Meerkat,So now I have 4 of you all ' up in arms ' against a little rant and my opinion. Maybe you haven't been pating attention except to keep in step with the status quo.
They also raised the worst generation of kids aka Boomers who were immoral, selfish socialist and then again not all but the majority. We can go with math or science on this one. Then the Boomers raised weak selfish violent weakinlings on the most part.
Look at them now in the streets and even in militay progressives who regressed back into the cave mentality.
Who would have ever imagined in their wildest dreams that our schools and military would be ruled by homosexauls and dress our soldiers in damn red high heels to appease these cults?
And the insanity of this new " Criticle Thinking" BS is even harder to beeilve than een the other agendas.
Funny it all started when the womens lib thing came out and woemn left their homes in droves to have a carrer and men left their families soon after. Not saying men don't have their par i nthis but they didn't have the armies of progessives o ntheir side that feminist did.
And it is all in the Communist Manifesto. Easy way to take down a nation break up the family.
We were warned by great mn liek Joe MCcarthy but instead we listened to the media mongrls like EdwardMurrow.Good Night and Good Luck,guess Eddy boy knew we would need it..
Didn't you say,your mom worked in assembly line during World War II?
If so, she raised you how she saw fit?
Does that make you a "Boomer"?
Are you selfish, violent, weakling?
Did you raise your children to be violent,selfish, immoral brats?
Are they raising their children to be the same immoral, violent weakling brats?
As for the cave man mentality in the Military?
It's always been there in the Military.
Just better hidden sometimes.
As for Homosexuals in the Military?
Always been there, just not in your face.
Joe McCarthy, had his own agenda.
He wasn't afraid to push on the masses either.
Edward Murrow was a war correspondent during World War II.
Quote" We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.
We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.
To be persuasive we must be believable, to believable we must be creditable;
creditable we must be truthful.end of quote.