Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I was talking to one of our neighbors yesterday for the 2nd time (in a yr). The first time he was looking for his property line with the land behind us. Well, yesterday he found out we bought the land behind us and seemed a bit miffed that we were smarter than him and called the old owner and made them an offer. Apparently he had wanted it and had been waiting for it to go up for sale. I told him yesterday that we had found the survey stakes and plan to put up a fence. He seemed pretty nice.
TODAY he stood at the fence yelling at the house until I went to see what the dogs were barking at. He's upset because we left tracks on his side of the property line, that he didn't know where it was until I showed him yesterday, and that we had to have been trespassing on purpose because we were more than 10 feet on his side. He laid dead tree branches along the ground where he thinks the line is and put a huge no trespassing sign facing our house. Guess I shouldn't have shown him where is property line was. He thought it was 50 foot further back than it is.
Daughter separated her cat and another that were fighting when she came home from work. I was already in bed. The next day she told me what happened and that her hand and arm hurt. We called her pediatrician and they told us to get there pronto. We did.

A neighbor's cat attacked me when I went into their porch to knock on the door. They were gone, but I didn't know. When they got home, I went to see them and was limping a bit. They told me to go the doctor right away and have the bill sent to them. I did.
I am wrecked. Sold the farm and because of restrictions, no auction sale so everything must be packed or left behind. Two 40 ft sea cans packed to the rafters. Four god awful days fighting with the packers. It was very clearly stated that the containers had to be packed in a specific order as they won't be unpacked at the other end and we need to get to the important bits as needed.

I caught them mixing everything up and they had to do a do over. Boss was ticked, but we had a contract with all the requirements so tough dodo. For pay back they refused to lable the boxes.:mad: They said they ran out of room and were quitting early. I pulled their mess out and cracked the whip and made them do it right. Darn but every thing went in and then some. They complained about the poor tip. I just smiled and said poor attitude/service = poor tip. This was the first time in seven moves that I had to do this.

They said they were busy and had to get to other jobs but i booked them for a certain period of time with written requirements which they agreed to. If they thought they were going to short me, they thought wrong. I am so thankful they are just packing and not hauling.

I have a commercial trucking company coming in the morning with three 53ft. Trucks and a 30 ton boom truck to lift and load everything. They are even putting
A horse buggy, five freezers, and my roto tiller on the deck. I get a 1500.00 per load discount if they don't have to deliver immediately and can go in1-3 weeks when they have a big shipment going to a place an hour away from where they are delivering my crap. I don't have a place yet and its a five day drive so at this point i don't care if I don't see it til spring. The trucking company is well known and has contracts with the rail road, so I am hoping that their reputation is important to them.
A friend had cat scratch fever. High fever, lymph nodes swelled bad, very sick, took her a while to get better.
If you look at all of the toxins, bacteria, and allergens that they tote around on their claws, and since they lick EVERYTHING with their tongue, their bite or clawing will always leave me with swelling, inflamation, or worse.
Only the women in the house keep me from shooting them.
Well, one cat, that I saved from certain death, has never been mean to me. :)
The other one, that takes a swing at me every time I am 'within range', lives on thin ice.
I've shot a lot better animals in my past. One more will make no difference.
Nothing better than a 'pemanent' solution:thumbs:.
Less then a "Rant" more of a "Female logic" not understanding.

Back ground:

Wife's grandmother and mother were/are hard of hearing.
Wife says I "mumble" when I talk.
Wife believes if she doesn't acknowledge a problem then that problem doesn't exist.
Wife has her kitchen TV volume turn up to the point I can easily hear it in the basement.

Today's situation:

I told the wife I'd be in my den trying to find out how to return a duplicate AT&T order.
15 minutes later AT&T has emailed me a return label.
I'm entering the kitchen to get the tape to attach the return lapel on the return package.
Wife is bent over a Tupperware tote with her back to me. Kitchen TV is LOUD. I can barley tell she is talking.
I ask who she is talking to? Without taking her head out of the tote she says something again.
I ask "What?"
With a disturbed look on her face she stands up to face me. "UPS is here!"
"Aren't you sending something back?"
"Didn't you get notification that UPS was here?"
"Aren't you returning something?"
"Well whatever you ordered is here!"
I glance around the kitchen for whatever UPS had just dropped off while she gives me a discussed look.
"Where is it?"
It's still on the front porch. UPS was just here."
So I look on the front porch to find two packages. Both addressed to the wife.

