Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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His wife talks too much? She is rarely in the news and more rarely in the public eye. I don't understand your comment.
I liked the woman until she went to the border and made America and her husband look like child abusers and lied like hell about kids in cages. Her and Ivanka both seem to think its better to let the kids stay with their cartel who brought most of them here..
No insults for their criminal faiilies though.Only American childen shoyld be seperated from their families who go to prison ,right?
How about that right to vote? Brought about by women!
I can see there would be trouble brewing if we lived near one another.
Women vote with their heart not their brains. Every since we got to vote this nation has went down the crapper.
We had it made sitting home playing cards,gossiping and raising good kids. Now the ******* in boots turned us into bleeding heart liberals and took down the greatest nation on earth, took us away from our children and put us all to work .:ghostly:.

I think it was nice being females.

I've never thought of myself as a women's libber. I have always been extremely independent because I never had anyone to depend on growing up. Responsibility was always put on me, from a young age. Growing up in South Dakota, we were somewhat isolated from a bunch of stuff, and protests of any sort were included in that. And for me, I was always too busy with school and work to pay attention to any of it anyway. I had to get away from the narcissistic family I grew up in, and this was the only way, education and work. I had to support myself, and I had to get away to do so.

I believe in and appreciate having the right to vote for women. Right now, I know several women who are widowed and on ranches where they worked beside their husbands for years, raising cattle, haying, and all the hard work that comes with it, and are now doing that alone, or with a hired hand or two. They were not sitting around playing cards and having a good time. And when they come in from doing chores, the house is still there and needs work. I only saw sitting around, card playing, etc., with older women, who with their husbands had sold or now leased their land, retired, and moved to town.

I also know many really smart women. Women have as much right to make decisions about things that affect them as men do, imho. My grandmother was elected county auditor in the 1950's. Many of the court house positions where I have visited, doing my genealogy research, are elected positions, and held by women.
I've never thought of myself as a women's libber. I have always been extremely independent because I never had anyone to depend on growing up. Responsibility was always put on me, from a young age. Growing up in South Dakota, we were somewhat isolated from a bunch of stuff, and protests of any sort were included in that. And for me, I was always too busy with school and work to pay attention to any of it anyway. I had to get away from the narcissistic family I grew up in, and this was the only way, education and work. I had to support myself, and I had to get away to do so.

I believe in and appreciate having the right to vote for women. Right now, I know several women who are widowed and on ranches where they worked beside their husbands for years, raising cattle, haying, and all the hard work that comes with it, and are now doing that alone, or with a hired hand or two. They were not sitting around playing cards and having a good time. And when they come in from doing chores, the house is still there and needs work. I only saw sitting around, card playing, etc., with older women, who with their husbands had sold or now leased their land, retired, and moved to town.

I also know many really smart women. Women have as much right to make decisions about things that affect them as men do, imho. My grandmother was elected county auditor in the 1950's. Many of the court house positions where I have visited, doing my genealogy research, are elected positions, and held by women.

I was talking about the whole not the few. America just kept getting greater till the owmens liberation came along, and with them came the communist who used the silly fools to infiltrate our nation and take it down one ammendment at a time. Women always had rights and were taken care of because they had respect of course not all some suffered but nothing like they do now. We always had good women teaching and those who wanted to also worked.
I was being funny about the sitting home card playing and gossiping.
Eveyone worked hard back in the day including children in soem very dangerous jobs.Most women didn't work when I was a child. Divorce was uncommon up till the late 50s.
I saw chriches on every corner church bells ringing throughout the citiy and families dressed women and men in hats ,black fathers walkig up to the church with thier wives and kids.Noe most fathers are absent both hblack and white.
Its a different world any way we look ar it now so guess it doesn't matter.
Today women have to do what they have to do to suvivve so it is just par for the course.
One good thing about the KKK was they find out a man was beating his wife they took him out and beat the hell out of him. The klan wasn'r just about blacks. I knew such a man who hated the klan,lol. Of course I didn't like them either for other reasons.
Also always had women in military aand medical profession.
That's right, @Weedygarden and you don't have to be a "women's libber" to stand up for yourself and your own rights, as you had to. There are things people should not tolerate.
Interesting thing. I didn't get to hear much current music growing up. Country and Western was always available, or older music. (Yuck! Who needs to hear about drunks, cheating, divorce, etc.?) Last night I watched "I am Woman" on Netflix, a movie about Helen Reddy, how she came to be a singer in America and women's lib. I remember hearing the song. I am familiar with it. Why did I never connect it to the Women's movement? No exposure? I enjoyed the movie, but I think the women's lib part may be underplayed. Or maybe not!
Good point, Weedy. I've no clue, never watched the movie, didn't care for her music a whole lot. C&W, I agree, it was yuck. I thought Helen Reddy was a good singer though.
Back to ranting and raving! Gloria Steinem, my dad ranted and raved about her. Go Dad!
Interesting thing. I didn't get to hear much current music growing up. Country and Western was always available, or older music. (Yuck! Who needs to hear about drunks, cheating, divorce, etc.?) Last night I watched "I am Woman" on Netflix, a movie about Helen Reddy, how she came to be a singer in America and women's lib. I remember hearing the song. I am familiar with it. Why did I never connect it to the Women's movement? No exposure? I enjoyed the movie, but I think the women's lib part may be underplayed. Or maybe not!

