Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Weedygarden, only a few states still allow corporal punishment in schools. Louisiana and Texas are two of them. They also have liability immunity laws so teachers/principals can't be prosecuted or sued for hitting students. They use wooden paddles for it. Several teachers in my schools really loved to paddle kids. They were bullies and had no business being around children much less having the authority to hit them. They never touched me because they were afraid of my father. I was a well-behaved kid for the most part though so they had no valid reason to touch me. There was a case in TX of an 18-yr-old student who left campus during lunch to get a breakfast burrito. She didn't know she needed permission and it was nearby so she wasn't gone long. Principal decided to paddle her. She refused to be paddled. He had another male help hold her down and they injured her in the process of manhandling he rand the paddle split in half bc he hit her so hard and it cut her buttocks. She tried to press charges & sue civilly-- both were denied under liability immunity clause.

I may need physical therapy for my shoulder if I can't get it to move on my own. I briefly talked to my doctor about it and he said it will be permanently stuck if I don't get it moving. Since I don't have insurance I can't get an MRI and I don't know how much it would cost for physical therapy. Looked into insurance plans and the premiums are insane with deductibles that aren't worth it.
Weedygarden, only a few states still allow corporal punishment in schools. Louisiana and Texas are two of them. They also have liability immunity laws so teachers/principals can't be prosecuted or sued for hitting students. They use wooden paddles for it. Several teachers in my schools really loved to paddle kids. They were bullies and had no business being around children much less having the authority to hit them. They never touched me because they were afraid of my father. I was a well-behaved kid for the most part though so they had no valid reason to touch me. There was a case in TX of an 18-yr-old student who left campus during lunch to get a breakfast burrito. She didn't know she needed permission and it was nearby so she wasn't gone long. Principal decided to paddle her. She refused to be paddled. He had another male help hold her down and they injured her in the process of manhandling he rand the paddle split in half bc he hit her so hard and it cut her buttocks. She tried to press charges & sue civilly-- both were denied under liability immunity clause.

I may need physical therapy for my shoulder if I can't get it to move on my own. I briefly talked to my doctor about it and he said it will be permanently stuck if I don't get it moving. Since I don't have insurance I can't get an MRI and I don't know how much it would cost for physical therapy. Looked into insurance plans and the premiums are insane with deductibles that aren't worth it.
I didn't realize any of that about paddling in schools in Louisiana and Texas. I'm sure glad I didn't work anywhere where that was happening. A great punishment, or rather, consequence for students? Being late for, or even missing recess. I say that, but I know that recess is extremely important for children. However, I know I have shared this story, or parts of it. I had two students who would act out in P.E. The P.E. teacher, a man, made them sit down when they were fussing at each other. When they returned back to class, they went crazy. Furniture was turned over, the classroom was a total disaster of a mess, and the other students were cowering, hiding from these two maniacs. They would chase and chase each other around, raging from whatever happened in P.E. I could not get help or support from administration for months. When things finally settled down in the classroom with these two maniacs, I would just be exhausted, and left with a huge mess, and young children with who were terrified. FINALLY! administration decided to deal with these two. Whenever this craziness happened, which was at least twice a week, they were sent to the office where they had to sit in chairs and wait until the principal would or could talk to them. P.E. for my class at that time was a little before lunch. While they were waiting, lunch time might come, and they would be sent or escorted to the lunchroom to get their lunch, and then back to the office to eat, and wait. What these two knuckleheads finally realized was that while they were waiting in the office, they were missing recess, which was right after lunch. This went on for weeks, no recess when they were acting like crazies. They were both second grade boys. Finally, they realized that teasing each other and making fun of each other at P.E. when the other one missed a shot, or whatever they were doing, and then creating such chaos, was costing them their recess time. It wasn't me doing that, it was administration and them. And then, somehow the two knuckleheads realized it wasn't such a good idea to act like maniacs in the classroom.
The other thing that was figured out that year, and with the help of these two knuckleheads, was that if a child got angry and physically hurt another child, it was never just the physically hurt child just being a victim. People know how to quietly egg someone on, knowing that sooner or later, that person is going to react. From that time forward, if one child acted out one way or another, it was almost always both children who received some consequence, after a good interview was done with the two, and sometimes witnesses. It might be spending recess in the office, a call home, or whatever the principal decided.
Paddle a kid, and you would lose your job.
Weedy, I'm glad that the taking away recess worked for those boneheads. I'm also glad that paddling isn't allowed. My mother went to catholic school and there was a mean nun who would hit kids with a ruler. She would break several rulers a week on them. She also once punched my mother and 4 other students. They had to have their homework on her desk before the bell rang. One day she was late opening the door. Mom and 4 others were setting their homework on her desk when it rang. She swung her arm and punched all of them in their faces. She ended up being removed from the school and sent to a mental institution.

