Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So just to keep you updated, she came home and saw the dresser in the bedroom full of clothes and was more excited than Joe when he makes it up a staircase without falling. I got a bunch of kisses and then she said "see, slowly but surely but I will win you over". Now she is looking online at furniture stores. What have I done.

What. Have. I. Done.
LOL! It sounds like you might be falling in LOVE.:heart:

Your posts about the girlfriend are absolutely hilarious! Many thanks for the laughs.
When you spend time and money trying to help someone get back on their feet and they throw up road blocks every step of the way. Some people would rather live off the favors of others than be legit. I think I'm finally done trying with this one.
3 days ago, I went to our local UnderArmour store, and looked at a $28 swim suit, but walked away. I did buy a great pair of walking shoes for $39. Since these shoes are so nice, I went back to UnderArmour to get more shoes yesterday. The entire store was 50% off. My $39 shoes were now $80, but being half off, was now only $40. The $28 swim suit from 3 days ago was now $60, but half price made it $30. I don't understand this fuzzy 1/2 off sale costing me more money, but it did.
LOL! It sounds like you might be falling in LOVE.:heart:

Your posts about the girlfriend are absolutely hilarious! Many thanks for the laughs.

Whoa now! The L word is not in my vocabulary. She is just my residential proximity associate with benefits.

Although I am starting to think this female archetype about latching on to a man in the hopes she can change him is true. She is latched on hard and my attempts to resist do not seem to have any effect.
Whoa now! The L word is not in my vocabulary. She is just my residential proximity associate with benefits.

Although I am starting to think this female archetype about latching on to a man in the hopes she can change him is true. She is latched on hard and my attempts to resist do not seem to have any effect.
Must 🐝 Good or You would have sent Her packing Long Ago...!!! 🤣
I hate lawyers.

I was deposed today as part of a civil suit where a camera was destroyed and man allegedly injured during my services as a personal security escort. The client just wanted to attend an event without being hassled and of course some ass hat has to come around and invite me to smash his camera against his head. Accidentally of course. I am covered by the insurance of my employer and the wealthy person, who were and are not unpleased with my performance, but still the whole thing is incredibly stupid. Some lawyer trying to make a buck on the insurance settlement while the ass hat makes 10 cents. At some point people need to stop paying out and just fight these things.
d_marsh, sounds like the plaintiff had an FAFO moment.
As an aside, talking about bad lawyers, my dad had a case where an immigrant was being deported by his people (he was the OIC) and they came to him and said they were alarmed at just how terrified the guy was and that something was wrong and how the guy was asking why he didn't get a trial before being deported and was absolutely panicking. So my dad went and talked to the guy and then reviewed the case files and discovered that the guy's lawyer had dropped his asylum claim to get him deported without the client's permission or knowledge. He qualified for political asylum and was going to be murdered if he was sent back to his home country, but the lawyer was also an activist and wanted to make a martyr out of his client. My father spoke with the lawyer and the lawyer admitted to him that if this client was sent back and murdered, he'd be able to use it to push his agenda against USINS and to claim they deport people who should not be deported and try to rile people up to lobby against INS and such. Dad said that was absolutely not going to happen and that he was going to report that lawyer to get him disbarred and make sure that he didn't pull that crap with any other clients. The fact that he was knowingly going to get a guy murdered seriously pissed my dad off and he petitioned to have the asylum approved as all the evidence showed he qualified and was in very real danger. He said situations like that were why he trained his people to observe the behavior of the immigrants that were being deported and he was proud of them for spotting it and bringing it to his attention.

I just looked at my Colorado drivers license. It says absolutely nothing about "gender". It does have a line listing my "sex" however. There are only two of those. And you can't alter that no matter how many surgeries you have or hormones you take. Even the trannies don't dispute that. They're all about "gender", which is not mentioned on my drivers license. What do other states DL's say? Sex, or gender?
I'll have to look at mine, but if it says "sex" on it it should say "No". :p
Looks like the fiberoptic being run is stopping at the neighbor's house 1/4 mile down the road. It will not be going to my house. I figured as much though. Had my hopes slightly up. Wish I knew which company it was for so I could call them up and ask them to run it out to my house. I was hoping to be able to get better internet. Starlink has gotten worse and more expensive. It went from $99/mo to $120/mo and the service actually got slower and less reliable.

I just looked at my Colorado drivers license. It says absolutely nothing about "gender". It does have a line listing my "sex" however. There are only two of those. And you can't alter that no matter how many surgeries you have or hormones you take. Even the trannies don't dispute that. They're all about "gender", which is not mentioned on my drivers license. What do other states DL's say? Sex, or gender?
So tell us about your sex!!😉
I have a rant that might come across as racists, but I don't care: why is it African Americans are SO overrepresented in anything media nowadays? ( same with gay) . You cannot watch ANYTHING made in the US without it. This is one of the reasons I stopped watching Netflix for a while ( over a year) because I ran out of foreign shows to watch....
So there was a really popular korean tv show over a year ago called Squid games. Well, the US made it into a reality tv show Squid game challenge or something. It was interesting but it looked like half the people in it where African American. Why? THey are only about 10% of the population. I didn't watch the entire thing but guess who was top 3? A gay, an illegal decendant from Brazil, and a refuge from Vietnam war. Why is it ALL media is trying to ram diversity down us at all cost? Down to making the English Queen a few hundred years ago black? And EVERY commerical you see has African Americans in it, like they are a majority of the population.
As soon as I have watched the latest foreign show I like I will cancel netflix again and continue watching my Turkish and Chinese soap opereas on youtube. There are only Turkish and Chinese people in them LOL, they don't find the need to diversify, no gay, no LGBD of any kind either , no ghetto
Sometimes I REALLY dislike American culture , I think I would have liked it better here maybe in the 50s ( but I wasn't born then ), even in the 80s when I moved here it was much better

