Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I wonder if you can catch the crickets and take them to a place that sells them as bait or food for other animals....

Dade, that sucks. I have conversations with my mom like that sometimes and its not fun. She completely loses her crap if I swear though.

I thought I had posted already but apparently forgot to-- after taking out a lot of trash, the internet went out on my computer. I went to check the modem and it was covered in roaches. I used canned air to get them off and then doused it and the surrounding area with diatomaceous earth. Went to get something out of a drawer and it was filled with roaches. And I mean filled-- must have been hundreds if not thousands. Tiny ones up to monster size. I started dumping diatomaceous earth in there. then opened the drawer below and did the same. Moved stuff around to get to the bottom and found some mouse-chewed stuff. I think they originated from the middle drawer which doesn't close properly. My brother will eat or prep food over that drawer and spill stuff or drop stuff in it and won't clean it up. I then went around the kitchen tossing DE in every single cabinet and drawer.

Got to the bottom drawer over near the sink and it wouldn't budge. Not even an inch. Tried to pry it open but something inside was blocking it from opening. Only way to access it was to pull the drawer above. Drawer must weigh 30lbs. Struggled to get it out and then was able to remove the utensil that was blocking the drawer from opening. Looked like a bbq spatula or something. Then went to put the drawer back but it wouldn't go back in properly. Fought with it and it was stuck halfway, then tried to pull it out but it was stuck. Wrangled it until it came out but discovered some stupid wheel and and track system. The track broke off at the back and I could not get the drawer back in with the remains of the track still in bc the wheel bent out of place. I ended up just breaking the rest of the track off so I could get the drawer in, but while I was wrangling it, it broke the track on the drawer above.

I don't know who designed the system, but it was really a terrible one and the metal was weak. So now I have another repair project-- need to figure out how to fix the drawers with better track systems. I'm open to suggestions and may make a thread with pictures and details.

And I still have to find a way to get rid of the roaches without poisoning us or the cats & dogs.

Oh, on top of that, the floor over near the sink is falling apart. Not the subfloor as far as I can tell, but the parquet flooring on top. Plus I still need to find the source of the under-sink leak.
I wonder if you can catch the crickets and take them to a place that sells them as bait or food for other animals....

Dade, that sucks. I have conversations with my mom like that sometimes and its not fun. She completely loses her crap if I swear though.
Nah, it's all good, not even a minor kerfluffle. I have spent 3 decades teaching her how to stand up for herself, and stand her ground :). We might have a graduation ceremony :p
Some guys do that on purpose.
When I was a kid my mom wrote a letter to Sears! In one of their catalogs a male modeling boxers had a little something hanging out😮! Mom got a second catalog to rip the page out of to send along with her letter. The original she hung on her office bulletin board, she was school secretary!!
Dade, I'm glad it was only minor. It can still be frustrating though and its good to vent.

Speaking of venting, when we lived in Guam my dad liked to wear shorts around the house. One day the shorts leg shifted along with his boxers and his balls were peeking out. We had a friend over and he was just staring agape. I noticed the look on his face and looked over "Hey Dad, your balls are hanging out!" He immediately shifted the cloth to cover himself and our friend said he wanted to say something but he was "awestruck". Of course we had to tease him about it later. We were on a hike and dad said "Hey Casper, are you awestruck?" and he said "Shut up, Sir!" I suppose you'd have to have been there to really get the vibe.

The hiking reminded me of how my sister came along on one and we came back way later than intended. Mom asked what took so long and my sister said "We would have been back sooner but Mr-we-can't-go-back-the-way-we-came-the-VC-might-get-us wanted to take an alternate route back & we got lost!"

Anyway, I tried to get up this morning and literally fell back onto the bed a couple of times before I managed to grab a full laundry basket and brace myself as I got up. Then had stomach issues again. I ate Popcorners kettle corn chips-- way too many of them. Put them in a bowl with milk and ate them like cereal-- so my guts didn't like me.

