Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Just curious if others have experienced the same… For me, service and deliveries from UPS has been good, even after covid. Fedex on the other hand seems to have gone down hill over the last year. I live in a very rural area so deliveries for me aren’t like folks living in the city. I tell folks I live so far out in the country I have to go towards town to hunt!

This week I had two orders out. One coming ups, the other fedex. Ups was a few days early I got everything yesterday instead of after the holiday, good service. Fedex had only 1 item to deliver, a box of 150 egg cartons.

The driver reported that he/she/it left the box on my front porch at 11:22am on Thursday. That did not happen. I called the carton company Friday morning and reported same. Around 11am a fedex “investigator” called. He had all sorts of questions, wanted a description of my house, was anyone home etc.

Sometime today somebody left my box by my mailbox, didn’t notice until late afternoon. I don’t know if someone got my box by mistake and left it here or a fedex person left it there. There was no note or any indication as to who left it.

I’ll call the carton company Tuesday and let them know I got it. I don’t know if I’ll hear from fedex again.

This is just one of many such problems with fedex. These days I cringe when I order something and see fedex is the delivery method.

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Its the opposite here. UPS leaves it at the spring (how did spell check get spring from wrong?) house, destroys the box or it has been opened and taped back up with things missing or they mark it as delivered today but it won't actually be here until tomorrow. I've also recieved an email/text saying it's un deliverable and being sent back. That one has happened twice now.
Today I saw an article about a 74 year old lady being robbed by a group of teenagers in NYC. I was once ambushed by a group of them in the DC Metro (Subway), left my leg black-n-blue for 6 weeks. When I reported it, I was told it's just kids being kids, almost like it is expected.

Sometimes I think that there are some animals that should just be put down.

Sorry, I Know I should learn to be more forgiving.
I'm not a cat person...thought I'd clear that up , up front.

Why the heck do they go everywhere I go?
All 5 of them.

They run along in front of me and flop over right where I'm walking.
Almost cause me to trip and fall.

I'm about to thin the herd...that big barn down by the river is full of mice.

I hate cats , well at least 5 that get in feet .

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Wife's clutter. The two spare bedrooms are full of it. Youngest son and family came to visit. Wife moved the clutter to her sister's, a girlfriend and filled up the car. I made the mistake of suggesting the last load she store in the garage temporarily. Four weeks later she finds the time to get her clutter out of the garage. She put it in the dinning room and living room. Too much trouble to carry it back up stairs to the spare bedrooms. Tomorrow she's hosting a Birthday party. Yep, clutter ot moved back out into the garage.
While wife is busy with Birthday party. Are you cleaning the garage of wife's clutter? Burning it, dump? Or leaving it?
It's 35 miles of interstate driving , Everytime we go to hospital.
It's a good thing we allow an extra 15 minutes.
Every trip I've made, (that's a bunch of em), always have 2 semi trucks get side by side doing 62 mph. You can't get by them .
Today this happened for 15 miles, can you believe it? Traffic was backed up as far behind them as I could see....did I tell ya it went for 15 miles.

That really don't help the heat of my hind in. Yes it burns it.

Rediculous .

It's 35 miles of interstate driving , Everytime we go to hospital.
It's a good thing we allow an extra 15 minutes.
Every trip I've made, (that's a bunch of em), always have 2 semi trucks get side by side doing 62 mph. You can't get by them .
Today this happened for 15 miles, can you believe it? Traffic was backed up as far behind them as I could see....did I tell ya it went for 15 miles.

That really don't help the heat of my hind in. Yes it burns it.

Rediculous .


There has got to be a back oad route to get there.

This syncronisity kinds thing keeps coming up with me.
I haven't talked about my road trip 2 Thanksgivings ago for awhile, then this morning talking to daughter on phone we discussed it again because of her trips on I 75 ByPass 285 .
I told her my last trip was backroads after almost being killed by fumes 2 year ago.
I was blocked inbetween trucks on a 4 lane near Atlanta for 4 hours,called 911 to get me out of it.Cancelled call when trucks started to move.
Finally got to exit and truck stop where young people were gasping for breath and crying from carbon monoxide poisoning like us.
I kept running and climbing up on trucks asking drivers what was going on they said a terrible wreck.

