Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My rant today...When I was a working police officer, I would get a call at least once a week from someone too cheap,,,

When I was young and worked for a small town it got to the point I couldn't sit on my front porch or eat at the local restaurant. Resident(s) opening statement was along the line of, "I know you are not on the clock BUT..."

Then I changed careers. Sunday before the service a fellow worshiper stated, "You work for XYZ and this is right down your line," and then proceeded to describe his problem. The first opportunity he gave me I told him I don't discuss work on Sundays. He blinked a few times and then repeated his problem again. And again I answered that I don't discuss work on Sundays and I went into the sanctuary to sit down. Following Sunday he's waiting for me, "I know you don't discuss work on Sundays...but here is my problem." My answer to him was, "You are right, I don't discuss work on Sundays" and I left. Guess he is a slow learner?

Like the Salesman at XYZ before I retired. He wanted me to research and design an extensive proposed construction project. When he asked how long it would take for me to get him a price I told him three weeks at my present work load. A week later he stop in my office, told me he had a meeting with the prospective customer in an hour and he wanted our pricing now. I reminded him of the three weeks and I meant three weeks. He wasn't happy. At the three weeks( as I had promised) I gave the Salesman our pricing. That's is when I learned he didn't need it because he had pulled a figure out of thin air (high) to give to the customer at their one week meeting and lost the account. Salesman was a slow learner too.
I tried to tell my wife how she was being brainwashed during SWAT and several other shows. She said it's just a show. SWAT the bad guys were white men. One wore an American flag as a bandanna. Blatant, in your face propaganda.
The best thing on TV is the off button.

The only thing on our TV is dust...:eek:
Some of the local doctors here really suck. We have what is probably the worst cardiologist in the entire state. Treats people (particularly women) like absolute garbage & many people die under his "care".

The main obgyn is a misogynistic jerk. He thinks women only exist to push out babies and doesn't care about their well-being or health. Over a year ago, when my friend's 1st ex found out she had stage 2 cancer & she needed a hysterectomy, he refused to do it because she's "still young enough to have more children". She was told without the surgery, the cancer would spread and kill her. She's got 2 kids and is done having kids. Her last pregnancy was ectopic & nearly killed her. She never got the surgery and now she almost never gets out of bed.

The other day I ran in to another friend (also an ex of my friend- she was his rebound relationship). Her last pregnancy was difficult & she was told that not only could she not carry to term if she got pregnant again, but that it would kill her. She went to the misogynist obgyn for a tubaligation. She wanted the tubes burned way back so she had no chance of getting pregnant again. He refused & told her "The next guy you're with might want kids!" and she told him that wasn't happening but he didn't care. She had the surgery but he either didn't cut the tubes at all or didn't cut them properly- he essentially botched the surgery-- and now she's pregnant again. When she told him it might be ectopic & that she doesn't have the proper muscles anymore to carry the baby (her uterus prolapsed) he told her he won't remove it even if it's ectopic bc he considers it abortion. They told her it would be months before she could get a sonogram. Pretty much everyone told her to sue the jerk for malpractice and I referred her to a different clinic where she might get some help.

Almost forgot, same doctor called another patient a ****, accused her of having had an abortion (which she hadn't) in the past, and told her that she couldn't possibly be pregnant bc God wouldn't reward an immoral **** like her with a baby. She had desperately wanted a baby and he kept telling her she wasn't pregnant even though multiple pregnancy tests were positive & blood test said she was pregnant. But when they did an ultrasound he wouldn't let her see it and told her the baby was dead and she was going to have to deliver the dead baby as God's punishment. Turns out he was lying to her. She started seeing a different doctor and has a healthy baby girl.

But Dr. Kakarny should not be in practice if he's not willing to give quality care to his patients to save their lives.
I'll start by saying I've never before had an issue with UPS. They usually do a good job around here. So.......

Hubs had to ship out a heavy 125# part to another state to get worked on. He put it in a OSB box and screwed the lid shut with all his contact information and shipping information on the inside of the box. He took it to our closest UPS hub which is 20 miles away. They processed it there and put the shipping label on it. It cost $157 to ship. He's never shipped anything before b/c I ususally take care of that kind of stuff, but I wasn't wrangling with that heavy monster. Well, he didn't ask about insurance or anything thinking that with that price to ship that he would be covered if anything happened. Actually, he never even considered that anything would happen or that it would get lost. When he got home I asked him about it and got the deer in headlights look followed by the "it'll be fine" comment, even though I told him to ask about it when he was there.

