Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yeah. It's frustrating because she keeps them in different ziploc bags, different drawers, etc. She keeps some in her room and others in the living room on or near her desk. She also has a slew of vitamins she takes as well. She used to be great at handling her meds, but has been having trouble ever since the ketoacidosis. At least she's better at remembering to take her meds than I am about taking mine. The times she misplaced stuff was while she was sick.

I got her to start putting her pills in a short cup so she doesn't drop them out of her hand or have them stick to her hand and fall onto her bed. When she was in ICU I took the opportunity to clean up her bed and found a bunch of pills she'd dropped.

I'm feeling a bit stressed on the planning for fixing stuff up in the pump house. The new pump is in Florida right now.

I also got a phonecall from the diabetes supply place while I was in the store. I told the lady I was in the store and was hard-of-hearing and preferred to talk via e-mail or text but she said it had to be through phone stuff. They've approved the insulin pump but said Mom needs to pick the infusion sets. Neither of us know anything about the infusion sets. Well, I know they have different types of cannulas, and that's about it. Not sure which ones are better.

Anyone know much about them? She's getting the Tandem T:Slim Control IQ I believe. But they won't send it until the accessories are chosen. I guess I'll have to call the NP at the doctor's office tomorrow to ask her. I've got a video queued up on info about infusion sets.
When our Rhodesian ridgeback was taking meds 4 times a day, different doses, different meds at different times, we set up a dispenser for two weeks of her meds. Did she get her morning meds? All we had to do was look at that spot in her dispenser. With 3 people taking care of her, it made a big difference to know what she had and what she didn't have.

For me, I make up daily doses of vitamins and nutrients. I use muffin tins to help me get them together. After I have them sorted out, I keep a days worth in an Altoid tin, and bunch of them made up in a plastic shoe box. It helps me to know what I need to shop for as well.

Truer words... But it's also people who don't live in HOA's. The insurance companies decided to drop people who live in certain areas that they consider to be a high fire risk unless they get ride of their gas grills. I have seen more pellet grills go fireball than I have ever seen gas grills burn up. But gas is evil and now they can charge extra high premiums for anyone with a gas grill. Win-Win for the filthy rich. Lose-Lose for the common peasant.
Insurance companies look for any excuse to deny coverage and/or to raise premiums. They suck. The whole anti-gas thing is one of the reasons I'm wary of getting a generator that runs off of natural gas or propane-- other than the fact that its not available out in my neck of the woods.

Color me curious, but why do you have a cat(s) that ARE NOT fixed? I'm still trying to TNR a cat I feed, EVERYBODY else is neutered. We DO NOT NEED more cats. yea, it's expensive. Yeah it sucks. yeah if you are gonna feed em, GET THEM FIXED.
All of the females are fixed but the males that are not are my brother's cats and he was supposed to be responsible for getting them fixed. Mom refused to pay for it bc she said he needs to but he won't get it done bc he says its too expensive. He's also supposed to pay for them to get vaccinated and they need rabies vaccine renewed before they can get neutered.
Depending on Your situation there are agencies that will do it for low costs and some "No Cost"...!!! Spend a few minutes on a pc and check for
"Low Cost Spay and Neutering for Cats"...!! Just an :lightbulb:
There is a cheap spay & neuter clinic over an hour away but requires appointment, the cats have to be up-to-date on rabies vaccines. It's about half the price of having it done locally but they also don't keep the cats overnight. So we'd have to drive down there and drop the cats off in the morning and wait around until they are done and then drive back home. None of our vehicles are in good enough shape for that at the moment. Plus, it will likely end up being me driving down there bc my brother won't take the responsibility to do it himself. Ultimately, however they get neutered, I'm probably going to end up having to pay for it or my brother is going to have to pay Mom back for it if she pays for it.
This is REDACTED ridiculous!!!: I wanted to sign up for a bible study:

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My rant for the day is TREE'S. We had a storm blow through & I have 6 trees in my yard. From those 6 trees I've filled 7 garbage cans of tree limbs & just sticks that fell. And as a bonus 3 of them are pecan trees. They produce pecans every now & then (it should be every 2 years but it depends on how much water we get). One way or another those pecans cost me about $150. Either we crack & shell them & mail them off or we have then cracked & shelled & keep them. I don't even eat them!
Back is "F" ed, tomorrow grass cutting will be an absolute joy. At least I have a self propelled walker :p
Today was definitely a wake up and take two Aleve and use my husband's special prescription pain cream for my hip. Arthritis is a pain. Motrin never works for me.
Me either, we just go forward.
I don't know how I would survive without my Celebrex and Omeprazole
No back problem, but never ending joint pain in shoulders and elbows. (Too many decades 'pulling wrenches').
Nabumetone and if needed, one acetaminophen. I only take one of those in case I forget if I took one and take another, that is just the 'normal' dose :thumbs:.
Every time I see people on shows like House Hunters where they are wanting trees right next to the house I keep thinking "You've never seen a tree fall on a house or on a vehicle". I love trees, but I want them away from the house and anywhere I would park. Far enough away that roots won't mess up the driveway or sidewalk.

