Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Women vote with their heart not their brains. Every since we got to vote this nation has went down the crapper.
We had it made sitting home playing cards,gossiping and raising good kids. Now the ******* in boots turned us into bleeding heart liberals and took down the greatest nation on earth, took us away from our children and put us all to work .:ghostly:.

I think it was nice being females.

And you would be wrong.
If you're a bleeding heart, that's on you.
Not this Army broad.
Nobody I know took you away from your kids.
Nor did they put you to work against your will.
Usually "Your" environment has changed due to "your" choices.
Not mine.
You don't want to vote for either candidate, that's on "You."
Because if "YOU" don't vote, then "You got nothing to say" about the elections.
And you would be wrong.
If you're a bleeding heart, that's on you.
Not this Army broad.
Nobody I know took you away from your kids.
Nor did they put you to work against your will.
Usually "Your" environment has changed due to "your" choices.
Not mine.
You don't want to vote for either candidate, that's on "You."
Because if "YOU" don't vote, then "You got nothing to say" about the elections.

Can't get into this now puter and internet is messing up. Will dicuss later.
And you would be wrong.
If you're a bleeding heart, that's on you.
Not this Army broad.
Nobody I know took you away from your kids.
Nor did they put you to work against your will.
Usually "Your" environment has changed due to "your" choices.
Not mine.
You don't want to vote for either candidate, that's on "You."
Because if "YOU" don't vote, then "You got nothing to say" about the elections.

I'm glad my puter or this site or whatever prevented my reply to this last night.
Now I don't have to apologize for my reply back to you.:peace:. I'll just let it slide because I think basically your a good person .
There were actually 6 (I believe) candidates for president on the ballot. Never even heard of the other 4.
There were 21 choices on my ballot. Kanye West was the last one. I know that there are elections where people write in Mickey Mouse. That is a throw away vote, but sometimes, we have no idea what we are really voting for. What comes out of their mouth is smooth talk, to garner votes.

We have crooked politicians here, like everywhere. I was talking about it yesterday, how these people do not follow what their constituents want, so they are getting a payoff, somehow. I was told that someone knows at least one of the people we've know was crooked and he was voted out. Person confirmed that she knew friends who were his friends and they told her some stuff, including his cheating on his wife. Now, if people know someone is cheating on his wife, he has to be a cheater in many ways. As a narcissist, he thinks he is entitled and can get away with it.
And you would be wrong.
If you're a bleeding heart, that's on you.
Not this Army broad.
Nobody I know took you away from your kids.
Nor did they put you to work against your will.
Usually "Your" environment has changed due to "your" choices.
Not mine.
You don't want to vote for either candidate, that's on "You."
Because if "YOU" don't vote, then "You got nothing to say" about the elections.

I think maybe Meer's hangup is with Ignorant militant women. And maybe she doesn't realize that there are a lot of ignorant militant men out here too.

Ignorant + Militant = things gang aft aglay (that oldtime Scotsman wrote, about mice and men, but his "men" included women).
Now, if people know someone is cheating on his wife, he has to be a cheater in many ways. As a narcissist, he thinks he is entitled and can get away with it.
Ah, Weedy, you know some politicians have balls so big that they need more. More money, more power, more women. {and pants with extra room in the crotch)
My sister in law will come over here for a dinner, and consume 4 bottles of wine herself. Yes, she is an alcoholic. Her adult, church going daughter from Florida is in town and we have been invited over for a dinner tonight. I found it funny that she asked me not to mention wine at all, and DO NOT bring any wine into their house today. I don't drink, I drink ice tea, so it doesn't bother me at all, but is this dinner tonight to prove to her daughter that she doesn't drink? Everyone knows it, and she is not fooling anyone. // rant over//
I think maybe Meer's hangup is with Ignorant militant women. And maybe she doesn't realize that there are a lot of ignorant militant men out here too.

Ignorant + Militant = things gang aft aglay (that oldtime Scotsman wrote, about mice and men, but his "men" included women).

Oh but I do realize there are "ignorant militant men out there too" thats more the reason to be at home teaching the fools some manners.:D That starts with an at home mother watching their Ps and Qs.
We can't have it all or do it all,thats a lie the fems told the silly females.
There were 21 choices on my ballot. Kanye West was the last one. I know that there are elections where people write in Mickey Mouse. That is a throw away vote, but sometimes, we have no idea what we are really voting for. What comes out of their mouth is smooth talk, to garner votes.

