Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yesterday, little granddaughter and I got in the car in the morning to go pick up the neighbor girl to drop off for school. Granddaughter pulled behind my car and refused to budge. Honked three times, waiting in between each honk. Little granddaughter got out of the car to tell her to move. She didn't. Finally, her brother gets in the car and they leave. Five minutes had gone by, me waiting to go with the engine running. So I expected the same thing this morning. But had to laugh, she didn't move her car, the windows were iced over and she doesn't have a scraper, and had to wait till the defroster worked. No school till next Monday, so I don't have to put up with that nonsense for a few days. Who does that? We have a huge driveway. We have 23 acres.

I would probably get arrested if I had your grandkids....I would have gone and dragged her out of the car and probably smacked her....
I'd be tempted to put vinegar in the bottle but my mom might end up with it or i'd forget and he'd probably dump it on my bed out of spite. So, last night I heard him going outside and I thought it was to get water. i was right in a way. He went out and ripped open one of the water cases and took about half the bottles and left the case in the truck for me to carry in. He couldn't even be bothered to bring in one case to replace the one he used up. I unloaded the cases this morning since it wasn't wet anymore.
my rant is beyond a rant. This is about a little girl who was abducted and killed within an hour and her body left to be found, fortunately within 2 days. Murder, rape, torture, just sick of it. Perverts, pedophiles, evil people, men and women alike.
Thank goodness for the sheriff and others who worked the criminal over to find out where she lay. Sad to say what else I know, so leave it at that.
This is a particularly passionate pet peeve of mine: the Cancer in our culture that preys on senior citizens!

What's really set me off this morning is learning that aarp is in bed with medical insurance and no doubt big pharma too. With aging parents and neighbors, they are under constant, unrelenting attack from scammers. They are ever present and often sneaky and creative.

"we'll fix your furnace, maam! Only $2000 since it requires a replacement motherboard..." Turned out that it only needed a new $50 thermocouple.

"we'll build the fence you want, but we need $600 for supplies to get started". They made a good show of walking the sight with clip board and tape measures. Got the $600 and vanished!

" we guarantee our oil changes. For you: special price$150"
"Mom! They ripped you off!"
"No they didn't! They guarantee their work."
I saw on the news this morning that there was a one year old girl on weekly visitation with gang member dad. Dad got mad at child and tossed her off a bridge while the car was in motion. She fell 60 feet to her death. These judges must start using better judgement rather than their bleeding hearts when deciding visitation.
I saw on the news this morning that there was a one year old girl on weekly visitation with gang member dad. Dad got mad at child and tossed her off a bridge while the car was in motion. She fell 60 feet to her death. These judges must start using better judgement rather than their bleeding hearts when deciding visitation.
The judge need to be tossed of the bridge.
I saw on the news this morning that there was a one year old girl on weekly visitation with gang member dad. Dad got mad at child and tossed her off a bridge while the car was in motion. She fell 60 feet to her death. These judges must start using better judgement rather than their bleeding hearts when deciding visitation.
Didn't you know the bad guys just need therapy :barf:
FarmOR, I hear ya on the 'elder abuse!' Financial abuse, I mean... most elderly folks hail from a more trusting generation, so they're easily duped or led into scams by the hucksters, shysters & con artists. Back when they were growing up, it was important that a man or woman keep his or her word, aye? So when some dirtbag promises to do such and such work, they pony up money to get the project started... never to see the money again, GRRRR! I loathe and detest scumbags who prey on children OR the elderly, there's a special place in hell for those dirtbags. :mad:

I don't like to admit it, but I was suckered into a steel building scam back when I was considering the construction of my own home from various materials. I ponied up $5K before the con artists altered the electronic contract... inserting clauses & "penalties" that were NOT there in the beginning. One more reason why I'll NEVER 'DigiSign' anything: like "ballots" in the corrupt electronic voting machines, the building contract can be altered to suit whichever scumbag has control over the computer. Long story short, I wound up losing that $5K and I received NOTHING for it... :oops:

