Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I have a small motor home. MH home has twin beds, Wife uses the blue blanket that matches her bed sheets. Wife gave me the white blanket to use. We keep the sheets and blankets in the MH. Two weeks ago I threw "my" white blanket in the laundry to be washed. I haven't seen "my" white blanket since.

I'm using the MH this weekend to attend a shooting event. I'm packing the MH in preparation for this weekend. Yep got that, yep on that too...BLANKET! I'm so use to it being already on the MH I almost forgot it! Last night at supper I asked the wife where "my" white blanket was? She wants me to use the blue blanket instead.

OK where is it?, I asked.

"Well maybe the white one." she replies.

"Think about it this evening and let me know in the morning."

This morning. "What color of blanket did you decide on?" I ask.

"The green one." Then she heads to the linen closet and opens the door to pull out a patchwork quilt that has no green on it. "Use this one."

Think I've got this one figured out. What I thought was her answering was instead her verbalizing her thoughts out loud. Did I get this one right ladies?
Wife gave me the white blanket to use. We keep the sheets and blankets in the MH. Two weeks ago I threw "my" white blanket in the laundry to be washed. I haven't seen "my" white blanket since.
A couple years from now you will probably find your white blanket buried in the bottom of your sock drawer.
She will say: "I put it there so you would be sure to find it" :rolleyes:.
Why do beer companies put rebates out there if they don't expect people to participate? I sent in 2 beer rebates for $12 each and got postcards in the mail that said they weren't being processed b/c my address didn't meet USPS standards. WTH? So, I call the number on the post cards, like I always do when they don't want to send my rebate money. The guy on the phone says it's not a valid USPS mailing address. I said really?.....then HOW did I get the postcards you sent me??? And, how have I gotten the many other prior rebates using that address? He's going to send it in for review. Gee.....how nice of him. This is like the 4th time in the last 2 months I've had to call them about some ridiculous reason they put on the postcards claiming they can't process the rebate. I always make copies of what I send in just for this reason. Grrrrrrr!!!!!
Why do beer companies put rebates out there if they don't expect people to participate? I sent in 2 beer rebates for $12 each and got postcards in the mail that said they weren't being processed b/c my address didn't meet USPS standards. WTH? So, I call the number on the post cards, like I always do when they don't want to send my rebate money. The guy on the phone says it's not a valid USPS mailing address. I said really?.....then HOW did I get the postcards you sent me??? And, how have I gotten the many other prior rebates using that address? He's going to send it in for review. Gee.....how nice of him. This is like the 4th time in the last 2 months I've had to call them about some ridiculous reason they put on the postcards claiming they can't process the rebate. I always make copies of what I send in just for this reason. Grrrrrrr!!!!!
Wait, What!? You can get rebates for drinking beer?
They owe me thousand$!!!:waiting:
The companies that process rebates guarantee a certain number will be rejected.
If you do not follow their instructions to the exact letter they will reject it and most of the time you will never know why.
Sometimes I get a postcard rejection notice in the mail with no reason as to why it was rejected. Although, most of the time they do put on a reason......even if it's not a valid reason. It's like they just make stuff up. I always call the number on the front of the card and complain and always eventually get my rebate. But.....they drag their feet on the phone, thinking that whoever is on the other end will just hang up. Nope, I'm on to their scheme. I put on my headset and do chores while on hold and have stayed on the phone for 20 minutes just to make them pay up. I refuse to let them off the hook and I also refuse to let them waste my time. They should know by now to just send my rebate b/c I won't let them get away with their crap.
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I don’t do rebates. I simply wont buy the product. If it’s on sale, I buy it or if its a rebate just take the money off the top before I bother. The wife will buy things sometimes. She handles the rebates or we consider the actual cost as the cost of doing business.
I don’t do rebates. I simply wont buy the product. If it’s on sale, I buy it or if its a rebate just take the money off the top before I bother. The wife will buy things sometimes. She handles the rebates or we consider the actual cost as the cost of doing business.
We would buy it anyways, so I'm not going to turn my back on the rebates. I think they get mad b/c I always ONLY buy the beer on the receipt with cash so they don't get any other data out of me. Also, when I cash them back in, I only buy beer with it. Ha, nothing to be data mined here. LOL! They clearly don't want people like me cashing in on their rebates and they have made that very clear by trying to deny my rebates. Somehow I doubt many other people get as many rejections as I do.
The only thing I buy that has a rebate is ammo.
So far I have received every rebate I have sent in. Once they only paid a partial rebate but I called and they said they missed a receipt and sent me my rebate.
The kicker is the rebates were all paid as Visa cards so I didn't actually get cash but it worked out OK.
The kicker is the rebates were all paid as Visa cards so I didn't actually get cash but it worked out OK.
Yup, that's what I get. They now send debit cards and not the post card type checks that they used to, which would cost much less I'm sure. I don't know if they want folks to keep the cards and turn them into credit cards? Not sure....but I cut them up and ditch them after I use them. I'm sure it won't be long before they will only accept rebates via online submission. I always mail mine in b/c I don't want them to have my email address......even my junk email address. I give them as little information as possible.
Rant for the day. Bad business edition.
What kind of business does that!?!
So I have no idea what to do from here. Wait for a few days and see if a credit goes back to my card. I would assume with no actual account if they gave a store credit they would have sent the information on how to use it in the email. So frustrated with the whole process. Will never recommend them that’s for sure. I just can’t believe either way they canceled a discount that they offered me and charged shipping instead.