We have crooked politicians here, like everywhere. I was talking about it yesterday, how these people do not follow what their constituents want, so they are getting a payoff, somehow. I was told that someone knows at least one of the people we've know was crooked and he was voted out. Person confirmed that she knew friends who were his friends and they told her some stuff, including his cheating on his wife. Now, if people know someone is cheating on his wife, he has to be a cheater in many ways. As a narcissist, he thinks he is entitled and can get away with it.

More men cheat is true but most of them cheat with women so its a tango type of thing. My first husbaand was cheating son of a gun, but then he had a fem liberal smorgasboard out there obliging him. it was late 60s early 70s when women sang dumb songs and took off their bras and pulled down their pantys while rolling in the mud at Woodstock, so whats a man [the weaker sex] to do?
We can't have it all or do it all,thats a lie the fems told the silly females.
Let me tell you about the Kunz girls -- "silly females", all of them.
  • Virginia Kunz (1911-1999) Wife, mother, and electrical assembler (working on the B-29 bombers for Boeing while her husband was flying in the Pacific), home school teacher.
  • Karlene Kunz (1937-) Wife, mother, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Emerita Professor School of Public Health at Florida State University.
  • Mary Jane Kunz (1947-) Wife, mother, mortgage banker, journeyman cabinet maker, nuclear engineer.
  • Dawn Kunz (1956 - )Wife, mother, out of the projects in southside Chicago, worked her way through nursing school, helicopter and fixed-wing flight nurse, six years in ER, 20 years in ICU.
I guess they were just too silly and listened to those lies told by the fems?
Let me tell you about the Kunz girls -- "silly females", all of them.
  • Virginia Kunz (1911-1999) Wife, mother, and electrical assembler (working on the B-29 bombers for Boeing while her husband was flying in the Pacific), home school teacher.
  • Karlene Kunz (1937-) Wife, mother, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Emerita Professor School of Public Health at Florida State University.
  • Mary Jane Kunz (1947-) Wife, mother, mortgage banker, journeyman cabinet maker, nuclear engineer.
  • Dawn Kunz (1956 - )Wife, mother, out of the projects in southside Chicago, worked her way through nursing school, helicopter and fixed-wing flight nurse, six years in ER, 20 years in ICU.
I guess they were just too silly and listened to those lies told by the fems?

What we have here is failure to communicate or some looking for a hot debate.
My mother woeked in the gun factories during WW11 forgot name of her job.
But she didn't have to take off her bra, role in the mudd liek a pig or sleep with every hippy on the block.
Now are we talking about the same kind of women or what?
Also women are the only animals in the kingdon who leave their young. Ihated seeing how others trated my kids while I had to work. I worked on assembly lines and it was very hard work. But if the judge had of made him pay me child support I could have been home with my kids.But because of the divide beteen the sexs at the time judhe told me to get a job.I did tell him I had a job 3 kids at home. I went through some really bad child care.Hated leaving my kids with strangers but it was that or starve.
My sister in law will come over here for a dinner, and consume 4 bottles of wine herself. Yes, she is an alcoholic. Her adult, church going daughter from Florida is in town and we have been invited over for a dinner tonight. I found it funny that she asked me not to mention wine at all, and DO NOT bring any wine into their house today. I don't drink, I drink ice tea, so it doesn't bother me at all, but is this dinner tonight to prove to her daughter that she doesn't drink? Everyone knows it, and she is not fooling anyone. // rant over//
Perhaps your SIL is demonstrating to her daughter that she doesn't have to drink? Although that would be more impressive with a bottle of 'the good stuff' in view.
SOMETHING. ATE. MY. MY. CARROT. SEEDLINGS!!! They were almost 2 inches tall...:cry:

It came back and ate my almost ripe strawberries.... The cat is now locked in the greenhouse cause I'm pretty sure its a mouse. I've never seen a grasshopper carry a strawberry over to the tomatoes before eating it.
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What we have here is failure to communicate or some looking for a hot debate.
My mother woeked in the gun factories during WW11 forgot name of her job.
But she didn't have to take off her bra, role in the mudd liek a pig or sleep with every hippy on the block.
Now are we talking about the same kind of women or what?
Also women are the only animals in the kingdon who leave their young. Ihated seeing how others trated my kids while I had to work. I worked on assembly lines and it was very hard work. But if the judge had of made him pay me child support I could have been home with my kids.But because of the divide beteen the sexs at the time judhe told me to get a job.I did tell him I had a job 3 kids at home. I went through some really bad child care.Hated leaving my kids with strangers but it was that or starve.