I just looked at my Colorado drivers license. It says absolutely nothing about "gender". It does have a line listing my "sex" however. There are only two of those. And you can't alter that no matter how many surgeries you have or hormones you take. Even the trannies don't dispute that. They're all about "gender", which is not mentioned on my drivers license. What do other states DL's say? Sex, or gender?
there you go another one of these idiot things! I just renewed my license and it did have a third category besides male and female but I forget what exactly it said
African Americans make up almost 15% of the US population but TV has never really been representative of race or culture. There are disproportionate numbers of blue-eyed and blonde people on US TV. The social status of people on US TV has never really reflected the statistical demographic either. The ratio of male leads on TV to female leads is disproportionate to the population. There are more women than men in the US but women are under-represented in lead roles. I personally have no problem with the diversity, but then I've lived in places where white people were the minorities and went to an international high school surrounded by students from different countries and cultures. I'm used to being around the diversity. Also, I've long ago learned not to expect TV and movies to be realistic or representative of reality.

There actually was a Queen of England who was black a few hundred years ago. Having the diversity on TV helps more of the usually unrepresented groups feel included. Do they go overboard with it sometimes? Yes. But it has never bothered me. If I find a show entertaining, I will watch regardless of the race or orientation of the characters. If inclusivity is something that makes you uncomfortable and ruins your enjoyment, then you don't watch it-- which is what you've said happens. No one is harmed by that. I do know people from minority groups who have expressed just how important it is to them that they see representations of their own races/cultures or even similar because it makes them feel seen and welcomed. It isn't being done to spite white people and it actually does help certain demographics emotionally. So, I always view it from that perspective. But you don't have to and if it ruins your enjoyment then I understand not wanting to watch. I just wish it didn't ruin your enjoyment.

That said, the one time it does bug me is with shows like America's Got Talent where they have people who are not from America, nor are they residents of America, who come on the show. That doesn't make sense to me. I don't care if they are white, black, purple, etc, but at least have US residents. Or have people from the Americas. I'm OK with people from other countries in North America or even South America because those are still America, but they get people from the Philippines, France, Spain, Iran, UK, Ireland, Italy, etc instead of people from the Americas.

Meanwhile, my brother went and spoke with the workers who are installing the fiber and they directed him to their supervisor (who was not visible when I went by as he apparently stays in a truck with air conditioning while the workers were out in 100°F heat. He's not from the US either-- European apparently-- and he got out a map and showed my brother where the lines were going, said the ISP is Swyft or Swift and that it would be available to us once it was set up. They ran stuff underground under our phonelines that will allow other installers to connect to the fiber to set up internet for us. No ETA though, but hopefully it will be sometime this year.
there you go another one of these idiot things! I just renewed my license and it did have a third category besides male and female but I forget what exactly it said
Mine shows : Sex M...

The Officer was asking while inputting answers, when he got to that I said, "I'm 75 n Single, so the answer is NO" Always gets a chuckle no matter how many times they hear it...!!!:thumbs: :facepalm:

It doesn't show "Safe Driver" as Me last one did but, it does show "Veteran" with a Red Heart nearby... 🫀
@sonya123 i really dislike American culture too sometimes. Tv land is especially bad for true representation. Commercials, advertisements for most things are showing older people with well earned retirement situations, then all the rest the new cross section of Americans. As if nobody ever marries someone the same race, opposite sex. You know what I’m saying. It’s a small thing, and I’m not racist either but these are intentional “representations”.
TV Entertainment is just That...!!!

African Americans make up almost 15% of the US population but TV has never really been representative of race or culture. There are disproportionate numbers of blue-eyed and blonde people on US TV. The social status of people on US TV has never really reflected the statistical demographic either. The ratio of male leads on TV to female leads is disproportionate to the population. There are more women than men in the US but women are under-represented in lead roles. I personally have no problem with the diversity, but then I've lived in places where white people were the minorities and went to an international high school surrounded by students from different countries and cultures. I'm used to being around the diversity. Also, I've long ago learned not to expect TV and movies to be realistic or representative of reality.

