Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Things have gotten better since my previous rant about the neighbors property. I went over when someone finally started staying there (new renters) and spoke with him about how the sound travels and asked him to keep his bass at a minimum if he could as the entire area is tired of the constant noise. I was very nice btw. Glad i was. He was very kind (younger man) and his wife came out (not so friendly lady) and said she works nights and understands having a day sleeper and how hard it is to get sleep and to get woken up. The gentleman was very nice and we talked for a bit and turned out he has two small kids and I welcomed them to the neighborhood and told them who the neighbors were and that if the kids ever needed help who could be completely trusted and if they needed a Spanish speaker which neighbor to go to. Left on good terms. He waves when he goes by and the kids have played in the road (which makes my stomach churn as it’s not safe) and have been very sweet when they’ve gone by. Occasionally get woken up by the dads burning out in his driveway and loud exhaust but the bass pretty much stopped unless he has visitors and he’s not home. They seem to do it till he comes home and tells them to stop. All in all a big improvement. The loud truck is in and out at random times day and night so never know when we’ll be woken up. There’s constant noise (people yelling) and parties till the wee hours of the morning on the weekends. They shoot guns (no safe place there to do so) at 1:30am to 3:30am on the weekends when they have company which does bother me since I have no clue how they could do so safely and what direction they could be shooting in. Cows on 2 sides of them, houses on 3 sides close enough to be able to be hit and horses on the other side.
Noticed a few weeks ago they started setting up blinds and it turns out they have set up a make shift paint ball game area. This does mean he can no longer burn out to turn around in the driveway which has been nice. Nice they are having fun but the hollering all night long at each other while they play is getting to be a bit much. Haven’t said anything because headphones pretty much cover it but he did ask the other day if they were bothering us so clearly he cares. I don’t think they really understand country living and how sound travels and definitely not the unwritten rules of country living.
So fast forward to 5am today.
Haven’t been asleep long. Hear loud honking on the road. Only reason people sit and honk is if neighbors cows are out or something. Jump up throw on sweats and run out barefoot. There’s a rental semi sitting in front of our neighbors house. I walk up after realizing cows weren’t out and he was sitting in oncoming traffic lane and asked him if I could help him and why the heck was he honking at 5am and waking the neighborhood and out walks the neighbor. I wasn’t very happy at this point. Even our other neighbor who never hears anything (hard sleeper and very well insulated house) has started complaining to us about this place waking him up shooting in the middle of the night and stuff. The driver just shrugs and completely could have cared less which made me angrier. As the neighbor walked up he apologized and I kind of yelled saying this driver had no common sense and doesn’t care he’s waking the neighborhood and I was tired of constantly being woken up. I feel bad yelling but I’m so tired of being woken up for nothing. It’s been well over a year of this crud. He apologized and I know he meant it and I said it wasn’t his fault but come on. He said it was the drivers first time here and i said common sense!!!!! You don’t do that at 5am and I was most angry the driver didn’t care at all. He apologized again and got in the truck with him and left. So am I to guess he didn’t have his cell #!? I’m wondering if the driver didn’t speak English (now that I’ve calmed down a bit) and didn’t understand what I was saying. But I mean really!?
So now I’m all wound up and won’t be able to go back to sleep. Grrrrrrrrrrr
Well that was a long rambling rant. Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully I can unwind and get some sort of sleep today. Sigh

Sounds like the neighbor is just humoring you and knows exactly what his household is doing.
But at least he cares enough to even do that. Sorry you have so much to deal with on top of everything else. HUbby brother in S.Carolina is going through the same thing, this is not the nation it use to be but then what is?
Sorry your having to deal with all this on top of fires,smoke and pandemic.
Sounds like the neighbor is just humoring you and knows exactly what his household is doing.
But at least he cares enough to even do that. Sorry you have so much to deal with on top of everything else. HUbby brother in S.Carolina is going through the same thing, this is not the nation it use to be but then what is?
Sorry your having to deal with all this on top of fires,smoke and pandemic.

