Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Fed up with drivers who buy large new cars and then drive in the middle of the road because they are afraid of the hedge scratching it - yet have no problem with my old banger having to drive in the ditch.
I've started to copy my husband and drive straight at them until they shift over a bit; which is rude, and that's making me angrier. They are causing me to be a b**** and I don't like it.
I love playing chicken with somebody's oversized match box dream car! It's MY side of the road and I stay in it. let the rich B*tards buy me a new junk pile.
I found a stihl in the big town. Checked their site earlier but didn't see them, hmm. They have these in stock and are open tomorrow.

STIHL Farm Boss MS 271 20 in. bar 50.2 cc Gas Chainsaw

STIHL Wood Boss MS 251 18 in. 45.6 cc Gas Chainsaw

Having just survived another birthday, grumble, grumble. I wonder if I need a bigger saw with a 20in bar. All the treeline's around the pastures are now someone else's headache. But I still have 60 acres of woodland. We lose trees every year, storms, blight, even lightning. I imagine I'll still spent 2-3 days a year on tree maintenance.

I used to spend 4 or 5 days a year just trimming around pastures, all oddly shaped with lots of treeline. I really disliked the husqvarna 340. It was more of a toy than a saw. The new husqvarna's are priced the same as stihls I've looked at. I don't know if I want another husqvarna though.
Former professional Homelite technician here :rolleyes:: you can put almost any length bar on any saw. It just don't cut very fast if the motor is small, and if it has an automatic oiler, a longer than normal bar may need to take a breather every few minutes to get enough oil on the chain. Manual oiler, just push the button a little more.:thumbs:
I saw lots of XL12 saws that were born with a 16" blade:

...that were later sporting a 24" bar:eyeballs: :

I got ripped off a year ago at the power equipment co. I took my saw in for a major clean up and tune. My grtnephew had just gotten a job there. They wouldn't let him work on my saw, no experience.

My saw has a manual primer pump on the side (2). It brings fuel from the tank to the carb. The hose from the tank to the primer (1) is split at point (3) as it leaves the tank.

The hose had become brittle with age just like the primer pump. They replaced the pump but didn't replace the hose... just a matter of time before the hose split or burst. (my nephew would have replaced the hose and the pump, not just the pump)

Now I no longer have an excuse to get a new saw... darn. A $1 hose is all that's needed. Of course today is labor day... The 2 places who'd have a replacement are closed.

Saw 04a.JPG
Saw 04b.JPG
I got ripped off a year ago at the power equipment co. I took my saw in for a major clean up and tune. My grtnephew had just gotten a job there. They wouldn't let him work on my saw, no experience.

My saw has a manual primer pump on the side (2). It brings fuel from the tank to the carb. The hose from the tank to the primer (1) is split at point (3) as it leaves the tank.

The hose had become brittle with age just like the primer pump. They replaced the pump but didn't replace the hose... just a matter of time before the hose split or burst. (my nephew would have replaced the hose and the pump, not just the pump)

Now I no longer have an excuse to get a new saw... darn. A $1 hose is all that's needed. Of course today is labor day... The 2 places who'd have a replacement are closed.

