Don't bother, because you have more on your mind than this.I'm been on phone about grandaughter so will get back to this one later.
And I'm not going to argue with you about it.
Don't bother, because you have more on your mind than this.I'm been on phone about grandaughter so will get back to this one later.
Don't bother, because you have more on your mind than this.
And I'm not going to argue with you about it.
I'm sick of what this liberal ran society has done to this once great nation.
What in the heck happened to " cruel and unusual punishment"?
And don't waste your time telling me how if they didn't break the law they wouldn't be in there. Just hope someday one of your family don't make a mistake or get on drugs that we allow to come into this nation because of our complacent apathtic leader idolizing selves.
They can stop other nations from invasions and build walls for them but our nation is loaded with drugs from all over the world.
If our doctors aren't prescribing them to many who don't need them. Like pain pills for a tooth pulling ,then the prescription ends and addicts go to the streets. I had 3 old fashioned C-sections cut from naval to pelvic and no pain pills stopped after 7 days. Had baby to care for then babies, no more pain pills.
My grandaughteer is in prison from pain pill addiction to street opiates. So she broke the law and deserves to pay for it ,but what price and how high and why cartel drugs are more in supply now than ever?
Last week she finally got a call to her mother told her two black inmates [ lots of racism in prison] who have AIDES were throwing blood all over her and jumping on her. And we all know the line is long to get meds for this deadly forgotten disease. She said the abuse made life not worth living she has already almost scceeded in killing herself once,attemped it twice. Daughter is going crazy.
Its the " then they came for me " kinda thing, nobody cares till it hits home. This criminal use to be that sweet little girl who was cheerleader, hard worker and good person till drugs came along in a nation of drugs. She was given a gun and sent in to store by kids she went to elementary school with to rob one of her other classmates from school. All of them were drug addicts including the girl she hit with the empty gun if it was empty,not sure. We have 13 grand kids and 2 had addictions.
I remember soldiers use to talk about how easy to get drugs were in V .Nam well even our gov gives them out here for free.
If that happens, the tax deferral will be the least of our worries.
Oh, on topic, I got a phone call that woke me up from my nap:
"We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty."
As powerful as this country is, it cannot track down and stop this foreign invader?View attachment 50106
The "Do not call list" means nothing.
What are we paying the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to actually do?
Grew on the border, saw too much, the trouble is when there is no respect for authority (including parents) and no self-respect it is a slippery slope. I have had too many friends who either ended up dead or incarcerated because of drugs and alcohol (I lump them together). Young people aren’t taught the difference between respect and intimidation. This leads them to make decisions that put them in the cross-hairs of society.
We can make excuses for them making poor choices, but in the back of our minds we can’t help but ask could I have taken actions that would have prevented this? One trip to jail can limit your options going forward, a prison sentence may result in lost job skills and further loss of options. Eventually, prison is the only option that they are comfortable with…
On my iPhone I turned on the option to send ALL callers that are NOT on my contact list to go straight to voice mail.
We have a landline.Bad cell service out here.
...I would bet that most of us have driven after drinking at least once....
I’ve never have.
The one and only drink I’ve had was a half of a glass of Champaign on our 25th wedding Anniversary.
My newest pet peeve - Digital thermometers and hygrometers that can't measure for crap.
I can put 3 of them side-by-side. All will give different readings varying by 10° and 20% humidity.
My newest pet peeve - Digital thermometers and hygrometers that can't measure for crap.
I can put 3 of them side-by-side. All will give different readings varying by 10° and 20% humidity.
Caller ID can help screen all of your calls for you.We have a landline.Bad cell service out here.
