Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So now I have 4 of you all ' up in arms ' against a little rant and my opinion. Maybe you haven't been pating attention except to keep in step with the status quo.
They also raised the worst generation of kids aka Boomers who were immoral, selfish socialist and then again not all but the majority. We can go with math or science on this one. Then the Boomers raised weak selfish violent weakinlings on the most part.
Look at them now in the streets and even in militay progressives who regressed back into the cave mentality.
Who would have ever imagined in their wildest dreams that our schools and military would be ruled by homosexauls and dress our soldiers in damn red high heels to appease these cults?
And the insanity of this new " Criticle Thinking" BS is even harder to beeilve than een the other agendas.
Funny it all started when the womens lib thing came out and woemn left their homes in droves to have a carrer and men left their families soon after. Not saying men don't have their par i nthis but they didn't have the armies of progessives o ntheir side that feminist did.
And it is all in the Communist Manifesto. Easy way to take down a nation break up the family.
We were warned by great mn liek Joe MCcarthy but instead we listened to the media mongrls like EdwardMurrow.Good Night and Good Luck,guess Eddy boy knew we would need it.:D .
Didn't you say,your mom worked in assembly line during World War II?
If so, she raised you how she saw fit?
Does that make you a "Boomer"?
Are you selfish, violent, weakling?
Did you raise your children to be violent,selfish, immoral brats?
Are they raising their children to be the same immoral, violent weakling brats?
As for the cave man mentality in the Military?
It's always been there in the Military.
Just better hidden sometimes.
As for Homosexuals in the Military?
Always been there, just not in your face.
Joe McCarthy, had his own agenda.
He wasn't afraid to push on the masses either.
Edward Murrow was a war correspondent during World War II.
Quote" We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.
We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.
To be persuasive we must be believable, to believable we must be creditable;
creditable we must be truthful.end of quote.
Didn't you say,your mom worked in assembly line during World War II?
If so, she raised you how she saw fit?
Does that make you a "Boomer"?
Are you selfish, violent, weakling?
Did you raise your children to be violent,selfish, immoral brats?
Are they raising their children to be the same immoral, violent weakling brats?
As for the cave man mentality in the Military?
It's always been there in the Military.
Just better hidden sometimes.
As for Homosexuals in the Military?
Always been there, just not in your face.
Joe McCarthy, had his own agenda.
He wasn't afraid to push on the masses either.
Edward Murrow was a war correspondent during World War II.
Quote" We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.
We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.
To be persuasive we must be believable, to believable we must be creditable;
creditable we must be truthful.end of quote.

MoBook I don't help those I don't admire and I always use to not in past severl years,but when I did help our troops always sent females someing in gift packages too. Including in my sons care packs in Navy. They were mine sweeping and had dolphins going down disabling the mines, neat.
I can't type just hunt and peck,can't see too good these days plus puter so it is hard to go into detail or make my self clear.Being so close to keys kills my neck since Sept 2019.
This is not a rant, it is just an observation.
If everyone is so sure that the Democrates are going to win tomorrow, why are all the stores boarding up their windows?

Do they think that if the crackpots win that they will celebrate by rioting, looting, and burning down the town?

Or, deep down inside do thay think that the Dims are about to get their clocks cleaned?

Just a thought
MoBook I don't help those I don't admire and I always use to not in past severl years,but when I did help our troops always sent females someing in gift packages too. Including in my sons care packs in Navy. They were mine sweeping and had dolphins going down disabling the mines, neat.
I can't type just hunt and peck,can't see too good these days plus puter so it is hard to go into detail or make my self clear.Being so close to keys kills my neck since Sept 2019.
Getting technical (and arbitrary) here: To be a Boomer, one must have been conceived during the economic boom that started shortly after the troops came home from WW2, and ended (for the USA) around the time certain arsehole politicians sent a new batch of troops to Vietnam.
Regardless of who wins there will be a surge of rioting.
I feel that Trump is going to win the election but the ringleaders like Soros won't let go of building their new world of total control. They have a lot of money invested in toppling the republic in favor of an oligarchy that places the power of control in their hands.
The democrats will blame Trump for the divisiveness while they continue to release criminals on to the streets.
Be clear; this election is the first step in a fight for our republic.
Regardless of who wins there will be a surge of rioting.
I feel that Trump is going to win the election but the ringleaders like Soros won't let go of building their new world of total control. They have a lot of money invested in toppling the republic in favor of an oligarchy that places the power of control in their hands.
The democrats will blame Trump for the divisiveness while they continue to release criminals on to the streets.
Be clear; this election is the first step in a fight for our republic.
I think that there is going to be social unrest no matter who wins. All around the Denver area, stores are boarding up windows. Even community centers are boarded up, but they are closed now, due to COVID-19. The city of Denver has been advising businesses, especially in downtown areas to board up their windows, and from what I have heard, many have. Denver already had a bunch of windows broken earlier this year from protests. There is one store that had a long storefront of windows that were broken, and they created a cover from plywood for the front of the store that they can open and close to protect the windows and keep the store safe. Of course, fire could be a problem as well.
This is not a rant, it is just an observation.
If everyone is so sure that the Democrates are going to win tomorrow, why are all the stores boarding up their windows?

Do they think that if the crackpots win that they will celebrate by rioting, looting, and burning down the town?

Or, deep down inside do thay think that the Dims are about to get their clocks cleaned?

