 30 but this song is resonating with me:

I'm thinking of getting a SpineWorx board. Someone on houserepairtalk said they got one and it helps. Not sure if it can help when I have a twisted pelvis though.
I'm not up to date on what is considered "woke". I actually hate that term for some reason.
FB keeps showing me all sorts of weird stuff that has nothing to do with my interests and isn't even remotely related to stuff I look at.
Just woke up from a nap and my stomach feels awful. My whole body aches. To clarify, I didn't want to wake up...
I have a twisted pelvis though.
Blow past 65 like some meaningless stop-sign and let me know how wonderful life is...
And I'm not even gonna ask what you did to get your pelvis twisted. :rolleyes:
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Blow past 65 like some meaningless stop-sign and let me know how wonderful life is...
And I'm not even gonna ask what you did to get your pelvis twisted. :rolleyes:
I don't know if it was from birth or if it just developed naturally. My pelvis tips down and forward on one side and up and back on another. I also have scoliosis and lumbar lordosis. Leads to a lot of pain. Since I'm kvetching about medical issues, I also have a fibroid tumor larger than my uterus that presses on my bladder. Causes a lot of abdominal issues as well. But removing it would not be easy.

Right now I feel like I tumbled down a cliff because everything is sore. My cats have piled on to soothe my muscles though. (Ok, they just want to be warm and have attention, but it actually helps).
Magpie, I have to remind myself it could be worse. I know people with worse conditions.
Ooh, I found the full version of the song. It cracks me up.

I misplaced some stuff I needed and can't remember for the life of me where I put it. I just found something and set it somewhere so I'd remember where it was and I forgot. No clue where it is now. I cleared out two bins looking for it. I really need to clean out the pantry again and seal it up so mice can't get in. I need to do some major cleaning. already did some today but ugh. One of my problems is I am not good at organizing and I can't decide where to put stuff most of the time. I just sort of dump everything wherever I can. Plus we have too much stuff. But we don't like to throw out stuff that isn't trash.
Going on day # 8 with record triple digit temperatures. My email is being blasted by my electric company stating my demand is 200% of normal, the city is warning me about my excess water usage, and today the electric company is on TV stating today is the day there will be massive brown outs, and although our idiot governor and super idiot president proclaimed we would be gas operated car "FREE" by 2035, our idiot governor has demanded that we do not charge our electric cars during peak energy usage hours, which he wants you to believe runs from 0400 through 0359 the following day. So we have one minute to charge our electric cars. That's ok, is you are illegal or black or brown, we will send you free money, EBT cards, free milk and eggs, free transportation, but whities need not apply.

And in today's newspaper, you can jump the border fence and automatically get free medical insurance. How many of us are provided FREE medical insurance?

Sorry for the rant!
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Magpie, I have to remind myself it could be worse. I know people with worse conditions.
Ooh, I found the full version of the song. It cracks me up.

I misplaced some stuff I needed and can't remember for the life of me where I put it. I just found something and set it somewhere so I'd remember where it was and I forgot. No clue where it is now. I cleared out two bins looking for it. I really need to clean out the pantry again and seal it up so mice can't get in. I need to do some major cleaning. already did some today but ugh. One of my problems is I am not good at organizing and I can't decide where to put stuff most of the time. I just sort of dump everything wherever I can. Plus we have too much stuff. But we don't like to throw out stuff that isn't trash.

I'd love a weekend at your place; I love organising a pantry - I find it therapeutic! Can't wait for the last of the visitors to go in Sept, so I can spend a Saturday morning in my p.j's, music on, rearranging jars! 😂😂
We had that problem-- something loose at the power pole-- that was causing us to draw a lot more electricity than usual. It was on their end but we had to pay the electrician ourselves even though they were supposed to do it. Fortunately, it hasn't happened in awhile because we can't get a licensed electrician to come out here anymore.

Havasu, all the brownouts and usage limits suck.

My body really hates me right now because I just did some major cleaning. Found bloated cans in the pantry. I also discovered that awhile back when my brother wanted something & Mom said she "no" unless he cleaned up trash off the floor, the way he "cleaned" was to open the pantry door and shove as much trash into it as possible. He also had the trash overflowing again by not taking trash out. His empty milk cartons, food wrappers, etc were all over the place. I filled two 55 gallon contractor bags.

He brags about how reliable and hardworking he is at work & I have to bite my tongue to say I wish he would put in half that effort at home. I hit my head on a cabinet door he left open earlier. He left a drawer open, and he keeps leaving the wet wipes container open.

At least I got a lot of stuff cleaned up, but I have a feeling I'm going to sleep a lot tomorrow.
I’ve about had it with dads old chainsaw, husq 340. It was always under powered, to the point of being annoying. And lately it seems if I need it for something… I spend an hour working on it first. It’s currently broken. The fuel line between the tank and the carb came loose. I can’t get it back on, for some reason there isn’t enough slack in the fuel line. It no longer reaches to the tank. I’m gonna have to take it to the small engine shop.

Today I had to go to town to straighten out a prescription issue for dad. I stopped and looked at new saws at tsc.

A husq 450 is only 1lb heavier but has a 30% increase in hp. But they want $460, tempted. I’d keep the old saw, rebuild the carb and get it back in good condition. I need a reliable backup.