I was on the phone with Verizon for over an hour with what must've been Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber who has developed an Indian accent. I should've just hung up when he started speaking b/c I could tell this wasn't going to go well. I had already called them previous to this call and was transferred 3 times and then hung up on.It really wasn't rocket science. I'm PO'd b/c I added a line to our plan. When I got the phone added, I asked at least twice if that line was going to cost the same as all the others. Yes, was the reply I got, and I also took down the persons name and date and time I spoke with her. OK, seems legit since I didn't order a rocket phone. Well, Lloyd apparently thinks that this phone can drive me to work, clean my house, bathe my dogs, and cook dinner b/c that phone is so much better than the other phones on the plan that it is charged at double the rate. WTH? I assurred him that this phone does not do anything more than any of the others on the plan. If he bothered to look at the data usage on the phone, he cold have seen that. The whole time he kept saying (to himself mind you) um hum......OK.....over and over and over like he was studying the most interesting mystery case on Scooby Doo that he'd ever seen. I explained the over charges to him several times. After a few um hum's he'd pipe up.....Ohhhhh, I see what they did here......and then he'd this new line is a smart phone which is charged at the higher rate. Grrrrrrrr! Dude, I told you what phone it was and there are other 'smart phones' on the plan that are not charged at that price. The dude was a complete moron! Than he tried telling me that Verizon has no control over what they charge. I lost it! Yes, you do! They're your lines! My other lines are charged at half the rate you are charging this new line, which I was assured would be charged the same. I lost 87 minutes of my life yesterday and have never had an issue with hypertension before, but I may need to have that checked now. Needless to say, after telling Lloyd I could not spend another minute on the phone with him, I am not very anxious to see my next bill. I'm quite certain he did not fix it. I asked to speak to his supervisor many times and he said they were all busy. I told him I want them to call me back when they get un-busy. It's a good chance I won't be hearing from anyone.
If you have to call Verizon and you get Lloyd on the yourself a HUGE favor........HANG UP IMMEDIATELY!
I usually don't have problems with Verizon......but the last 2 calls have not been good.Called them, dealt with their ignorance, and then proceeded to cancel service and move it elsewhere. So far so good. IT IS MY MONEY; I will spend it where and when with a company that appreciates my business. Yeah, I am over it.
I usually don't have problems with Verizon......but the last 2 calls have not been good.
Do you mind sharing who it was you went with instead?
Just went to check mine just for fun. After 3 tries, 20 minutes and still no login screen, I gave up:Verizon used to be decent. Been with them 15 years so I do expect a decent level of service. Since the "stupid" started they are terrible and just like all the others. Sad really.
I was on the phone with Verizon for over an hour with what must've been Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber who has developed an Indian accent. I should've just hung up when he started speaking b/c I could tell this wasn't going to go well. I had already called them previous to this call and was transferred 3 times and then hung up on.It really wasn't rocket science. I'm PO'd b/c I added a line to our plan. When I got the phone added, I asked at least twice if that line was going to cost the same as all the others. Yes, was the reply I got, and I also took down the persons name and date and time I spoke with her. OK, seems legit since I didn't order a rocket phone. Well, Lloyd apparently thinks that this phone can drive me to work, clean my house, bathe my dogs, and cook dinner b/c that phone is so much better than the other phones on the plan that it is charged at double the rate. WTH? I assurred him that this phone does not do anything more than any of the others on the plan. If he bothered to look at the data usage on the phone, he cold have seen that. The whole time he kept saying (to himself mind you) um hum......OK.....over and over and over like he was studying the most interesting mystery case on Scooby Doo that he'd ever seen. I explained the over charges to him several times. After a few um hum's he'd pipe up.....Ohhhhh, I see what they did here......and then he'd this new line is a smart phone which is charged at the higher rate. Grrrrrrrr! Dude, I told you what phone it was and there are other 'smart phones' on the plan that are not charged at that price. The dude was a complete moron! Than he tried telling me that Verizon has no control over what they charge. I lost it! Yes, you do! They're your lines! My other lines are charged at half the rate you are charging this new line, which I was assured would be charged the same. I lost 87 minutes of my life yesterday and have never had an issue with hypertension before, but I may need to have that checked now. Needless to say, after telling Lloyd I could not spend another minute on the phone with him, I am not very anxious to see my next bill. I'm quite certain he did not fix it. I asked to speak to his supervisor many times and he said they were all busy. I told him I want them to call me back when they get un-busy. It's a good chance I won't be hearing from anyone.
