Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My friend keeps having to miss work bc of his crappy gf. He hasn't been able to go to his own medical appointments bc he's taking her to appointments or having to babysit her bc she's acting like a child. I got a little miffed bc I saw her posting on FB how much she loves her son & how she couldn't live without him. She ignores the kid, leaves him in dirty diapers for hours, whines that she has to spend any time with him at all, & only pays attention to him when people are around. When she doesn't know people are looking she will shove him away and yell at him if he wants to cuddle. Plus he's over 2yrs old now and can't say even a single word and doesn't understand anything-- he barely understand his own name. I'm frustrated bc neither my friend nor his gf seem to care that the kid's development is so stunted. Friend keeps making excuses that kids in the area his age are delayed too. But they are not *that* delayed. Kid should be able to say at least 50 words and he can't even say ONE. Not even mama or dada. I can't seem to get him to understand that this is a critical point and the kid needs to be assessed and get help. I tried talking to the kid's mother but every time I bring it up she pulls out her phone and starts facetiming someone and says "It'll be alright". She truly does not give a crap about that kid. They have to go to a special doctor in Opelousas because she smoked & vaped while pregnant and stunted the growth of the fetus. Then she is full of drama about not getting what she wanted at the baby shower. She hired a photographer to do maternity photos for her (without asking my friend) and then wanted my friend to pay bc she doesn't have a job or income. She's already posted the photos online. She is so incredibly vain. She cares more about her appearance and getting attention and using the kid as a prop on Instagram to get attention/likes/compliments.

Friend had to miss work again today bc she claimed she was going into labor prematurely so he had to take her to the hospital. The doctors confirmed she wasn't in labor but it took his entire shift waiting. She's now due until November. She's going to use this to get him to come home whenever she wants now.

Some people should not be parents. I love my friend to death, but he's an awful parent. I know he never had a good example of parents since his couldn't be bothered to raise him & he was just left to watch tv or play video games. He's doing the same thing with this kid, only at least his grandmother read to him. No one reads to this kid & the mother feeds him by throwing food on the floor. In another state he'd be taken away for neglect/abuse but not here.

I feel so sorry for the next one bc its going to have a terrible life if it survives.
Report to child and youth services.

Break out tour cell phone and humor her to do a video asking gow old the kid is and get the kid on video not responding to gis name etc.

For the good of the kid do something!

Definitely get video of mistreatment. If child services won't do anything, then have someone 'leak' the video to the nearest large city's news stations. People will lose their minds over it and something will be done. It finding its way onto social media and spreading would work too but I'm not on any so I'm not sure how to go about it.
My favorite spatula bit the dust. First, I never thought I’d utter the words "my favorite spatula". 😁

33yrs since I bought this one. It died tonight, rinsed it, flicked off the water and it broke in half. Darn, now I have to find another one...

It’s been with me longer than any pet. Should I bury it in the backyard? 😢

Aside from underwear I don’t think I’ve owned anything this long. 🤣

My real rant... this was the most interesting part of my day... making up jokes about a broken spatula. :(

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I could fix that.
Not knowing the exact measurements, but it looks like a small piece of water hose would just fit over it. slip the hose over one end and fill it full of JB weld, then insert the other half and space them evenly in the hose and let cure.
The kid does respond to his name, but doesn't understand any other sort of instructions. He may be autistic, but his mother also smoked while pregnant and doesn't pay attention to him. I'm trying to get my mother to go over with flash cards to see if she can get the kid interested. She used flash cards with us. But she HATES the kid's mother. I'm going to start nagging my friend to get the kid to a pediatrician to be evaluated. I'm going to ask my doctor if he knows anyone I can refer them to or if he knows anyone I should report it to (bc CPS here sucks). CPS gave a child back to a woman who publicly beat her with a belt and choked her out saying she was going to kill her. They also wouldn't let my friend get custody of his daughter when the older half-brother was abusing her.
Anyone notice how many fake music websites there are these days? Most are nothing clickbait sites linked to amer zone who wants to sell me music. These sites don’t even try to appear to provide useful content except in the link the search engine turns up. Just a waste of bandwidth on my metered internet account.

I’m playing a lot of new (to me) music these days. Last couple of days I’ve been working on an old Osborne Bros song “Long enough to make me Blue”. (I’m actually playing a later version done by Larry Cordle.) It’s got 2 very tricky chord changes and uses an odd minor chord in another spot.

So, I went looking for a chord list or even better the number sequence. I looked at more than a dozen websites before I found something partially useful. 15yrs ago I could have found what I sought in a few seconds, guess those days are gone. Everything is click bait these days...

