Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I'm afraid I'd break that glass scale. LOL. My brother joked that he stepped on a talking scale and it said "One at a time please". He has weighed himself before and after going to the bathroom and can confirm he was full of crap.

I don't use weight as a measure of fat loss because sometimes when you get in better shape you gain more weight from muscle. My healthiest weight was 150lbs. I had very little fat on me but I lifted weights and practiced martial arts so I had more muscle. According to my BMI going on height and weight, I was considered overweight/fat.

Wingnut, I think sports cars are nice to look at but getting in and out of them is never easy or comfortable for me. I prefer larger vehicles slightly higher off the ground and with more head room. I will drool over photos of sports cars all day, but getting in them? Nah. I do like that ATV. I keep wanting one for my farm but I'd need one with power steering. Ones at TSC don't have that.

My package did not arrive yesterday. I checked more details on the fedex site and they said they could not find my address (despite the fact they have been delivering here for over 20 years). I called them and attempted to resolve the issue. I tried multiple times to get a live person but only got some automated system. Over and over and over the system kept refusing to let me speak to a live person and only gave me limited options. When it didn't have the options I needed it told me our business was done and hung up. I tried various options to try something and wanted to confirm delivery address. Got through the menu prompts and then was told that only the sender could do that. So, I called HD and spoke to a nice lady and informed her of the situation and about the infuriating menu that wouldn't let me speak to anyone and how Fedex people know where I live but sometimes I get drivers who are too lazy to come out and just claim they can't find it or make excuses. This happened with my Starlink equipment that was delayed by weeks because they kept refusing to deliver. Not even bad weather, just the driver being a jerk.

I explained that if they were not using google that sometimes my street name was misspelled and that caused issues. She was very understanding. As an aside, she sounded like one of my aunts. She read back all of her notes, confirmed the issue, and then said she was going to personally call Fedex for me if I could please hold for a few minutes. I stayed on hold and she came back on after several minutes and said she spoke to them, told me who she spoke to at Fedex and that they guaranteed it would be delivered today. I said that if for some reason they claimed to not be able to find it, rather than give me a refund, ask them to take it to my friend's house instead. I gave the address. Also warned to not run from the cow and to leave the package on the porch.

Got an update from Fedex saying package was delivered and "Left at front door".
Does this look like a front door?

In the past I have specifically asked them to not leave packages behind my truck & to not leave them on the lawn. Ugh. That thing weighs over 50lbs and had no handles to grab. My arm is still not fully recovered and I hurt myself simply getting it on to the sidewalk because there is a dropoff from the sidewalk to grass. I had to scoot it along the sidewalk and then up the steps. I left a negative review saying this was not the "front door" and that I've had stuff get rained on in the past and that I want my stuff on the porch where it is safe.

But, I got it inside at least.
Sometimes, when I'm feeling stiff due to old age, I have a hard time climbing into the Camry, lol... I miss stepping up into a truck or VW Bus, yeah? That Corvette is probably NOT suitable for someone with arthritis, lol. :oops:

P.S. For some reason, I thought I was posting those shots in the other thread, "What's everybody doing today?" Must be more relaxed than I thought from that hot bath, lol... ;)
Not really sure how it got this way, but when the C-suite makes millions and the resident physicians (who hold up the hospital, in addition to nurses) make 30-50k/year and work 12+ hour shifts, something is totally wrong.

In the ICU, we definitely try to stop problems before they start. When intubating someone, we premedicate and try to fix things like acidosis or any electrolyte abnormalities before we induce anesthesia as it can cause cardiac arrest if too acidotic (which alot of patients in the ICU are).

BUT- those who end up in here are chronically ill, be it bad genetics sometimes, but often times it was lifestyle choices. The bureaucracy and red tape BS given to the primary care docs/NPs/PAs ensures they don't have enough time to counsel patients and teach them about lifestyle medicine.
Check a box you got your flu and pneumonia vaccine, check a box for colonoscopy screening, check a box for mammogram... you get the idea.
The whole system needs overhaul, the way it is going is not sustainable.