Oh, I filed formal fraud complaints with the FBI and DOJ, but those greaseballs didn't give a rodent's posterior about some older white guy being ripped off by electronic hucksters & shysters... they were probably too busy overseeing the tampering in the voting process, lol. Now, as a younger man, I would've grabbed a firearm and gone to "collect" my money... but as an older & wiser man, I just blew it off and chalked it up to harsh edumacation. Besides, I had just made something like $35K off my first home sale, and I still had $85K in the bank, so I put the loss behind me and drove on, aye? 😒

Let this be a fair warning to all site members about the dangers & pitfalls of DigiSign! If you electronically sign ANYTHING, be sure to IMMEDIATELY download & save a copy of the original contract, so when the cons try to change the terms of your agreement, you'll know. Frankly, I wouldn't allow kids or elderly folks to DigiSign ANYTHING, it's a HUGE pitfall for many. As an aside, I think $5K is a common number for scams such as these, the hucksters & shysters know you're not gonna bother going to some useless court, lol. And you PROBABLY won't "go postal..." 😉

P.S. I must say, it made me feel like something of a HIGH ROLLER (as well as an IDIOT) to just let that $5K go, lol... like "MEH, we don't NEED no STINKING FIVE GRAND!!!" Laughing at the chumpish con artists for the LOW amount... 😆
This is a particularly passionate pet peeve of mine: the Cancer in our culture that preys on senior citizens!

What's really set me off this morning is learning that aarp is in bed with medical insurance and no doubt big pharma too. With aging parents and neighbors, they are under constant, unrelenting attack from scammers. They are ever present and often sneaky and creative.

"we'll fix your furnace, maam! Only $2000 since it requires a replacement motherboard..." Turned out that it only needed a new $50 thermocouple.

"we'll build the fence you want, but we need $600 for supplies to get started". They made a good show of walking the sight with clip board and tape measures. Got the $600 and vanished!

" we guarantee our oil changes. For you: special price$150"
"Mom! They ripped you off!"
"No they didn't! They guarantee their work."
I work around a lot of seniors, it's HORRIBLE how many get contacted by scammers!
FarmOR, I hear ya on the 'elder abuse!' Financial abuse, I mean... most elderly folks hail from a more trusting generation, so they're easily duped or led into scams by the hucksters, shysters & con artists. Back when they were growing up, it was important that a man or woman keep his or her word, aye? So when some dirtbag promises to do such and such work, they pony up money to get the project started... never to see the money again, GRRRR! I loathe and detest scumbags who prey on children OR the elderly, there's a special place in hell for those dirtbags. :mad:

I don't like to admit it, but I was suckered into a steel building scam back when I was considering the construction of my own home from various materials. I ponied up $5K before the con artists altered the electronic contract... inserting clauses & "penalties" that were NOT there in the beginning. One more reason why I'll NEVER 'DigiSign' anything: like "ballots" in the corrupt electronic voting machines, the building contract can be altered to suit whichever scumbag has control over the computer. Long story short, I wound up losing that $5K and I received NOTHING for it... :oops:

Oh, I filed formal fraud complaints with the FBI and DOJ, but those greaseballs didn't give a rodent's posterior about some older white guy being ripped off by electronic hucksters & shysters... they were probably too busy overseeing the tampering in the voting process, lol. Now, as a younger man, I would've grabbed a firearm and gone to "collect" my money... but as an older & wiser man, I just blew it off and chalked it up to harsh edumacation. Besides, I had just made something like $35K off my first home sale, and I still had $85K in the bank, so I put the loss behind me and drove on, aye? 😒

Let this be a fair warning to all site members about the dangers & pitfalls of DigiSign! If you electronically sign ANYTHING, be sure to IMMEDIATELY download & save a copy of the original contract, so when the cons try to change the terms of your agreement, you'll know. Frankly, I wouldn't allow kids or elderly folks to DigiSign ANYTHING, it's a HUGE pitfall for many. As an aside, I think $5K is a common number for scams such as these, the hucksters & shysters know you're not gonna bother going to some useless court, lol. And you PROBABLY won't "go postal..." 😉