There actually was a Queen of England who was black a few hundred years ago. Having the diversity on TV helps more of the usually unrepresented groups feel included. Do they go overboard with it sometimes? Yes. But it has never bothered me. If I find a show entertaining, I will watch regardless of the race or

There really isn't any definite line of "race" to start, so it is debatable. But doesn't sound like she was really "black" in the sense Africans are

the thing that makes me so mad about it is that they are trying to change history . It's like the global warming crap, if you tell a lie long enough, and advertise it enough, people will eventually believe it is fact
Advertisement works at least on some people or they wouldn't spend millions on it
Whoa now! The L word is not in my vocabulary. She is just my residential proximity associate with benefits.

Although I am starting to think this female archetype about latching on to a man in the hopes she can change him is true. She is latched on hard and my attempts to resist do not seem to have any effect.
You sound like you are really resisting alright ;) I think you got lucky, shes obviously a smart woman, and very pretty- and maybe you are changing her?!
You sound like you are really resisting alright ;) I think you got lucky, shes obviously a smart woman, and very pretty- and maybe you are changing her?!
Either that^^^ or she's a "Gold-digger"and she's filing a "Claim"...!!! 🤣
TV Entertainment is just That...!!!
That's funny

the thing is, it distracts from the story they are trying to tell. I actually LIKE the Bridgerton series of books, read most of them and liked them. I really dislike the tv show. They ruined the books .
There are all sorts of "races" in Harry Potter for example. It does NOT ruin the story. It is done in a reasonable way. There are mostly white people in it, but some Indians, some Asians, and maybe a few Africans. This matches the reality of UK today. Bridgerton does not match the reality of UK back then. Think about this, if you were watching a historic Chinese martial arts movie, made in China with subtitles, and all of a sudden there is a black person in it and everyone in the movie acted like that was normal. That would not happen, they have more sense than to do that. I know it is just entertainment, but still. I wonder if the US entertainment industry profits from this or not
You sound like you are really resisting alright ;) I think you got lucky, shes obviously a smart woman, and very pretty- and maybe you are changing her?!

I mean I can only resist so much, I am a man. Plus it's not easy having women throw themselves at you constantly. I feel like the grand prize at some competition for women who want to live in a storage garage, never get married and never have kids. On second thought seems like she should have run away on the morning of day #2. Maybe @Snowman is right and she is going after my wealth. I am a thousandaire after all.

Plus seriously, I now have a dresser AND a bed in my bedroom. Apparently a futon is not a "real bed" by the way. The same way cinder blocks are not part of a real TV stand and lawn chairs are not real living room furniture. Some people just need to live a plush life I guess. At least she is buying all this stuff herself.
The most fun part of new TV shows is watching them long enough to see if your guess of who the gays and lesbians are is correct. They hide them in the initial episodes, then the big reveal comes slightly later. It's fun to watch until this reveal to see if your guesses were correct. The show usually isn't worth watching after that. With a few exceptions. Recently canceled NCIS Hawaii was pretty good even after the reveal.
I have a rant that might come across as racists, but I don't care: why is it African Americans are SO overrepresented in anything media nowadays? ( same with gay) . You cannot watch ANYTHING made in the US without it. This is one of the reasons I stopped watching Netflix for a while ( over a year) because I ran out of foreign shows to watch....
So there was a really popular korean tv show over a year ago called Squid games. Well, the US made it into a reality tv show Squid game challenge or something. It was interesting but it looked like half the people in it where African American. Why? THey are only about 10% of the population. I didn't watch the entire thing but guess who was top 3? A gay, an illegal decendant from Brazil, and a refuge from Vietnam war. Why is it ALL media is trying to ram diversity down us at all cost? Down to making the English Queen a few hundred years ago black? And EVERY commerical you see has African Americans in it, like they are a majority of the population.
As soon as I have watched the latest foreign show I like I will cancel netflix again and continue watching my Turkish and Chinese soap opereas on youtube. There are only Turkish and Chinese people in them LOL, they don't find the need to diversify, no gay, no LGBD of any kind either , no ghetto
Sometimes I REALLY dislike American culture , I think I would have liked it better here maybe in the 50s ( but I wasn't born then ), even in the 80s when I moved here it was much better
Thats an easy one, it's the "WOKE" message, pushed by big media.
So, it turns out the dexcom g7 transmitter can't work with more than one device, so it can't work with the dexcom receiver AND the Tandem pump. So in order for the pump to sync with it, the dexcom receiver has to be unsynced from the sensor. But I wonder if the dexcom receiver can sync to the tandem pump.. It's so confusing. Also, the Tandem's screen only stays on for 2 seconds before shutting off and the writing on it is absolutely tiny. Mom really got used to her dexcom in her pocket. I'm going to have to see if I can find a similar holder for the tandem.

has anyone here used the tandem X2 insulin pump?
The most fun part of new TV shows is watching them long enough to see if your guess of who the gays and lesbians are is correct. They hide them in the initial episodes, then the big reveal comes slightly later. It's fun to watch until this reveal to see if your guesses were correct. The show usually isn't worth watching after that. With a few exceptions. Recently canceled NCIS Hawaii was pretty good even after the reveal.
I thought it was obvious right away and the “in your face” of it meant it wasn’t for me. Unless they just like to create crime shows with flashy lesbians cuz they think most white males enjoy that. Just $.02

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