Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I'd be worried about mold with the wet and the heat. Do you have mold?
I don't know. I haven't been able to get up there to check. I need to buy some small plywood sheets to put up there to climb on. I am worried about mold developing though. If we do get mold I intend to use my respirator while coating stuff with Killz-- after it dries.
Between the rain, and the heat, and just feeling exhausted I haven't gotten stuff done.

Mom yesterday around 3 in the morning. She bruised her knees and conked her face but no bruising on her face/head. No signs of concussion, but she was tired. I think this weather makes us sleepy. Feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen still. I probably have sleep apnea. I really need to lose some weight.

I'm feeling overwhelmed since I have so much to do but have so little energy. Can't get my brain to focus well enough.

As an aside, my brother found out that the boss trying to protect him from corporate wasn't necessary because the president of the company's first response was that it didn't matter where my brother was when the kid escaped, no one on adult arcade side was responsible for the children on the kid's side of the arcade. The employee who screwed up and tried to scapegoat my brother has been rude to him ever since the incident even though he's never been rude to her and didn't try to get her in any trouble. But, the president still doesn't understand that cutting employee hours is a dumb thing so bro is still leaving when he gets a new job.
I usually buy from backmarket.com or Amazon, sometimes eBay if the deals is good and the seller has a solid track record. Backmarket offers a one year warranty on all refurbished items, and they actually honor it.

I tend to stick with Intel processors in the i3-i7 range, usually 8th gen or newer, and no less than 8gb of ram but 16gb is better. I want an SSD hard drive, which is pretty much the norm nowdays, of at least 256 but I store stuff in the cloud so space is not a big deal to me. I prefer Windows 10 or 11. For brands I have had good experience with HP and Dell. Toshiba and Lenovo are okay too but feel a bit flimsier but thats also because they are thinner and lighter.

My big thing is the hinge system they use for the screen. Since I tend to buy based on specs and a picture I follow this rule: If it is two small hinges, one on each end of the screen I pass. If it is one long hinge in the middle, I buy. I have gone through enough laptops to know that is their achilles heal.

I shop in the $225-300 prince range and I don't have much trouble finding what I want in that range.

Well, I took your suggestion and just ordered myself a refurb laptop! I was hesitant there for a bit after seeing how small a 14" screen is with that tiny text on it at 19210x1080, but I did some research on Linux apps to magnify/scale things and it's workable (or I could always just sit really close to the laptop!)

I ended up with a refurbished Dell Latitude, direct from Dell. It was actually cheaper from Dell than a lesser model from Amazon. Dell has a great sale going on today and tomorrow. I stumbled into that due to pure dumb luck. And I'm hopeful that something refurbished by Dell itself might be more likely to be good than an unknown third party refurb. It has a 100 day warranty. On paper, this laptop looks pretty good to me. It's Dell's "Grade A" which is the highest cosmetic quality refurb. I saved money on one without an OS (since I don't want Windows and will be putting Linux on it anyway). And I snagged one with all the memory in one slot, leaving the second slot free for future upgrades.

I hope you have better luck with Dell than I did. I boycott them. Discovered they put a kill switch on some of their PCs so that the version of windows on them would cause the computers to die right after the warranty expired. That was on top of having had problems with them screwing us over on an order and trying to charge us for a computer we never got-- someone at their factory signed for it & they tried to say we were on the hook for it. There were other issues as well.

My earlier post should have read that Mom fell. She's Ok at least.

I'm still exhausted, heat saps all my energy, and I still feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Didn't help that Rupert thinks he has to sleep on top of my head. LOL. The purring is nice at least. He's currently on my shoulder pressed hard against my ear purring away and its lulling me to sleep.
I hope you have better luck with Dell than I did. I boycott them. Discovered they put a kill switch on some of their PCs so that the version of windows on them would cause the computers to die right after the warranty expired. That was on top of having had problems with them screwing us over on an order and trying to charge us for a computer we never got-- someone at their factory signed for it & they tried to say we were on the hook for it. There were other issues as well.
I have had good luck with Dells in the past. But that's been decades ago. I build all my desktop computers now. Can't really build a laptop yourself though. So I asked my son-in-law who is the IT tech support guy for some schools in Hawaii. Lenovo? HP? Or Dell? These are the big three in business laptops. He said first off, all the consumer level laptops, no matter the brand, are pretty much garbage. Stay away from all of them. He said to definitely go for the business models. He said they used to go for the HP EliteBooks in Hawaii, but several years ago those went downhill. Now they only use Dell Latitudes. Most of their computers are in the three to four year old range (same as the one I bought) and of those he said he always has several HP's in his lab for repair and almost never any Dells. So I took his experience as my guide. He said they have the rare Lenovo here and there, and they seem OK, but he has so little experience with them that he couldn't really comment on that brand.