P.S. I must say, it made me feel like something of a HIGH ROLLER (as well as an IDIOT) to just let that $5K go, lol... like "MEH, we don't NEED no STINKING FIVE GRAND!!!" Laughing at the chumpish con artists for the LOW amount... 😆
I knew someone who got scammed on a horse barn. She was out 8K!! She worked for a lawyer, the scammers covered all their bases! She couldn't legally go after them!☹️
My friend got scammed out of $80,000. He hired a company to build him a house and they never showed up.
The builder said tough luck sue me.
His lawyer told him it was a waste of time.
The police said it's a civil matter so they were no help.
Someone needs to visit the builder and change his attitude.
If it were me the builder would be having a long run of really bad luck.
My friend got scammed out of $80,000. He hired a company to build him a house and they never showed up.
The builder said tough luck sue me.
His lawyer told him it was a waste of time.
The police said it's a civil matter so they were no help.
Someone needs to visit the builder and change his attitude.
If it were me the builder would be having a long run of really bad luck.
I know a story of an electrician who spent a couple weeks wiring a new home, during tough financial times, and then didn't get paid. He took the contractor to court and lost, because the contractor had his own bad luck going on. I don't know this part of the story. I understand that after that, the electrician made a visit to the house and did some major work so that the electrical would have required a lot of work to figure out why it wasn't working. Electrician lost his own home in the midst of this because he was already struggling financially.
I do not pay anyone in advance for materials for a job. They either give me a shopping list and I go get them, or I pay when the materials are dropped in the yard by the original vendor and inventoried.

I only pay the vendor, never the contractor because if they don't pay the vendor, the vendor can come after me and I have to pay twice. Once paid for, all materials are mine and the contractor does not get the left overs. This is made clear in writing and signed, from the start.

If they charge me for a specific tool, that tool now belongs to me and never leaves my property. I will even pay labour after specific portions of a job is done properly and not before.

If I get good work, they get good pay and I do my part by having the money in place to pay honest people what they are owed, when it is owed.
My friend got scammed out of $80,000. He hired a company to build him a house and they never showed up.
The builder said tough luck sue me.
His lawyer told him it was a waste of time.
The police said it's a civil matter so they were no help.
Someone needs to visit the builder and change his attitude.
If it were me the builder would be having a long run of really bad luck.
If it were me his family would be raising my $80,000 or he'd be coming back a few ounces at a time.
The scammers who pull that sort of crap really piss me off. When we first got back from overseas, our well pump wasn't working. Mom found some guy (not sure how) who was the father of one of my former classmates. She paid him to come out and look at it. He stole a part from the pump claiming it was broken and he needed to take it to show to a store to get the right one. Turns out he needed it for his own pump and was stealing it. He didn't even fix pumps for a living, but he saw a sucker. We later found out he'd gotten in a little trouble in the past for stealing supplies/material from jobsites he was working at. Stole thousands of $ from the hospital when he was working on it. Yet he was still walking free because he knew the right people.

Back in the 80s a young woman was raped & murdered. They finally did a dna test on the rape kit a few years back & discovered it was a retired cop who lives not too far from us. Not sure why they had his DNA on file, but they did & they ended up indicting him, but before it could go to trial, all of the evidence "disappeared" from the evidence room at the police station. So they dropped the charges. Not the first time they dropped charges from evidence going missing from that evidence room.

My gripe today is my stupid arm/shoulder getting worse. I was trying to get it to mend and then I nearly got electrocuted last night and it made it worse again. Learned lesson though: Don't use an induction cooker with cracked glass. Turns out it can conduct electricity. I'd been using a silicone handle cover for comfort but my fingers slipped. Audible ZZZZT noise and electricity shot through my fingers, wrist, forearm, elbow, bicep/deltoid, shoulder, chest, and neck. Triggered some arrhythmia and for a few minutes I couldn't move my arm. Fingers weren't moving at first but then I got them to wiggle a bit. Went to tell my mother what happened since I wasn't sure I could finish cooking as I couldn't bend my elbow or move my wrist. She rubbed my arm a bit and I started being able to move things again. Went back out and finished cooking but was careful to not let my hand touch the metal of the pan again. It caused my muscles to tense up so much that my arm has been throbbing ever since. Fingertips still feel a little sore but no visible marks. I'm lucky it wasn't worse but it still sucked.

