Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I delivered these back to customers in the early 80's all the time:

Tell those people to grow a pair.

Nice tractor. 200hp. Works good in big fields, do a lot of work fast
This is one of my favorite YouTube channels. Not sure why but it's interesting to watch them farm. They raise cattle and the crops to feed them.
They do have some good-sized tractors but nothing as big as you are talking about.
The kid is 22 and just graduated from college he and his Dad run the place.
They are giving away an old IH tractor to 1 lucky subscriber when they hit 100,000 subscribers. One of you might get a new old tractor. :)
Just Great! The only deaf bat in my state happens to be in my yard!!!!

Its after midnight and I realized I forgot to check the mail today for something I was expecting.

Sooo... I'm walking to the mailbox and I get hit in the side of the head by a bat! Not the Louisville slugger type. The kind that fly's and chases bugs. An actual bat!

Well, first time for everything!:confused2:
Just Great! The only deaf bat in my state happens to be in my yard!!!!

Its after midnight and I realized I forgot to check the mail today for something I was expecting.

Sooo... I'm walking to the mailbox and I get hit in the side of the head by a bat! Not the Louisville slugger type. The kind that fly's and chases bugs. An actual bat!

Well, first time for everything!:confused2:

That is somewhat concerning, because the only kind of bat that would do that is one that is disoriented by rabies (or possibly other kinds of sicknesses).

That bat may be OK, but here's a little FYI for reference now and in the future...

The bat variant of rabies is one of the most common types in North America that is transmitted to humans and animals. Some years ago, new regulations were put into place that most people may think are overkill. Many are surprised to learn that there are country-wide health regulations that call for rabies treatment for people who have had seemingly benign exposure to bats.

For example, if a bat is found in a room where a person was sleeping, and if the bat cannot be caught for testing, the person(s) should be treated for rabies even if there are no obvious scratches or bites on them. Whoa... that is drastic, I know! But this was instituted after a number of cases popped up that strongly suggests rabies transmission by things other than actual bites, such as scratches too tiny to be readily seen and also aerosolized transmission. (Some rabies cases involved the death of cave spelunkers who never had actual contact with bats but were in close proximity to them. Other fatal cases happened to lab workers that never got bitten or scratched by the bats they were working with, but were not wearing respirators.)

I have had rabies treatment twice and learned all of this during my personal research of this horrible, horrible disease. Rabies is more common than folks realize and too many cases have been misdiagnosed as death by "unknown neurological causes." (These cases were later discovered after people who had been in close contact with the victim began dying of the disease. Medical forensics solved the mystery.)

Sadly, even now, some people who seek treatment are brushed off by ignorant doctors and even employees in some government health organizations. Yes, some people have died as a result of ignorance and inept health professionals.

Due diligence, y'all.
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I was wearing a boonie hat with a headlamp on it. That's what the bat actually touched, not my skin. When I got to the mailbox I looked back up the hill to the house. Silhouetted against my porch light were dozens of bats flying and eating some kind of flying insects in the yard. Lets just hope I got the ricochet from a mid air crash.
I was wearing a boonie hat with a headlamp on it. That's what the bat actually touched, not my skin. When I got to the mailbox I looked back up the hill to the house. Silhouetted against my porch light were dozens of bats flying and eating some kind of flying insects in the yard. Lets just hope I got the ricochet from a mid air crash.

Whew! I was relieved to read this!
That is somewhat concerning, because the only kind of bat that would do that is one that is disoriented by rabies (or possibly other kinds of sicknesses).

That bat may be OK, but here's a little FYI for reference now and in the future...

The bat variant of rabies is one of the most common types in North America that is transmitted to humans and animals. Some years ago, new regulations were put into place that most people may think are overkill. Many are surprised to learn that there are country-wide health regulations that call for rabies treatment for people who have had seemingly benign exposure to bats.

For example, if a bat is found in a room where a person was sleeping, and if the bat cannot be caught for testing, the person(s) should be treated for rabies even if there are no obvious scratches or bites on them. Whoa... that is drastic, I know! But this was instituted after a number of cases popped up that strongly suggests rabies transmission by things other than actual bites, such as scratches too tiny to be readily seen and also aerosolized transmission. (Some rabies cases involved the death of cave spelunkers who never had actual contact with bats but were in close proximity to them. Other fatal cases happened to lab workers that never got bitten or scratched by the bats they were working with, but were not wearing respirators.)