For anyone curious about “the number sequence”, it’s a musical short hand used by bluegrass pickers. (it’s also used in other genres and has other names)

It’s proper name is “Nashville Number System”. Some just call it "the number system". Most folks don't know but... a large number of pickers and studio musicians in Nashville play by ear, they can't read music. This number system is used, it's simple and always works.

I first started seeing this system in the 70's, by the 90's everyone used it. It doesn't even have to be verbal, hand signs are used just as often. The number system is just a way of expressing chord progression in a song with numbers instead of using key/chord names.

Example, say I'm picking with new folks at a festival. They play a song I don't remember and I ask "what's the chords?". Someone might answer “1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 1”. Then I know how the song is played no matter the key it’s played in or the physical cords I'm using.

For a better explanation than mine...
Sort of funny... the other night I was watching a video of a junior fiddle competition. Solo's are tough on a good day, more so in a contest. Anyway the camera was to the side of the stage. I could see the fiddler and the front row of listeners. To help the junior fiddler I could see that a listener was hand signing chords using the number system, just to help the fiddler stay on track, stay focused. It was probably a family member. And no, I don't have a problem with using it in this situation. Feedback from the crowd is an integral part of playing on a stage. Sometimes its very helpful, sometimes not so much, but it's always there. No matter if you are a junior fiddler or old like me. :)
Mini-rant: Ok, I just gotta know, how many years will we have to endure the 'Camp Lejeune' commercials? :mad:
I see them every 10 minutes, on every channel.
Every time there is a multi-billion-dollar settlement, the vermin crawl out of the ground everywhere wanting their cut.
The Roundup® settlement was years ago, and the ads are still playing today!gaah
Mini-rant: Ok, I just gotta know, how many years will we have to endure the 'Camp Lejeune' commercials? :mad:
I see them every 10 minutes, on every channel.
Every time there is a multi-billion-dollar settlement, the vermin crawl out of the ground everywhere wanting their cut.
The Roundup® settlement was years ago, and the ads are still playing today!gaah
But. But. But. My "non-Hodgkins Lymphoma", which is seemingly caused by EVERYTHING.
Two of my cats got cancer from the rabies vaccine.

Minor vent: My brother leaves doors open, leaves lights on, doesn't always remember to flush the toilet, etc-- but for some reason he turns off my bathroom light. He doesn't turn off any other light in the entire house, but he turns my bathroom light off. and it is the one light I want to keep on because it has electrical issues and takes awhile for the bulb to brighten up. So it is super dim when it first goes on. I don't know why he turns off this light and only this light.
I'm a light turner offer. Drives me nuts when they're left on. My peeve is no one in our house can put toilet paper on the holder. They put it on top of the holder, on top of the empty tube.
I have to boast that I do that faithfully in this house, and in any house that I go to.
It's my job. :thumbs::p
Nobody should ever sit down and find only 3 squares on the tube!gaah
That would be really s**tty.:mad:
As for lights, even though I do the power bill, I know how little power the current ones consume, and I don't give a rip unless it's shining in my eyes when I'm trying to go to sleep.
MIL constantly turned every light off because they had always been frugal about power. Any light you turned on, you would find it turned off 10 minutes later.
I worried more about the wear on the switches than the 60¢ per year of power:confused:.
She's gone now, so I don't have to continuously turn them back on.:)
Well this is just unacceptable! I had to go buy and then eat store bought eggs for breakfast. A while back we had an excess of eggs. The girls were in full production. However between friends and neighbors easy enough to handle. Now that it is getting colder the chickens have slowed down a bit. Well apparently my wife made a commitment to provide a certain number of eggs to someone. I said give them thier money back. She said I tried, they want the eggs. Well no kidding me too that's why I have chickens.🤬
If, @zannej if you live in Louisiana you are considered a mandatory reporter if you “or any individual who provides such services (childcare) to a child in a voluntary or professional capacity.” You’re supposed to report within 5 days. There is plenty of information regarding what constitutes child abuse and neglect and who is a mandatory reporter. If you don’t report you are subject to a $500 fine. Comments made on a forum could constitute proof of abuse and neglect and proof of inaction on your part.
My rant: little ones being neglected and abused or living in unsafe and unhealthy environment.
Regarding eggs...Cascadian
I am carefull not to give away too many. I use them for barter. But sometimes someone will ask for 5 dz for an event, and I make sure I never short our own use. If husband wants an egg white omelet for breakfast, it takes 9 eggs. I make sure we always have at least 2 dz for our own use. Lately everyone wants eggs, and I've had to say nope alot. Our chickens have slowed down, used to get a couple dz a day. Now it's half that. I do have a bunch of newbies that'll start laying in February, so that'll be good.
My chickens pretty much quit laying every december. When I sold a lot of eggs I'd call all my customers and let them know things have changed. Make sure they know I will sell a few if I have extra. Me and mine have first dibs, thats the reason I have chickens, eggs for us.
Newish, down the road neighbors dropped by yesterday to introduce themselves. I was filling in my electrical trench and had to get it done because a load of gravel was coming by in a bit.

