Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So after church I get a text saying someone is coming to look. Do I want to come at 3 if it's still available. I say ok sure, but how did I get at the back of the line when I contacted them 2 days ago. A little while later I get a text the black kitty is gone but do I want a grey junior one? Well I didn't even answer and left them hanging. 🤬
Maybe I should tell them I am coming tomorrow and have them wait half the day and not show up. I guess that would make me part of the CL problem and not the solution to stupidity. We are just going to let the local vet know we have a home.
Lord people are stupid. We are looking for another kitty. I answered an add of Craigslist. I said we are interested in the female and gave my number. No reply.…
Some time back I posted a free rooster. Could be picked up anytime on Saturday before noon. Quickly received a “I’ll take it” from a guy that lived over an hour’s drive from me. Why would anyone drive that far for a rooster I wondered. I replied it’s his and repeated ”any time on Saturday before noon”.

Saturday at 1 PM he’s still a no show. I called him. His excuse was he had his daughter for the weekend and had to take her back to her mother. He couldn’t get the rooster till 3 PM. I said OK I’ll be waiting for him.

3:30 I called him again, where is he? He said it’s actually his dad that is interested and his dad had to unload his truck and fix a tire before they’d be on the way for the rooster. I said I’ll be here.

They never showed and I never bothered to call them back. Not sure if it was some type of scam they were thinking, a liberal, a bad batch of drugs or all the above.
So I had plans.
Wanna make god laugh? make plans.
So I take a lousy two hour nap, and when I wake up, my old buddy gout
has come back to visit! I just got rid of it FFS! Even if its a light bout, its going
to rain for two days! Why don't actually BAD people have lousy lives like mine? Obama and Pelosi deserve this crap, not me! with luck like mine I ought to be a child molesting, church burning serial killer! But they seem to have the best luck.
I hate when people ask a favor from you and don't reply to your messages and/or are late or not ready when you get there. My friend's ex was the worst about that. I'd show up on time and she would not be ready and would keep me waiting. Then she acted like I was a jerk for being irritated. Same hag would call me an hour before I even needed to wake up to remind me I was supposed to pick her up. I told her to NEVER call me unless I was actually late. It takes me 5min to get up and out the door. Well, back then it did. I have more trouble moving now so maybe 10min bc I have a hard time even sitting up and getting the cats and dogs off of me.

A replacement microwave for the one that died was over $400 (but we got the protection plan). Mom used $200 worth of reward points to cut it almost in half. But still, way more than when we got an older model of that microwave in 2018. Also discovered there is no ground wire in the outlet.

My friend's gf continues to be words that I can't say here without violating the rules. I saw him in the parking lot at the store and most of the time in the store his gf was messaging him and gaslighting him about how he never tried hard enough, he was never there for her, he didn't do enough for her, etc. This dude missed 8 out of 10 days of work to take care of her. He spent almost all of his money on her AND a baby that is not his. She'd wanted him to get something for the baby. He had it and was going to buy it but then she pissed him off so much he put it back and told her to have the baby's real father do it. She's trying to make him out to be the bad guy when she literally left him with a baby that wasn't his and went off with another guy. Why he falls for her bs is beyond me. We are trying to convince him to not give in to her bs and to just kick her out already.

Magus, I know that feeling. I don't have gout, but I'll have plans to do something and I'll crash bc I'm exhausted and it will be too late when I wake up. I'll take 4 to 6 hour naps or even longer. I have a hard time staying awake for more than few hours at a time. It sucks.
Mid term elections? Immediate threat front and center?

80,000 new employees. More employees than McDonald's employs world wide! Would you like a side order of fries with your audit?

(heading to the county office to register as demon- democrat? The new DINO movement?
Mid term elections? Immediate threat front and center?

80,000 new employees. More employees than McDonald's employs world wide! Would you like a side order of fries with your audit?

(heading to the county office to register as demon- democrat? The new DINO movement?
My tax woman says that we need all the agents, that tax returns from 2021 have not been finished as of 2022.
Mid term elections? Immediate threat front and center?

80,000 new employees. More employees than McDonald's employs world wide! Would you like a side order of fries with your audit?

