Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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As I'm getting ready for work I think about the fun filled time I had last night trying to figure out how to get the middle of my forearm to bend so I could replace the air line that ran under a support bar under the oil sump in a bodymaker. The only reason it was ran that way is cause engineers hate techs. An engineer will climb over a pile of virgins to screw one tech.
As I'm getting ready for work I think about the fun filled time I had last night trying to figure out how to get the middle of my forearm to bend so I could replace the air line that ran under a support bar under the oil sump in a bodymaker. The only reason it was ran that way is cause engineers hate techs. An engineer will climb over a pile of virgins to screw one tech.

Wait, wouldn't the engineer use machinery & principles of physics to shift the virgins out of the way before screwing the tech? ;)
You know that song with the lyrics "My mind's telling me no, but my body..." My version is "My mind's telling me no. But my body, my body is-- also telling me no".

I appreciate the tough love feedback. But we're not anywhere near a big city and there is no way Mom would pay people to come clean & I don't have the funds as I'm her fulltime caregiver but don't get paid. Getting the bathroom fixed is one step and I know my friend will help me when he can so I'm not totally alone in this. He can sometimes motivate my brother to help a little as well. Once we declutter more I can start working on deep cleaning stuff. It just takes time.
Spoken like an engineer.

Haha, wish I had the paycheck that goes with that accusation. Back in the day, my closest BMX, dirt biking, skateboarding & sailing friends called me an "African Engineer"---due to my mechanical ability to jury-rig things, lol. However, I preferred the phrase "West African Engineer." ;)
Haha, wish I had the paycheck that goes with that accusation. Back in the day, my closest BMX, dirt biking, skateboarding & sailing friends called me an "African Engineer"---due to my mechanical ability to jury-rig things, lol. However, I preferred the phrase "West African Engineer." ;)
Meh. I suppose it depends on who ya work for. I out earn every engineer this company employs.
You know that song with the lyrics "My mind's telling me no, but my body..." My version is "My mind's telling me no. But my body, my body is-- also telling me no".

I appreciate the tough love feedback. But we're not anywhere near a big city and there is no way Mom would pay people to come clean & I don't have the funds as I'm her fulltime caregiver but don't get paid. Getting the bathroom fixed is one step and I know my friend will help me when he can so I'm not totally alone in this. He can sometimes motivate my brother to help a little as well. Once we declutter more I can start working on deep cleaning stuff. It just takes time.
If you are a full time caregiver and not getting paid for it...check online for information regarding the rights of a caregiver and any compensation you may have coming to you. I was looking into that for a friend whose significant other had passed away. (My friend had cared for and taken care of her for years, but since they weren't married he had no compensation coming to him, both were declared to have disabilities...) But in your case, this is your parent whom you live with, totally different. It varies from state to state. Also look into what is available on a county level for cleaning services.
Thanks, Patchouli. I've looked into it. My state has nothing for family caregivers. It's frustrating. I need to get some sort of paying job but I can't be on my feet for long periods of time, I can't bend well, and I can't lift heavy stuff repeatedly. If I had worked in this state for at least 2 years I would qualify for disability.

On the upside, I now have a working toilet in my bathroom and the pantry door is fixed. So I can start cleaning the pantry out soon.
I never, ever, respond to commercial ads.
Saw an ad in the AARP magazine that Skechers now has 'hands-free' slip-on shoes.
Thought I would check it out online...
I punched in my gender, size, and width.
Choices=1. :(

Skechers Slip-ins: GO WALK 6 - Easy On​

5 out of 5 Customer Rating
165 Reviews
Or 4 Installments of $23.75
This item is excluded from promotions
$95 for a pair of slip-on shoes.:dunno:
I don't think so!!!:mad::waiting:
My sister and I boycott Sketchers over their shenanigans in the past. They had some sort of shoes they advertised as being good for your feet/ankles etc but they actually caused injury. They knew this and still lied in commercials and got hit with a class action lawsuit.

Flip flops are not good for your feet.