Leaves me wondering what her logic for the entire conversation is?
A woman I know was bitten during a "play" session with her cat. She is fastidious about washing but got a nasty infection that almost cost her a hand. She went to the doctor the day after it happened and had a two week battle with the infection.

I've had cats all my life mama always had a cat as did I till I became alergic to them.Which I think its is more about the foods we eat now than the alergies.
Worst eye infection I ve ever had and diagnosed as 'cat scratch fever'.It was from a very unhealthy little kitten we found and it was absolutely full of worms and swollin infected little eyes.
Less then a "Rant" more of a "Female logic" not understanding.

Back ground:

Wife's grandmother and mother were/are hard of hearing.
Wife says I "mumble" when I talk.
Wife believes if she doesn't acknowledge a problem then that problem doesn't exist.
Wife has her kitchen TV volume turn up to the point I can easily hear it in the basement.

Today's situation:

I told the wife I'd be in my den trying to find out how to return a duplicate AT&T order.
15 minutes later AT&T has emailed me a return label.
I'm entering the kitchen to get the tape to attach the return label on the return package.
Wife is bent over a Tupperware tote with her back to me. Kitchen TV is LOUD. I can barley tell she is talking.
I ask who she is talking to? Without taking her head out of the tote she says something again.
I ask "What?"
With a disturbed look on her face she stands up to face me. "UPS is here!"
"Aren't you sending something back?"
"Didn't you get notification that UPS was here?"
"Aren't you returning something?"
"Well whatever you ordered is here!"
I glance around the kitchen for whatever UPS had just dropped off while she gives me a discussed look.
"Where is it?"
It's still on the front porch. UPS was just here."
So I look on the front porch to find two packages. Both addressed to the wife.

Leaves me wondering what her logic for the entire conversation is?
I have had experiences with people whose hearing is not 100%. I do know that my mother's family seems to have hearing loss as they age. All of her living siblings have hearing aids.

None of my relatives with hearing loss, but I have noticed that some people have the volume of things turned up so loud that you have to shout to have a conversation. I often have no noise in my life, except nature and traffic, so this always have to have something loud on, is extremely annoying to me.

The hearing loss can be one or both problems: genetic hearing loss, as in mother's family, or due to damage from working around loud noises or volume always turned up too loud. I remember hearing about that as a teenager, that loud music will cause hearing loss.
I knew someone who had hearing loss and always told me I mumbled. Nope! He was the only person who said I mumbled and didn't hear me and others. "You need to have your hearing checked and to turn off that background noise that you always have to have on." I never said that, but, that was my thought. This person usually had earphones in, listening to something. Doesn't that noise in your ears, through earphones, also eventually have an affect?
And, why do some people always need background noise?

What I find super annoying is when someone doesn't understand you, their frequent response is , "Huh?" I am not sure why that is so annoying to me, but it is. Maybe it is how some were raised. My response when I do not understand someone is usually, 'I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said, would you repeat that, please?"
As someone with severe hearing loss, I can relate to both sides of this issue. My high frequency is totally gone and I will never hear that again. My wife's voice, like most women, is a higher frequency so I have a very hard time understanding her without my hearing aids.
When I watch TV without my hearing aids I have the volume at 100% and I still read the closed captions. With my hearing aids in and set to the correct program, they have 3 different programs, I turn the volume down to around 20%.
People with normal hearing will often think the person with hearing loss just doesn't want to hear them or they are faking. That ticks me off big time.
When that happens I ask them if they would think that if I were blind.