My advice is to find a great lifestyle medicine/functional/integrative medicine doc and work on eating healthy, exercise and stay off news channels, try to manage your stress levels. Avoid pills, especially narcotics if you can. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, or other medical conditions like that by all means take those pills but if you change diet/exercise a lot of times you can get off these eventually (unless hereditary hypertension, like my husband, or type 1 diabetes - your doc will know).

Edited for spelling
Wish I could both Agree and Love, but, alas I can’t.
I think the wife finally understands!

When we are gone from the house overnight I’ve asked the wife not to tell anyone. OK the trusted neighbor who will get our mail, feed the stray cats for the wife and keep an eye on our place. My reasoning is the fewer people that know the house will be empty the lesser the chance of a burglary.

From her phone conversations I overhear as I’m driving down the road she’s only told her family, friends and customers. In other words my request to not to tell anyone was completely ignored. That may have changed for the future.

Recently we were out of state for a week. We were watching grandkids while our youngest son and daughter-in-law took a mini vacation. The look on my wife’s face was priceless when our son read a text from the wife’s great nephew. “Hope you have a great vacation and your folks have a safe trip home.”

You see the great nephew was convicted of rape of a minor, parol violation and writing bad checks. I could see the fear cross the wife’s face as she realized that he knew where we were and our house was empty. Perhaps she’ll heed my request in the future!?
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Lazy L, sounds a bit like my mom. You ask her not to repeat something to anyone and the next thing you know she's blabbing it to everyone she knows. She could never have had a security clearance bc she could not keep her mouth shut. She doesn't have anyone to tell things to now (other than my brother and I) because she has no friends and she hates social media. When we go on trips and won't be home, we don't tell anyone but my best friend and whoever we are visiting. No photos get posted & no mention of traveling until we get back home and stuff gets posted after.

I suck at prying boards off of walls. Hit myself in the head with a board. Fortunately, I'm hardheaded and am not even bruised. LOL. I should have worn something with sleeves but it was too hot so my arms are scuffed up. Should have worn pants bc debris stuck to my sweaty legs. LOL. Gonna need a good shower tomorrow.
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So, I took my truck to the tire place in town to get the leaking tires fixed & have them find out what was causing the horrible noises. One tire needed to be replaced-- I expected that. Other got patched. Then comes the news that made me mad: The new wheelbearing that was installed December 21 is broken already. AND the monkeys who installed it also damaged my CV axle. So, now I need to replace the new wheelbearing as well as get a new cv axle. The axle is not that expensive from rockauto and my friend can install it, but the wheelbearing requires a special tool-- which I think the dealership doesn't have-- that costs $300. I know the tire place in town doesn't have the tool. Unfortunately, even if I go back with a message that they screwed up the job, the dealership will just claim it was some other reason. They did not even give me a full refund for charging me for my own oil. I'm going to be leaving some negative reviews soon.

Not sure if we can afford the tool, but I'll have to talk to Mom about it and see if its a good investment. I wonder if the tire shop in town would buy it off me so they could make use of it once I no longer need it. I'm sure it would come in handy for them and make jobs easier for them. They undercharged me for the tire repair and I pointed it out but they told me not to worry about it. This is the place that fixed tires for free when we kept getting flats bc the neighbors were dumping screws and nails in our driveway to bust our tires.

Tire place people were horrified that I was charged $200 for a diagnostic by the dealership. They do diagnostics for free.
For the specialty tool, check with your local auto parts stores. Around here, they have all kinds of specialty tools that they loan out. You put a deposit on it for the value of the tool, they give you the tool and you get your full deposit back when you return it. Basically, no charge for borrowing it.
Local auto parts stores don't have the tool. I checked. :-(