I’d like to look at a Stihl but no one around here has them. Anyone have a Stihl? 3hp range? 50cc? Don’t mind buying from the net if I can find a deal.
I’ve about had it with dads old chainsaw, husq 340. It was always under powered, to the point of being annoying. And lately it seems if I need it for something… I spend an hour working on it first. It’s currently broken. The fuel line between the tank and the carb came loose. I can’t get it back on, for some reason there isn’t enough slack in the fuel line. It no longer reaches to the tank. I’m gonna have to take it to the small engine shop.

Today I had to go to town to straighten out a prescription issue for dad. I stopped and looked at new saws at tsc.

A husq 450 is only 1lb heavier but has a 30% increase in hp. But they want $460, tempted. I’d keep the old saw, rebuild the carb and get it back in good condition. I need a reliable backup.

I’d like to look at a Stihl but no one around here has them. Anyone have a Stihl? 3hp range? 50cc? Don’t mind buying from the net if I can find a deal.
I have a Sthil 180. Not sure what size it is, but it's smaller sized. Does a good job for trim work and small sized stuff. My old Husky 51 is a work horse. I had it tuned up back in the spring. Runs as good as new
I’d like to look at a Stihl but no one around here has them. Anyone have a Stihl? 3hp range? 50cc? Don’t mind buying from the net if I can find a deal.
I can only say that I have never owned a Stihl... But I have been surrounded by guys running them. Most were pros. Those things work!
3 quick points:
1. Made in the U.S.A.
2. If you watch the news after a hurricane, everybody cutting up downed trees is surprisingly using one. :oops:
3. If you watch Stihl's commercials, at the very end they casually mention: "not sold in Lowes or Home Depot stores". Think a minute about why they would do that.
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I’ve about had it with dads old chainsaw, husq 340. It was always under powered, to the point of being annoying. And lately it seems if I need it for something… I spend an hour working on it first. It’s currently broken. The fuel line between the tank and the carb came loose. I can’t get it back on, for some reason there isn’t enough slack in the fuel line. It no longer reaches to the tank. I’m gonna have to take it to the small engine shop.

Today I had to go to town to straighten out a prescription issue for dad. I stopped and looked at new saws at tsc.

A husq 450 is only 1lb heavier but has a 30% increase in hp. But they want $460, tempted. I’d keep the old saw, rebuild the carb and get it back in good condition. I need a reliable backup.

I’d like to look at a Stihl but no one around here has them. Anyone have a Stihl? 3hp range? 50cc? Don’t mind buying from the net if I can find a deal.
Get an Echo, BEST chainsaws you can buy!! Throw out the Huskavarna!!
Today I saw brand names I'd never heard of. Echo was one of those (shopping online). Saw some Poulans at the store, looked odd, had an odd shape. Know nothing about either of those brands.
NO Poulans, they suck!! We cut A LOT of wood, hubby does tree work on the side too! Echo is IT!!
Today I saw brand names I'd never heard of. Echo was one of those (shopping online). Saw some Poulans at the store, looked odd, had an odd shape. Know nothing about either of those brands.
3. If you watch Stihl's commercials, at the very end they casually mention: "not sold in Lowes or Home Depot stores". Think a minute about why they would do that.
Think about where you would take it if you 'had' to get a saw worked on. (Hint: It ain't Lowez or HD! :mad:)
The same goes for the other brands.
If you find a place that works on saws, I'd bet money they are a Stihl dealer.:)
I found a stihl in the big town. Checked their site earlier but didn't see them, hmm. They have these in stock and are open tomorrow.

STIHL Farm Boss MS 271 20 in. bar 50.2 cc Gas Chainsaw

STIHL Wood Boss MS 251 18 in. 45.6 cc Gas Chainsaw

Having just survived another birthday, grumble, grumble. I wonder if I need a bigger saw with a 20in bar. All the treeline's around the pastures are now someone else's headache. But I still have 60 acres of woodland. We lose trees every year, storms, blight, even lightning. I imagine I'll still spend 2-3 days a year on tree maintenance.

I used to spend 4 or 5 days a year just trimming around pastures, all oddly shaped with lots of treeline. I really disliked the husqvarna 340. It was more of a toy than a saw. The new husqvarna's are priced the same as stihls I've looked at. I don't know if I want another husqvarna though.
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I found a stihl in the big town. Checked their site earlier but didn't see them, hmm. They have these in stock and are open tomorrow.

STIHL Farm Boss MS 271 20 in. bar 50.2 cc Gas Chainsaw

STIHL Wood Boss MS 251 18 in. 45.6 cc Gas Chainsaw

Having just survived another birthday, grumble, grumble. I wonder if I need a bigger saw with a 20in bar. All the treeline's around the pastures are now someone else's headache. But I still have 60 acres of woodland. We lose trees every year, storms, blight, even lightning. I imagine I'll still spent 2-3 days a year on tree maintenance.

I used to spend 4 or 5 days a year just trimming around pastures, all oddly shaped with lots of treeline. I really disliked the husqvarna 340. It was more of a toy than a saw. The new husqvarna's are priced the same as stihls I've looked at. I don't know if I want another husqvarna though.
Happy Birthday, treat yourself to a Stihl!! And cake!!
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