You won't see me stuck like that EVER again.Last
It's 35 miles of interstate driving , Everytime we go to hospital.
It's a good thing we allow an extra 15 minutes.
Every trip I've made, (that's a bunch of em), always have 2 semi trucks get side by side doing 62 mph. You can't get by them .
Today this happened for 15 miles, can you believe it? Traffic was backed up as far behind them as I could see....did I tell ya it went for 15 miles.

That really don't help the heat of my hind in. Yes it burns it.

Rediculous .

If anyone knows not to do that, it is a truck driver. Someone must have been in a bad mood or punishing one of the people stuck behind them for some infraction.

However, either some people have no idea that the left lane is for passing, or they do not care. I've had people deliberately do this when I've been driving. I had a woman do this east of Des Moines once. Traffic was pretty heavy, and her game was to speed up, get around someone and then hang in the left lane on purpose. As we drove for some miles, I watched this game of hers. She did this to a few people. Some people are pretty sick and they do not realize that if and when they do this to the wrong person, it is not pretty.
It's 35 miles of interstate driving , Everytime we go to hospital.
It's a good thing we allow an extra 15 minutes.
Every trip I've made, (that's a bunch of em), always have 2 semi trucks get side by side doing 62 mph. You can't get by them .
Today this happened for 15 miles, can you believe it? Traffic was backed up as far behind them as I could see....did I tell ya it went for 15 miles.

That really don't help the heat of my hind in. Yes it burns it.

Rediculous .

Doesn't that interstate have a nice wide shoulder on the right side?
I know what the 'vette would do

...about 80 passing those idiots up!
Don't forget to wave when you pull back onto the slab.

*Disclaimer: This is not good advice for people that haven't lived a long and full life yet.
I'm in my Birthday suit, in the library sitting on the throne waiting on nature to hurry up so I can take my shower and go to bed. Wife sticks her head in to tell me I left a light on in the RV. RV isn't plugged into shore power so the light is running off the batteries, dead by morning? So I ask the wife to go out and turn the light off, please. RV is parked 50 feet from our back door. Flip on the outside light and the 50 feet will be illuminated. Surprisingly wife said "Ok". Surprising because she is afraid of the dark and what she imagines is hiding in the woods waiting. "Ok" ........................if I come with her!!!

I tell nature to wait, get up to get dressed and head out to the RV.
If anyone knows not to do that, it is a truck driver. Someone must have been in a bad mood or punishing one of the people stuck behind them for some infraction.

However, either some people have no idea that the left lane is for passing, or they do not care. I've had people deliberately do this when I've been driving. I had a woman do this east of Des Moines once. Traffic was pretty heavy, and her game was to speed up, get around someone and then hang in the left lane on purpose. As we drove for some miles, I watched this game of hers. She did this to a few people. Some people are pretty sick and they do not realize that if and when they do this to the wrong person, it is not pretty.
Weedy its not just the truckers sitting there running thier engines its the dumb clucks diresting traffic.

Look at this wreck today on I -295! Why do they need 3 lanes blocked for this? One lane seems like plenty.Even if They took 2 lanes leave one open to ease congestion 'pun intended'.

5 separate crashes tie up I-295 northbound on Westside for hours

Weedy its not just the truckers sitting there running thier engines its the dumb clucks diresting traffic.

Look at this wreck today on I -295! Why do they need 3 lanes blocked for this? One lane seems like plenty.Even if They took 2 lanes leave one open to ease congestion 'pun intended'.