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Glad you don't need a new saw, glad you caught their reason for you to bring it back and spend more money with them!!
That was my first thought... except I'd have to drive 50miles for the aquarium hose. Or tomorrow I can drive 40miles and get the correct fuel hose. Guess I'll be waiting til tomorrow.
Rob one off a busted saw? Our local industrial supply has the silicon based stuff for acids and high heat, do you have one handy?
Gag. I just can not stay away from the news feeds, it's literally depressing me to death!
Dear Joe.
You stupid, child molesting, drug addled moron, you were handed a nation in recovery, we had jobs, money, food was affordable, so was fuel, everybody was happy but your pets and the (insert vile profanity here!) who stole the election for you. you sack of (something nasty.)! Not only did you steal the golden goose, you raped it to death and gutted it to get the last damn egg to buy crack with, you have divided us, threatened us, burdened us with your crack pipe dreams and made enemies out of all our friends, we're a laughing stock now, soon the laughter will turn to hate when we can no longer hand out the freebies. (Even though we have people who need it too!) your policies have brought us to the brink of war and disillusioned us to the point few of us would ever consider fighting for the country you have wrecked! On the day you die, the founding fathers and JFK, Probably Reagan too will be waiting on you with ball bats, tar and feathers, not to mention every real American hero whose names and works you have drug through the mud and every Allie in Afghanistan you left to the tender mercy of the Taliban. Only then, after they get done with you, will you get the sweet relief of whatever hell you deserve. I hope you swallow a live foot long sewer rat and it eats its way out.
Sincerely, I despise you. You're an incompetent liar, a spiritual cancer, and a creepy old geezer with delusions of adequacy. B.0 and Jimmy the C will high five over your grave as you go to hell as the worst president to ever crap his pants on TV in American history.
Even though I managed to be productive today, I'm exhausted. Went to move Mom's old end table to move in one I got at a flea market for $20. Looks like it has a leather top with gold detailing around edges. I keep a clear plastic sheet on top of it. She needed it more than I do though. Anyway, found she's been dumping trash on the floor AGAIN. I filled a contractor bag more than halfway with all her trash. She gripes about mice and roaches on and around her desk-- well maybe if she wasn't a damn slob who throws trash and food wrappers all over the damn place she won't have problems with that. I have had to clean up her trash so many times. I set up a trash can for her but she never tells me when its full and she whines that its not easy to fit stuff in. I need to get her a bag to put stuff in or something. At least she stopped throwing trash across the room. She had a trash pile higher than my knees in front of the TV before I filled over 8 bags with her crap. It doesn't matter to her bc she's not the one who has to clean it up.
And my brother hasn't been taking trash out so I've had to do it. It's annoying being the only person in the house who actually cleans and picks stuff up.
I'm hoping I can get it fully cleaned and then keep it that way.
That was my first thought... except I'd have to drive 50miles for the aquarium hose. Or tomorrow I can drive 40miles and get the correct fuel hose. Guess I'll be waiting til tomorrow.
Got an O'Reilly Auto Parts store nearby? We carry a line of common small engine things like filters, fuel line, primer bulbs, riding mower solenoids, etc.
At least the two stores in our area do. But then, this is an ag, and timber area.
Oh, and we were open Labor Day.
Woke up to one of my cats pissing on my pillow (and on my head). I had a hooded cardigan on with the hood up so I heard the stream rather than feeling it. Sat up and could see him still going. Must have had a full bladder. He's one of the older cats. Might be trying to tell me he has health issues. Didn't notice anything odd in the smell but I couldn't really smell much. Nose is always kind of stuffy when I wake up. So, now I have to do some laundry. At least I had a new pillowcase to put on it and was able to hand-wash it. It's one of my favorite pillows too. If I didn't love cats so much...
I still have to clean up in the kitchen more, clear out the pantry, and move stuff from the kitchen in to the pantry (after I fix the dummy knob situation).
Saw some Poulans at the store, looked odd, had an odd shape.