No they aren't. Does leave their fawns hidden in the grass while they go forage. Rabbits only check on/feed their kits once a day. Cows will leave their calves with other cows while they go forage. Birds leave their young to forage. I really can't think of any animals that don't leave their young to search for food.
No they aren't. Does leave their fawns hidden in the grass while they go forage. Rabbits only check on/feed their kits once a day. Cows will leave their calves with other cows while they go forage. Birds leave their young to forage. I really can't think of any animals that don't leave their young to search for food.

Not the same thing but you can grasp at straws if it makes you feel good. Don't know why this subject agitates so many ,maybe I'm not being clear or others lack of comphehending,:dunno:?
Let me tell you about the Kunz girls -- "silly females", all of them.
  • Virginia Kunz (1911-1999) Wife, mother, and electrical assembler (working on the B-29 bombers for Boeing while her husband was flying in the Pacific), home school teacher.
  • Karlene Kunz (1937-) Wife, mother, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Emerita Professor School of Public Health at Florida State University.
  • Mary Jane Kunz (1947-) Wife, mother, mortgage banker, journeyman cabinet maker, nuclear engineer.
  • Dawn Kunz (1956 - )Wife, mother, out of the projects in southside Chicago, worked her way through nursing school, helicopter and fixed-wing flight nurse, six years in ER, 20 years in ICU.
I guess they were just too silly and listened to those lies told by the fems?
i'm impressed.
And I don't get impressed often.
Hats off to these ladies.
You rock!
We are all suffrring in one way or the other here and have bad days and will never all agree on all subjects . We live in times that try our sous and attitudes.
You're not being very clear on some of your statements.

Whats new?:oops:. I understand that but also at times we will just agree to disagree but now most on on edge and thats adds to it too,imo.
I'll get upset and vent or rant and sometimes not clear and other times I mean exactly what I say, but guess its just hard to tell the difference. Too many changes and my nations culture has changed drastically, but that happens to every nation.
Like take the hippy for instance not all female hippies acted the same some were just being cool and probably had more morals than I do, but some were ' far out ' to use a 70s phrase.
What we have here is failure to communicate or some looking for a hot debate.
My mother woeked in the gun factories during WW11 forgot name of her job.
But she didn't have to take off her bra, role in the mudd liek a pig or sleep with every hippy on the block.
Now are we talking about the same kind of women or what?
Also women are the only animals in the kingdon who leave their young. Ihated seeing how others trated my kids while I had to work. I worked on assembly lines and it was very hard work. But if the judge had of made him pay me child support I could have been home with my kids.But because of the divide beteen the sexs at the time judhe told me to get a job.I did tell him I had a job 3 kids at home. I went through some really bad child care.Hated leaving my kids with strangers but it was that or starve.
No they're not.
All animals leave their children, to forage, work to provide for their offspring.
Again it's about choices.
You chose to go to work to provide for your 3 children.
Which is commendable.
But you could have chose to go on Welfare, so you could stay home with your kids.
When my marriage fell apart, I chose to stay in the Military so I could provide for my children.
I chose to work 2 jobs, Military and be a full time student, so I could provide for my children.
I had bad child care, but you deal with it.
Then I got excellent child care when I went to Reserves instead of Active Duty.
There again I chose what was right for myself and my children.
Then when my children hit the teen years, I chose to go National Guard.
It's all about choices, it's what you "chose" to provide for your family.
I chose to let my ex husband be apart of our children's lives.
Even though he was a dead beat dad, because regardless how I felt about him.
He was still their dad.
Trust me I didn't roll around in the mud, like a pig.
Having "Monkey" sex with every "Tom, Dick, and Harry".
Number 1, it's weird.
Number 2, I have more "RESPECT" for myself than that.
Rant over.
As for your reply whatever.
Whats new?:oops:. I understand that but also at times we will just agree to disagree but now most on on edge and thats adds to it too,imo.
I'll get upset and vent or rant and sometimes not clear and other times I mean exactly what I say, but guess its just hard to tell the difference. Too many changes and my nations culture has changed drastically, but that happens to every nation.
Like take the hippy for instance not all female hippies acted the same some were just being cool and probably had more morals than I do, but some were ' far out ' to use a 70s phrase.
And some of them were just plain weird.
And probably still are weird.
Let me tell you about the Kunz girls -- "silly females", all of them.
  • Virginia Kunz (1911-1999) Wife, mother, and electrical assembler (working on the B-29 bombers for Boeing while her husband was flying in the Pacific), home school teacher.
  • Karlene Kunz (1937-) Wife, mother, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Emerita Professor School of Public Health at Florida State University.
  • Mary Jane Kunz (1947-) Wife, mother, mortgage banker, journeyman cabinet maker, nuclear engineer.
  • Dawn Kunz (1956 - )Wife, mother, out of the projects in southside Chicago, worked her way through nursing school, helicopter and fixed-wing flight nurse, six years in ER, 20 years in ICU.
I guess they were just too silly and listened to those lies told by the fems?