5 separate crashes tie up I-295 northbound on Westside for hours

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My observation about accidents like this has to do with the extent of personal injury. If there is an accident and someone is killed, traffic will be at a standstill for much longer than a fender bender or otherwise. I believe this is because of the need to cover all the bases and to investigate thoroughly, due to lawsuits and court cases. If it is a fender bender, cars are supposed to pull over and allow traffic to go by. There is another thing that some people don't get. They think if they are involved in an accident, everyone has to stop right then and there and not move until the police show up.
I'm in my Birthday suit, in the library sitting on the throne waiting on nature to hurry up so I can take my shower and go to bed. Wife sticks her head in to tell me I left a light on in the RV. RV isn't plugged into shore power so the light is running off the batteries, dead by morning? So I ask the wife to go out and turn the light off, please. RV is parked 50 feet from our back door. Flip on the outside light and the 50 feet will be illuminated. Surprisingly wife said "Ok". Surprising because she is afraid of the dark and what she imagines is hiding in the woods waiting. "Ok" ........................if I come with her!!!

I tell nature to wait, get up to get dressed and head out to the RV.
Just wait till you get started on the remodel project.you'll never go to potty.

When an accident or crime occurs the police have 1 shot at collecting evidence. They cordon off the area to collect that evidence and also to protect the people involved.
If there is any question of safety they will always err on the side of caution. Do they go overboard? Maybe, but it's better to inconvenience people than to miss something important or worse get someone injured or killed.
When an accident or crime occurs the police have 1 shot at collecting evidence. They cordon off the area to collect that evidence and also to protect the people involved.
If there is any question of safety they will always err on the side of caution. Do they go overboard? Maybe, but it's better to inconvenience people than to miss something important or worse get someone injured or killed.

Well then accordingto the law of gravity andthat truck still being on all 4wheels they screwed up. They should have held the travelers back another 20 yards where the driver first got into trouble.
plus all those peeved off drivers will go down the raod and cause more wrecks.
Okay, I may be a little confused, but I am also greatly concerned. The current Payroll Tax deferment, has me worried, they are giving back/letting us keep the 6% that would go to SSI/payroll taxes. But the word deferment has me a little nervous; “deferment - the action or fact of putting something off to a later time; postponement.” So my issue is when are they going to want it back? Are they going to charge interest on it? and when are they going to tell us that part of the story?

April 15th is not a good day to learn that you need to pay back 6.2% of 3 months of wages. I am afraid that everyone keeps saying it couldn’t get any “WORSE”... Waiting for 2021…….. Check Please!!!!

Just read some more.... They will start collecting it between January 1 and April 30, 2021, so for that short period we will get to have 12.4% (6.2 + 6.2) out of our pay check..... Just Ducky

It is all just an illusion,
These arn't the droids you're looking for, move along....

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Okay, I may be a little confused, but I am also greatly concerned. The current Payroll Tax deferment, has me worried, they are giving back/letting us keep the 6% that would go to SSI/payroll taxes. But the word deferment has me a little nervous; “deferment - the action or fact of putting something off to a later time; postponement.” So my issue is when are they going to want it back? Are they going to charge interest on it? and when are they going to tell us that part of the story?

April 15th is not a good day to learn that you need to pay back 6.2% of 3 months of wages. I am afraid that everyone keeps saying it couldn’t get any “WORSE”... Waiting for 2021…….. Check Please!!!!

Just read some more.... They will start collecting it between January 1 and April 30, 2021, so for that short period we will get to have 12.4% (6.2 + 6.2) out of our pay check..... Just Ducky

It is all just an illusion,
These arn't the droids you're looking for, move along....

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Always look the gift horse in the mouth. Nothing is free for the working man. Only the top of the ladder and the bottom of thr ladder gets the free stuff. The rest of us get the shaft.
It use to be just Wall Streeters. Now they share it with the welfare gang for the votes to destroy America.
But what if Harris/JB win, then all bets are off.
If that happens, the tax deferral will be the least of our worries:rolleyes:.

Oh, on topic, I got a phone call that woke me up from my nap:
"We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty."
As powerful as this country is, it cannot track down and stop this foreign invader?

The "Do not call list" means nothing.
What are we paying the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to actually do?
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If that happens, the tax deferral will be the least of our worries:rolleyes:.