I have had rabies treatment twice and learned all of this during my personal research of this horrible, horrible disease. Rabies is more common than folks realize and too many cases have been misdiagnosed as death by "unknown neurological causes." (These cases were later discovered after people who had been in close contact with the victim began dying of the disease. Medical forensics solved the mystery.)

Sadly, even now, some people who seek treatment are brushed off by ignorant doctors and even employees in some government health organizations. Yes, some people have died as a result of ignorance and inept health professionals.

Due diligence, y'all.

Bats help to keep mosquitto populations down that can carry all kinds of desease.

We breed them down here,lol.

Okay, I am going to RANT about the election... Don't care how they do it, it'll be a mess.

Due to wife's health issues we have done mail in ballots for years. We live in a highly political area that may not lean in our direction. We are registered in both parties (I’m in one, she’s in another: we're not double dippers).

Last major election:
The ballot for the one registered with the local dominating party arrived 3 weeks before the election
The ballot for the other one arrived 3 weeks after the election (Honestly)
We kept the envelopes and noticed one had a D the other had an R that could be seen through the address window. The post marks were the same day....

Yes, if we do an all mail in election there will be problems, Half of the country will never get to vote.

Blast away...
Okay, I am going to RANT about the election... Don't care how they do it, it'll be a mess.

Due to wife's health issues we have done mail in ballots for years. We live in a highly political area that may not lean in our direction. We are registered in both parties (I’m in one, she’s in another: we're not double dippers).

Last major election:
The ballot for the one registered with the local dominating party arrived 3 weeks before the election
The ballot for the other one arrived 3 weeks after the election (Honestly)
We kept the envelopes and noticed one had a D the other had an R that could be seen through the address window. The post marks were the same day....

Yes, if we do an all mail in election there will be problems, Half of the country will never get to vote.

Blast away...

What you describe could be accomplished secretly by any one or two of several people in just about any post office serving more than a couple thousand people. Doesn't mean that it's common.
I have no faith in the election system. Even 1 illegal vote is too many. There should be no mail-in voting for any citizen that is physically in the country and no automatic voter registration. Everyone should have to show up in person on election day, show valid ID, and then vote. I also like the idea of dipping their thumb in ink so a person can vote 1 time only.
Washington state is a prime example of the fraud that occurs in our current system.
It took the Democrats 3 tries to get the results they wanted. They lost the first 2 counts so they had a 3rd and found enough ballots they stole the governors office.
"Does it happen often? - Probably not" is not what we should be looking at. "Can it happen? - Yes" is the more relevant thing to be looking at. The thing with fraud is that you want to prevent it from happening in the first place. Once it's already been proven to have happened ... it's too late.

For the same reason, I put on my seatbelt whenever I get into a car. I'm not one to demand proof that I could get into a wreck before reaching for that belt. Any proof will have already been to my detriment.
They keep playing a political musical chairs taking turns getting richer and fullfilling their agendas which looks like are the same.:dunno:.

I'm still with the cussing George Calon on this, " Its a club and you ain't in it" [ minus about a dozen F bombs].
I think we [ half ] the people love our country more than they do.

I am still looking for all those factory jobs that came back home; my free speech to say what some people may not like without it being a damn hate crime; the great divide of the middle class working man and the ultra rich to stop increasing ; to stay the hell out of other nations wars ; our border to be protected ;the deportation of all the illegal foreigners instead of amnesty and DACA BS costing Americans billions a day for their care , H1 Visas stopped etc,etc,etc, .

It sure is convienant that hese poloticinas can just blame each other for whatever they do if they can't keep promised then why in the hell did they make so many?
So, lets say for argument sake that I and my wife are border jumping illegal aliens, who bring 6 kids into the world on American soil. They are now 18+ years of age, and although 4 have moved back to Mexico and two are in free colleges, thanks to Democrats, I will have 8 ballots mailed to my house. I choose to just fill them all out and check the Joe Blow and that "non-black" election boxes, and mail them back via the postal service. My kids in college also fill out ballots which adds another 2 votes for Joe Blow and that "non-black". Per Democratically rules, no identification is necessary,so they fill out their ballots and submit them on college campuses. We have now successfully gained 12 Democrat votes, which in reality only 2 should be legal votes. This scenario is being duplicated in excess of 100,000 times, making a mockery of this election. Would a Democrat please explain where my numbers are incorrect?
COVID-19 may have some positive impacts:

As the Universities are opening up new hotspots are popping up and the Universities are being forced to shut back down.
This will impact to politics of Education and the Education (indoctrination) of politics to young potential voters:
No unobserved classroom lectures, parents can and do watch their children doing their online studies….
No centralized “politically correct” recruiting centers in college food courts……
No more Tenured Professors who can preach what they want without parental oversite…..