Poulan and Stihl should not be used in the same sentence (even though I just did - but you know what I mean). They are two totally different animals - if you're looking at the level of a Stihl, you'd never be happy with a Poulan. We still have an old Poulan (because hubby can't get rid of anything) - but I really can't imagine us getting to the level of self-hate that would be required to use it...
Woke up to one of my cats pissing on my pillow (and on my head). I had a hooded cardigan on with the hood up so I heard the stream rather than feeling it. Sat up and could see him still going. Must have had a full bladder. He's one of the older cats. Might be trying to tell me he has health issues. Didn't notice anything odd in the smell but I couldn't really smell much. Nose is always kind of stuffy when I wake up. So, now I have to do some laundry. At least I had a new pillowcase to put on it and was able to hand-wash it. It's one of my favorite pillows too. If I didn't love cats so much...
I still have to clean up in the kitchen more, clear out the pantry, and move stuff from the kitchen in to the pantry (after I fix the dummy knob situation).
I had a cat spray me in the face once. he walked funny for a month.
Even though I managed to be productive today, I'm exhausted. Went to move Mom's old end table to move in one I got at a flea market for $20. Looks like it has a leather top with gold detailing around edges. I keep a clear plastic sheet on top of it. She needed it more than I do though. Anyway, found she's been dumping trash on the floor AGAIN. I filled a contractor bag more than halfway with all her trash. She gripes about mice and roaches on and around her desk-- well maybe if she wasn't a damn slob who throws trash and food wrappers all over the damn place she won't have problems with that. I have had to clean up her trash so many times. I set up a trash can for her but she never tells me when its full and she whines that its not easy to fit stuff in. I need to get her a bag to put stuff in or something. At least she stopped throwing trash across the room. She had a trash pile higher than my knees in front of the TV before I filled over 8 bags with her crap. It doesn't matter to her bc she's not the one who has to clean it up.
And my brother hasn't been taking trash out so I've had to do it. It's annoying being the only person in the house who actually cleans and picks stuff up.
I'm hoping I can get it fully cleaned and then keep it that way.
I had a little problem like that back when I couldn't walk. I bought two 33 gallon yard sized cans and put one next to my computer and the other next to the TV chair. Once a week my brother or uncle would come and empty them and I'd buy them a 6 pack of old Milwaukee or Schaffers. as a bonus, they got all those soda and beer cans to sell.
I'm a big softy when it comes to animals. I know they often don't know better & sometimes they can't help it. I had a cat that kept peeing on stuff and crapping on stuff trying to tell us she had cancer. Vet kept misdiagnosing her until it was too late.

Magus, at least you had the forethought to put stuff in a can. My mother just literally throws stuff on the floor. Drives me crazy. I'm glad you had people helping you out.

Back injuries really suck. I was in a car wreck that caused my back to be super stiff. I went to pick up a cat (the same one that pissed on my pillow) and something snapped. The doctor thinks a tendon or muscle stretched weird, got caught somehow and then snapped back like a rubberband. My mother heard a loud crack like a leather belt being snapped & didn't even hear me swear. Asked me what happened and if I was ok. I was laid up for months. House really got in bad shape during that time since I'm the only one who cleans.

I will say it was nice having my friend come over and help. Just having someone to give support really helps.

Still waiting on something from Lowes to ship to store. ETA was initially today but now it says the 12th and it hasn't even shipped yet. I might have to call them to light a fire under their behinds to send it.
Friggin' computers!

I have had a bad run lately. After years (decades) of no significant problems.

A few weeks ago one of the wife's computers started acting up, freezes and reboots. I diagnosed that as a bad hard disk. Replaced it with an SSD and restored the OS from a recent image, and all user files from nightly backups via my backup server. Easy (but still a pain to have to do in the first place!)

Next up, wife's second computer (different from the one above) froze up to black screen for some reason unknown. No clean shutdown possible, so went for the "press and hold power button" to force a reboot. No go, after several attempts. Finally had to physically pull the power cord. Then the thing would not power back up. But I could hear a fan running, so there was power to the motherboard - at least at the voltage required by the fan. In initial theory was bad Mobo or power supply. Since it's easier to replace a power supply than the motherboard, I did that. It's not like I don't have a bazillion abandoned computers down in the basement junk pile that are just waiting to donate their parts, including power supplies. After the replacement, computer booted fine. Worked for a few weeks until we had a house-wide power failure. Then it was back to not booting under the control of the power switch, but I could hear that fan running. Thinking about what else it could be besides the Mobo, I thought - maybe it's the power switch itself. So a little jiggling, jostling, and beating on the switch started the computer up again. It's been fine for a week since that. So, still not 100% diagnosed and fixed on this second computer, but I'm currently leaning towards switch rather than mobo. Time will tell which of those it really is (or maybe something else).