Can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but friend finally figured out why the front driver side tire kept tearing up the fender liner and why stuff rubs-- The K-frame is bent. It must have been damaged in the wreck in 2018 when we got hit by the drunk driver. The repair place either didn't want to fix it or didn't notice/care. Considering they spilled paint thinner inside my vehicle and damaged the interior, left unpainted spots on the hood, didn't secure my tie rod, etc-- Pretty sure it was lack of care. So, my entire wheel is sitting in too far and that makes it so the CV axle has too much play. Not sure if replacing or trying to straighten the K-frame would fix the problem. I've had it looked at by multiple shops and my friend was the first one to notice it.

On top of that, it turns out that when I last had my brakes done at the dealership, they only put the brake pads on 3 of the wheels. They forgot or didn't bother to change the pads (which I provided) on the front passenger side. So there was no padding left. It was nothing but metal that was severely scraped up. And of all the times I had my truck in the shop, no one mentioned the brake pads were essentially gone. At least I got my friend to put the new brake pads on and I know they are all on and secured.

Oh, and the repair guys drilled a hole in some plastic on the back side of the bumper to open up access to the daytime running lights, which allows water to get in. They also never reconnected the DRL cable. Friend reconnected it but they still didn't work. Either its from water damage or the bulbs are toast.

bought the new cv axles and the sway bar links but friend said they are actually in good enough shape that they don't need to be done just yet. But I have them just in case. And I think they can be used on my brother's truck if his needs them. But I need new struts. Not urgent, but in the future.

At least the tire shop fixed my tire for free. Something was wrong with the valve stem. They fixed it and refused to let me pay for it.

I have joint pain and back problems and fatigue. Today my guts were acting up and I had to stay in the bathroom or keep running back to it all morning. Billy Mays was haunting my intestines. But wait, there's more!! Ugh. Then I had to go siphon water into buckets again to be able to flush the toilets. I'm going to have to mask and glove up to clean Mom's toilet when the water is fixed. It's super nasty.
so I was chewing on a piece of pizza and my back tooth broke. It has a filling in it, but the back side of the tooth came off , I think I swallowed it :( The filling is still there but I can't chew on this at all. How in the world is this going to get fixed? Or is the dentist going to pull it out completely? I made an appointment for Monday ( just to look at it, then he will decide what needs to be done)
Yuck, either way, this is very bad.
so I was chewing on a piece of pizza and my back tooth broke. It has a filling in it, but the back side of the tooth came off , I think I swallowed it :( The filling is still there but I can't chew on this at all. How in the world is this going to get fixed? Or is the dentist going to pull it out completely? I made an appointment for Monday ( just to look at it, then he will decide what needs to be done)
Yuck, either way, this is very bad.
If the tooth it’s self broke off the dentist is most likely to pull it, at that point I don’t think they can repair it to last .
I had something similar happen. Tooth with filling broke off, but it broke off next to another tooth. Still need to get that fixed eventually, but need to get stuff on the house and vehicles fixed first.

So, the good news is, the rain filled the cow's water trough and it filled a 5 gallon bucket for me (I set it under a gutter that doesn't have a downspout and it caught gutter runoff). Filled a 1 gallon jug to fill up water for the kitties. The rainwater is cleaner than what comes out of my cistern.

The bad news is, the storms took my power out. It went out a little before 9:30pm last night and came on just before 7pm today. I was stressed bc I had to stand outside to get enough signal to call them and at first they kept saying the extension I dialed wasn't valid and then all I got was a busy signal. Called back around midnight and they said they were aware of the outage. Called back in the morning and they said it was an open ticket. Same thing when I called in the afternoon.

So this morning I ordered breakfast from McDonalds on the app. Breakfast ends at 10:30am but I made it there before 10:30 and went to put in that I was there and was parked, but it said my order was canceled and I would get a refund later. I was pissed but I decided to order lunch. Curbside pickup spots were full so I selected that I would pickup inside. It immediately said my order was in progress and I couldn't cancel it. Went inside and waited. They didn't have anyone working the front desk. Woman in line in front of me had the same thing happen. She showed up and they had canceled her breakfast order. Manager came out and told her that she'd canceled all breakfast orders so they could switch over to lunch. She also said that the food had been made but they threw it out. She took the woman's new order and then went in the back for the next 15min.. No one came out to note that I was there for my order. After the 15min I called out to the back to see if someone could hear me and told them the number for my order and the manager said something was wrong. She pulled one of the double sandwiches out of the bag and told them to make a single. I'd ordered all doubles. But I was so hungry, tired, and aggravated that I didn't realize they were screwing me on the order. I then waited another 15 minutes. It said my order was ready but no one brought it over. It was cold by the time I got it, but I was too angry to stay in there-- even though multiple times I'd called to the back that I just wanted my $ back since they weren't bringing me my food and I got ignored. I decided to just take the cold food, find the receipt where I could leave feedback and leave a negative review. While in there another customer (who also had her breakfast order canceled) was telling me that she lived out near my area a little more to the west and that a tornado touched down and took out a bunch of trees, trailers, and powerlines. She had the same power company.

