Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Mirror... does it have to be visible? I have a shaving mirror I can just see the top of.
Let's see what company they keep. I have several other spirits about, the most I've ever had is Ms.
Mary knocking before she comes in. She is/was a country girl and raised right.
Made my monthly call to the bank to transfer money from my account to the wife's account.
Has worked flawlessly for months. We both have checking there.
Accidentally got the branch manager. :(
I have dealt with her before.
All she has ever done is give me abundant excuses why stuff can't be done. :mad:
Told her to check the records and see that it has been done in the past.
Nope. Not gonna happen today.
I told her to write a note that says: "This is how banking doesn't get done" and hung up on her.
... I hate lazy people! :mad:
Try kicking her out and find out that she in fact does live there, and if she has been there more than 30 days, you have to go through the courts to get her evicted.

The second I involve lady justice, they will scream common law marriage and kicking her out will be the least of my problems. Besides, she was pouty for one day and slept on the sofa for one night. Now she is back on the whole "you're the love of my life" thing again. I just wish I wasn't so damn attractive.
The prescription is for Pregabalin, 50 mg.
Google said that was to treat neuropathic pain.
Turn off your Amber alert notifications!!
I have no idea how. Didn't know that was possible.

Cost $300 to get the well setup fixed and a lot of wasted parts. Stuff had to be removed. May put some of it back in later when I get other fittings to make it work better. Compression fitting didn't hold and water sprayed everywhere while the cover was off the pressure switch. So the wires and contacts got wet. I tried to dry it off before they cut power back on but it was still wet, sparked, and burned the contacts. Had to get a new pressure switch. If we had capped the hose on the pump and put the pressure switch on the tank tee and run wires over to it we might not have been experiencing the problems because it would have been reading pressure at the pressure tank instead of inside the pump, but the check valve on outlet side prevented the pump itself from having the pressure reading bc water couldn't flow back from the tank. But when they tried running stuff without the check valve at all, it was pushing water back to the cistern and not working properly. So they had to tweak stuff and then add in a check valve on the inlet side. Good thing we had breakers right in the shed to make it easy to turn stuff on and off. So, 90% of what we did was good, but just a couple things wrong.

It was miserably hot in that shed though. Really need to fix it up. Water is running but I'm out of trash bags, need to catch up on laundry, dishes, and take a shower once the water heats back up.

Found out the well service guy's father passed away just before Thanksgiving last year. He was the one who initially started the company with his son (who is the current owner). He now has employees that he sent out. I was sad to hear about his dad. I know he'd been really worried about him when he had cancer.

Still need to take Mom to look for clothes for the upcoming wedding. Will have to bring her wheelchair along because they don't have riding carts in the mall. So much to do. Also, kitchen sink faucet is leaking. Bleh.

Could be a lot worse though.

Hugs to everyone who is having pain and feeling cruddy or just having a rough time.
People who dump their dogs in the country 😠 I had to run back out to the post office after I got home from work to pick up a couple packages. On my way back home I saw 2 skinny dogs scamper across the road near a creek and train bridge. None of the neighbors have dogs that look like them so I pulled over to see if they were friendly. The bigger one came crawling over pretty quick and just wanted to lick my face. The little one came close but was more skittish. Big one had the handle of a leash on his neck with the end chewed through. Little one was nekked. Took a few minutes to coax the little one into letting me pick her up. Got the them both loaded in the truck and back to the house. Put them in a pen and gave them some food and water. Ate like they hadn’t seen food in days.

Both are pretty skinny but their coats are still pretty healthy so I'm thinking weeks rather than months. The male has marks like he's scuffled with a critter or 2.

I don't need any more dogs, I already have 5, but I'm not one to be able to pass a critter in need, particularly when they're in imminent risk of getting hit or run-over.


Hard to see how skinny in pics because of color/pattern but I can feel every single bone in their spines and ribs easily.


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Nope. Not gonna happen today.
I told her to write a note that says: "This is how banking doesn't get done" and hung up on her.
... I hate lazy people! :mad:
Sorry, still going on the bank crap stuff :(....
A while back, I got low on checks.
I only write one check per month.
So I ordered some more...
They won't tell you how many checks are in 'an order', just how much it costs.
So I ordered $22 'worth' of checks. How many did I get?
10 checks :mad:.
Not even a year's worth at one check per month. :(
I ordered a new "set" for the new address, for the shooting range dues.