I was such a stubborn kid that taking away my recess didn't phase me. I just drew pictures in my notebook instead. Plus I had the knowledge that I was being unfairly punished to make me more defiant. I had a really crappy kindergarten teacher who thought it was ok for a boy to try to forcibly kiss me against my will in class. I slapped him the first time. No recess. I told her he was trying to kiss me. She said it was OK bc he was a boy and he liked me. I said it was NOT OK bc I didn't like him and didn't want him touching me. Went on for weeks. Every time I shoved him or tried to make him stop she would punish me and tell him it was OK to keep doing it. She finally called my parents in when I picked my nose and stuck boogers in his mouth when he tried to kiss me. The teacher didn't explain why I did it but my father asked me. He told her that under no circumstances was she to encourage or allow that boy to touch me again. She ignored him and retaliated by not only taking away my recess, but by taking my lunch away. The boy was gloating and all high on himself for winning bc I got in trouble every time I fought him. I finally got tired of it so I waited in the bushes after school, called him over, yanked him in and beat the crap out of him. I then told him if he tattled I'd tell all the other kids he got beat up by a girl. Said if he so much as looked at me wrong again I'd catch him after school and beat the tar out of him. Just like that, he stopped.

There is a school where they hired a yoga instructor to come in and have yoga sessions instead of detention. He taught the kids to take breaths and focus on getting rid of their anger/frustration. It became an option for kids to willingly go to yoga to unwind/relax whenever they started to feel stressed. They used the anger management outside of yoga class and they set aside time for any student who wanted to go to attend. The behavior of the kids greatly improved. Many of the troubled kids actively wanted to go to yoga because it was soothing for them. I know that wouldn't work everywhere, but its better than a teacher beating a kid's behind and then wondering why the dropout rate was so high & why those kids grew up to hate authority figures. We had one kid who tried to set the school on fire during summer break bc he was so angry at being bullied by teachers. Apparently in kindergarten he was hyper so the teacher locked him in the closet for the entire class period. He was terrified and screamed and cried to be let out the whole time. After that he hated her and was rude to her. She labeled him a "bad kid" and it spread around the school so all of the other teachers were mean to him. My dad had a similar situation with getting labeled as a bad kid and mistreated bc of it. One of his teachers had a beef with his mother (who was also a teacher) so she took it out on him and then spread the word for them to treat him badly. He only had one teacher who was nice to him and was ever supportive. That teacher gave glowing praise to the people the Army sent to do background checks on him. My dad was an 8th grade dropout who ended up in Army Intelligence.

Shoulder is still being a female dog today.