It wasn't until after I got home and Mom complained about only getting a single sandwich instead of a double that I realized what had happened. I checked my order in the app and they ripped me off by replacing a double with a single. I know that is a small thing in the realm of things that can go wrong, but its still aggravating bc I paid for a double but was given a single.

Also, when I went to open the front door to go outside, the damn lever came off. My brother then told me that it came off earlier and that he kept putting it back on and his stupid butt didn't think to tell me about it. The door gets stuck when we try to open it from the inside and its tough to push from the outside. Now I need a knew lever bc I don't want Mom to end up stuck inside the house if she needs to go out.

Still no running water here. Friend is taking tomorrow off work to come work on stuff and help us make sure the generator runs. I had to buy new gas cans bc when we had the last hurricane we used the generator at my friend's house and his uncle came by and stole all of our gas cans (with our gas in them).

But, at least the new brakes are working well, friend's new brakes came in so he's using them, and his wife is feeling better.
coffee, then stuff, thinking that I am witnessing a higher degree of anxiety in every body the inflation is beyond stupid, but the gov say no inflation, and the TV news believers just keep on believing.
$50.00 is at the very least, the new $5.00.

My son and DIL went to a larger town and stopped at subway. Two thin sandwiches cost them $50.00 and they were also guilted into a 20% tip. $50.00 won't buy squat at the grocery store these days.

The pop in the coolers by the cashier is $4.99 if you are dumb enough to buy one of those.
I think the days of fast food will be in jeopardy. Two hamburgers and fries were $38 last week (no, I didn’t), and I saw an older gentleman pay almost $70 for his meal. He may have gotten beverages. Crazy. This was not a fancy place, but probably a step up from McD’s. I see mostly middle age or older getting fast food so it’s not the younger generation so much.
Not going to affect me, but HOA's and insurance companies all over Colorado are forcing people to ban GAS grills. The insurance industry has decided as a group to tell free people what they can own and what they can't after big gov tried to ban GAS ovens and GAS water heaters. Of course this is all about saving the forests, wink wink, but for some reason all I am hearing is GAS grills only but electric grills are fine as electricity cannot start fires in their minds. Remember GAS is evil and electricity is clean and pure energy that rains down from heaven on the wings of sun beams and angels. Also, somehow these insurance overlords have never heard of charcoal grills or smokers. Yet. Until they discover that they aren't carbon neutral anyway.
I had a new deceased friend who lived in an apartment complex. When she first moved into her apartment, gas grills were allowed. And then they weren't.
My homeowners insurance is beyond ridiculously high.
After a month of semi-isolation, my phantom PTSD is kicking in or something
and I'm getting that "Clean the guns and wait" feeling. that damn radio in my
head has been quiet for this month, now it's not anymore. something reminded
it I still have a job to do maybe and gods save me, I think I'm enjoying it!
Keep on prepping, here comes the Crazy Train!
After a month of semi-isolation, my phantom PTSD is kicking in or something
and I'm getting that "Clean the guns and wait" feeling. that damn radio in my
head has been quiet for this month, now it's not anymore. something reminded
it I still have a job to do maybe and gods save me, I think I'm enjoying it!
Keep on prepping, here comes the Crazy Train!
It's not "phantom". Every bit of "prepper food" is up north. Berkey filter and rain barrels go up tomorrow. All cars are on FILL AT 3/4 tank, We do what we can, when we can.

Already have a uhf radio, HF radio, and antennae on site, with a solar array for charging.
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Today was definitely a wake up and take two Aleve and use my husband's special prescription pain cream for my hip. Arthritis is a pain. Motrin never works for me.
Not for me either, the only thing that works is Naproxen. ( Aleve)
I think the days of fast food will be in jeopardy. Two hamburgers and fries were $38 last week (no, I didn’t), and I saw an older gentleman pay almost $70 for his meal. He may have gotten beverages. Crazy. This was not a fancy place, but probably a step up from McD’s. I see mostly middle age or older getting fast food so it’s not the younger generation so much.
It's kinda funny, the closest "fast food" joint is 11 miles, and in 7 miles I can sit, order and get served EXCELLENT food for 1/2 the price, and OOGLE a cute waitress. Just sayin. Hey, Lori caught me, I'm old but not yet dead :p

We can OOGLE,

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