On top of that, the compressor in my AC condenser (outside unit) died and I can't for the life of me find the replacement part for sale. The unit is from 2009. AC repair guy wants to sell me a new outside unit of another brand, but I've been reading that if outside and inside units aren't paired it can actually start a fire. I don't want that to happen. i really don't want to have to replace the inside unit. Trying to find out what my options are. AC guy was trying to push replacing the whole unit, which makes sense if the part is not available, but I need something that will work. I don't know enough about AC stuff to figure out what is compatible or not.
Last night I got a Volunteer agreement document that I need to submit to volunteer at the range.... It had a 2 part race survey... Frankly I am tired of the race crap, I think it is just a way to conduct legal (government sanctioned) discrimination.... If people can self-identify their sex, I think I should be able to self-identify my race... For today, I think I will be a Black-Russian..... ;) But, I reserve the right to be something else tomorrow....
Talking to the woman who bought the place behind us in church today. She willingly inherited the dogs. My wife was explaining that the guy next door has calves on the ground and that wandering dog was going to be a problem. The woman replied well isn't there somewhere he can keep his calves? I couldn't help myself I replied yes there is. It is called his property. That is where he keeps them.
I hate when people get pets they can't take care of and then expect other people to modify their fences or spend money to make changes to accommodate someone else's pets. If her dogs are getting out and going in to his yard, then it is a problem. In reverse, if his calves were getting out and going in to her yard it would also be a problem and you can bet she'd be complaining. Likewise, if his dogs were coming into her yard and messing with her dogs, she'd be unhappy. People need to take responsibility for their own crap.

I *hate* when forms ask for race and gender. Personally, I think those should never be on any form of application unless it's actually relevant.
Last night I got a Volunteer agreement document that I need to submit to volunteer at the range.... It had a 2 part race survey... Frankly I am tired of the race crap, I think it is just a way to conduct legal (government sanctioned) discrimination.... If people can self-identify their sex, I think I should be able to self-identify my race... For today, I think I will be a Black-Russian..... ;) But, I reserve the right to be something else tomorrow....

Been tired of it for a long time....if I actually wrote on any forum what I am really thinking, I would probably be banned....
I hate Mondays! Yesterday I had an impact fall off a ladder and conk me on the noggin so I have a bump and a pretty bad headache today. Didn't really sleep for the 3rd night in a row so I'm exhausted. And my student had a HUGE meltdown/freakout this morning, very loud and stressful because everyone stares and tries to "help" but they don't understand that she's special needs and regular deescalation methods do not work with her. Finally got her calmed down and back in class, hopefully my headache lessens a bit or I may have to give in and take some ibuprofen.
Dad taught me to never leave tools on the ladder. After I received enough falling tools hit my head I started heeding his advice.
I've done it for years but only when I'm up and down in the same spot. Yesterday I had just come down to grab another handful of screws and in pulling the box closer it busted and spilled about 1,200 of them into the pallet it was sitting on. I went to move the ladder so I could reach easier to pick them up but forgot that my compact was still up there and it fell. Thankfully I'm tall so it didn't fall far before cracking me. Lesson learned...I just need a tool-belt lol
I received a debit card offer in the mail today, addressed to Mike Wheeler at this address from paypal
. It only needed to be activated and filled up with money.
Logged into my PayPal account and checked EVERYTHING.
Everything is fine :thumbs:.
Tell Mike that I am sorry, but I tore up his offer and trashed it.
...Speaking of security, every time I log into my checking account, I see a banner saying that fraudulent texts and emails are on the rise trying to hijack your account, sure enough 2 days ago, I get a text (supposedly from my bank) saying my account had been frozen and I needed to click the link to get it unfrozen.
I logged into my account and checked EVERYTHING, it's all good.:thumbs:
I think the bank's database of phone numbers got hacked and sent to China:mad:.
Well, I have made it this far without having to fight off scammers:)... I think the famous words were: "Shields up Mr. Sulu!!!".
Yeah, I've learned to never click links in e-mails or texts if I'm not absolutely certain who it is from. I won't even open text messages or e-mails from people I don't recognize or if I suspect it's fraud. I just mark as spam and delete.

