Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So I told my roommate with benefits that I was going to go see my pops on fathers day. She asks what time we're leaving. I respond with "what do you mean we're? I am leaving at ...". Next thing you know she's all pissy and pouty. First I presumed she would go see her own dad and second I don't remember anyone inviting her to go see mine. I am just going to go get my pops, take him out for a meal, hear him tell me a few stories and complain about his living situation, take him back to his place, do a few things for him and then I am going to come home. Plus she has only been in the same room with him like 2 times so its not like he's going to miss her being there. I wonder how long this is going to last.

My Rant....went to the Doc today, sciatica is bothering me....he gave me some pills (of course) and told me my blood pressure was too high and I had to lose weight and I am a heart attack waiting to happen......great.....I came home and made some mac n cheese with lots of salt.....I feel much better. By the way....checked out those pills online and they are for treating epilepsy???? F...ing quack!
So I told my roommate with benefits that I was going to go see my pops on fathers day. She asks what time we're leaving. I respond with "what do you mean we're? I am leaving at ...". Next thing you know she's all pissy and pouty. First I presumed she would go see her own dad and second I don't remember anyone inviting her to go see mine. I am just going to go get my pops, take him out for a meal, hear him tell me a few stories and complain about his living situation, take him back to his place, do a few things for him and then I am going to come home. Plus she has only been in the same room with him like 2 times so its not like he's going to miss her being there. I wonder how long this is going to last.

Sounds like you are cut off!!🤔😉🙃
My Rant....went to the Doc today, sciatica is bothering me....he gave me some pills (of course) and told me my blood pressure was too high and I had to lose weight and I am a heart attack waiting to happen......great.....I came home and made some mac n cheese with lots of salt.....I feel much better. By the way....checked out those pills online and they are for treating epilepsy???? F...ing quack!
I have HORRIBLE sciatica!! Try natural stuff!! Turmeric and type 2 and 4 Collagen!
So I told my roommate with benefits that I was going to go see my pops on fathers day. She asks what time we're leaving. I respond with "what do you mean we're? I am leaving at ...". Next thing you know she's all pissy and pouty. First I presumed she would go see her own dad and second I don't remember anyone inviting her to go see mine. I am just going to go get my pops, take him out for a meal, hear him tell me a few stories and complain about his living situation, take him back to his place, do a few things for him and then I am going to come home. Plus she has only been in the same room with him like 2 times so its not like he's going to miss her being there. I wonder how long this is going to last.

If you "sleep" with her, she is NOT a roommate!😉
My Rant....went to the Doc today, sciatica is bothering me....he gave me some pills (of course) and told me my blood pressure was too high and I had to lose weight and I am a heart attack waiting to happen......great.....I came home and made some mac n cheese with lots of salt.....I feel much better. By the way....checked out those pills online and they are for treating epilepsy???? F...ing quack!
Hi Dog Lover,

There is an Epilepsy pill that has been found to be a great pain relief pill, so maybe he/she isn't too much of a quack.
My Rant....went to the Doc today, sciatica is bothering me....he gave me some pills (of course) and told me my blood pressure was too high and I had to lose weight and I am a heart attack waiting to happen......great.....I came home and made some mac n cheese with lots of salt.....I feel much better. By the way....checked out those pills online and they are for treating epilepsy???? F...ing quack!
Is it Dilantin or Phenytoin? If so, it's not just for epilepsy, as Digout said. My mother takes Dilantin for neuropathy.

d_marsh, you may need to sit her down and re-establish boundaries. Also, make sure she isn't starting to put your address on any of her mail and write up something that makes it clear she is not a tenant, she does not live there, and that if you tell her to leave she can't claim tenant's rights or any such BS. This sounds like she's latching on and might give you trouble getting her out. She may get upset, but its better to have her upset and gone rather than fully dug in and breaking or taking your stuff in retaliation bc she didn't believe you when you said it wasn't a romantic relationship. I hope she doesn't have a key. On that note, in case she made a copy of yours somehow, you might want to change the locks.