(heading to the county office to register as demon- democrat? The new DINO movement?
Rush Limbaugh 1999-operation Chaos.
FarmOR, after the fraudulent presidential election of 2020, I actually registered as a Democrat in Arizona, since there was talk about the scumbags "going after" Trump supporters, and I had ALREADY been falsely charged in Kalifornia for trying to expose C.P.D. and D.A. corruption. I didn't feel like taking the risk, given the fake "felony" on my record---nothing ever actually happened, it was all lies on paper and I pled out after forcing a mistrial, since the corrupt POS judge told me I'd be tried again and the jury wouldn't hear the whole story, go figure. When some corrupt POS judge says that, you know you're gonna get railroaded... but then he went on to say, "But if you sign here on the dotted line, you can walk out of jail today!" [Or words to that effect, lol.] ;)

By that time, I had already shot down 2-1/2 rounds of phony charges while defending myself, and I'd already had six months of my life ripped off, sitting in jail and waiting for my hearings after my bail was jacked to half a million dollars (and I had no record to speak of, lol). Lemme tell ya, sitting in jail with a bunch of career criminals ya really don't wanna know is not much fun, I'm talking about hardened thugs, gangbangers & murderers here, lol... there were one or two others like me who had no business even being in there, including one harmless old man who had dementia and didn't even know where he was, that poor old guy was like money in the bank for the scumbags running the 'Jailhouse Funding Scam' which costs taxpayers so many billions of dollars, PFFFFFFFFFFFFT. :confused:

Anyway, once I moved out of Arizona, I never bothered with registering to vote again, as I perceived it to be a complete waste of time. I did NOT vote in this latest fraudulent election---why bother, when the fraudulent scumbags can simply tweak the numbers as they were taught to do by that Kenyan Baboon Obama, the slimy scumbucket. Nobama and his globalist overlords don't give a damn about the Constitution, your so-called "right to vote" or any other BS, they're ALL about keeping office and maintaining control ANY way they can. Kinda ironic, really, to think that my final registration to vote was as a total DINO, after being a Republican voter for decades. Until now, I never missed an election since I turned 18, as I felt it was my civic duty to vote, but now it seems pointless, aye? Why bother with it? 😒

Bkt has it right: the process is flawed to the point where dirty political swine can do whatever they want and NOT be held accountable... the only way I'll ever vote again is with a bullet or a hangrope, 10-4? And the SOONER American citizens figure out that doing this is the ONLY way to reclaim their gubmint, the BETTER. Your so-called "vote" doesn't mean $h!t anymore, might as well face the reality and move onward from there... when I went into the DMV to get my NM plates, some gal asked me if I wanted to register to vote, and I replied: "WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT?" Same thing happened at the Otero County Fair, and THAT gal received the same reply, lol. The rest of y'all can go on believing that your vote counts, I'll stick with the cold hard fact that POLITICAL & JUDICIAL CORRUPTION IS OUT OF CONTROL. :mad:
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Annie Arkley.png
Some time back I posted a free rooster. Could be picked up anytime on Saturday before noon. Quickly received a “I’ll take it” from a guy that lived over an hour’s drive from me. Why would anyone drive that far for a rooster I wondered. I replied it’s his and repeated ”any time on Saturday before noon”.

Saturday at 1 PM he’s still a no show. I called him. His excuse was he had his daughter for the weekend and had to take her back to her mother. He couldn’t get the rooster till 3 PM. I said OK I’ll be waiting for him.

3:30 I called him again, where is he? He said it’s actually his dad that is interested and his dad had to unload his truck and fix a tire before they’d be on the way for the rooster. I said I’ll be here.

They never showed and I never bothered to call them back. Not sure if it was some type of scam they were thinking, a liberal, a bad batch of drugs or all the above.
Cock fights. I know it is still going on.
mild rant....2 years ago i was poisoned by creosote...breathing was bad for months...the coughing added to almost bust a hernia I have...
yesterday...my sweet husband wanted to fry up some potato chips and onion rings...it set off the respiratory problem...everytime i start to repair...it's another something...
there are large farming operations right close to where we live...crop dusting...etc...sets it off...i have always been very strong and healthy...times a changing now...
funeral home is coming Monday to set up whatever we do for that...ha!...anyway...thanks for listening to my rant.
FarmOR, after the fraudulent presidential election of 2020, I actually registered as a Democrat in Arizona, since there was talk about the scumbags "going after" Trump supporters, and I had ALREADY been falsely charged in Kalifornia for trying to expose C.P.D. and D.A. corruption. I didn't feel like taking the risk, given the fake "felony" on my record---nothing ever actually happened, it was all lies on paper and I pled out after forcing a mistrial, since the corrupt POS judge told me I'd be tried again and the jury wouldn't hear the whole story, go figure. When some corrupt POS judge says that, you know you're gonna get railroaded... but then he went on to say, "But if you sign here on the dotted line, you can walk out of jail today!" [Or words to that effect, lol.] ;)