Have to see how many showed up tomorrow when I go up north.
I ordered a new "set" for the new address, for the shooting range dues.

Have to see how many showed up tomorrow when I go up north.
Lettuce know, maybe you had better luck than me. :rolleyes:
People who dump their dogs in the country 😠 I had to run back out to the post office after I got home from work to pick up a couple packages. On my way back home I saw 2 skinny dogs scamper across the road near a creek and train bridge. None of the neighbors have dogs that look like them so I pulled over to see if they were friendly. The bigger one came crawling over pretty quick and just wanted to lick my face. The little one came close but was more skittish. Big one had the handle of a leash on his neck with the end chewed through. Little one was nekked. Took a few minutes to coax the little one into letting me pick her up. Got the them both loaded in the truck and back to the house. Put them in a pen and gave them some food and water. Ate like they hadn’t seen food in days.

Both are pretty skinny but their coats are still pretty healthy so I'm thinking weeks rather than months. The male has marks like he's scuffled with a critter or 2.

I don't need any more dogs, I already have 5, but I'm not one to be able to pass a critter in need, particularly when they're in imminent risk of getting hit or run-over.

View attachment 155072View attachment 155073View attachment 155074
Hard to see how skinny in pics because of color/pattern but I can feel every single bone in their spines and ribs easily.
Bless you for taking them!! What a sweet loving face on the big one!! Full bellies = rest!! What are you naming them??
ABR, I hate when people just abandon their pets. So sweet of you to take those two in. The brindled one is beautiful!
I can't leave them when I find them.
Bless you for taking them!! What a sweet loving face on the big one!! Full bellies = rest!! What are you naming them??
I'm trying not to get attached 🤣 I've been checking around and our local no-kill shelters are full. I refuse to take them to animal control because the last time I picked up 4 puppies and took them there, all 4 were put down despite the shelter being almost empty. They said they were "sick".
I can't leave them when I find them.

I'm trying not to get attached 🤣 I've been checking around and our local no-kill shelters are full. I refuse to take them to animal control because the last time I picked up 4 puppies and took them there, all 4 were put down despite the shelter being almost empty. They said they were "sick".
They did that to a pair of cats I took in and even told me they were going to, they said I could have them back for 100$
I was broke and I feel like a turd to this day. NEVER trust the government or cops!
People who dump their dogs in the country 😠 I had to run back out to the post office after I got home from work to pick up a couple packages. On my way back home I saw 2 skinny dogs scamper across the road near a creek and train bridge. None of the neighbors have dogs that look like them so I pulled over to see if they were friendly. The bigger one came crawling over pretty quick and just wanted to lick my face. The little one came close but was more skittish. Big one had the handle of a leash on his neck with the end chewed through. Little one was nekked. Took a few minutes to coax the little one into letting me pick her up. Got the them both loaded in the truck and back to the house. Put them in a pen and gave them some food and water. Ate like they hadn’t seen food in days.

Both are pretty skinny but their coats are still pretty healthy so I'm thinking weeks rather than months. The male has marks like he's scuffled with a critter or 2.

I don't need any more dogs, I already have 5, but I'm not one to be able to pass a critter in need, particularly when they're in imminent risk of getting hit or run-over.

View attachment 155072View attachment 155073View attachment 155074
Hard to see how skinny in pics because of color/pattern but I can feel every single bone in their spines and ribs easily.
I can’t pass up an animal in need, either. Thank you for helping them.
Sorry, still going on the bank crap stuff :(....
A while back, I got low on checks.
I only write one check per month.
So I ordered some more...
They won't tell you how many checks are in 'an order', just how much it costs.
So I ordered $22 'worth' of checks. How many did I get?
10 checks :mad:.
Not even a year's worth at one check per month. :(
Last time we ordered checks when we moved to a new address, we got 200 checks. That will last us a lifetime.
Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10 but hot dog buns come in packs of 8? Why do frozen hamburger patties come in boxes of 6 but hamburger buns also come in packs of 8. How am I supposed to grow another watermelon if the one I bought doesn't have any seeds? Why can't they make full size oranges that are easy to peel? Why isn't whole milk called 3% milk? Why does the grocery store call it produce? They didn't produce anything, they just bought it from someone who also didn't produce it. Why are chicken thighs suddenly the same price as chicken breasts. They call dehydrated and ground garlic, garlic powder. They call dehydrated and ground onions, onion powder. So why do they call dehydrated and ground red bell peppers paprika?