What I find super annoying is when someone doesn't understand you, their frequency response is, "Huh?" I am not sure why that is so annoying to me, but it is. Maybe it is how some were raised. My response when I do not understand someone is usually, 'I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said, would you repeat that please?
I say HUH all the time, mostly to my wife. If I said 'I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said, would you repeat that, please?" every time I didn't hear something it would drive me and my wife nuts.
. This person usually had earphones in, listening to something. Doesn't that noise in your ears, through earphones, also eventually have an affect?
And, why do some people always need background noise?
Rant triggered.
My rant today is all of the young people with perfect hearing all have earbuds plugged in their ears and are more deaf than me!
They will wish they could hear one day and spent all their good days walking around functionally deaf.
I just want to
them all.
Headphones are not powerful enough to damage hearing.
The boom-boom car stereos WILL!
Anyone that has been thru OSHA training learned that the lower frequencies are the most harmful.
If the vehicle next to you is rattling your windows, the vehicle's occupants hearing is obviously being damaged.
Frequencies lower than you can hear but can feel, are the worst because they are much louder than you perceive.
Been there, heard that, got the high-frequency hearing loss and tinnitus to prove it.
Young people - listen to the world around you while you can! They don't stream that!gaah
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Tinnitus sucks. Constant ringing and buzzing. That's why I'm almost never in a quiet room. I keep a fan running in my bedroom to help mask the ringing.
Tinnitus is an automatic 10% VA disability worth $142.29 a month.
Yes it does.
Me going to sleep in a silent room - not happening!
I have to have the sleep-music playing on the TV in addition to the Sleepmate® white-noise machine going to drown it out... plus Ambien®, if I want to stand a chance of sleeping.
If we only had a way to let the young stupid people experience what lies ahead for them :(
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I am one of the lucky ones who falls asleep before I hit the pillow. I am supposed to use a CPAP machine for moderate sleep apnea, but I'm usually dead out before I can even put the thing on. I find that after climbing the stairs to the bedroom, heaving the dog up into the bed (she can't make it up there on her own anymore), that the CPAP machine doesn't give quite enough airflow to be comfortable until I've been laying down for about a minute or so and relaxed my breathing back to normal. But then, I'm asleep before that happens, so the machine largely goes unused. Funny - the thing is supposed to improve your sleep - only I can't stay awake long enough to put it on. They won't be using me on any of their commercials in the near future I guess.

I do wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and can't go back to sleep because my brain is going every which way. Usually I just grab a book, start reading, and I'm back asleep in 17 seconds or so. With a book planted on my face.
I am one of the lucky ones who falls asleep before I hit the pillow. I am supposed to use a CPAP machine for moderate sleep apnea, but I'm usually dead out before I can even put the thing on. I find that after climbing the stairs to the bedroom, heaving the dog up into the bed (she can't make it up there on her own anymore), that the CPAP machine doesn't give quite enough airflow to be comfortable until I've been laying down for about a minute or so and relaxed my breathing back to normal. But then, I'm asleep before that happens, so the machine largely goes unused. Funny - the thing is supposed to improve your sleep - only I can't stay awake long enough to put it on. They won't be using me on any of their commercials in the near future I guess.

I do wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and can't go back to sleep because my brain is going every which way. Usually I just grab a book, start reading, and I'm back asleep in 17 seconds or so. With a book planted on my face.
Try turning the ramp feature off. I did that and my machine starts off at full pressure.
We have small dogs and they are short so I built a set of stairs for them to get up on the bed and couch.
If the vehicle next to you is rattling your windows, the vehicle's occupants hearing is obviously being damaged.
Frequencies lower than you can hear but can feel, are the worst because they are much louder than you perceive.
Been there, heard that, got the high-frequency hearing loss and tinnitus to prove it.
Young people - listen to the world around you while you can! They don't stream that!gaah

We had a car pass our house last night that shock the windows of our porch.

Re: The Sound of Silence

A side effect of my cleft palette was that I lost my left ear (bones and nerves gone) and a severe hearing loss in the right ear. So I can not recall what stereo sounds like and rock music with guitars playing in the same spectrum of the human voice means I can not hear the words. So aside from musicals with the closed caption running, music has never been very interesting to me.

