Today is my bad luck day. Ha.
Bad hip pain woke me up early. Ugh. Let the dog out. He comes back in and hacks up twice. Something he ate outside, not sure what. Cleaned that up. He didn't want to go back out. I smell something, and he had diarrhea on the dining room floor. Cleaned that up. Just wanted to drink coffee. So husband gets up, so I'm getting stuff going for him. Sit and drink my coffee. Ha. He says to call Social Security exactly at 8 am, so I'm doing that. Amazingly, it was only a five minute wait. Get dressed, wake up little granddaughter, tell her to see if she can catch any kittens. She catches three....this is good. Go into the kitchen, break a handle off of a coffee cup. Look outside, and a humungous branch came down in the driveway and dinged the truck roof. Go out to try to move the branch, and it's gigantic. Not happening. Got husband breakfast and went out to do chores. Neighbor said he'd come over with the skidloader and tackle the branch. Picking the buckets of weeds for the animal runs....getting all muddy. We had rain last night. Husband calls on my cell and says he needs help. In for 20 minutes getting him ready, rebandaging his hand, out daughter calls. On the phone for 30 min. Then out to finish the buckets and finally start feeding all the animals....but husband calls and asks what time is lunch? And he wants to go to Farmers Mkt and needs to get to the post office before they close at I'm hustling, come in for a shower, wolf down lunch, load the truck stuff for the mkt, and little granddaughter and I pick up the "bad" cage with the three kitties in it to bring. The good cage was borrowed last week with those kitties. This one has a bottom tray that you have to hold on to. Well the (feral) kitty reached thru my end and clawed my hand, I let go of the bottom, and two get out. So only one free kitty made it to the mkt today. Little granddaughter is still there, I'll get her in an hr. Too hot for fowl sale, it'll be 103 by then. I am done with my rant...housework to do, and I'm not touching anything important, or I'll break it for sure.