Friend's gf's ex is still causing drama and trying to get them to split up. Using every manipulation tactic he can think of. A few months back my friend confided in him how he felt about his gf cheating on him with the father of her newest baby. So, the jerk pretended they were his words and feelings and repeated it back verbatim to his exgf to try to get her back & to feel that my friend betrayed them both. She's not falling for it, but it has my friend super stressed out. The only drama/stress they have now stems from that jerk. And he's still not letting her get her cat. I've told them to get the cops to run interference with the guy so she can get her stuff in peace. Friend is on board with it but gf is worried it may create more stress/conflict.
I grew up in a time that physical discipline was accepted. I remember when I was in 3rd Grade, Dr. Erickson, the Principal, had a size # 15 white tennis shoe hanging on the wall above his desk. And yes, I once was the recipient of this tennis shoe on my butt.

You see, I was a bit smarter than most of the rowdy idiots in the class. One day, I was instructed to take "Johnny" outside, and sit with him while trying to teach him spelling. We sat in our chairs below the 4' tall classroom windows, but this kid refused to sit down, and instead, was running back and forth under the windows. He ticked me off so bad that I put my pencil upright on his chair as a warning to quit screwing around. Little did I know, he ran back to sit down, but turned his head as he sat down, and the pencil penetrated his butt cheek by about an inch. Yes, he was bleeding like a stuck pig. He was sent to the hospital, my dad had to pay all costs, and I was sent to the principal's office to meet with the principal. Yep, I got 3 wacks with that large tennis shoe.

Yes, what I did was careless and stupid, but I had no intent on causing injury, and was just letting Johnny know that I was tired of his antics. With this being said, I never did that stunt again. I took my punishment like a man (at 8 years of age) and learned from it. What was worse was when I got home, my dad took the belt to my butt about 15 times. Yes, I would never do a stupid stunt like that again.

To this day, I see nothing wrong with limited corporal punishment. It taught me a valuable lesson, even 59 years later.
I got my first school whoopin on my first day of kindergarten. It was the first of many, many whoopins. To the point it creased to have any effect at all. One day the large male teacher snatched me up by the hair and drug me to the principals office. I told him my mom pulled hair way better than him. I thought he would have an aneurysm. I guess if you get beat enough at home the way the school doesn't ain't that bad.
I wouldn't take a guess at the number of paddling I got going thru school. More from women than men actually. My parents and grand parents spanked as well when I needed it so I never saw it as anything other than needed. I don't recall getting one from anybody I didn't deserve. I still don't think its a bad thing, within reason.
I remember when I was little I was allowed to order a game for Christmas from the JC Penney catalog. It was well after Christmas when the game finally came to the store for pickup. I was soooooo excited to get my Mr. Mouth game home to start playing it. My dad told me that I was not allowed to open the game in the car and had to wait until I got home so that I didn't lose the pieces. He told me that if I opened it in the car, I'd get spanked when I got home. Well, I just couldn't wait. I tried to quietly open a bag of green playing chips in the backseat. Well, I opened them alright.....they flew all over the backset of the car when the bag finally gave way. My dad was driving and I was sitting behind him. He said "well, you know what that means, don't you?" I bawled all the way home. He stuck to his word and I got a red behind when we got home. I will NEVER forget it.

I'm pretty sure I still have that game, but I think some of the pieces are missing. LOL!

I feel that today I am a fairly disciplined person. I always wonder if that particular incident had something to do with it. If so, I owe a huge THANK YOU to my dad. That discipline has allowed me to plan for and live a good life. I'll have to mention this to him the next time I see him. I doubt he will even remember it.
Things have changed a whole lot. Nowadays people in their 20's are considered "just kids". They can live with their parents without contributing. We found out that you can't (according to child services) talk to a child about proper nutrition and not eating junk because it's fat shaming. Or what they wear. Or if they pick up after themselves, because it may be too much for them that day. Or the classic....calling them lazy. We've gone way away from the spanking days.
It all depends on where you live though. In some places they don't allow harsh words to kids but in others (like where I live) they allow people to verbally abuse them and beat the crap out of them.

Hitting never worked with me. It only made me angry and more defiant. It doesn't really work for everyone. But, I don't think anyone at a school has the right to hit a kid as discipline. It's one thing if they have to hit them to break up a fight or stop them from hurting someone else in the moment, but the way I saw it used in school was asinine and none of those people should have been allowed to hit kids.