I find reports of a Dell "kill switch" to be hard to believe. But the Windows operating system itself is kind of a kill switch all on its own IMHO. That's why I bought a laptop with no OS installed. I'll do that myself (and it won't be Windows). I don't really like laptops at all. I think of them as what you use when you don't have access to your real computer. So for me to buy a laptop, and a refurb one at that, is already a bit of a stretch. Taking Windows out of the picture helps. But even with all this, I was only willing to risk $300 for a laptop (basically because I really don't have any use for one - I just wanted one to play with!) I ended up only having to pay $200 with Dell's awesome sale, so that's good. What I got for that $200 - at least on paper - is a good deal. It's not under powered by any means. We'll see how it all turns out working in practice. It's got a 100 day warranty, so I'll definitely test out every piece of hardware in the thing to verify it's in top shape, as Dell guaranties it to be.
The kill switch was real. I believe there may have been class action lawsuits over stuff, but am not certain. Our internet barely worked. We found it programmed in to windows and conferred with other people who had the same thing happen-- computer died right after warranty and it was a software thing, not hardware. It was their way of trying to force people to buy new computers. Other companies have done that as well. I think Apple was one of the culprits.

They may have stopped doing it after all the flak and I wish you the best of luck with your refurbished laptop. Sometimes those things can be pretty good.

It is actually possible to build a laptop but it isn't always cheap. You have to make sure you get all the right parts and that they will fit. It used to be easier to get the barebones laptop frames/cases but its not as easy it seems now.
Not so much a rant but more a whine.

The True Potato Seeds I have been growing for the last 6+ months don't seem to be potatoes after all. Bummer.

Here is a picture of these mystery plants in a raised bed along with normal potatoes.


The normal potatoes in the foreground are suffering from July heat and drought but the Imposters in the background are fat dumb and happy.

I noticed today these flower/fruit features.


Not the berries I expected.


If I was a more savvy gardener I should have figured this out months ago.

Learned a lesson today. :thumbs:

My brother kept me waiting instead of saying he wasn't going to go to the store with me. He said it would take "a few minutes" that turned into over an hour of me waiting for him while he played a video game. I asked him that when he got his ship back to his base to please just log out so we could go. He then spent another 10min and I finally decided to leave. He caught up with me and got in the truck. Then on the way in there were chunks of a broken branch over the road. He sat there playing on his phone and wouldn't help me clear it away. He also didn't help me when he saw me struggling to take the trash out and got mad at me when I finally asked him for help and refused to help. Taking out trash is his ONE chore. He did help bring in groceries, but he eats a lot of the stuff.

I'd ordered $40 worth of steak fried rice for Mom via curbside (but we had to go inside to get milk and stuff because they sometimes give me stuff that has expired). When I went to cook it, I discovered that they hadn't given it to me. My brother had brought in the cold stuff while I brought in other stuff and I hadn't noticed that the steak fried rice was missing. I put in a refund request from Walmart but may have to go speak to them in person if they deny it. They must have given it to someone else by mistake or forgotten to pull it. I even went back out to the truck to search it and search all around the truck, in the front room and the kitchen to see if there was any way my brother forgot to bring it in and/or put it away.

Meanwhile, my oldest cat kept waking me up when I was trying to sleep. Then the orange cat, Rupert slept on my head which made me overheat. When he wasn't on my head he kept burrowing under the covers-- using his claws to dig. And then the oldest cat kept stepping on him so he would move and then want back under the covers. Yasuke kept shoving my bathroom door open everytime I went in and then Rupert would follow and both were trying to get on my lap. Then throughout the day Rupert kept wanting to sit on me, step on my keyboard, etc and would not stop using his claws. He clawed my arms up clinging to me. I kept moving him off of me or blocking him and he was persistent and kept jumping-- and I mean literally pouncing sometimes-- on to me. Or he charged over and just ran up onto me. Messed up stuff on my computer stomping all over the keyboard. Kept interfering with my typing and would not take the hint to stop. He kept zerging into the living room and then jumping up on things and knocking things down. He also rammed me in the leg and tripped me when I was walking into the bathroom. It took all my self control to refrain from grabbing him by the throat and flinging him against a wall. Then Itsy kept jumping up on the counter when I was preparing food. I love my cats, but I was cranky today and they were being aggravating.
I've come to hate Fedex. The only good thing is that they have CS on Twitter still and that has been the only way for me to get things revolved bc it's nearly impossible to speak to an actual person if you call.