I like silence, after all, I do not have much of a choice AND ear plugs last me twice as long as most people. :peace:

Rant for the day. Bad business edition.
Bought some gear from a “Tactical” company online. They offered a new customer discount which ended up “paying” for the shipping and a few dollar. Yay! Gear has a long lead time. Patiently wait. Should have fit us both just fine.
Gear finally arrived and the stitching is crooked but not horrible but doesn’t fit either of us anyways. Apparently we’re smaller around than most? People in all the pics looked close to us. Oh we’ll return and reorder. Haven’t had that issue before. Email asking for help. Get an email saying it will be weeks before we will get a response and to call. Ok. Go online and look at their return process...... uh oh why does it say in store credit only or exchanges. Wait what?
Wait a couple days till their finally open and wait 45 min on hold for the gentleman to tell me their refunds or exchanges are on a case by case basis and he couldn’t help me and I need to wait till I get the return form then email back asking about a refund. By this time it will be a month plus since our order. Start the online return and wait. 2 more weeks go by and get the returns email and shipping label. I respond to that email as told to by the guy I spoke with that was zero help. Wait. Wait. Wait. Get a invalid email back saying they aren’t accepting emails or something like that. Great. So package everything up as they say to in the email and print out a letter and the returned email so they could look into it and ask that since it had been so long and they stuff wouldn’t go small enough and it was impossible to get in touch with anyone please please please refund our money minus the return shipping obviously.
Return is received Friday. Get an email yesterday eve that doesn’t tell me if I got a CC refund as I asked for or a store credit which I can’t use as they have nothing we need anymore from them nor do I wish to do business with a company that doesn’t accept returns for refund especially after all the waiting and inability to contact anyone reasonably. They claim they are all about customer service but....
The email isn’t clear as to what the refund is. Is it “refunded” or “credited”? On top of all this they completely canceled the discount from the original purchase and charged shipping both ways.
What kind of business does that!?!
So I have no idea what to do from here. Wait for a few days and see if a credit goes back to my card. I would assume with no actual account if they gave a store credit they would have sent the information on how to use it in the email. So frustrated with the whole process. Will never recommend them that’s for sure. I just can’t believe either way they canceled a discount that they offered me and charged shipping instead.
Okay, here is my Rant for today:
Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?
I actually prefer to read my news. I don’t want to have to watch someone tell me their opinion about the news… Simple facts written clearly with reference/quotes from parties involved.
The video sucks up band width and is often an uninvited intrusion into my space…
I guess it might come down to the lack of news people who can actually write….
Okay, here is my Rant for today:
Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?
I actually prefer to read my news. I don’t want to have to watch someone tell me their opinion about the news… Simple facts written clearly with reference/quotes from parties involved.
The video sucks up band width and is often an uninvited intrusion into my space…
I guess it might come down to the lack of news people who can actually write….
Soon there will be no need to teach kids to read and books can be outlawed along with all of the dangerous thought contained therein. Other thing that bugs me is news articles that consist of the author tell what was in tweats and include the tweats. May as well just quote the tweats and stop trying to pretend they are writing.

Today's "reporters" are script readers with zero experience on news gathering.
We learned about that in the old documentary "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". There were a couple of news anchors in what I think was San Francisco that were jerked around after a plane from China crashed. The read the script that included the crew member's names.

Wee Tue Low
Sum Ting Wong

were two of the names.

Okay, here is my Rant for today:
Why does the online news have to all have imbedded links to video?
I actually prefer to read my news. I don’t want to have to watch someone tell me their opinion about the news… Simple facts written clearly with reference/quotes from parties involved.
The video sucks up band width and is often an uninvited intrusion into my space…
I guess it might come down to the lack of news people who can actually write….

News people sure can't write or even make sense of what they are trying to say.
I have problem with long articles because of impaired vision.But lately I try to pu up a link too. Also sometimes I can listen while I do other things like dishes or mopping,etc,etc,etc,.
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