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Report to child and youth services.My friend keeps having to miss work bc of his crappy gf. He hasn't been able to go to his own medical appointments bc he's taking her to appointments or having to babysit her bc she's acting like a child. I got a little miffed bc I saw her posting on FB how much she loves her son & how she couldn't live without him. She ignores the kid, leaves him in dirty diapers for hours, whines that she has to spend any time with him at all, & only pays attention to him when people are around. When she doesn't know people are looking she will shove him away and yell at him if he wants to cuddle. Plus he's over 2yrs old now and can't say even a single word and doesn't understand anything-- he barely understand his own name. I'm frustrated bc neither my friend nor his gf seem to care that the kid's development is so stunted. Friend keeps making excuses that kids in the area his age are delayed too. But they are not *that* delayed. Kid should be able to say at least 50 words and he can't even say ONE. Not even mama or dada. I can't seem to get him to understand that this is a critical point and the kid needs to be assessed and get help. I tried talking to the kid's mother but every time I bring it up she pulls out her phone and starts facetiming someone and says "It'll be alright". She truly does not give a crap about that kid. They have to go to a special doctor in Opelousas because she smoked & vaped while pregnant and stunted the growth of the fetus. Then she is full of drama about not getting what she wanted at the baby shower. She hired a photographer to do maternity photos for her (without asking my friend) and then wanted my friend to pay bc she doesn't have a job or income. She's already posted the photos online. She is so incredibly vain. She cares more about her appearance and getting attention and using the kid as a prop on Instagram to get attention/likes/compliments.
Friend had to miss work again today bc she claimed she was going into labor prematurely so he had to take her to the hospital. The doctors confirmed she wasn't in labor but it took his entire shift waiting. She's now due until November. She's going to use this to get him to come home whenever she wants now.
Some people should not be parents. I love my friend to death, but he's an awful parent. I know he never had a good example of parents since his couldn't be bothered to raise him & he was just left to watch tv or play video games. He's doing the same thing with this kid, only at least his grandmother read to him. No one reads to this kid & the mother feeds him by throwing food on the floor. In another state he'd be taken away for neglect/abuse but not here.
I feel so sorry for the next one bc its going to have a terrible life if it survives.
Break out tour cell phone and humor her to do a video asking gow old the kid is and get the kid on video not responding to gis name etc.
For the good of the kid do something!