My gripe today is my truck seems to be getting worse. Making even more noises. Can't figure out exactly what is wrong and Mom wants to get rid of it, but I'm having trouble finding a good replacement. The truck I wanted to get sold yesterday. Or at least that's what someone from the dealership said. It is still showing up in sales listings online.
The truck I wanted to get sold yesterday. Or at least that's what someone from the dealership said. It is still showing up in sales listings online.
This is a common ploy. If they listed the VIN #, go there and demand to see it sold. I've also seen dealerships hide these marketing "bait and switch" vehicles, where I went out and found the truck listed, that they said was sold. I had the ad with me, and with my attorney on speed dial, I demanded they they sell me this truck at the stated price, or my attorney would be talking to them. It worked!
This is a common ploy. If they listed the VIN #, go there and demand to see it sold. I've also seen dealerships hide these marketing "bait and switch" vehicles, where I went out and found the truck listed, that they said was sold. I had the ad with me, and with my attorney on speed dial, I demanded they they sell me this truck at the stated price, or my attorney would be talking to them. It worked!
It's a 4hr drive over so I'm not wasting my time. If they are going to try to jerk me around, I'm not going to give them any business. I will move on and look for a different vehicle. If that one remains listed, I will request a different salesperson.

I wonder if there are sites with vehicle auctions that have listings of what is for sale or if you have to go to the auctions in person.
Oh so close! It got to just across the Denver metro area from me - about 30 minutes away - and then, bam! ... off to Albuquerque it went! Good 'ol Fedex. Gotta love 'em.

View attachment 158027

Yea! My shipment has departed from Albuquerque. Headed to where, I don't know. Probably Yugoslavia. But Fedex might notice that Yugoslavia is now missing, and probably have to divert to Greenland or some other place.
many sites will list the vehicles for sale, but it is up to you to really determine is the car is road worthy or not. I have purchased many cars for friends from my buddy's tow yard, but I would be allowed on the property late at night, where me and the security guard would conduct a full evaluation on the cars before deciding whether the price was worth it or not. I once picked up a 1994 Jeep YJ for $1,000. I discovered the previous owner had just installed a fuel injection system, which was good in all 50 states, that cost the previous owner $2400, just for this system. Ya gotta be knowledgeable at auto auctions.
Haertig, I hope you get your package soon.

Havasu, thanks for that info.

I unlocked a new level of derp. We went to the Mexican restaurant and while I was closing the menu up, I rested it on my arm. Looked down and realized I was bleeding. I managed to somehow cut myself with the spiral on the menu. That adds to my growing list:
Weird things ZanneJ has cut herself on:
Coffee table
Glass shelf in curio cabinet
Metal part on a paintbrush that holds the bristles
Foil on blister pack of medicine
Cardboard box
Foil on a pudding cup
Cat food can
Old computer chassis
Microwave door
Spiral on a menu

I know there are more, but I'm forgetting right now.
Haertig, I hope you get your package soon.

Havasu, thanks for that info.

I unlocked a new level of derp. We went to the Mexican restaurant and while I was closing the menu up, I rested it on my arm. Looked down and realized I was bleeding. I managed to somehow cut myself with the spiral on the menu. That adds to my growing list:
Weird things ZanneJ has cut herself on:
Coffee table
Glass shelf in curio cabinet
Metal part on a paintbrush that holds the bristles
Foil on blister pack of medicine
Cardboard box
Foil on a pudding cup
Cat food can
Old computer chassis
Microwave door
Spiral on a menu

I know there are more, but I'm forgetting right now.
We must be related!!
It's a 4hr drive over so I'm not wasting my time. If they are going to try to jerk me around, I'm not going to give them any business. I will move on and look for a different vehicle. If that one remains listed, I will request a different salesperson.

I wonder if there are sites with vehicle auctions that have listings of what is for sale or if you have to go to the auctions in person.

I'm at the point where I'm beyond caring about what new Barbie they churn out. They are all overpriced anyway. The great thing about products like that is that people have the option to not buy them. And the people who feel seen/represented can buy them if they have enough $ (or wait for them to go on clearance).

Pearl, I'm sorry you have the same kind of luck. LOL.

Snowman, Thank you!
When "Barbie with Down Syndrome" is not enough:


... they come out with "BLACK Barbie with Down Syndrome":


Next year I guess the hot new toy might be "LESBIAN Black Barbie with Down Syndrome".

I'm all for supporting everyone, but geez, isn't this getting a little bit too woke and ridiculous?
I'm waiting for a woke hooker barbie to come out. You won't be able to buy her, just rent her for a while. And she could also be bought holding a can of Bud Lite.

I don't believe that there is a level that "some' businesses won't sink to where profit is concerned.
I'm waiting for a woke hooker barbie to come out. You won't be able to buy her, just rent her for a while. And she could also be bought holding a can of Bud Lite.