Amber alert kept blaring on my phone today for a town almost 3hrs away. Two missing kids, 4 and 6 yrs old. Domestic violence situation. Ended with the mother and 4-yr old found dead. Killer apprehended. 6-yr old alive. Apparently they caught the killer and he took them to the body of the 4-yr old that he'd dumped in the woods. At least there was one survivor but kid is probably traumatized. I hope the news doesn't do a story where they dig into his background and want to garner sympathy for him like they sometimes do.

Meanwhile, water stopped working again. Trying to get a pro out to look at it. He said he might be able to come by today but looking unlikely with how late it is. Hopefully tomorrow. It's buzzing but not pumping water. Not sure why.
Can people in Texas NOT find anything else to do besides FIREWORKS??🤔 From Memorial Day thru Jan 3-4, it's nightly fireworks!! What the heck!! Pay your dang trailer payment first!!
No! And here, the people who are setting them off live in Section 8 housing, so they are pleading poverty, while burning up fireworks which do cost money!
Oh great, I have a walk-in ghost. I was lying here and a big bottle of alcohol flew off the shelf. I'm like "HUH, that's odd." So I pick it up and put it back. I look at it a minute trying to figure out how it fell when it jumps off again and lands on my damn foot! I put it back and it does it a third time... I thought I saw something out of the ordinary last night. I'm seeing it out of the corner of my eye now. Another mouth to feed, this one is pretty powerful, maybe I can make friends after I cussed them out over my foot, they're handy friends to have really.
Roommate with benefits...

I told her on day one: no rings, no contracts, no commitments.

She doesn't even officially live here. She just stayed the night and never left.
You presented her a challenge...she will never leave now...lol
I should be packing and cleaning but instead I'm sitting here reading what the heck is going on in everyone else's world. Ticks me off. To actually get something done I have to turn this thing OFF. I don't have my phone synced with this account, and thank goodness I don't, else I'd always be here. AND! It's freaking wind chilling out there at 27 degrees of raw wind. Thanks to the semi-polar vortex.
Hahahaha YES!!!!
Was having this dilemma today as well. Ended up plugging my phone in and walking away! 🤣😂🤣

Lost my phone for about 5 days. Man it was GREAT! Not being tethered to it, having the distractions, being able to be located 😅 yea it's nice...

We're you able to get some of your things done?
watered a bit right before dark...now it just started to rain...figures..hope it drizzles till morning..wasnt suppose to though.
i got me a full blown sinus headache today....otc aint touching it very well...! it be better sometime....somebody call me a wambulance...cry baby elkhound !
Oh great, I have a walk-in ghost. I was lying here and a big bottle of alcohol flew off the shelf. I'm like "HUH, that's odd." So I pick it up and put it back. I look at it a minute trying to figure out how it fell when it jumps off again and lands on my damn foot! I put it back and it does it a third time... I thought I saw something out of the ordinary last night. I'm seeing it out of the corner of my eye now. Another mouth to feed, this one is pretty powerful, maybe I can make friends after I cussed them out over my foot, they're handy friends to have really.
Can one smell a ghost's cologne? I ask because I think I have at my building! Confirmed ghost there!!
Amber alert kept blaring on my phone today for a town almost 3hrs away. Two missing kids, 4 and 6 yrs old. Domestic violence situation. Ended with the mother and 4-yr old found dead. Killer apprehended. 6-yr old alive. Apparently they caught the killer and he took them to the body of the 4-yr old that he'd dumped in the woods. At least there was one survivor but kid is probably traumatized. I hope the news doesn't do a story where they dig into his background and want to garner sympathy for him like they sometimes do.
Mine too. Impossible to get off the screen off my flip-phone, and then you find out that it is not a text. :mad:
None of those buttons work. Only a quick punch on the power button will get rid of it.
...As for the killer, fear not, in Louisiana, he will not live long. :waiting:
Yes, they still execute people in Angola to this day (if he even makes it that far :rolleyes:).
They never say a word to anybody, not even other prisoners...
Bad guys just 'disappear' :rolleyes:;):).
Can one smell a ghost's cologne? I ask because I think I have at my building! Confirmed ghost there!!
Yes, in fact some carry a variety of smells.

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