Speaking of shoes- my gripe is that most women's shoes have some sort of heel and because of my ankle injuries, heels (even slight ones) cause ankle pain and are harder to walk in. But my feet are just one size too small to be able to wear men's shoes.
I never, ever, respond to commercial ads.
Saw an ad in the AARP magazine that Skechers now has 'hands-free' slip-on shoes.
Thought I would check it out online...
I punched in my gender, size, and width.
Choices=1. :(

Skechers Slip-ins: GO WALK 6 - Easy On​

5 out of 5 Customer Rating
165 Reviews
Or 4 Installments of $23.75
This item is excluded from promotions
$95 for a pair of slip-on shoes.:dunno:
I don't think so!!!:mad::waiting:
Get rid of AARP, it's leftist!! I get all my Sketchers on JCP, Target, or Belk (online) when they are 80-90% off!!
Arg. CAAAAAATS!! Woke up to a cat digging on top of me like he was going to pee. I reached over to stop him and realized he'd already peed-- a LOT. It soaked my blanket, my knee pillow, my shirt, my cardigan, the roll pillow, sheet, and got on the waterproof mattress pad. It smelled odd so I think he's trying to tell me he's sick and needs to go to the vet. Might be a UTI.

I'm still trying to work up the motivation to haul all this stuff to the laundry room and put new bedding on. I can throw a few other items in with and use the colorguard detergent on deep clean sanitize.
The young couple down the end of the road keep letting their cows out to graze the roadsides!! They only have 5 acres, had 5 cows (now 3)! 2 are missing. Several people have almost hit them, they are wandering up on to other roads. The sheriff's dept. has been out several times but hasn't done any good! Time for the cows to find a new home!! There are a couple of people in the area that are going to try to haul them off. Hopefully they can get them in a trailer with grain!! Some people just shouldn't have animals!!
Here, they have cattleguards to control the wandering. If you don't want cows on your property, you have to fence them out.
There are only about fifty cows on the road at any given time. Nobody hits them.

In the case of your young couple, someone needs to explain to them that they are liable for all damages if the cows cause an accident since they are not in a cattle posted area.

Personally, I feel all rural areas should allow roadside grazing and people should pay more attention to their driving, but fortunately for most people, I don't get to be queen for a day.
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Haha, wish I had the paycheck that goes with that accusation. Back in the day, my closest BMX, dirt biking, skateboarding & sailing friends called me an "African Engineer"---due to my mechanical ability to jury-rig things, lol. However, I preferred the phrase "West African Engineer." ;)
I got an award for that in Tech school, it's called "Shop thrift".

I got a story about technicians:
The whole factory was shut down because a computer was doing something wrong, not letting a mixer boot up or if it did boot, it wouldn't run the right speed, the tech was called in. the guy walks over, takes one look at the readout, nods his head, walks to the back of the thing and kicks the crap out of it, lo and behold everything fires up and runs perfect, he turns around and scribbles out a bill and hands it to the boss, he turns four shades of purple! "YOU WANT 1000$!? BUT ALL YOU DID WAS KICK IT!"
The tech nodded and said:
"I paid 50,000 dollars to go to school to learn not only where to kick that antique piece of junk, but how hard. that will be, 1000$ and I don't take checks!" end of story.
I just realized that I can't find the retaining clips for the toilet seat and they don't sell them anymore so I had to order a new part that is the replacement part and is apparently sturdier. Ugh. The whole hinge thing has to be replaced. But it should arrive Friday or Saturday. This is the seat I have https://www.us.kohler.com/us/Zofa-s...ality/productDetail/product:425971/425971.htm
Easy, industrial supply store. they sell parts for stuff that hasn't been made in years! I'm guessing standard thread, just buy Teflon nuts.
Deer hide gloves... I guess deer aren't as tough as they used to be. I bought these around christmas. Barely 9 months and they had lite duty maybe 2hrs in a day. Maybe one day a week, I'm disabled. I'm not cutting timber or piling brush 40hrs a week. #$% cheap garbage.

Gloves bad 105a.JPG
Deer hide gloves... I guess deer aren't as tough as they used to be. I bought these around christmas. Barely 9 months and they had lite duty maybe 2hrs in a day. Maybe one day a week, I'm disabled. I'm not cutting timber or piling brush 40hrs a week. #$% cheap garbage.

View attachment 94346
I can't find any tough leather work gloves anymore!!
Made in China.

When I was shopping for a leather living room set over there, my BIL took us to see the manufacturing process. He was in the import/export business over there, and acted as a buyer/representative for major US brick and mortar stores such as Land of the Wall Martians and that big orange and white store that sells twisted tooth picks.

The problem wasn't that they couldn't produce quality, they can, but the US mega buyers don't want it. They wanted it cheaper every year but they also sold at the same price or more every year.

BIL had a line up of bar stools and cupboards in his office demonstrating the reduced quality over the years and how the Chinese accommodated it. The big box stores refuse to purchase the well made stuff. They want the ones that can be built for two dollars and can be sold for twenty.