By that time, I had already shot down 2-1/2 rounds of phony charges while defending myself, and I'd already had six months of my life ripped off, sitting in jail and waiting for my hearings after my bail was jacked to half a million dollars (and I had no record to speak of, lol). Lemme tell ya, sitting in jail with a bunch of career criminals ya really don't wanna know is not much fun, I'm talking about hardened thugs, gangbangers & murderers here, lol... there were one or two others like me who had no business even being in there, including one harmless old man who had dementia and didn't even know where he was, that poor old guy was like money in the bank for the scumbags running the 'Jailhouse Funding Scam' which costs taxpayers so many billions of dollars, PFFFFFFFFFFFFT. :confused:

Anyway, once I moved out of Arizona, I never bothered with registering to vote again, as I perceived it to be a complete waste of time. I did NOT vote in this latest fraudulent election---why bother, when the fraudulent scumbags can simply tweak the numbers as they were taught to do by that Kenyan Baboon Obama, the slimy scumbucket. Nobama and his globalist overlords don't give a damn about the Constitution, your so-called "right to vote" or any other BS, they're ALL about keeping office and maintaining control ANY way they can. Kinda ironic, really, to think that my final registration to vote was as a total DINO, after being a Republican voter for decades. Until now, I never missed an election since I turned 18, as I felt it was my civic duty to vote, but now it seems pointless, aye? Why bother with it? 😒

Bkt has it right: the process is flawed to the point where dirty political swine can do whatever they want and NOT be held accountable... the only way I'll ever vote again is with a bullet or a hangrope, 10-4? And the SOONER American citizens figure out that doing this is the ONLY way to reclaim their gubmint, the BETTER. Your so-called "vote" doesn't mean $h!t anymore, might as well face the reality and move onward from there... when I went into the DMV to get my NM plates, some gal asked me if I wanted to register to vote, and I replied: "WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT?" Same thing happened at the Otero County Fair, and THAT gal received the same reply, lol. The rest of y'all can go on believing that your vote counts, I'll stick with the cold hard fact that POLITICAL & JUDICIAL CORRUPTION IS OUT OF CONTROL. :mad:
The vet was closed from Friday all the way to Monday (didn't open until today). Namir took a bad turn last night and we rushed him in fist thing in the morning. They said they would keep him for observation and giving him meds & fluids while we went to the store an hour away. Got a call while I was at the fedex office about to mail a package to my sister: Namir had started having seizures & was biting and grabbing things with his claws during it and vet staff didn't feel safe trying to treat him. Said we could spend $10k for treatment but his chance of survival was so slim & he was in pain. Fortunately, it was Mom who made the call to them to tell them to put him out of his misery. I wish I'd known I wouldn't see him again or that he was that sick. They said they suspected something wrong in his brain like infection or swelling. My brother was so upset he pounded on the dashboard and popped the panel for the airbags loose. It popped right back in fortunately. He's really taking it hard. He was openly sobbing while holding another cat earlier. He already gets depressed this time of year and this is making it worse. He also feels that our best friend has abandoned him to side with the abusive gf. I think he's feeling hopeless and I'm worried about him. Namir was his baby. He held him like a baby and cuddled him all night. He's barely come out of his room now.
Micro-rant: In July I mailed off a check to extend the 1-year warranty on the Whirlpool washer we bought in 2021.
Today, I get a letter in the mail telling me I needed to renew the warranty with the enclosed envelope because it was expiring SOON!.........on 08-15-2023!
Isn't anyone watching the damachines?!gaah
Micro-rant: In July I mailed off a check to extend the 1-year warranty on the Whirlpool washer we bought in 2021.
Today, I get a letter in the mail telling me I needed to renew the warranty with the enclosed envelope because it was expiring SOON!.........on 08-15-2023!
Isn't anyone watching the damachines?!gaah
They know everyone may be broke by then, get your money now!
I was having a conversation with my brother about my fatigue and he was saying I just need to be more active (I'm more active than he is) and I told him that the problem is the more active I am the more I crash afterward. He told me I'm just "lazy". This from someone who doesn't even bother to clean up after himself and who constantly gripes about trash on the floor bc he won't take the trash out and never picks it up if the trash can gets knocked over by his cats or if he knocks it over or if it overflows. He also just throws trash directly on the floor. Roaches got into his new rice cooker & he was griping & saying how much he hates this house. Mom pointed out that if he took trash out and cleaned up after himself it wouldn't be so bad. He flipped her off and started yelling about how she always has to insult him & be negative. She calmly said she wasn't trying to insult him but that she was stating the truth. It never occurs to him that he wouldn't be tripping over stuff if he actually picked it up. The trash in his bedroom is up to my shins! The ONE chore he has in the task is to take out trash and he still refuses to do it. He doesn't even do the bare minimum and when he does do stuff he does it half-arsed but then tries to lecture me. He also can NOT handle any constructive criticism whatsoever. Anything negative is taken as a personal insult & he thinks it is only said to neg him or to hurt him. Even at work if he got a poor performance review he got butthurt. I had to warn my friend about that. He doesn't like being told if he made a mistake & you have to walk on eggshells around him to suggest that he should do something differently. With some people he'll accept it. With me or mom he yells and gets mad. Like if I'm driving and he goes through a stop or almost crashes into someone & I give him a heads up or caution him to slow down bc he's speeding he will lose his crap and start screaming at me for the next several minutes. He won't let it go. He keeps on and on about it and tells me to "chill" or uses expletives to tell me to shut up and lectures me. But if he thinks I'm doing something wrong while driving he will shout at me and lecture me and not shut up. Dealing with fragile egos is exhausting. He also has zero empathy about fatigue bc he has no clue what its like to not even be able to wake up in the morning even when I go to bed at a decent hour.