And then two days ago, wham! One of MY computers went dead on me. Working fine, then ungraceful shutdown. The first thing I thought was bad memory, since I had just upgraded my memory, doubling the amount installed. But wait, this computer didn't just go wonky or reboot, it completely powered down. That's not typical for bad memory. In addition, when I tried to power it up, all fans would spin up and then it was lights out after 1 second. Even the fans were completely dead. Not enough time for the boot process to even get to memory. Took it outside (since it was full of dust as these things tend to get) and used Dust-Off to clean out the innards. Then checked and reinserted all connectors to the mobo and peripherals, re-seated memory modules, etc. Basically, looking for a short. The thing booted up fine after that. For about 4 hours. Then a sudden "lights out" event again. Dang it. Now I'm thinking power supply. I can't come up with many other events that would result in a power down (as opposed to a freeze or reboot). Not other than a short somewhere or a power supply issue. And this particular computer has a high end power supply in it.

I drug out another old computer, less powerful than my one that just died on me, and installed an antiX frugal instance on it. That only took about five minutes. Then I copied my personal files and settings from MY dead computer over. This copy was done from my backup server - the one that backs up ALL of our computers once every day. So I didn't do the copy from the dead computer (that would have been some feat!), I copied from the backups of the dead computer. So now I'm running - and typing this post - from this temporary replacement computer. I will start debugging my dead computer later today. First step will probably be to replace the power supply. I have plenty of those still available, although none of the caliber that is currently installed in that computer. But it doesn't really need a high end power supply, it's just that this is all I buy these-a-days. My rationale for that was reliability. Ha! I guess I learned my lesson.

With all this recent computer carnage, I am wondering about main line power spikes or something. But all our electronics are on spike prevention devices. Ditto for all our TV's (and any other expensive devices as well). Nothing else has been affected. We have four or five other computers running - as servers and backup systems - and they're all fine. TV's and home theater is fine. Even the much cheaper electronic light switches we have installed are fine (and those kind of electronics go rather fast with power line problems). We rarely have power outages. Maybe once a year for a duration of a few minutes, maybe an hour.

So I'm a bit flustered about the root cause of these recent failures. I hate to blame coincidence. Because I don't believe in coincidence. But until I can come up with a common root cause, I guess I'll be treating each computer failure as an unrelated, isolated and random event.

p.s. - Troubleshooting things like this is usually fun for me. Using my engineering skills. But that is when it is somebody ELSE having the problem. Now that it is ME having the problems, troubleshooting is not as fun as it used to be... :( However, I have proven - as has been proven by so many people, so many times before - YOU BETTER HAVE GOOD BACKUPS! I do. :)
Reminds me I need to make some backups. I've had my hard drive AND the backups fail before.

My stupid shop vac clogged and won't work. Last time the plumber was out he used the last of my wire hangers (he used one of my hangers every time he came out instead of bringing his own). So I'm not sure how to clear it. It's full of dust from the floor leveling stuff so I have to be careful with it. If I had a wire hanger I'd poke around in the hose. Pretty sure I know what clogged it-- a styrofoam peanut.

Also discovered mouse holes in my walls and that mice have been chewing the edge of my vinyl sheet.
I have had a bad run lately.

Next up, wife's second computer (different from the one above) froze up to black screen for some reason unknown.

With all this recent computer carnage, I am wondering about main line power spikes or something.

So I'm a bit flustered about the root cause of these recent failures. :)

After only reading about the second puter I was thinking dirty power. I've seen sneaky dirty power cause all sorts of issues. I say sneaky because it is possible for dirty power to be short lived, only when the unit causing the issue is actually running.

Go back to the last change in your home before this started. Didn't you have hvac work done recently? Were all the computer issues after that event?

Were the hvac breakers or any electrical part replaced, cleaned or tweeked in some manner? When starting up it may be sending a voltage spike throughout your home that only lasts a millisecond. That's enough to do all kinds of damage, seen it before.

Edit, also, got the fuel line for the chainsaw while in town today. $2 for a ft of hose. Enough for another similar repair left over.
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