My little brother got on my nerves today. He's 43 years old but still hasn't figured out how to clean up after himself. The one chore he has in the house is to take out the trash but I end up having to do it 99% of the time. Every once in awhile I can get him to help. I asked him to haul out a bag that was too heavy for me and he left it for over a week. Today we were heading to Samsclub and I asked him to please bring it out. As he was coming out the door he was angrily griping "This is unacceptable! Absolutely unacceptable! I'm having to step over trash and stuff and there are bottlenecks! Unacceptable!" Mind you, its his responsibility to pick up the trash & he's the one who throws trash on the floor when he's too lazy to go to the trashcan or when it is full. The bottleneck is created by pieces of his new desk that hasn't been assembled yet. They are too heavy for me to lift so I haven't just chucked them in his room. While he didn't outright say he blamed me for the mess, I know he does. I had to stop myself from telling him that if he doesn't like it he should clean it up bc he has two hands and is supposed to be an adult. I knew he'd have a tantrum if I said that. So, I got petty revenge by letting him load all the water cases into the truck while I sat in the driver's seat with the heated seat on. In fairness, my back was hurting and he was in a bad mood and kept accusing me of getting in his way when I was trying to help. I could tell he was mad that I wasn't helping, but considering how often he refuses to help me, I don't feel bad about it. I also let him bring in most of the cold groceries. I put them away though. He stood there and watched me get the 25lb bags of cat food and didn't help, so I feel no guilt in leaving him to the heavier stuff. Especially since he consumes more than I do.

I followed my oldest daughter‘s advice and closed my credit with the big three credit rating agencies. Did this a few years back. I’m debt free and see no reason why I’d ever need to take out a loan.

Then the youngest son told me I needed to get a credit card that rewarded in air miles. Why pay cash for flights. Makes sense to me. CC application was rejected by XYZ credit rating agency.

I called XYZ, took longer for them to verify that I was actual who I said I was then it took them to “turn on” my credit rating for 24 hours. I call the CC, they ran a check and the CC was approved.

I‘m rather impressed.
How often do you fly? At one time, I was flying alot, and had 3 different credit cards in their name, but never received anything for joining their credit cards since bonuses/discounts seen unobtainable for the average flier. The only credit card I carry is my Costco card, where I receive a 4% discount on gas, a 3% discount on restaurants and travel, 2% discount on all Costco products, and 1% on everything else. My last years bonus was $932, and $220 which Costco pays me directly. The card costs $150 (?) a year, so it is well worth it, IMHO.
Just to add, I have no issue with saving money, but I also am concerned with what it is doing to my credit rating. Many airlines offer club discounts without ordering their credit card.

We just booked a flight on American Airlines to Atlanta, GA and I saw that if you get their credit card, you are allowed one free suitcase per flight. This credit card has a $150 fee per year to use, and I believe a 24% interest on all charges if not paid on the following billing cycle. I crunched the numbers and this suitcase will cost me an additional $40 per flight, so being round trip, this equates to $80. I probably won't fly American Airlines in the next year, so I will save $70 by not getting their credit card, nor will I have their ridiculous 24% interest charge on any outstanding balances.

On the other hand, we usually try to stay at "Holiday Inn Express" hotels, since the rooms are clean, they provide a free breakfast, and they are everywhere in the world. For years, I have been an IHG (their parent company) Club member for the last 15 years, and I receive points for every stay. You can also combine points and dollars, to really get great discounts when needing a hotel room. I have thousands of points accumulated, and for this upcoming vacation, I've already booked my first night at a nearby IHG hotel, and will cost me $60 and 1,200 points, which is 1/3rd off the normal price of $180 a night.

Yes, If I requested a IHG credit card, I would receive 60,000 points, but again, this credit card would cost me $150 a year for their annual fee. I myself would rather use my Costco (Citibank) credit card, where I receive a 3% discount and get the cash rewards at the end of the year.
I received a debit card offer in the mail today, addressed to Mike Wheeler at this address from paypal
. It only needed to be activated and filled up with money.
Logged into my PayPal account and checked EVERYTHING.
Everything is fine :thumbs:.
Tell Mike that I am sorry, but I tore up his offer and trashed it.
...Speaking of security, every time I log into my checking account, I see a banner saying that fraudulent texts and emails are on the rise trying to hijack your account, sure enough 2 days ago, I get a text (supposedly from my bank) saying my account had been frozen and I needed to click the link to get it unfrozen.
I logged into my account and checked EVERYTHING, it's all good.:thumbs:
I think the bank's database of phone numbers got hacked and sent to China:mad:.
Well, I have made it this far without having to fight off scammers:)... I think the famous words were: "Shields up Mr. Sulu!!!".
When I get messages about some account being hacked, I know it is scammers, trying to get me to give them more information.
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