Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I avoid going to town on Mondays, Fridays and late afternoon. This seems to be peak "riff raff" times? What do you call them? "Deplorable", " less-desirable"? Depends on your religion and political leaning?

But the road rage and temper tantrums are more prevalent. A sign of the time? People are squeezed. And polarized. And prone to violence. More than ever before?

Good times for lawyers. Bad times to defund your local law enforcement. Bad times to hire more IRS agents?
I avoid going to town on Mondays, Fridays and late afternoon. This seems to be peak "riff raff" times? What do you call them? "Deplorable", " less-desirable"? Depends on your religion and political leaning?

But the road rage and temper tantrums are more prevalent. A sign of the time? People are squeezed. And polarized. And prone to violence. More than ever before?

Good times for lawyers. Bad times to defund your local law enforcement. Bad times to hire more IRS agents?
I really don't leave the house much as it is. I'll run errands in town (where we live) maybe once a week and then the larger errands further away on the weekend with K and the kids. We had to go to the Apple store for a repair and thought we'd make a morning of it since it is an hour drive. We were stopping at the oil change place a town over from ours when this jerk started chasing us. What gets me is this jerk didn't stop and no one in the car engaged him in anyway!

It reminds me of my personal mantra from when I was a teen to my 20s...

"I don't go outside because there is too much stupid out there!"
I have to send Mom's laptop back in and they recommended insuring it. Gonna cost over $20 to insure and not sure how much to ship it. The e-mail said to send just the device and no peripherals (but did not specify if the power supply AC adapter counted). The link they sent me said I should send back the wrapping, the manual, and all the stuff that came with it (which has been thrown out) and that it needs to have the smaller box put inside a 2nd box. So, I'm trying to figure out what to use as an outer box as the old one got tossed. Might put it in a toilet tank box. LOL. My options are to buy a large flat box from USPS if it fits or to find an amazon box that fits. I'm gonna wrap the hell out of it in bubble wrap. Just annoying that the warranty doesn't cover shipping when there product had a defect and failed within a year. And I had to ask 5x before I got the RMA # from the clowns.

Not looking forward to going into town on Monday but I want to get this sent back asap.
It was $96 and some change to ship the laptop back (with insurance). They charged more for insurance than they said on the website. I had the laptop retail box, the box that one came in but not the huge shipping box. I put the laptop box inside a toilet tank box. But, after all the cleaning I've been doing and stuff, when I was bent over putting bubble wrap in the box, I pulled something in my back. Not sure how but it happened and I had to go put in ice pack on it. Ice pack got too warm so back in the freezer. My brother had to carry the box for me. Got back and put ice pack back on until it warmed up. Got my heat/massage thingy on now but it doesn't seem to be helping. It hurts all the way through to my hips. So much for cleaning today.
Getting a poor grade on a homework assignment because the instructions were confusing and vague. My professor talks like a millennial and expects us to read her mind when she writes the questions. For example there is a box and whisker chart and she just says "Interpret the chart". Ummmm, what? What part of it are we supposed to be interpreting? I mean statistics is hard enough without us having to be mind-readers!
Getting a poor grade on a homework assignment because the instructions were confusing and vague. My professor talks like a millennial and expects us to read her mind when she writes the questions. For example there is a box and whisker chart and she just says "Interpret the chart". Ummmm, what? What part of it are we supposed to be interpreting? I mean statistics is hard enough without us having to be mind-readers!
My sympathies. In 1979 I was a student in "Mechanical Engineering", most of my teachers even then where "Those who can't, teach". I don't have a degree in Mechanical engineering. Friggin REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED MORONS.

There are other avenues.
My sympathies. In 1979 I was a student in "Mechanical Engineering", most of my teachers even then where "Those who can't, teach". I don't have a degree in Mechanical engineering. Friggin REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED MORONS.

There are other avenues.
I on the other hand had a good experience with my college experience. But I was non traditional graduating at 40 having used my life's savings and relying on my better half to support my son and myself. I was determined to get everything possible for my money and I let each instructor know it. :rolleyes:

The second course I took was a 1 credit course "Mastering College". A lot of good suggestions, disciplines, practices, etc.

One idea involved a statistical study that showed where a student sat in the classroom was closely coordinated with the grade earned.
A triangle defined by the front row delineated the base of the triangle and the back center seat establishing the apex was called the "Golden Triangle". Outside the triangle poor grades.

I made a point of sitting front and center and would be that arse that was always interrupting and questioning. Showed up at office ours etc. I squeezed them for all I could get.

But I digress ..

I had 4 or 5 grad students teaching courses. 2 of those were in psychology. One was good the other not so much. She lectured by reciting a list of theories, the author, and date. I concentrated on the details of the theories but noooo.

Come test time...

1) what did xxx propose?
2) when did xxx propose their theory?