Had issues with Mom and her not communicating clearly and getting mad that I didn't read her mind again. Instead of asking me to make yellow rice or telling me she wanted me to get up and go make yellow rice she commented that she was starting to get tired of the shrimp fried rice and thought that maybe next time she'd like yellow rice with her shrimp scampi. I asked if she could eat shrimp fried rice this time. She said "No". Then I asked if she could try the already made Jasmine rice and she got super angry and said she wasn't going to eat anything, she was going to "starve to death" and got all melodramatic. I asked if she wanted me to make yellow rice right then and she didn't respond. When I told her I was going to make the rice she said "Don't bother! You never do anything for me!" and then stormed off to her room. Now, I know from experience that when she says "don't bother" she doesn't mean it. She means "You better cook that now or I'm going to be a witch with a capital B for the next several days". But I'm not always good at deciphering her code because its not always consistent.

Re-washed the pressure cooker as it hadn't been washed in awhile (even though I washed it after using it last time).

My brother walked in and asked me to check his rice cooker. He left rice in it last time he cooked over a month (maybe even over 2 months) ago. So I open it and there was some violet mush in the bottom with maggots swimming in it and dead maggots all over the underside of the lid and all up in the silicone gasket and some small flies buzzing around. It didn't smell horrible but looked nasty. I couldn't leave it like that, so while the yellow rice was cooking in the pressure cooker, I started to clean it. I didn't realize he'd left a lot of stuff in there. Thought maybe it was a film of stuff coating the bottom. But it was about 1-1/2" deep nasty muck. Scraped it out, left it to soak in hot water with dish soap while I scrubbed the daylights out of the rest of the rice cooker.

Anyway, the kitchen is so cluttered with stuff I don't even know what to do with it. I really need to get it organized and put stuff away but I've never been good at that-- and now my guts are acting up again.
To The Little Punk in My Yard: do you honestly think you're the only person who has an AR, newsflash you most definitely are not, although are we compensating for something hmmm, but if you keep screaming at me you're gonna find out what happens to little boys who like swinging guns around talking crap....idk what's wrong with these kids today lmao
To The Little Punk in My Yard: do you honestly think you're the only person who has an AR, newsflash you most definitely are not, although are we compensating for something hmmm, but if you keep screaming at me you're gonna find out what happens to little boys who like swinging guns around talking crap....idk what's wrong with these kids today lmao
The parents are what's wrong!! They need a good whoopin'!!
I use credit card for all my purchases and online payments, pay off the bill every month. I prefer to use my Basspro/Cabalas (B/C) card because I get points towards hunting gear, so you might say it is the Front Card in my wallet. Anyway, I don't have a problem with that card...

But I got a nasty-gram from a backup card I have with my bank... Seems I'm not using THEIR CARD enough and they are planning to reduce my limit, which will negatively impact my credit score. :( So I moved it to FRONT CARD position in the wallet and started using it like the old B/C, in 5 days I have used 75% of my limit and they started declining purchases! I wish they would make up their minds... Either THEY want me to use THEIR CARD or THEY don't, but I won't rely on something the gets declined! :dunno:
Z, I don't want to get you scared or panicked, but what you are experiencing is exactly what my sister in law was dealing with for the last 6 months. She was light headed, short of breath, had no energy to do anything. Turns out she had accumulated fluid around her heart, which was only diagnosed when they did her autopsy. Yes, she didn't want to bother her doctors. We buried her 2 weeks ago.

Please, go to a doctor and get your heart checked. Hell, if you can't afford it, I'll be the first to donate money to help cover it! The doc's I have spoken to all said this was a treatable condition when incorporated with better eating and less salt.
I use credit card for all my purchases and online payments, pay off the bill every month. I prefer to use my Basspro/Cabalas (B/C) card because I get points towards hunting gear, so you might say it is the Front Card in my wallet. Anyway, I don't have a problem with that card...