Just a thought
No matter who wins, we'll see lots of upset and irrational people. Lots of those crazies (from both wings of the asylum) have guns.
Regardless of who wins there will be a surge of rioting.
I feel that Trump is going to win the election but the ringleaders like Soros won't let go of building their new world of total control. They have a lot of money invested in toppling the republic in favor of an oligarchy that places the power of control in their hands.
The democrats will blame Trump for the divisiveness while they continue to release criminals on to the streets.
Be clear; this election is the first step in a fight for our republic.
I agree.
No matter who wins, we'll see lots of upset and irrational people. Lots of those crazies (from both wings of the asylum) have guns.
I say we let 'em shoot it out and after the smoke settles, drag off the bodies and see who we have left.
I have always been a strong supporter of a person's right to remove themselves from the gene-pool :thumbs:.
I think that there is going to be social unrest no matter who wins. All around the Denver area, stores are boarding up windows. Even community centers are boarded up, but they are closed now, due to COVID-19. The city of Denver has been advising businesses, especially in downtown areas to board up their windows, and from what I have heard, many have. Denver already had a bunch of windows broken earlier this year from protests. There is one store that had a long storefront of windows that were broken, and they created a cover from plywood for the front of the store that they can open and close to protect the windows and keep the store safe. Of course, fire could be a problem as well.
I lived in Castle Rock for a couple years in the '80s. Wonder if they are 'castling'.
This is not a rant, it is just an observation.
If everyone is so sure that the Democrates are going to win tomorrow, why are all the stores boarding up their windows?

Do they think that if the crackpots win that they will celebrate by rioting, looting, and burning down the town?

Or, deep down inside do thay think that the Dims are about to get their clocks cleaned?

Just a thought
I didn't see it, but someone told me there was a big Trump train (line of vehicles) on I-25 this weekend and they were acting crazy and making lots of noise. I wouldn't bet that some people who are Trump supporters will not act crazy no matter who wins. But I also think this is true for Biden supporters.
Castle Rock has exploded, population wise and housing developments. I've lived in Colorado about 35 years and I used to think Castle Rock was a small city. Nope. Lots of new schools at all levels.
Hah. Sure was not a big town in 84-85. They used to send up fireworks from the top of the Rock on 4th of July evening. That was the 'highpoint' of the year.
I am not usually rude to strangers, particularly women but this happened the other day.

Our local grocery store has a movie rental section just past the check stands on the way out. The husband was standing as the checker rang things up. His wife grabbed a movie off the end cap and said hey I want this. The checker politely said "the end cap movies are for purchase only". To avoid confusion. The customer said in a really rude tone " I can read I went to Harvard". The checker looked embarrassed and a little hurt. That's when it happened I said " well you must be a slow learner. I learned to read in elementary school". The checker busted into laughter and no one said a thing.
Hah. Sure was not a big town in 84-85. They used to send up fireworks from the top of the Rock on 4th of July evening. That was the 'highpoint' of the year.
They still shoot off fireworks from the top of the rock on the Fourth of July. They have outlet stores right off of I-25, a large amount of them. People drive from Denver, Colorado Springs, and other places to shop there. There are several housing developments around the area. I would never want to live in a place that is divided by a major interstate like Castle Rock is. Yes, it makes it convenient to get on the highway to go places, but it is just weird, imho.

I have heard people say that one day, the area between the Denver metro area and Colorado Springs will just be a solid developed area. I don't know if that is possible, but there is a lot of traffic between the two.

Castle Rock is a home-rule municipality that is the county seat of Douglas County, Colorado, United States. The most-populous municipality of the county, it had 48,231 residents at the 2010 United States Census, with an estimated population of 64,484 as of 2019. Wikipedia
I live near Twin Falls, rights in between the largest town in the state (Boise) and another one in the top five (Pocatello).

Population projections suggest that the entire area between the two will be completely filled in with housing developments and stores ...

...within 5,000 years. Слава Богу!
Oh, yes. Lots of growth and development in Colorado. The drive between Denver and Boulder is heavy traffic.
There was considerable traffic between Denver and Colorado springs when I lived out there (Castle Rock and Elizabeth). Used to have visitors from back home in Vermont during the summers, drove them to the Springs to get to The Garden Of The Gods sightseeing. Hah. I remember watching a friend point a finger at a yucca plant from too close. A leaf tip bit him.
There was considerable traffic between Denver and Colorado springs when I lived out there (Castle Rock and Elizabeth). Used to have visitors from back home in Vermont during the summers, drove them to the Springs to get to The Garden Of The Gods sightseeing. Hah. I remember watching a friend point a finger at a yucca plant from too close. A leaf tip bit him.
Yucca would make a good landscape plant that would help with security as well.
Eew. Scary stuff for a country boy; thanks for the info, Weedy.

I misplaced my crystal ball awhile back, but Colorado's future looks iffy to me, climate wise.

VThil you just need some rabbit theropy. i have to watch Rabbit to calm down now and then. Try it. Rabbit has the life of Riley.

LOL. Rabbit is clearly suggesting that you are disturbing his/her rest.

Sometime, in a different atmosphere, I should tell you a mini-story about an experience I had while working in a product testing laboratory, many summers ago.

OMGosh, I can only imagine. Rabbit doesn't know how lucky all his feet really are.
Lets not tell him,he is still not over finding out he was adopted.
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