I had to settle for a B+ in that class. It dropped my final GPA from 3.75+ to 3.7499...

The difference between Suma Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude.

While I slightly missed my goal I did well enough to land a job I worked for 21 years

While she may have been a "psychology teacher" and have knowledge but she lacked the wisdom to use that knowledge.

Those who can't, teach.


I guess it's a rant, but this "Kerosene Stove" is a lot bigger than I thought :p

It is NOT a single burner Coleman Stove size :D. I guess the 4 quart tank should have been a clue :p

It will work well in the summer/fall kitchen.

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Hey Grimm.
The minute he leaned out the window he'd have gotten a good look at my 45 as I pointed it at his head. barring that, we'd swap paint.
I told K the whole experience made me want to carry my good friend, Walther everywhere with me even if it is illegal without the never-gunna-happen conceal carry permit (Commiefornia).
Grimm, I get being angry at someone and flipping them off or even honking of swearing, but following them and risking accidents is over the top and those people need some anger management. Best thing to do is to have a passenger start filming them and head to the nearest police station (if possible). I experienced a little road rage on my way to Walmart today.
I disagree about flipping people off, honking or engaging in any way over perceived bad or annoying driving. Patience and staying focused are important when driving. We might be carrying, or not, but so might they! I agree about filming them if you have a passenger, but even then, we have to be careful. There are many people who are angry and crazy out there now. There are people who are looking for a situation to angrily engage others.

Recently a teen boy got off work in my area and two men tried to run him off the road, stop in front of him and harass him. They pointed a gun at him, and he just drove around them. There was no need for them to be angry, they were probably going to take his car.
I picked daughter up from the airport a couple years ago. I don't remember what happened with two young entitled men driving a newer BMW. I think they kept slowing down in front of us, just to annoy us. Daughter is a non engager with ragers. We were stopped and these in the BMW were right in front of us. I took out my phone and started snapping photos. Got the license plates first. They saw me and stopped whatever nonsense they had going on.
If you are ever in any traffic situation where there is rage, an accident or something that is off, get a photo of the license plates and even a photo of the vehicle first thing. Many people have no idea about this as a way to identify people and vehicles. No matter whatever else happens next, you have identification of the other party.
Knock on wood, I don't have many encounters with idiots on the road, but I have had some. I just try to stay focused on driving and pay attention to what that is about. No talking on the phone, eating, texting. When I'm driving, I'm driving, nothing else. I drive better this way, as does everyone. I also try to stay with the flow of traffic.
I also think it is important if you are being chased to go to a police station. Get to know where they are in your area. I may take a Sunday drive this weekend and drive to the police stations close to where I frequently drive. I know where some are, but not all of them.
I also think it is important if you are being chased to go to a police station. Get to know where they are in your area.
Been there a time or two. The look on the drunks face when we pulled into the county sheriffs garage and he was surrounded with police was PRICELESS.

Now, if the car is running, so is the dashcam, it's build into the Garmin GPS.
My Ring alarm went off at 3:02 this morning. I heard it, but thought it was a loose dog. Checked camera at 6AM and saw a bum was rummaging by the front door, looking for a spare key? I'm ticked off!
Been there a time or two. The look on the drunks face when we pulled into the county sheriffs garage and he was surrounded with police was PRICELESS.

Now, if the car is running, so is the dashcam, it's build into the Garmin GPS.
If you know the phone number of the station, you could call ahead and let them know that you are coming in with a road rager right behind you. Would be fun to see the reaction of the rr.
My Ring alarm went off at 3:02 this morning. I heard it, but thought it was a loose dog. Checked camera at 6AM and saw a bum was rummaging by the front door, looking for a spare key? I'm ticked off!View attachment 95118
Better be careful. I just saw an article about a lady who had a bum camping on her porch at night. She had a camera that caught him multiple times over several days. She called the cops and they wouldn't do anything because he claimed to live in the house.

That's the beauty of living in the boonies, no bums. We patrol our property to make sure no ones moved into the woods. Large territorial dogs do a good job with deterring unwanted visitors as well.
Speaking of headlamps. I saw a tweaker making a nest on the side of the road in town. Wearing a headlamp at 4:30 in the afternoon. I started ranting to my wife and stopped mid sentence and started laughing. It occurred to me that was just his porch light.
My Ring alarm went off at 3:02 this morning. I heard it, but thought it was a loose dog. Checked camera at 6AM and saw a bum was rummaging by the front door, looking for a spare key? I'm ticked off!View attachment 95118
That "BUM" has a machete stuck in his belt! ()_()
There is a pig in the one of the lady's rooms in the building I clean. There are a few new clients so I have it narrowed down to who the culprit is!! I walked in to Cheetos all over the floor and make up spilled in the sink! There were no signs of effort that they tried to clean it up! There were Cheeto finger prints everywhere! This is a "professional" building!! Oink oink! So I made a nice sign that says, " Please pick up any food you spill on the floor so we do not get pests"! We will see what happens.
The bum (above) has been burglarizing the area where I live. He was caught on camera 3 different times, and now stole a new bike. I just woke up to a report of a bum breaking into a car down the street, and he ran from police for 3 blocks, and I hope it is this same idiot, who was booked for 2 counts of burglary, as well as resisting/delaying an officer for the 3 block bicycle pursuit.
That "bum" was most likely a burglar. Motion sensor spotlights can sometimes be a deterrent. I'd say sound effects too, but you'd probably get some sort of noise violation at night. I noticed the machete too. (I typed this before I saw Havasu's update).