Did I mention that I did some grocery shopping today? I hate grocery shopping. Grrrr.
Lettuce know, maybe you had better luck than me. :rolleyes:
🐝 careful what You type as it can 🐝 berry berry easy to 🐝 mis-interpreted...?!?

What's the 3 main veggies in a garden...?!? Lettuce, Turn-up n Pea...!! :confused2:
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Sheesh. What bank is that Supervisor?

ABR, I hate when people just abandon their pets. So sweet of you to take those two in. The brindled one is beautiful!
Regions, not some small outfit :rolleyes:.
They even had a branch in our hometown in Bama :oops:.
The problem is local here, not the company.
Regions, not some small outfit :rolleyes:.
They even had a branch in our hometown in Bama :oops:.
The problem is local here, not the company.
I have had a bad experience with regions also and went to wells fargo, didn't even look back til I saw Your post...!!!
I can't leave them when I find them.

I'm trying not to get attached 🤣 I've been checking around and our local no-kill shelters are full. I refuse to take them to animal control because the last time I picked up 4 puppies and took them there, all 4 were put down despite the shelter being almost empty. They said they were "sick".
My dog is like my child, and yes dependent on me. I can’t be away from home for more than 10 hours without feeling that I’m neglecting her. And I had to work up to the 10 hours, thankfully she’s been ok with that. Guess that’s my rant of the day.
People sometimes take their dogs to dog parks and abandon them there. That is absolutely horrible, imho.
I liked the people we bought our new house from, till I found out they abandoned their cat. On the bright side, the neighbors took care of him, and he lives with us now,

Buy a house, get a free cat :D
I have a lot of stray cats that just show up, I am 1/4 mile off the "pavement", most that magicly appear are females that show sign of being in kitten. And it costs a fortune to get females fixed here (thanks big Pharma) because the vets won't touch them till they have had their shots. it ends up being about $1000.00 buck s per cat by the time you are finished, And the do good er SPCA (read totalitarian control freaks) manage to get their fangs into everything.
I have a lot of stray cats that just show up, I am 1/4 mile off the "pavement", most that magicly appear are females that show sign of being in kitten. And it costs a fortune to get females fixed here (thanks big Pharma) because the vets won't touch them till they have had their shots. it ends up being about $1000.00 buck s per cat by the time you are finished, And the do good er SPCA (read totalitarian control freaks) manage to get their fangs into everything.
You don't even want me to get started on the ASPCA.
My former farm came with an oldish dog. They didn't abandon him though. He was included up front in the purchase agreement. One of the best dogs we ever had. He just couldn't go to the nursing home with them.
Brutus came with our new house:

Okay, he doesn't look so good here :p

I have a lot of stray cats that just show up, I am 1/4 mile off the "pavement", most that magicly appear are females that show sign of being in kitten. And it costs a fortune to get females fixed here (thanks big Pharma) because the vets won't touch them till they have had their shots. it ends up being about $1000.00 buck s per cat by the time you are finished, And the do good er SPCA (read totalitarian control freaks) manage to get their fangs into everything.
We are lucky to have cheaper feral cat fixing places ( 🤔waaay too Texas sounding Pearl), and a free vet school! Just gotta get up and get in line for the free fix!!
I thought $300 for spaying a female was expensive- that's what it costs locally. There is a spay and neuter clinic in Lake Charles that does it cheaper but they require the pets to be vaccinated first and they don't do vaccines. And its by appointment only.

I've never heard of Region. Had some bad experiences with Capital One bank before the local branch shut down. Now we have Barksdale credit union. My brother had a couple bad experiences that I mentioned before. He did get his $ but they didn't give him the interest he should have accrued if they hadn't let his $ get stolen in the first place.

The owners if the place we are in now left their cats behind when they moved. One of them had cancer. She was such a sweet kitty though. We took care of her until the end.

Mom is coming down with some sort of bug. Stuffy nose, coughing, feeling like crap. I heard my brother coughing a lot today and he's been complaining of sore muscles. I hope it isn't Covid again. Or the flu. The wedding we are supposed to attend is next Saturday. I'm hoping I don't catch whatever they have. I don't need to get sick again.

There's so much to catch up on. Trash got out of hand bc we ran out of trash bags, counters need to be cleaned, air fryers need to be cleaned, laundry needs to be done, etc. I'm hoping nothing else goes wrong or breaks anytime soon.