Meanwhile, the ceiling tiles in my kitchen are falling down. Some tiles fell years ago. Last week or so another tile fell. Last night the wood trim fell. Faint odor of dead animal from somewhere-- not sure if its the attic or the trash.
Also, my wall panels are ugly.
Spare the rod and spoil the child... :(

I was the recipient of paddle or leather strap (belt) on many occasions in my youth, and I learned NOT to do stupid stuff at home or in class. :confused:

All of that "abuse" was on my hind end, no lasting damage... but the temporary pain served to instruct. Getting rid of corporal punishment in schools was a BIG MISTAKE, and today's rotten youth are clear proof of error. 😒

Having said that, I don't hold with striking a child in the head or face, or anywhere else EXCEPT the posterior... and all that stupid "closet imprisonment" does no good, better to get the whacks ya got comin' and move on with your life. 😣
I live in a very rural area in the mountains , don't remember anyone getting wacked . If one of us boys did get wacked they would pay for it by my Dad and he wasn't a pleasant guy to deal with , he feared no one .
Sorry folks, but it is MY OPINION that this is what is wrong with today's society. Nobody is allowed to punish. Everyone gets a participation trophy. Nobody wants to work. They sit inside the basement of their mom's or dad's house, playing video games, living off of government assistance. Nobody knows how to ride a bike, you can't drink from a garden hose, you don't understand the trust and freedom that comes with coming home when the street lights come on. No kid understands on ways to make a buck, or even want to make a buck. I took dad's old lawnmower, walked to my neighbors, and for a buck, I'd mow their lawns. I bought some metal stencils and walked the neighborhood, charging $2 to paint curb numbers. I walk around washing cars for $5, which included waxing. People are fat, self centered, think the world revolves around them, ignore the cops orders, tell their parents to go F*** Off, because it is all about themselves.

Wow, I ranted. I'm sorry. I am so glad I was brought up in a different era.
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Just got a summons to appear as a witness to that fight video I shared week before last. It should be limited to me testifying that the video was from my SimplySafe camera.

The charges include public drunkenness at 11:51 in the morning.

I have to be there at 8:30 Ugh! I will have to get up about 4 hours early.

Oh bother!

Sorry folks, but it is MY OPINION that this is what is wrong with today's society. Nobody is allowed to punish. Everyone gets a participation trophy. Nobody wants to work. They sit inside the basement of their mom's or dad's house, playing video games, living off of government assistance. Nobody knows how to ride a bike, you can't drink from a garden hose, you don't understand the trust and freedom that comes with coming home when the street lights come on. People are fat, self centered, think the world revolves around them, ignore the cops orders, tell their parents to go F*** Off, because it is all about themselves.

Wow, I ranted. I'm sorry. I think I am so glad I was brought up in a different era.
At least you posted in the right thread for a rant.