And I still have to do some cleaning, get mail, pick up groceries, and get cow feed.
My gripe today is my stupid arm/shoulder getting worse.
Mine hurts again also, probably from cleaning the barn every day
Hope you get a chance to rest it and feel better

about the murderer, I just watched a tv show on youtube about something like that ( but in the end they did get him of course unlike real life)
and again?
I want to move to the dessert right now
It is still raining.
It's funny too, there is NO rain showing up on the radar on the weather site, but I just let the dogs out and it is drizzling outside
I forgot what the sun looks like
Y'all have had a stupid amount of rain!! ☹️
I volunteer as “Tech Support” for a small government agency. Goal is to save the taxpayer some money.

They bought a replacement printer, printer they bought does not have ports that they need and then they proceed to tell my work around will not work. Replacement printer has been setting on a shelf for over a year, obviously it is not a necessity.

I told them December will be a busy month so I’ll be back in January with the needed converted cable (at my expense) to install the printer. That way if my work around doesn’t work it didn’t cost the taxpayer. Next day I’m over 200 hundred miles away when they call expressing their extreme need for the printer to be working ASAP! Today? Nope, it will be late January…
Well, yesterday was interesting. We went into town to mail a letter and pick up a few things.

Afterwards, we stopped at DQ because hubby likes banana splits. All was well when we sat down to eat our ice cream and then, things went sideways.

It was warm outside yesterday, 32°F. We left our coats in the car because it's too hot indoors. A lady came up to our table and started going on about getting us some coats and a cup of coffee. We said no thanks, we're good. She wouldn't stop or leave us alone and was getting really loud. We just ignored her and kept eating.

Her continued insistence to help us, attracted management, who came over to kick us out because he now thought we were vagrants. We were still eating our paid for ice cream and trying to ignore the original lady who was still trying to "help". We refused to be kicked out as vagrants. And yes, our hair was combed and we were wearing decent clothes, just not coats.

The police were called and a few people had egg on their face when all was said and done.

People are idiots.

Some will be getting a warning letter from a lawyer about making assumptions and forcing their good intentions on others, in their stockings this year.
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I work around a lot of seniors, it's HORRIBLE how many get contacted by scammers!
Many of us here are seniors. We all have to be smart. There have been too many stories on the news to think that it could never happen to us. And maybe I'm a little more independent and stubborn that some women.
I get contacted by scammers frequently. I get friend requested on various social media platforms by people who claim to be someone that I know they are not. Delete!

Phone rings. We do not have to answer the phone just because it rings! If I do not recognize the person or number, I do not answer. As soon as the phone is done ringing, I wait for a message. Once in a while it is someone who had a referral that I am an honest and reliable dog or house sitter, but usually it is scammers. They get blocked.

Someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell? Again, we do not have to answer. The JW's have been told to put me on the list to not contact me ever again.

Every offer that comes in the mail does not need a response. Most of them need to hit the trash can.
Many know we were scheduled for a 6 country cruise in 2020, when covid shut down our vacation. Well, being 2022, we went ahead and booked this trip, made full payment and booked to fly to Barcelona at the end of June, 2023. I just looked at the CDC website and saw that Barcelona (Spain) is now imposing new rules. All covid vaccinations AND boosters must be current within 270 days of departure. We refuse to get any more shots, since I have lost 9 friends to covid vaccine related heart illnesses, which the gub'ment refuses to acknowledge. I refuse any further vid jabs, so it looks like our dream trip is about to be just that.... a dream. I just hope I can get my $20K back!
Retailers estimate 30,000 to 50,000 people globally have already received RFID chip implants in their bodies. (Source: Wall Street Journal) Anyone can now order their own RFID chip implant kit online for just $99 and implant the chip into their own hand. ( DangerousThings.com) Australian citizens are already getting chip implants voluntarily.
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