IF you don't mind, which company? Sounds like I wouldn't want to do business with them. Have you heard back yet?

I've had similar in the past. If I swap a couple of emails with a company and still get nothing but a soft shoe dance routine... I call my card company and put a stop payment on the order and forward them copies of the emails. I've done this twice in the last 20 years. It's amazing how quickly "things" get resolved when the card company gets involved.
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IF you don't mind, which company? Sounds like I wouldn't want to do business with them. Have you heard back yet?

I've had similar in the past. If I swap a couple of emails with a company and still get nothing but a soft shoe dance routine... I call my card company and put a stop payment on the order and forward them copies of the emails. I done this twice in the last 20 years. It's amazing how quickly "things" get resolved when the card company gets involved.

AR500 Armor is the company. There is a credit on my cc now. They did indeed give me a refund but took off the new member discount I applied when I ordered and charged shipping instead both ways. I only expected to pay return as the coupon covered the original shipping. Still no responses from my emails, no communication from them other than the automated “return” invoice. The entire experience from ordering on was not good. Do not recommend at all.

Edited to add Armor to the name.
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AR500 is the company. The entire experience from ordering on was not good. Do not recommend at all.

About 6 or 7 years ago I changed how I did things. If I order from someone I've never done business with I use paypal. It adds one more level of protection from poor business practices. The only time it was necessary paypal was great at resolving an issue. I also only use one card for all purchases, online or otherwise and never link my bank accounts to the card. If the card is compromised in some manner I can freeze it. I have emergency card accounts to immediately fall back on. The other biggy is I change card numbers every 12 to 18 months and cancel the old ones.

From time to time there are problems with businesses. I don't want them having a current card number on file for years. With most card companies it's no charge to change numbers once a year. It's best be a moving target...
I haven't sent in a rebate for years, but just did for Menards. Everything in the store had an 11 percent rebate. Thought that was weird. They owe me $20. It's been three weeks.
I'm awaiting one of those too. They take a good 6-8 weeks (maybe more) to get the post card check to be used at Menards in the mail. They don't send a check per se....just a credit to be used in store. I sent mine in on 8/12 and still haven't gotten it yet. They do the 11% rebate quite often....probably about once per every 4-6 weeks or so.
It’s 1:55am and I was just out shooting to scare coyotes. Notice I didn’t write “shooting at coyotes”. I had one dead to rights. I could’ve killed him with any gun I own except maybe one of the 9mm’s.

But that BOY! He still won’t listen to anything. He has cattle in 3 pastures covering the house on 3 sides. This time of year he should only have them in one pasture. Between dad and I we have over 100 years’ experience raising beef cattle and that boy won’t listen to a thing we say. The only smart thing he’s done this whole year was last week when he sowed 25 acres in winter rye grass.

Anyway, tonight coyotes were going nuts on 2 sides of the house. When I turned on my head lamp there was one 20yrds away and blinded by my light. I couldn’t shoot because there were cows behind him where there shouldn’t be cows. So I fired half a dozen rounds into the ground. At least I made him run through a barbwire fence. Maybe he’ll die of tetanus. grumble-grumble-curse-curse...
About 6 or 7 years ago I changed how I did things. If I order from someone I've never done business with I use paypal. It adds one more level of protection from poor business practices. The only time it was necessary paypal was great at resolving an issue. I also only use one card for all purchases, online or otherwise and never link my bank accounts to the card. If the card is compromised in some manner I can freeze it. I have emergency card accounts to immediately fall back on. The other biggy is I change card numbers every 12 to 18 months and cancel the old ones.