If you have to call Verizon and you get Lloyd on the yourself a HUGE favor........HANG UP IMMEDIATELY!
If those two win we are all screwed in more ways than that and those taxes will be the least of our worries.But what if Harris/JB win, then all bets are off.
Thanks!They have thermometers and hygrometers for just about any application you can think of including gardening.
I guess this is a rant....
My local news station is everything leans really left.
So I don't even let my TV know about cnn or ms.
Now I tune in Fox...well now I'm at the point where I see more of Done a Brazil and Wan Williams , along with multitudes of crazy communists , that Fox stinks too.
So sick of it
Getting ready to pull the plug.
Got a dozen or so of local channels and hundreds of dvds.
Yeah, I spoke with AT&T as well for this particular phone number to leave it as a land line. They weren't morons, but they were A-holes. I talked to a few different reps there to make sure I wasn't just talking to an angry elf. They wanted to charge me $80 plus taxes per month for just a landline phone with caller ID. Uh, no thanks. That's why I had that number ported over to Verizon, which was only supposed to be $20 per month. I have been with Verizon for many years and I have always had good customer service with them.......except for recently.Went to AT&T. For now better but on a credit card that if it goes bad within 180 days I will get a credit from my credit card company. Verizon used to be decent. Been with them 15 years so I do expect a decent level of service. Since the "stupid" started they are terrible and just like all the others. Sad really.
I agree. There's only a few truly conservative people on Fox anymore. They are leaning more to the left every single day. I watch the Five and any time they have Marie Harf or Donna Brazile on there, I fast forward thru it. There's nothing either of them can say that I am one bit interested in as they are proven liars. I like Greg Gutfled and Jesse Watters.....they still pretty much tell it like it is and are typically well prepared with facts to back up what they say. As opposed to Juan who just spouts off crap without anything to back it up. But, at least you know that's what Juan is going to do.....he is a liberal after all.Now I tune in Fox...well now I'm at the point where I see more of Done a Brazil and Wan Williams , along with multitudes of crazy communists , that Fox stinks too.
So sick of it
Getting ready to pull the plug.
Got a dozen or so of local channels and hundreds of dvds.
He says what the dems/socialists pay him to say to continue to instill fear over something that is nothing. I'm sick of this virus. My brother in law tested positive two weeks ago and was feeling well enough to go back to work 2 days later but had to stay quarantined for the full 14 days. The virus is a bad joke. It is not nearly as bad as the dems who unleashed it hoped it would be and I don't understand why the local governments in Red states are still entertaining the idea that it's anything other than a failed attempt on behalf of the a-holes that are pushing for one world order. Take off the masks, fully open the economy back up and let's get back to work and school. If someone is so afraid of a flu like mostly harmless bug then they can stay home and wear a friggin mask in 100 degree weather.Okay, this is not a rant. I was reading the news this morning (FOX for full disclosure) and I read this and it just makes me want to crawl back into bed.
" Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a panel on Thursday that the U.S. should be ready to “hunker down” in its fight against the coronavirus and indicated that the fall and winter will not be easy.
“We’ve been through this before,” he told a panel of doctors from Harvard Medical School, according to the Hill. “Don’t ever, ever underestimate the potential of the pandemic. And don’t try to look at the rosy side of things.” "
Just Perfect!
I wonder how many have driven under the influance and nothing happend? Then we have some who did so and somebody was killed. Or maybe most Americans have children who have never driven after a few drinks. But one day accident and somebody is killed. Guess who is going to prison for vehicula homicide? Guess they too should be raped, beat and abused their whole sentence too.
I would bet that most of us have driven after drinking at least once.
It is not if they deserve prison or not it is the crimes by the guards and wardens plus the crimes by inmates that is wrong. So its ok to be gang raped and beat till they make you a wife,right?