Oh, on topic, I got a phone call that woke me up from my nap:
"We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty."
As powerful as this country is, it cannot track down and stop this foreign invader?View attachment 50106
The "Do not call list" means nothing.
What are we paying the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to actually do?

I AGREE! So tired of running to phone for spam or BS. We too are on 'do not call' and its not working. Wonder how many people who have sick loved ones end up in ER over rushing to the phone and trip or fall.
I AGREE! So tired of running to phone for spam or BS. We too are on 'do not call' and its not working. Wonder how many people who have sick loved ones end up in ER over rushing to the phone and trip or fall.
We went in and completely conquered/owned the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Telemarketers cannot be that hard!
I believe a vast majority of the American people would answer this question the same as me:
Well then accordingto the law of gravity andthat truck still being on all 4wheels they screwed up. They should have held the travelers back another 20 yards where the driver first got into trouble.
plus all those peeved off drivers will go down the raod and cause more wrecks.
Not necessarily.
There might have been bodies in the road.
Not saying there was; but there could have been.
Other injuries, other vehicles involved.
Just because you see 1 vehicle with all 4 wheels on the ground, doesn't mean there weren't other vehicles involved.
Most people don't know they are supposed pull onto the shoulder when emergency vehicles have sirens blaring.
By them "NOT" moving out of the way, they in turn cause more accidents and delays.
As for that truck being on 4 wheels.
How do you know if it didn't rollover several times and still landed right side up?
As for the delayed drivers having road rage and causing other accidents as they leave an accident scene.
Probably not, it could happen but usually not.
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I'm sick of what this liberal ran society has done to this once great nation.
What in the heck happened to " cruel and unusual punishment"?
And don't waste your time telling me how if they didn't break the law they wouldn't be in there. Just hope someday one of your family don't make a mistake or get on drugs that we allow to come into this nation because of our complacent apathtic leader idolizing selves.
They can stop other nations from invasions and build walls for them but our nation is loaded with drugs from all over the world.
If our doctors aren't prescribing them to many who don't need them. Like pain pills for a tooth pulling ,then the prescription ends and addicts go to the streets. I had 3 old fashioned C-sections cut from naval to pelvic and no pain pills stopped after 7 days. Had baby to care for then babies, no more pain pills.
My grandaughteer is in prison from pain pill addiction to street opiates. So she broke the law and deserves to pay for it ,but what price and how high and why cartel drugs are more in supply now than ever?
Last week she finally got a call to her mother told her two black inmates [ lots of racism in prison] who have AIDES were throwing blood all over her and jumping on her. And we all know the line is long to get meds for this deadly forgotten disease. She said the abuse made life not worth living she has already almost scceeded in killing herself once,attemped it twice. Daughter is going crazy.
Its the " then they came for me " kinda thing, nobody cares till it hits home. This criminal use to be that sweet little girl who was cheerleader, hard worker and good person till drugs came along in a nation of drugs. She was given a gun and sent in to store by kids she went to elementary school with to rob one of her other classmates from school. All of them were drug addicts including the girl she hit with the empty gun if it was empty,not sure. We have 13 grand kids and 2 had addictions.
I remember soldiers use to talk about how easy to get drugs were in V .Nam well even our gov gives them out here for free.

Not necessarily.
There might have been bodies in the road.
Not saying there was; but there could have been.
Other injuries, other vehicles involved.
Just because you see 1 vehicle with all 4 wheels on the ground, doesn't mean there weren't other vehicles involved.
Most people don't know they are supposed pull onto the shoulder when emergency vehicles have sirens blaring.
By them "NOT" moving out of the way, they in turn case more accidents and delays.
As for that truck being on 4 wheels.
How do you know if it didn't rollover several times and still landed right side up?
As for the delayed drivers having road rage and causing other accidents as they leave an accident scene.
Probably not, it could happen but usually not.

I'm been on phone about grandaughter so will get back to this one later.
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