From time to time there are problems with businesses. I don't want them having a current card number on file for years. With most card companies it's no charge to change numbers once a year. It's best be a moving target...

Peanut sounds like a great way to do things.
About 6 or 7 years ago I changed how I did things. If I order from someone I've never done business with I use paypal. It adds one more level of protection from poor business practices. The only time it was necessary paypal was great at resolving an issue. I also only use one card for all purchases, online or otherwise and never link my bank accounts to the card. If the card is compromised in some manner I can freeze it. I have emergency card accounts to immediately fall back on. The other biggy is I change card numbers every 12 to 18 months and cancel the old ones.

From time to time there are problems with businesses. I don't want them having a current card number on file for years. With most card companies it's no charge to change numbers once a year. It's best be a moving target...

My CC Company is good at helping but I felt like since their “policy” on the return page says they don’t do refunds I can’t fight the shady stuff done. But I certainly will steer people I know away.
btw had to edit my post because apparently there is a different company and I needed to add the rest of their name I forgot. Apologizes
My rant for the day:
Continuous Improvement.
I don't know why when people have something that works good, why they can't just leave it tha' hell alone?
They must Improve it! ...until it no longer works.
Fortunately I am not dependent on my Yahoo email account:
Hey Yahoo Member,

Us again. Just a reminder that your Yahoo Mail account needs your attention before 20 October 2020. Security is incredibly important to us, and in order to keep your account safe we're requiring an updated secure sign-in when accessing your account from unofficial or non-Yahoo apps.

There are a few ways to keep your inbox running without interruption:

Option 1: We recommend that you access your email using our free Yahoo Mail app for iOS and Android or simply go to mail.yahoo.com to access Yahoo Mail on the web.

Option 2: Keep your current, non-Yahoo app, BUT follow a few steps to get it to sync with our secure sign-in method. The steps vary across different email applications, but in most cases, you will have to remove your Yahoo account from the app and then add it back again to update the sign-in security. Use the links below to follow the specific steps for your current application:
Everything is apps, apps, apps!
Not everyone has their entire life entrusted to a stupidphone that can die if accidentally dropped into dishwater!

I use something called a "PC" (that's short for personal computer:rolleyes:) to manage my email and have all important ones going back to 1999.
On to the help pages and I find this:
By default, we block access to Yahoo Mail from outdated apps that could leave your account vulnerable. If we sent you an email indicating that your app is using outdated security protocols or you're unable to log in from an older app, you still have several options available to you.

Password errors and access issues

If you try to use Yahoo Mail in a third-party email client using less secure sign-in technology, you might get a "Server password has changed" or an "Authentication failed" error message. This is because those email apps use outdated security protocols and we've disabled access to them by default now.
If you use Yahoo two-step verification, Account Key or an older email app, you may need to use an app specific password to access Yahoo Mail. Just remember, app passwords are only valid for the app they are created for and remain valid until you sign out or remove access to the app. At that time, a new app password will need to be created.
This means I will have to go thru the password generation crap each time I check my email (which I'm sure they will TEXT to my phone).
This would give them, (in addition to all their 'marketing partners'), the right to send me all the spam texts they wantgaah.
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My rant for the day:
This means I will have to go thru the password generation crap each time I check my email (which I'm sure they will TEXT to my phone).
This would give them, (in addition to all their 'marketing partners'), the right to send me all the spam texts they wantgaah.


Its a free encrypted email service based in Switzerland. Their privacy laws apply, not ours... You have the option to upgrade your free account to pay accounts which offer a lot more security and other goodies.
I can't answer about how women's minds work. I may be cursed with ovaries but I've never been really "girly" despite my mom dressing me in pink as a child. I don't have many female friends bc I don't understand how their minds work & the mind games, drama, and lack of verbal communication aggravates me. Not all of them do it, but it drives me up a wall. Like my mom will not communicate what she wants. She will ask a question about whether or not we have something in the house but will not follow it up with "I want it" & like 5 to 10 minutes later starts yelling & claiming she asked me to get it for her. Sometimes she won't even say anything. She'll be completely silent & start yelling bc in her mind she wanted to ask me something but she didn't actually speak it & she expects me to read her mind. I keep telling her to communicate verbally what she wants. I also hate when she asks "Do you want to..." and then says something that I know means she wants me to do something for her. One time I said "No" & she became enraged. I said "Hey, you asked me if I wanted to, not if I *would* do it". I was not in the best of moods. LOL.