In the case of leather goods, it's the same. They have machines that can take one piece of hide and get three or more layers from it. The buyers don't want the grade A leather. They want the cheap stuff. They make furniture covered in all three grades. The best is usually sold in China and to private buyers who will pay for it. Result; you get crap gloves. Leather boots can be pretty bad as well.

I haven't bought leather gloves in many long years. I get good quality mechanics gloves. As long as the dogs don't get them, they take a long time to wear out.
Pearl, I admit, I'm guilty of having my cows get out. We only have two and they stay off of the road to the sides. They have 30+ acres to graze on but they want to go out into the woods. The hurricane blew down a bunch of trees from outside our yard and the roots yanked our fence out of the ground and the gate post broke. I've tried finding someone who works on fences and gates to come out but no one picks up or calls back. Really need to get that front gate fixed so the cows can't get out anymore. I have an automatic gate opener that needs to be installed but need some help with getting the actual gate post replaced and reinforced. Also need to get the old one out of the ground. It snapped off above the ground level.

Stuff from China is notorious for not being as advertised. They will claim they have genuine leather and it's polyurethane "leather" (aka PU leather). I got a company kicked off Amazon because they advertised a product new in box. Opened the box and they had taken out the real product and replaced it with something cheap that wasn't even a knockoff-- looked nothing like what I ordered. I contacted them and they said it was ok to switch products as it was just as good. I told them it was NOT ok and that it was fraud & that the replacement product was nowhere near the quality advertised. They then sent me an e-mail saying "Contact Amazon they replace you". So I then had to explain to a guy in India about how the sellers lied about what was in the package and switched the product out from a $12 product to a $1 product that didn't even work. I fwded the messages I got and they refunded my $. I filed a complaint with them about the store defrauding customers and within a week that seller was gone.
Made in China.

When I was shopping for a leather living room set over there, my BIL took us to see the manufacturing process. He was in the import/export business over there, and acted as a buyer/representative for major US brick and mortar stores such as Land of the Wall Martians and that big orange and white store that sells twisted tooth picks.

The problem wasn't that they couldn't produce quality, they can, but the US mega buyers don't want it. They wanted it cheaper every year but they also sold at the same price or more every year.

BIL had a line up of bar stools and cupboards in his office demonstrating the reduced qualityover the years and how the Chinese accommodated it. The big box stores refuse to purchase the well made stuff. They want the ones that can be built for two dollars and can be sold for twenty.

In the case of leather goods, it's the same. They have machines that can take one piece of hide and get three or more layers from it. The buyers don't want the grade A leather. They want the cheap stuff. They make furniture covered in all three grades. The best is usually sold in China and to private buyers who will pay for it. Result; you get crap gloves. Leather boots can be pretty bad as well.

I haven't bought leather gloves in many long years. I get good quality mechanics gloves. As long as the dogs don't get them, they take a long time to wear out.
I mostly wear mechanics gloves now! Easier to work in!! They hold up pretty well!
Pearl, I admit, I'm guilty of having my cows get out. We only have two and they stay off of the road to the sides. They have 30+ acres to graze on but they want to go out into the woods. The hurricane blew down a bunch of trees from outside our yard and the roots yanked our fence out of the ground and the gate post broke. I've tried finding someone who works on fences and gates to come out but no one picks up or calls back. Really need to get that front gate fixed so the cows can't get out anymore. I have an automatic gate opener that needs to be installed but need some help with getting the actual gate post replaced and reinforced. Also need to get the old one out of the ground. It snapped off above the ground level.
These people were letting them out! So far today they are put up. They don't have enough land for cattle.
There is a heavy leather glove with the brand name “White Mule”. Still made today (according to the internet)… their glove had a “gantlet cuff”, tall cuffs perfect when pulling corn by hand or loading firewood. The cuffs keep some of the trash or debris out and protected my wrists. I always bought them, good gloves but haven’t seen them is stores in 20yrs. I don’t know if their gloves are still good anyway.

I like to keep a pair of heavy leather gloves around and a lighter pair, the deerskin. The deer skin gloves have elastic at the cuff, also good for keeping trash out. More often than not I use them in winter for normal chores, feed and water critters, nothing rough.

Not to long ago the deerskin lasted a couple years. I guess that isn’t the case anymore.
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Deer hide gloves... I guess deer aren't as tough as they used to be. I bought these around christmas. Barely 9 months and they had lite duty maybe 2hrs in a day. Maybe one day a week, I'm disabled. I'm not cutting timber or piling brush 40hrs a week. #$% cheap garbage.

View attachment 94346
Those are pig skin, not deer hide. No matter, snip the fingers off, dye them black and make shooter's gloves.
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