But I got a nasty-gram from a backup card I have with my bank... Seems I'm not using THEIR CARD enough and they are planning to reduce my limit, which will negatively impact my credit score. :( So I moved it to FRONT CARD position in the wallet and started using it like the old B/C, in 5 days I have used 75% of my limit and they started declining purchases! I wish they would make up their minds... Either THEY want me to use THEIR CARD or THEY don't, but I won't rely on something the gets declined! :dunno:
I got a letter from Discover that they were going to close my account if I didn't use their card. I made one purchase with it and put it back in it's 'backup #3' position in my wallet. They mailed me a bill that included my credit score for free, and I paid it. Presto! I'm good for another 3 years. :thumbs:
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Z, I don't want to get you scared or panicked, but what you are experiencing is exactly what my sister in law was dealing with for the last 6 months. She was light headed, short of breath, had no energy to do anything. Turns out she had accumulated fluid around her heart, which was only diagnosed when they did her autopsy. Yes, she didn't want to bother her doctors. We buried her 2 weeks ago.

Please, go to a doctor and get your heart checked. Hell, if you can't afford it, I'll be the first to donate money to help cover it! The doc's I have spoken to all said this was a treatable condition when incorporated with better eating and less salt.
Yes, every case of CHF (congestive heart failure) is completely preventable.
Nobody should die from it. :(
Water fills up the sack around the heart and it can no longer bring blood in to pump out. A simple hydraulic problem.
Even a diuretic (aka, water-pill) can make a big difference.
The only time I ever went to the ER with chest pain & dizzy, they did an EKG and handed me a pill and said:
"This will make you pee like a racehorse and leave you with a bad headache."
My BP was also very high and they said it would 'pump me down'.
They were telling the truth on all three.:)
My wife and I go to different dental offices. I went for a cleaning the other day and when I got back she was giving me grief about how long it took. Well I guess it was a little over half an hour. Afterwards I did visit with some folks I know after but probably no more than 10 minutes. Well she kept badgering me and said it only takes me 15 minutes. That's when I accidentally said the quiet part out loud. I said well maybe the fact that I have twice as many teeth as you was a factor. 😳
I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings and I am not sure I did, but it sure got quiet after that. If you are going to make someone defend themselves you need expect them to do exactly that.
I saw my doctor recently. My blood pressure was good and my doctor didn't hear any signs of heart trouble-- aside from my regular murmur. I do have two prolapsed valves and part of the problem is that when my heartrate goes up (from exercise, heavy lifting, etc) I don't get enough oxygen. My late cardiologist told me that the condition may eventually require surgery to repair, but the last time I saw him it wasn't bad enough for that. Sadly, the next cardiologist I saw wouldn't read my chart, check my history, or even run the right tests. He attributed all of my issues to being fat and would not listen to me saying I had the issues before I got fat-- in fact, it was one of the reasons that I got fat bc I would nearly pass out when my heartrate went up.

I think part of it is the heat and part of it is not eating right. I started eating more carbs again the last few days and I always get exhausted afterward so i need to cut back. Also been very hungry for no apparent reason. I'm not burning enough calories. I think I gained weight since my last appointment with the doctor.

On the upside, my mother has recognized and understand my physical limitations more and has been defending me to my brother (who claims I do "nothing" and that I'm "lazy"). She told him I do a lot more than he does around the house and he claimed he shouldn't have to do anything bc he works-- but doesn't contribute to the household. She explained about my heart condition but he said it was "BS". It was an actual diagnosis from cardiac stress tests and a heart catheter procedure-- which is NOT fun when they don't use enough anesthetic to actually numb you before starting.

Its not helping that I keep being awake in the middle of the night bc its too hot in the day. But, I am setting an alarm to wake up at a regular time each day to take my vitamins and I set an alarm to take my medicine at night. I'm hoping having regular times to take stuff will help. My doctor said it doesn't matter if I eat too close to the thyroid med dose so long as I take it consistently at the same time every day.
Thanks, Magus. I forgot to reply to you in another thread about the cabinet hinges. Saw them at HomeDepot but the price per pair vs how many I need makes them expensive. I was hoping to find some kind of bulk discount. And then there is still sorting out the broken tracks on some of the drawers that need to be fixed. At least 3 or 4 need to be replaced. Fortunately, not all of them need replacement. And I got some new anti-fatigue mats for the kitchen. Old ones got torn up. These ones are sturdier-- I hope. LOL.
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