One of my regularly scheduled whoopins was in 6 th grade math class. I sat between 2 cute note passing girls. The penalty for passing notes was a whoopin. He never noticed when the girls had the note, just me. This took about 10 minutes out of class at least once a week. One day he said " you would think you would learn from this". I replied well you would think one of us would. He assigned the seating and had all the power to change things. What he could not change was me. I kinda feel bad now for all the math the other kids missed now.
So I posted my Amazon saga. I ordered a game for my granddaughter for Christmas. It arrived in time, but in Spanish. So I requested a return. Since her mom found it in store. Amazon reshipped anyway and it also arrived in Spanish. So in order to not screw up the orders further I emailed the first UPS return label to my DL. She said she got it shipped off but I didn't see anything form Amazon. So I called her and asked if she got a receipt. She said no I just stuck it in the big blue thing. I said at the post office. Yeah she replied. Then she said I can't hear you. I didn't say anything because I was banging my head on the table. She tossed the UPS package at the post office and walked away. Now I don't have anything against stoners but WTH? I realized there was a tracking number on the label and somehow it was on its way back to Amazon. Bonus we still have to return the second. 😳
So I posted my Amazon saga. I ordered a game for my granddaughter for Christmas. It arrived in time, but in Spanish. So I requested a return. Since her mom found it in store. Amazon reshipped anyway and it also arrived in Spanish. So in order to not screw up the orders further I emailed the first UPS return label to my DL. She said she got it shipped off but I didn't see anything form Amazon. So I called her and asked if she got a receipt. She said no I just stuck it in the big blue thing. I said at the post office. Yeah she replied. Then she said I can't hear you. I didn't say anything because I was banging my head on the table. She tossed the UPS package at the post office and walked away. Now I don't have anything against stoners but WTH? I realized there was a tracking number on the label and somehow it was on its way back to Amazon. Bonus we still have to return the second. 😳
Might not be a stoner , most likely some of their people that can't read English
Yesterday I received two packages from Amazon.
Both addressed to me but one had 3 things I did not order.
I called Amazon and after 15 minutes they said I did not need to return the stuff I didn't order.
Great, now I have 12 1920s flapper headbands with a feather sticking up, a plastic prop that looks like a gold microphone, and a really cheaply made coat rack.
They could have at least sent me something good like a new laptop.
I would have to be ship wrecked on a deserted island before I tried raising a kid these days.

Yesterday I received two packages from Amazon.
Both addressed to me but one had 3 things I did not order.
I called Amazon and after 15 minutes they said I did not need to return the stuff I didn't order.
Great, now I have 12 1920s flapper headbands with a feather sticking up, a plastic prop that looks like a gold microphone, and a really cheaply made coat rack.
They could have at least sent me something good like a new laptop.
You do know why they were called flappers, right?? That might not be a microphone!!😉
I have to strongly disagree about corporal punishment being removed from schools as being a problem. Especially since we still have it in my state and my state has the highest incarceration rate per capita in the country. It does not help. It does not make students more respectful. From my own personal experience, it makes kids more defiant and hate authority. It lends itself to too much abuse from frustrated teachers/principals or straight up sadists. It's not the school's place to hit kids. That should be up to the parents. And I know that there are parents who are lousy at discipline, but that doesn't mean the schools should have the right to have staff hit kids- especially without parental permission.

It is possible to discipline without hitting. The key is to be consistent & follow through. A big problem is that people are lazy and don't want to make the effort to discipline properly. They make threats but don't follow through. For some kids, just ignoring them is enough punishment. Taking away privileges is another. My friend's ex's serial-killer-in-training is not affected by being hit. He got beaten by his mother and grandfather. He resorts to beating the crap out of his little sister. The only effective punishments were to take away his games/toys and make him go to his room (without said toys & games) where he couldn't bother people (he's one of those kids who literally climbs on people as they tell him to get off of them and back off). He also hurts puppies and kittens. He never had consistent consequences for bad behavior and only gets hit in anger. If hitting is used, how it is done is important. It must never be in anger. But again, there are other effective methods but it may take more effort.

So, my friend's gf's ex (let's call him Jack- as in the first half of a nickname for a donkey) was desperate for attention. So, he punched a mirror, intending to mildly scuff his knuckles to try to get sympathy. His gf did it out of sheer frustration in the past & he saw that she got sympathy for it. But his dumb behind held his pinky out- not sure why but he obviously doesn't know how to make a fist or punch properly. He broke his pinky and then called his ex sobbing that he needed her to come take care of him. She bandaged it for him and told him next time to go to the hospital and left as fast as she could. He's now messaging her constantly and wanting her to come baby him and do things for him. He has the lowest pain threshold of anyone I've ever met so he's being a complete and total baby over it. He doesn't get that she's absolutely done with him.
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