Meanwhile, my left rotator cuff, deltoid, and bicep are giving me grief. I don't have full range of motion & it's annoying me. My brother is having problems with the same things on his right shoulder. He's using it as an excuse to not do anything around the house (which he already wasn't doing before the injury). I had the same issue with my right side awhile back so I get it, but I still did stuff-- I had to use my left hand though.

And another buggaboo is that I got a new silicone thingy to put under hot stuff in the microwave to make it easier to pick it up and carry it or to put over stuff so it doesn't splatter in the microwave. I put it away somewhere so I could find it easily when the new microwave arrived and I can not for the life of me remember where I put it. I've looked everywhere I could think of and it just vanished.
SIL asked me if I would compile a slide presentation of pictures of MIL for MIL’s birthday. I said I’ll try, where’s the pictures? Wife speaks up that she has them. I’ve got one week to find the software, learn the software, scan pictures and make the presentation.

Keynote came with my iMac and I figured out the how to. I’m 5 days in the 7 and the wife is still cooing over pictures. In other words I’ve got two days left to do something I’ve never done before and I ain’t got no pictures.
SIL asked me if I would compile a slide presentation of pictures of MIL for MIL’s birthday. I said I’ll try, where’s the pictures? Wife speaks up that she has them. I’ve got one week to find the software, learn the software, scan pictures and make the presentation.

Keynote came with my iMac and I figured out the how to. I’m 5 days in the 7 and the wife is still cooing over pictures. In other words I’ve got two days left to do something I’ve never done before and I ain’t got no pictures.
I wish you the best, I HATE Keynote. I'd suggest alternatives, but you are started and short on time :(

Blow up Pages, Keynote, Numbers. and next time download Libreoffice : Home | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft

It's not Microsuck orifice, but it is free and works well when you learn the menu's and options.
I am "sick" of hearing or reading (addressed towards me) "I am sorry or were sorry". Companies, their employees, seems like everyone say's "I am Sorry" as if that somehow magically wipes the slate CLEAN.

Now days "I'm Sorry" is totally meaningless. There is zero empathy, sorrow, regret. It is just said to wipe the slate clean. To dismiss what they or their company did.

I would like to just punch them in the face, and say, "I'm Sorry, I meant to punch you in the stomach".
I am "sick" of hearing or reading (addressed towards me) "I am sorry or were sorry". Companies, their employees, seems like everyone say's "I am Sorry" as if that somehow magically wipes the slate CLEAN.

Now days "I'm Sorry" is totally meaningless. There is zero empathy, sorrow, regret. It is just said to wipe the slate clean. To dismiss what they or their company did.

I would like to just punch them in the face, and say, "I'm Sorry, I meant to punch you in the stomach".
I had a young lady tell me she was sorry. I told her I didn't believe she was really sorry it was just an excuse for poor service.
She had no idea how to respond so she just kept saying she was sorry but did nothing to correct the problem.
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