I’m truly sorry your BIL is Dealing with it too. It’s another virus spreading around that’s for sure. 3am some people up wind we’re having a party still playing their music super loud. It’s fairly normal these days.
Add Chronic health problems to that list. It’s getting overwhelming that’s for sure. I normally wouldn’t have yelled at someone like that. I feel like I should apologize.
Things have gotten better since my previous rant about the neighbors property. I went over when someone finally started staying there (new renters) and spoke with him about how the sound travels and asked him to keep his bass at a minimum if he could as the entire area is tired of the constant noise. I was very nice btw. Glad i was. He was very kind (younger man) and his wife came out (not so friendly lady) and said she works nights and understands having a day sleeper and how hard it is to get sleep and to get woken up. The gentleman was very nice and we talked for a bit and turned out he has two small kids and I welcomed them to the neighborhood and told them who the neighbors were and that if the kids ever needed help who could be completely trusted and if they needed a Spanish speaker which neighbor to go to. Left on good terms. He waves when he goes by and the kids have played in the road (which makes my stomach churn as it’s not safe) and have been very sweet when they’ve gone by. Occasionally get woken up by the dads burning out in his driveway and loud exhaust but the bass pretty much stopped unless he has visitors and he’s not home. They seem to do it till he comes home and tells them to stop. All in all a big improvement. The loud truck is in and out at random times day and night so never know when we’ll be woken up. There’s constant noise (people yelling) and parties till the wee hours of the morning on the weekends. They shoot guns (no safe place there to do so) at 1:30am to 3:30am on the weekends when they have company which does bother me since I have no clue how they could do so safely and what direction they could be shooting in. Cows on 2 sides of them, houses on 3 sides close enough to be able to be hit and horses on the other side.
Noticed a few weeks ago they started setting up blinds and it turns out they have set up a make shift paint ball game area. This does mean he can no longer burn out to turn around in the driveway which has been nice. Nice they are having fun but the hollering all night long at each other while they play is getting to be a bit much. Haven’t said anything because headphones pretty much cover it but he did ask the other day if they were bothering us so clearly he cares. I don’t think they really understand country living and how sound travels and definitely not the unwritten rules of country living.
So fast forward to 5am today.
Haven’t been asleep long. Hear loud honking on the road. Only reason people sit and honk is if neighbors cows are out or something. Jump up throw on sweats and run out barefoot. There’s a rental semi sitting in front of our neighbors house. I walk up after realizing cows weren’t out and he was sitting in oncoming traffic lane and asked him if I could help him and why the heck was he honking at 5am and waking the neighborhood and out walks the neighbor. I wasn’t very happy at this point. Even our other neighbor who never hears anything (hard sleeper and very well insulated house) has started complaining to us about this place waking him up shooting in the middle of the night and stuff. The driver just shrugs and completely could have cared less which made me angrier. As the neighbor walked up he apologized and I kind of yelled saying this driver had no common sense and doesn’t care he’s waking the neighborhood and I was tired of constantly being woken up. I feel bad yelling but I’m so tired of being woken up for nothing. It’s been well over a year of this crud. He apologized and I know he meant it and I said it wasn’t his fault but come on. He said it was the drivers first time here and i said common sense!!!!! You don’t do that at 5am and I was most angry the driver didn’t care at all. He apologized again and got in the truck with him and left. So am I to guess he didn’t have his cell #!? I’m wondering if the driver didn’t speak English (now that I’ve calmed down a bit) and didn’t understand what I was saying. But I mean really!?
So now I’m all wound up and won’t be able to go back to sleep. Grrrrrrrrrrr
Well that was a long rambling rant. Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully I can unwind and get some sort of sleep today. Sigh

I had a neighbor like that, tried to get them to cut back on the middle of the night loud music.....

Then I decided to crank up my WAKE UP music in the morning when I was doing my chores.... before I went to work at 05:30... Didn't take long.....