I don't believe that there is a level that "some' businesses won't sink to where profit is concerned.
Woke Hooker Barbie that used to be Ken!!🤣
Stupid insurance company. Been waiting for MRI approval for weeks. Have gone in to my doc a year ago for hip/leg pain, then went to PT for awhile. Pain not better, so a month or so ago went in again, and he sent me to get shots...got three of them, and ordered an MRI to figure out what's wrong. So insurance has been lolly gagging around for weeks and finally said I have to go to PT first for 6 more weeks and then resubmit an MRI request from the doc again. They suck.
Well, I took your suggestion and just ordered myself a refurb laptop!
The laptop finally arrived today. After it's FedEx side trip to Albuquerque. Booted a couple of different Linux distros off of thumbdrives (MX Linux and LinuxMint). Neither distro saw the SSD. I opened the back of the laptop and verified that Dell indeed installed an SSD. Yep, it was there. Pulled it out and reinserted it to make sure it was physically connected solidly. Still, Linux did not see it. Went to BIOS and it was seen there. And BIOS was set to make this storage device available. I did find one setting in BIOS that I was not familiar with. The SATA controller mode was set to AHCI+RAID. The other available setting was simply AHCI. Since I don't really know what AHCI+RAID means (one can guess from it's name though), and I also will never use RAID on this laptop, I switched the setting to plain old AHCI. Bingo! Now Linux sees the SSD. I next did some Google research and found out that indeed, Linux doesn't like AHCI+RAID (which might also be called "Intel RST"??? I couldn't determine that exactly.)

So for all you Linux folk out there who might be looking at newer computers, this is something for you to check if you boot Linux and it doesn't see the SSD. This may be old news for most of you, but it was new news to me. All of my Linux computers are running older motherboards (good ones, but probably 8 years old). So maybe the BIOS from my generation of mobos didn't have this AHCI+RAID feature (which is why I would never have run into the problem before). I have built newer computers for my wife who runs Windows, and possibly those newer mobos have had this same AHCI+RAID setting defaulted in BIOS, but maybe Windows likes that as a default whereas Linux does not.

Oh, BTW, 1920x1080 resolution on a 14" screen is indeed tiny. But I can still read it and use it, even with my old eyes. I wouldn't want this for my main computer (29" monitor in that role for me!), but for a laptop that is meant to be small and mobile ... I can work with it for shorter periods of time if the laptop is within normal arm reach typing distance (wouldn't be able to see it if the laptop was across the table though).

Just passing on what I learned today, in case any Linux folks are looking at newer computers...
@joel You can hover over the person's icon, and down along the bottom of their magic ID window one of the choices reads: IGNORE.

Now, I have not had a good moment and I am done. In a situation where I thought I worked with a "team" and we help each other out, mainly to spite the boss, I discovered today nobody's got my back. I do it for all of them every day, today was the last day. I will not help out or do extra things unless specifically asked by the boss or it is on my assigned BS schedule. I'm done. Now to get my vacation time in and tolerate what time I will have left.

The laptop finally arrived today. After it's FedEx side trip to Albuquerque. Booted a couple of different Linux distros off of thumbdrives (MX Linux and LinuxMint). Neither distro saw the SSD. I opened the back of the laptop and verified that Dell indeed installed an SSD. Yep, it was there. Pulled it out and reinserted it to make sure it was physically connected solidly. Still, Linux did not see it. Went to BIOS and it was seen there. And BIOS was set to make this storage device available. I did find one setting in BIOS that I was not familiar with. The SATA controller mode was set to AHCI+RAID. The other available setting was simply AHCI. Since I don't really know what AHCI+RAID means (one can guess from it's name though), and I also will never use RAID on this laptop, I switched the setting to plain old AHCI. Bingo! Now Linux sees the SSD. I next did some Google research and found out that indeed, Linux doesn't like AHCI+RAID (which might also be called "Intel RST"??? I couldn't determine that exactly.)

So for all you Linux folk out there who might be looking at newer computers, this is something for you to check if you boot Linux and it doesn't see the SSD. This may be old news for most of you, but it was new news to me. All of my Linux computers are running older motherboards (good ones, but probably 8 years old). So maybe the BIOS from my generation of mobos didn't have this AHCI+RAID feature (which is why I would never have run into the problem before). I have built newer computers for my wife who runs Windows, and possibly those newer mobos have had this same AHCI+RAID setting defaulted in BIOS, but maybe Windows likes that as a default whereas Linux does not.

Oh, BTW, 1920x1080 resolution on a 14" screen is indeed tiny. But I can still read it and use it, even with my old eyes. I wouldn't want this for my main computer (29" monitor in that role for me!), but for a laptop that is meant to be small and mobile ... I can work with it for shorter periods of time if the laptop is within normal arm reach typing distance (wouldn't be able to see it if the laptop was across the table though).

Just passing on what I learned today, in case any Linux folks are looking at newer computers...
That's probably what the previous owner couldn't figure out.

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