I never saw that movie. Don't think I want to either. I didn't like the female gladiators tv series or movies.
I did like the series Ann of Green Gables and Dr Quinn Medicine woman

I voted for Evan McMullin, the Utah constitutionalist last time.
I am really ticked that we have two choices right now. I'm not thrilled with Trump, and I despise Biden. Is it that hard to find a few good men to run for this office? So there's two guys that I don't even like and I have to pick the one I can stand the most?

There were actually 6 (I believe) candidates for president on the ballot. Never even heard of the other 4.
Shopping for clothing: I hate it.
Seems like clothes makers think everyone is the same size. NOPE

I've found something that works for me... When I find any piece of clothing I like, hat , shoes... what ever it may be. I go back to the store asap to buy or order another one or several. I have two totes full of new clothes I've never worn.

When clothing I like gets to ratty to wear in public or just worn out... I have another one.

I always regret it when I don't order a spare.
I've found something that works for me... When I find any piece of clothing I like, hat , shoes... what ever it may be. I go back to the store asap to buy or order another one or several. I have two totes full of new clothes I've never worn.

When clothing I like gets to ratty to wear in public or just worn out... I have another one.

I always regret it when I don't order a spare.
I have done this many times in my life. When it comes to shoes, I would often have the same shoe, sometimes in different colors. I also know certain shoe makers whose shoes fit me better. I could never buy cheap shoes, such as from Walmart.

I wear long sleeved knit shirts in the winter. If I find a maker or style that fits and is comfortable, I buy it in several colors that I like. I often have a few of the same shirt in the same color. Knit pullover shirts have gotten better over the years, but I think larger sizes are better for me now.
I have done this many times in my life. When it comes to shoes, I would often have the same shoe, sometimes in different colors. I also know certain shoe makers whose shoes fit me better. I could never buy cheap shoes, such as from Walmart.

I wear long sleeved knit shirts in the winter. If I find a maker or style that fits and is comfortable, I buy it in several colors that I like. I often have a few of the same shirt in the same color. Knit pullover shirts have gotten better over the years, but I think larger sizes are better for me now.

Maybe there is hope in the future for you tall scannies. Scandinavian women are the tallest and have hard time findingclothes that fir their hieght.

Amazon launches Swedish site in 1st leg of Nordic expansion
Maybe there is hope in the future for you tall scannies. Scandinavian women are the tallest and have hard time findingclothes that fir their hieght.

Amazon launches Swedish site in 1st leg of Nordic expansion
And then there is my 5 foot 11 inch very thin daughter. She loves to shop and has a friend who is tall and thin like her, and a fashion stylist. Daughter has been in some photo shoots and on the cover of a magazine and in the newspaper.

This morning I was talking to a woman I know at the dog park about my hat challenges. Another woman that I only know by name told me she would make a hat for me. Her aunt also crocheted and when she died, this woman at the dog park inherited a bunch of yarn from her. There is hope!

I did a very rare trip into Target yesterday, and they had very few hats, maybe half a dozen. They had many scarves, gloves and mittens.
And then there is my 5 foot 11 inch very thin daughter. She loves to shop and has a friend who is tall and thin like her, and a fashion stylist. Daughter has been in some photo shoots and on the cover of a magazine and in the newspaper.

This morning I was talking to a woman I know at the dog park about my hat challenges. Another woman that I only know by name told me she would make a hat for me. Her aunt also crocheted and when she died, this woman at the dog park inherited a bunch of yarn from her. There is hope!

I did a very rare trip into Target yesterday, and they had very few hats, maybe half a dozen. They had many scarves, gloves and mittens.

Weedy that is great that your daughter has had some modeling success.
Also maybe look in the European Scandinavian fashion catalogs for some garments that will fir you both.
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