Car alarms are great for that type of thing, that panic alarm button :)

I have found that people who stay up all night like to sleep in...... At least past sun-up
SIL would call 11pm sometimes at midnight just to chit chat with the wife. I asked the wife to let her sister know not to call after 9 PM. Phone ringing woke me up. I was informed that SIL can call whenever she wanted! :mad:

I turned the ringer off on our bedroom phone. 😃 That lasted until the wife figured out how to turn the ringer back on.

Fast forward several years. SIL got married. Husband worked the third shift and we were TOLD not to call them after 9 PM, they would be sleeping. o_O
Well hell! Our neighbor has beef cows. I talked to him about buying half a beef in April. We talked about the cost average weight etc. I sent him a text yes we wanted it and be replied ok I will put you on the list. Now we are both old school so I didn't think I needed to discuss it further. He said they do it around Sept. I texted him today and it seems he got confused and didn't put us on the list. I guess it is my fault for not checking in. Just another lesson in don't count on others. Of all I am doing to take care of my family I didn't think this would be the one that bit me in the butt.😡
Well hell! Our neighbor has beef cows. I talked to him about buying half a beef in April. We talked about the cost average weight etc. I sent him a text yes we wanted it and be replied ok I will put you on the list. Now we are both old school so I didn't think I needed to discuss it further. He said they do it around Sept. I texted him today and it seems he got confused and didn't put us on the list. I guess it is my fault for not checking in. Just another lesson in don't count on others. Of all I am doing to take care of my family I didn't think this would be the one that bit me in the butt.😡
Sounds like the bidding was still open after the list was started.
Prices have risen.
He should have at least given you a chance to up your bid but that would have made his word on your agreement in April worthless.
Personally, I would shoot one of his cows and ask him: "so, which half did I buy?":dunno: .
(not really).
Got on the internet to the phone company and chatted with a representative. Only took about 15 minutes for her to tell me that I only have internet service with them. I told her my land line was still live. What does that mean? I said, "If you give me a phone number, I can call it from my landline." Now I am supposed to call the main number tomorrow, 8 to 6, and select 3 to have my service discontinued. I think that I am not going to do that. I think they think I don't have phone service, and maybe it will get turned off at some point, maybe tonight, or maybe not. I am just not going to pay for it.

When doing these online chats, how do you document the conversation? You can't! Snip? Screen shot? Last week I asked the person to send me the information in an email. Never got it. Today I asked the same thing and was told when the conversation was over, I could download the conversation. NOPE! It was gone!

i received an order from my Etsy shop today, and now that I have a new internet modem and some other new device, I had to reset the printer. I like to respond to orders ASAP, so I don't forget or something doesn't happen. Not a quick fix, and before I could print, I had to replace the magenta cartridge, in spite of the fact that I only print in b & w. Now I am able to print again.
I do indeed take a screenshot of my chat conversations. Make sure you do that BEFORE you get to the end of the chat. I have seen it where the representative on the other end closes the chat and your window immediately clears. You want to get your screenshot prior to that. If the conversation is too long to easily grab with a sequence of screenshot/scroll/screenshot/etc. then you can usually click your mouse and hold the button down, scroll until the entire conversation is highlighted, then do copy-paste into a new file you create. Many of these chats have the option to save or email yourself a copy of the chat, when I have tried that, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. So I always take my separate screenshot so I still have that if the formal request for a copy fails (or is ignored).
When doing these online chats, how do you document the conversation? You can't! Snip? Screen shot? Last week I asked the person to send me the information in an email. Never got it. Today I asked the same thing and was told when the conversation was over, I could download the conversation. NOPE! It was gone!
The same reason they want you to send them a message on their website and not an email thread that you can flick onto social media.
The same with the hide-away text/chat support.
Tape 'em!
We, the old guys killed that dragon decades ago:
AKA: My Screen Recorder.
The free version just has a statement in the middle of the screen (a watermark) on the video saying it's the free version but it works fine.
You can pause the playback, snip an image, fold it lengthwise and insert it in them where the sun don't shine!
Edit: The capability is also hidden inside Windoz 7 and Windoz 10.
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Well hell! Our neighbor has beef cows. I talked to him about buying half a beef in April. We talked about the cost average weight etc. I sent him a text yes we wanted it and be replied ok I will put you on the list.😡