I said, pleased to meet you, but I have to keep working while we visit, I'm on a deadline. They grabbed a shovel and pitched in. During the ensuing conversation, she let out that her new chickens weren't laying yet and they had to share two pullet eggs for breakfast. I sent her home with two dozen.

I will trade, but not sell eggs.
I usually turn lights off unless they are needed. The bathroom light is needed at night & its as dim as a night light when it first comes on so it's aggravating to fumble for the switch & then have to stumble around barely able to see in the room. Sometimes the switch also gives me a little zap so I know something is wrong with it.

What's the expression? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. I guess another iteration would be don't count your eggs before they are laid.

Patchouli, I am not a caregiver for children. So I'm not a mandatory reporter. I won't even babysit. I've made it clear to my friend, I will take a bullet for him but I will not babysit. I'm not good with kids. I had to badger my friend nonstop to get him to report the abuse of his daughter when he found out. And his ex had sat on that info for months before telling him and actually laughing about it. I had to remind him that he could be charged if he didn't report it. Unfortunately, CPS here doesn't have anything in their rules about abuse from other minors in the home. It only deals with abuse from adults. However, they did order my friend's ex to keep them separated & the boy was supposed to get counseling but that lasted maybe one session. I am going to have a chat with my doctor because he is a mandatory reporter.

Next time I talk to my friend I'm going to remind him of how important it is to get some sort of assessment for the toddler because the clock is ticking & his ability to learn how to speak may be permanently impaired if action isn't taken soon. I know he has a lot on his plate and the kid's mother doesn't care about anything but herself, how she looks, and people giving her attention. She's definitely a narcissist.
Not really a rant but I was mildly irritated.

I took the refrigerator apart to replace the solenoid valve and realized ...



The replacement assembly is not identical to the original. The replacement is on the right in the second image. Bother...

Called Repair Clinic and the rep could not get it through his head that the fridge has a water filter and all water passes through the filter before going to the valve assembly.

Being determined to enlighten him I tried his patience before he got it.

I am not faulting Repair Clinic. They are at the mercy of Kenmore/Maytag and their documentation.

My mom has 3 sisters two of them had a lot of kids. My oldest aunt's oldest daughter only had 2 kids and the younger one just died last night. My aunt was having a hard time talking and it was my mother who got the call so she's not good at listening and relating info well. What I gathered was something about domestic violence and how my cousin's daughter had been beat up by her boyfriend so badly she had a brain bleed and spent a week in the hospital. Mom's version was sketchy-- something about her getting out of the hospital and getting drunk and breaking her ankle. Going to stay with her dad (who was a jerk when I met him years ago) but he wouldn't let her drink so she went back to her boyfriend. He beat her again and she died (but cause of death is not certain). He's in jail though. He'd apparently killed someone before. My cousins and aunts are all devastated. They were all very close-knit. I hadn't seen the poor girl since she was a toddler. I don't think she was even 30 yet. It is so frustrating to me when people go back to abusive partners.

Ben, I hate when the new parts don't match the old parts & won't work.
Has anyone heard of tapa talky? Found a martin guitar forum and would like to join. But first I have to sign up for this talk service.

I read about it, seemed like some internet company wants to keep up with all my forums. It's free! How nice of them… :rolleyes:

Nope, no thanks. What bs...

Or I did I misunderstand?
Has anyone heard of tapa talky? Found a martin guitar forum and would like to join. But first I have to sign up for this talk service.

I read about it, seemed like some internet company wants to keep up with all my forums. It's free! How nice of them… :rolleyes:

Nope, no thanks. What bs...

Or I did I misunderstand?
I'm not a fan, but YMMV.

Somehow, I have agreed to check in on 2 kittens, "parented" by a friend of my wife Lori, over Christmas, because Lori will be with her "Boyfriend", TOBY, over Christmas.. What is this spell they(Wives) cast upon us?

It's in Clifton, lots of nice places for a beer and lunch :D
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