And the same thing is happening in the public school system…..

Plus, on-line learning will give parents the ability to easily "transfer" their children out of underperforming school systems.....

COVID-19 May make educators accountable for the first time in decades…
The major problem is the parents of the kids in school now are a product of that same indoctrination system so they believe what the teachers are saying. The propaganda will continue to spread and be believed for generations.
My wife has younger relatives that believe Trump is the devil and only the Democrats can save them. They are driven by emotion and facts are not important. They will not even listen to anything that goes against what they have been told to think. You can not have a civilized conversation with them so I don't even try.
COVID-19 may have some positive impacts:

As the Universities are opening up new hotspots are popping up and the Universities are being forced to shut back down.
This will impact to politics of Education and the Education (indoctrination) of politics to young potential voters:
No unobserved classroom lectures, parents can and do watch their children doing their online studies….
No centralized “politically correct” recruiting centers in college food courts……
No more Tenured Professors who can preach what they want without parental oversite…..

And the same thing is happening in the public school system…..

Plus, on-line learning will give parents the ability to easily "transfer" their children out of underperforming school systems.....

COVID-19 May make educators accountable for the first time in decades…

Yep the kids are being introduced to their mothers, I bet the moms are eating ' mothers little helpers' nerve pills like M&Ms these days.

I don't think those 'womens rights' are what the fems hoped for. Women use to be able to sit home be mothers and play Bridge and gossip. Now they are as stessed out as theri husbands.
The major problem is the parents of the kids in school now are a product of that same indoctrination system so they believe what the teachers are saying. The propaganda will continue to spread and be believed for generations.
My wife has younger relatives that believe Trump is the devil and only the Democrats can save them. They are driven by emotion and facts are not important. They will not even listen to anything that goes against what they have been told to think. You can not have a civilized conversation with them so I don't even try.

No telling how many of our family secretly votes for the communist. They don't tell anyone and pretend to be conservative but then they have some lib associates.
Some are too much into 'diversity' to be otherwise.
one just had a kid with one of the natives who was on the Interstate, clad in string bikini bent over doing the ass shake thing over the rails. Not sure what was so inspiring about the Interstate rails and traffic but she is now a star on FaceBook.
Meantime my cousins son was putting up pictures of their 4 mo.old baby. And you'd thought the cute little infant was the future new MLK . Proving how tolerant they all were it took off with praise and salutations.
I didn't put a like on it so now i'm the racest black sheep 'pun' of the cousin side of the family.:huh:😷
The major problem is the parents of the kids in school now are a product of that same indoctrination system so they believe what the teachers are saying. The propaganda will continue to spread and be believed for generations.
My wife has younger relatives that believe Trump is the devil and only the Democrats can save them. They are driven by emotion and facts are not important. They will not even listen to anything that goes against what they have been told to think. You can not have a civilized conversation with them so I don't even try.
If (hah) your wife's relatives are willing to state their beliefs in response to questions, then the Socratic Method could let them tie themselves in logical knots. Your preparation would take some work though (you'd have to figure out the right questions), so you and your wife would have to care about these people more than a little. And they could still end up really pissed off.
If (hah) your wife's relatives are willing to state their beliefs in response to questions, then the Socratic Method could let them tie themselves in logical knots. Your preparation would take some work though (you'd have to figure out the right questions), so you and your wife would have to care about these people more than a little. And they could still end up really pissed off.
They are not willing to listen to anything that they do not agree with. They go full postal, screaming, cursing, physical intimidation, and having a temper tantrum. I have in the past stepped between them and their victim to stop the attack because they know will use whatever is required to stop it. Sometimes it good to put the fear of God into some people.
They are not willing to listen to anything that they do not agree with. They go full postal, screaming, cursing, physical intimidation, and having a temper tantrum. I have in the past stepped between them and their victim to stop the attack because they know will use whatever is required to stop it. Sometimes it good to put the fear of God into some people.
Hah! So they would definitely be pissed off. :lil guy:
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