But on to other things. My rant for the day involves my town's a-hole mayor. He's probably the worst mayor we've ever had. Basically misappropriates city funding & is corrupt as hell. He's made it so the city stopped sending out notices for people's property taxes being due & has them charging $100 per month for a late fee. From what I understand, that's not legal bc all the laws I could find said they could only charge 10% of the tax owed- but my friend had to pay over $600 in late fees on a house that is assessed at $60/yr for taxes. They've done it to him more than once. I also found out the city will claim possession of people's houses without notice & then rent them out to collect rental income. They also appropriate vehicles. In the few years this guy has been mayor, he's had the city pay for 3 vehicles for him. He also likes to ride around in a non-street legal golf cart & when people complained it was illegal, he passed a city ordinance to make it legal. So now children are riding around the public streets in golf carts, zipping in & out of traffic, getting in the way of traffic, & causing accidents.
This is the same mayor who threatened to fine my friend for allegedly having debris in his yard after my friend had cleaned the place up (it had been a meth-house that was falling apart). When my friend had to go stay with his grandfather after his grandmother died, the mayor had the city charge my friend $400 for 2 months water bill-- his water bill was normally $30/month & there was zero usage on it for the 2 months he was gone, but the mayor claimed he was doing him a favor by not shutting his water off for those 2 months and that was why he was charging that much. My friend had to pay it or have his water shut off. It was pretty much extortion. The mayor also fired the (now) ex husband of a friend bc he thought the husband had pressed charges against someone the mayor liked. Except, the husband didn't know there were charges & hadn't pressed them. Mayor ordered him to drop the charges or he was fired. Guy explained he hadn't filed charges & didn't know what he was talking about. Mayor told him to go to lunch & go drop charges or not to come back bc he didn't believe him.
Anyway, this brings me to last week when I was over at my friend's house. I see an ugly dude without a mask rolling around the streets on a riding cart going door to door handing out flyers. He started to come over to my friend's door & I shouted "Hey, motherf***, don't come up here without a f***ing mask!" He just laughed and walked up anyway. I went inside to avoid my urge to throat-punch him. He handed a flyer to my friend's fiance & talked to her in a condescending tone (which she didn't recognize & thought he was being nice). It was a flyer asking for re-election. When I saw who it was I flipped off the flyer & expressed my disdain for him. My brother then took the flyer and rubbed his balls with it before throwing it in the outside trash. But really, after being told not to come to the door, this a-hole came up anyway. It's especially tacky after how he's treated my friend & ripped him off.
Did I mention this mayor also banned trick-or-treating in town?

I'm still trying to find out when local elections are so I can vote him out. I really wish we'd had one of his opponent's yard signs up in my friend's yard when he drove by.

I know it seems minor, but it still annoys me. Especially since Covid is rampant in my town and every single person who's gotten it & been sent to the local hospital has died.
I'm pretty sure I'd find a-holes wherever I go. It's my luck. LOL. Glad I live outside of town so I don't have to deal with the mayor or his BS. I remember back in the 80s he cheated on his wife & dumped her when she got cancer. His son was devastated. He married his mistress & cheated on her. Not sure which wife # he's on now.
I'm pretty sure I'd find a-holes wherever I go. It's my luck. LOL. Glad I live outside of town so I don't have to deal with the mayor or his BS. I remember back in the 80s he cheated on his wife & dumped her when she got cancer. His son was devastated. He married his mistress & cheated on her. Not sure which wife # he's on now.
What'd he do, pass another ordinance he could be the mayor for eternity? He should be reported to the state's attorney's office.
I'm pretty sure I'd find a-holes wherever I go. It's my luck. LOL. Glad I live outside of town so I don't have to deal with the mayor or his BS. I remember back in the 80s he cheated on his wife & dumped her when she got cancer. His son was devastated. He married his mistress & cheated on her. Not sure which wife # he's on now.
There's a special place in hell for such people. Having experienced a cheater, imho, they are right down there (not up there, because they are low!) with liars, thieves, and other self serving people. You have to wonder who keeps voting him in? Are the elections rigged? Is he the best candidate for mayor in the area? Have there been any decent opponents for him?
State Attorney here is corrupt.
He ran unopposed for mayor & that's why he won. I'm not even sure when the election will be to vote him out or if I get to vote bc I live outside of the town.

My new pet peeve is that Covid is on the rise & people here are slacking off even more. Hardly anyone wearing masks & they still refuse to distance. I've been avoiding the public as much as possible.
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