As a man who has raised lots of cattle... Out of every 20 people who have talked to me seriously about buying a beef... in the end only one meant it. That person insisted on putting money down and annoyed me on a monthly basis, but they meant what they said. The rest... things had changed in their life but they didn't bother to tell me about it until I called them. If there is a next time... annoy the crap out of him, then he won't forget... just sayin'
The same reason they want you to send them a message on their website and not an email thread that you can flick onto social media.
The same with the hide-away text/chat support.
Tape 'em!
We, the old guys killed that dragon decades ago:
AKA: My Screen Recorder.
The free version just has a statement in the middle of the screen (a watermark) on the video saying it's the free version but it works fine.
You can pause the playback, snip an image, fold it lengthwise and insert it in them where the sun don't shine!
Edit: The capability is also hidden inside Windoz 7 and Windoz 10.

Thaank you!
Forgot to turn off my cell phone before I went to bed last night. In a deep sleep and hear my phone beeping because I'm getting texts. Wakes up husband. I get up to go see, and it's from little granddaughter's mom, who is crazy. Says:
Occultists are hunting for us, our lives spared last night. Then another beep: Thank you for being so understanding and for the love you have for her. And lastly: I am not sure I can make it to the airport. I am hiding in the floorboard.

So, just to wake her up, I texted her at 5am her time, 7 am our time: I have no idea what you're talking about. You are sounding crazy. Should of turned my phone off.
Dehumidifier water tank is full. Wife watches me carry the water tank up the stairs, through the kitchen to the wash room. She hears me pour the water down the drain. As I head back to the stairs to put the tank back in the humidifier the wife asked me why I didn't use the water to water her flowers. Why didn't she say something sooner, like before I dumped the water?
I was thinking about my projects for this weekend.... At the start of the summer I had purchased all the materials for new tops to replace the 10 year old ones on my raised beds, they act as a hot box in the winter and hold shade cloth in the summer..... But high priority projects pushed them to the back of the line in May.... Now those projects are almost done, so I can go forward with the tops.... But, because I had to move the stuff 3 times over the summer, I no longer know where my hardware is :dunno: , I'll have to waste an evening looking for stuff..... I really hate being at the bottom of my own Totem Pole.....
I was thinking about my projects for this weekend.... At the start of the summer I had purchased all the materials for new tops to replace the 10 year old ones on my raised beds, they act as a hot box in the winter and hold shade cloth in the summer..... But high priority projects pushed them to the back of the line in May.... Now those projects are almost done, so I can go forward with the tops.... But, because I had to move the stuff 3 times over the summer, I no longer know where my hardware is :dunno: , I'll have to waste an evening looking for stuff..... I really hate being at the bottom of my own Totem Pole.....
Oh I relate to moving stuff around too many times and then not knowing where it all is! Loading up bags to go day after day and then home and where is this? Where is that? That results in duplicates of some things, but other things do not need to be duplicated. Still trying to figure out where one of my external hard drives is.
I need another WiFi access point outside temporarily. For that, I was just going to press one of my old, unused routers into service (I have two decommissioned ones). How many can I find? ZERO. How can I lose two routers? I have a giant box of old computer hardware down in the basement. You'd think that's where they'd be. Nope. But I have no idea where else I would have put them. To get the router outside, I was going to use a 75' ethernet cable I bought about 6 months ago. Do you think I can find that cable either? NOOOOO.....
I woke feeling great! Looked at the clock, even better, 2 hours before I intended to get up.

I sat down in my big chair, contemplating all the extra things I could accomplish waking early and energized.

Looked a the kitchen clock... I had actually woke up 2 hours late... No wonder I felt so refreshed... I hate when this happens. :(
I woke feeling great! Looked at the clock, even better, 2 hours before I intended to get up.

I sat down in my big chair, contemplating all the extra things I could accomplish waking early and energized.

Looked a the kitchen clock... I had actually woke up 2 hours late... No wonder I felt so refreshed... I hate when this happens. :(
Staying with the thread title of a rant...