So now I have 4 of you all ' up in arms ' against a little rant and my opinion. Maybe you haven't been pating attention except to keep in step with the status quo.
They also raised the worst generation of kids aka Boomers who were immoral, selfish socialist and then again not all but the majority. We can go with math or science on this one. Then the Boomers raised weak selfish violent weakinlings on the most part.
Look at them now in the streets and even in militay progressives who regressed back into the cave mentality.
Who would have ever imagined in their wildest dreams that our schools and military would be ruled by homosexauls and dress our soldiers in damn red high heels to appease these cults?
And the insanity of this new " Criticle Thinking" BS is even harder to beeilve than een the other agendas.
Funny it all started when the womens lib thing came out and woemn left their homes in droves to have a carrer and men left their families soon after. Not saying men don't have their par i nthis but they didn't have the armies of progessives o ntheir side that feminist did.
And it is all in the Communist Manifesto. Easy way to take down a nation break up the family.
We were warned by great mn liek Joe MCcarthy but instead we listened to the media mongrls like EdwardMurrow.Good Night and Good Luck,guess Eddy boy knew we would need it.:D .
No they're not.
All animals leave their children, to forage, work to provide for their offspring.
Again it's about choices.
You chose to go to work to provide for your 3 children.
Which is commendable.
But you could have chose to go on Welfare, so you could stay home with your kids.
When my marriage fell apart, I chose to stay in the Military so I could provide for my children.
I chose to work 2 jobs, Military and be a full time student, so I could provide for my children.
I had bad child care, but you deal with it.
Then I got excellent child care when I went to Reserves instead of Active Duty.
There again I chose what was right for myself and my children.
Then when my children hit the teen years, I chose to go National Guard.
It's all about choices, it's what you "chose" to provide for your family.
I chose to let my ex husband be apart of our children's lives.
Even though he was a dead beat dad, because regardless how I felt about him.
He was still their dad.
Trust me I didn't roll around in the mud, like a pig.
Having "Monkey" sex with every "Tom, Dick, and Harry".
Number 1, it's weird.
Number 2, I have more "RESPECT" for myself than that.
Rant over.
As for your reply whatever.

This is also the few choices we were left with. In my generation welfare was begging and considered the worst thing you could do.Now people are proud of how much welfare they can get.
I had offers that sure would have made my life better but I would have had to leave my kids sometimes for weeks and 1000s of of miles aprat.
I would have done so too if I had not endured my youngest acrually dying for 45 miutes.A miracle he came back by the time I got to him. Him and his sisters were visiting his father and step witch [ very evil person] in Florida for two weeks till I could get back to work at GM Assembly Plant from pnemonia.
He had a cold when they left Atlanta that climate change and the witch turned it into pnemonia. I had the longest trip of my life to get to him. I said then I'd never be that far away from my kids again.
I turned down a job I loved ,a dance instrutor at Authur Murrys Dance Studio because sometimes we had to go on Cruise to promote the studio that ould have taken me away from them.
Everybodys life has different turns and changes.
Not saying women shouldn't work just saying the radical fems took away many of our choices,
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