A woman I know was bitten during a "play" session with her cat. She is fastidious about washing but got a nasty infection that almost cost her a hand. She went to the doctor the day after it happened and had a two week battle with the infection.
If you look at all of the toxins, bacteria, and allergens that they tote around on their claws, and since they lick EVERYTHING with their tongue, their bite or clawing will always leave me with swelling, inflamation, or worse.A friend had cat scratch fever. High fever, lymph nodes swelled bad, very sick, took her a while to get better.
You got this long?You've been busy, Clem. Hope you find a good place when you move. I watched an old Red Skelton the other night and realized where you got your name.
You, like The Princess are spring chickens to me.Yep. Oh Well. I'm not that young.
A woman I know was bitten during a "play" session with her cat. She is fastidious about washing but got a nasty infection that almost cost her a hand. She went to the doctor the day after it happened and had a two week battle with the infection.
I have had experiences with people whose hearing is not 100%. I do know that my mother's family seems to have hearing loss as they age. All of her living siblings have hearing aids.Less then a "Rant" more of a "Female logic" not understanding.
Back ground:
Wife's grandmother and mother were/are hard of hearing.
Wife says I "mumble" when I talk.
Wife believes if she doesn't acknowledge a problem then that problem doesn't exist.
Wife has her kitchen TV volume turn up to the point I can easily hear it in the basement.
Today's situation:
I told the wife I'd be in my den trying to find out how to return a duplicate AT&T order.
15 minutes later AT&T has emailed me a return label.
I'm entering the kitchen to get the tape to attach the return label on the return package.
Wife is bent over a Tupperware tote with her back to me. Kitchen TV is LOUD. I can barley tell she is talking.
I ask who she is talking to? Without taking her head out of the tote she says something again.
I ask "What?"
With a disturbed look on her face she stands up to face me. "UPS is here!"
"Aren't you sending something back?"
"Didn't you get notification that UPS was here?"
"Aren't you returning something?"
"Well whatever you ordered is here!"
I glance around the kitchen for whatever UPS had just dropped off while she gives me a discussed look.
"Where is it?"
It's still on the front porch. UPS was just here."
So I look on the front porch to find two packages. Both addressed to the wife.
Leaves me wondering what her logic for the entire conversation is?
I say HUH all the time, mostly to my wife. If I said 'I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said, would you repeat that, please?" every time I didn't hear something it would drive me and my wife nuts.What I find super annoying is when someone doesn't understand you, their frequency response is, "Huh?" I am not sure why that is so annoying to me, but it is. Maybe it is how some were raised. My response when I do not understand someone is usually, 'I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said, would you repeat that please?
Rant triggered.. This person usually had earphones in, listening to something. Doesn't that noise in your ears, through earphones, also eventually have an affect?
And, why do some people always need background noise?
Yes it does.Tinnitus sucks. Constant ringing and buzzing. That's why I'm almost never in a quiet room. I keep a fan running in my bedroom to help mask the ringing.
Tinnitus is an automatic 10% VA disability worth $142.29 a month.
Try turning the ramp feature off. I did that and my machine starts off at full pressure.I am one of the lucky ones who falls asleep before I hit the pillow. I am supposed to use a CPAP machine for moderate sleep apnea, but I'm usually dead out before I can even put the thing on. I find that after climbing the stairs to the bedroom, heaving the dog up into the bed (she can't make it up there on her own anymore), that the CPAP machine doesn't give quite enough airflow to be comfortable until I've been laying down for about a minute or so and relaxed my breathing back to normal. But then, I'm asleep before that happens, so the machine largely goes unused. Funny - the thing is supposed to improve your sleep - only I can't stay awake long enough to put it on. They won't be using me on any of their commercials in the near future I guess.
I do wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and can't go back to sleep because my brain is going every which way. Usually I just grab a book, start reading, and I'm back asleep in 17 seconds or so. With a book planted on my face.
If the vehicle next to you is rattling your windows, the vehicle's occupants hearing is obviously being damaged.
Frequencies lower than you can hear but can feel, are the worst because they are much louder than you perceive.
Been there, heard that, got the high-frequency hearing loss and tinnitus to prove it.
Young people - listen to the world around you while you can! They don't stream that!![]()
...Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?….
Soon there will be no need to teach kids to read and books can be outlawed along with all of the dangerous thought contained therein. Other thing that bugs me is news articles that consist of the author tell what was in tweats and include the tweats. May as well just quote the tweats and stop trying to pretend they are writing.Okay, here is my Rant for today:
Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?
I actually prefer to read my news. I don’t want to have to watch someone tell me their opinion about the news… Simple facts written clearly with reference/quotes from parties involved.
The video sucks up band width and is often an uninvited intrusion into my space…
I guess it might come down to the lack of news people who can actually write….
We learned about that in the old documentary "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". There were a couple of news anchors in what I think was San Francisco that were jerked around after a plane from China crashed. The read the script that included the crew member's names.Today's "reporters" are script readers with zero experience on news gathering.
Okay, here is my Rant for today:
Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?
I actually prefer to read my news. I don’t want to have to watch someone tell me their opinion about the news… Simple facts written clearly with reference/quotes from parties involved.
The video sucks up band width and is often an uninvited intrusion into my space…
I guess it might come down to the lack of news people who can actually write….
They go that because they are pandering to the lowest IQ level.Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?
They go that because they are pandering to the lowest IQ level.
If they actually just reported the news instead of linking videos and tweets they would lose most of their audience.