My Better-half has a tendency to be the last person to showing up at the last minute. But to avoid being late she tricks herself by setting every clock in the house to a different time. It keeps her guessing but drives me nuts. But I get even by not changing the time in my Jeep. She asked why and I told her, I know how to add or subtract 1."

I keep all my clocks set to exact time. I find it annoying if they drift off by 10 seconds, hey, once an engineer always an engineer, I like precision. If I actually set an alarm I always wake 30 min to an hour early, always have.

A month ago I started the long delayed project of finishing my herb/pantry room. A lot of gear got moved to my bedroom for temp storage. Then my GS working dog puppy was dropped off 10 days early. My entire house is now a puppy proof disaster. Everything is out of it's normal place.

My giant alarm clock now sits at a severe angle, barely viewable when I wake up.
Without my glasses I thought it read 07:30. It actually read 11:30... whoops! I guess I needed the rest. CFS kicks my butt daily, some days worse than others.

Census workers!😣. Its bad enough getting calls every day wanting to know when I was going to be able to fill it out, ummm back in Aprilish..... Now they are driving from somewhere (closest town is 50+ miles) to show up and bug people at home. After the second one I locked my gate. The third stood at my locked gate trying to get me to quit feeding my cows and come to the fence to do the census. I told him I had already done it and I had work to do. He said I had to talk to him because "its the law". Told him I'd call the Law if he didn't quit bugging me and went back to my cows.
Went to Abq to get groceries and hit Home Depot on Thursday. Just got a fraud notice from my bank. There are 11- $100-$150 charges pending from an online clothing website. $1203 in total. The charges may not go through since they are still pending but we won't know until Monday morning. If they do go through then I have to file a claim report to get my money back.

Now I have to wait for another card, good thing I had no need for money this weekend.....
The charges may not go through since they are still pending but we won't know until Monday morning. If they do go through then I have to file a claim report to get my money back.
My bank just notifies us that there are questionable charges on our card. "You new cards will be overnighted. You don't need to do anything else." We don't have to file claims or anything like that. This is for several different card issuers we have. Some of our cards have been compromised at one time or another. Ditto for my moms charge card. No claims to file. The bank takes care of things and pretty much all we hear is "New cards are coming tomorrow, overnight. You have zero liability." They know of the potential problem long before we do.

Good luck. I hope your money is returned quickly.
My bank just notifies us that there are questionable charges on our card. "You new cards will be overnighted. You don't need to do anything else." We don't have to file claims or anything like that. This is for several different card issuers we have. Some of our cards have been compromised at one time or another. Ditto for my moms charge card. No claims to file. The bank takes care of things and pretty much all we hear is "New cards are coming tomorrow, overnight. You have zero liability." They know of the potential problem long before we do.

Good luck. I hope your money is returned quickly.
Hers must have been a debit card.
Never use a debit card to do anything except to get cash from an ATM.
Use a CC for everything else. Risk other peoples money, not yours.
Read the bill once a month and then send them money. It is too easy.
When they put a 'skimmer' on a gas pump, it reads the debit card number as well as the PIN number.
If you stick a debit card into one, you just gave someone else complete access to your checking account (your money) :oops:.
Hers must have been a debit card.
Never use a debit card to do anything except to get cash from an ATM.
Use a CC for everything else. Risk other peoples money, not yours.
Read the bill once a month and then send them money. It is too easy.
When they put a 'skimmer' on a gas pump, it reads the debit card number as well as the PIN number.
If you stick a debit card into one, you just gave someone else complete access to your checking account (your money) :oops:.

The only place I used that card at was the ATM. I used it to get cash before going to Home Depot so I could get the cash price when I filled up my truck.
The only place I used that card at was the ATM. I used it to get cash before going to Home Depot so I could get the cash price when I filled up my truck.
It likely got compromised days or weeks before going rogue.
The good news is, the online clothing merchant has the ship-to name and address of the perp where the stuff was going to go.
They can be cuffed the day the stuff comes in if it got shipped unless they are in a "crime sanctuary" city.
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