Speaking of security- my friend's gf sabotaged the security camera we got him by unplugging it and hiding/throwing away the plug. So he put up the solar powered one & she tried to break the solar panel (off camera though). She hates that he has a camera to catch her cheating on him or neglecting the toddler. There was more drama with her family last night. Her older brother has the same mental issues she does-- bipolar disorder & schizophrenia. He doesn't work officially but does tattoos for extra $. He basically sits around smoking weed & drinking. Yesterday he got drunk off his behind & started sexting his own sister (while she was over at his place having her hair done by his common law wife). I won't repeat what he said to her but it was graphic & gross. She got upset and rushed back to my friend's place crying. Showed him the messages and he messaged the brother to knock it off (in less polite terms). So what does the drunko do? Marches over to my friend's house to fight my friend. The two kids (15f & 11m) followed to try to make him stop. He was swearing at my friend & the 15-yr-old tried to calm him down so he violently shoved her. My friend got mad and told him to stop and the guy attacked him. Scratched my friend up with his fingernails. The son was begging my friend not to beat the hell out of his dad so my friend pinned him down (while the guy was shouting "you think you're stronger than me?") I didn't get all the details or how it ended. But the guy went back home where he headbutted his wife & busted her eyebrow open and then started smashing all of the dishes, the TV, and the wifi router. Friend said he would have broken the guy's arms if he knew he'd go home and attack the wife. No one called the cops. I told him they both should have called the cops. The dude is usually not violent but apparently he's a mean drunk. He still should have gone to jail though. Now it is going to become my friend's problem bc those kids will want to be over at his house to use his wifi and tv almost 24/7. And the girl likes to leave the door open with the AC blasting. She even runs the AC during winter. I'm going to encourage him to tell them they can't come inside and can only sit on the porch to use the wifi & not let them mess with the TV.

My brother eats in the bathroom (at home) and I've found empty soup cans & other food-related stuff on the floor before. Although, my brother once chewed out a guy at work who left pee all over the seat. He swore at him and asked him if he made messes like that at home, swore at him some more and told him to go clean it up. They guy said "yes, Chef!" and went back in the stall to clean the seat. My brother wasn't a chef but the guy mistook him for one.

Digressing again in reference to my brother's job. Also last night, he was carrying in some 60lb boxes of tickets & a security guard mouthed at him & waved him over urgently. Bro said "Sorry, I couldn't hear what you said". Guard says "I didn't say anything yet" and gave him attitude. Then proceeded to gripe about some kids misbehaving as if my brother could do something about it. Said they were slapping each other "and that's a big No No" (which sounds like something a 5-yr-old would say). My brother then said "You could have waited until I put these down. Next time, call security. I don't have time for this" and walked away. Apparently it really pissed the guard off. Seriously though, it was the guard's job to deal with it, not whine to other people working there.

Mom keeps griping at me that she wants me to put glue-on tiles on her bathroom floor but the floor is not flat enough for it. The sheet vinyl ripped and she keeps tripping over it so I need to secure it somehow, but the floor is filthy & bending is not good for me. She claimed I "refused" to use a plastic scraper to scrape the floor. I had told her I needed to find one first. Said metal would work better. She then said she would scrape it off herself if I gave her the tool. So I found them in my bathroom and gave her 4 of them to call her bluff. We'll see if she actually does it. I could probably do it if her toilet was as low as mine but she's got an ADA height one.
🤮 according to the custodial workers I supervised women are the worst. Sorry ladies, as far I know even the grossest guys don't eat in a public restroom. The one at home maybe.🤔
I did the janitor thing for a while too. I won't share any stories, but they're not lying! some of y'all are truly sick! ever read the graffiti in the ladies toilet? the only reason I did was I was mopping up in there and saw my name. Idiot got my phone number wrong. (*)_(*)
I did the janitor thing for a while too. I won't share any stories, but they're not lying! some of y'all are truly sick! ever read the graffiti in the ladies toilet? the only reason I did was I was mopping up in there and saw my name. Idiot got my phone number wrong. (*)_(*)
Did you correct your phone number?
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