A week later when the tracking ceased to be updated I called to check on it. When I finally was able to talk to an actual person, she just wanted to email me a form to file a claim. WTH? How do you lose a box weighing 125 pounds?? So hubs went to where he shipped it and talked to the guy who shipped it out. He said it was last scanned in a different place than what the tracking shows and also a different place than what another UPS person told us.:confused2: The guy was going to look into it and see where it might have gotten lost. He said the shipping label probably got ripped off. OK.....so there's a HUGE box there with no label somewhere in UPS land. Would it not occur to someone to get a screwdriver and to open the box?? Apparently that is too much of an imposition. I assume at this point it will likely go to some UPS auction or something. Today UPS calls and said they are paying the claim. They will pay the $157 shipping price plus.......$100. :oops: The part is valued at around $700, so needless to say we are PO'd.:mad: Why the heck would we pay $157 to ship something across several states that only had a value of $100? I guess hubs just learned a $600 lesson and has lost almost 3 weeks now in trying to get this project finished. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
I got transferred to TN years ago. I rented a house. It was between my landlords house and his steel construction biz. He had 3 beautiful german sheppards, great dogs. I spent more time with them than he did. They had the run of the whole 5 acre property.

My UPS guy used to back up to my front porch and toss my packages out the back of his truck. It was hysterical... he was terrified of those dogs. Not once in 2 years did I see him get out of his truck. The office manager at the steel business used to laugh at him also. He wouldn't get out over there either. If he was in a hurry he'd dump both our packages out at my porch or over at the business.
Clubs, groups ,etc, are one thing but cliques are the worst of these. Hiding out in little klans and gossiping.
I keep learning its always best to keep in out in the open sunshine and not get invovled with the hidden darkness. We are all quilty of this but it never turns out good. Hope I can learn this once and for all.
And epople who only like free speech when they are using it.
What are you talking about?
Things I shouldn't be talking about, we're all under tremendous pressure now so I need to just let it slide,whoops guess what?Not putting it up though. :)
I am truly sorry that you're having and Mr. Meer are having a hard time right now.
But I also have faith that you two will get through these troubling times.
Maybe a little worn and worried, but you will with the good Lord's help.
I didn't understand it.
My mistake.
Mice.. MICE!! I mean... Srsly, guys??!!


So.. I guess it turns out, that it's - NOT - "safe to assume" that once you 'pressure-test' your double-lined Fire-hose, and put it away in the shed (in a heavy-cardboard box) for that 'one raining fire and sulphur day' - that it Won't get.. EATEN by rodents??! What the heckfire, I just can't understand the 'draw', here.. Smell of the rubber-lining?? Just.. How the.. What the... 🤔 <smdh>

Oh well, lesson learned, I guess.. Word to yo (confused) Mama.. ;)

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Mice.. MICE!! I mean... Srsly, guys??!!


So.. I guess it turns out, that it's - NOT - "safe to assume" that once you 'pressure-test' your double-lined Fire-hose, and put it away in the shed (in a heavy-cardboard box) for that 'one raining fire and sulphur day' - that it Won't get.. EATEN by rodents??! What the heckfire, I just can't understand the 'draw', here.. Smell of the rubber-lining?? Just.. How the.. What the... 🤔 <smdh>

Oh well, lesson learned, I guess.. Word to yo (confused) Mama.. ;)

Just needs a little duct tape! :p
It'll be fine. :thumbs:
..If it weren't a 190 psi 1 1/2" Firehose, I might say "maybe".. 🤔 But I'd give Any method of "repair" on that hose all of about 1.2 seconds.. 😄


I've never dealt with fire hoses but... I have 1.5" and 2" hoses for large water pumps I use here on the farm. In a town near me (with over 100K in population) there is a specialty shop. They do repairs of high pressure hydraulic lines and hoses on farm equipment, logging equipment and large water hose repairs.

30 years ago most little towns around here had such a shop. Now they are harder to find. You might find such a business in a city near you. As I'm sure you know these days things are made to be replaced... not repaired.

I did a google search on firehose repair, lots of sites came up. If only the ends are damaged a repair could be as simple as cutting off the ends and replace the couplings.

Because of rats... I hang my large hoses from the rafters in the shop with baler twine. Rats love boxes.
Newton Minow who at the time was Chairman of the FCC, couldn't have been more prophetic when he said " television is a vast cultural wasteland" nearly 60 years ago. Television used to be pretty wholesome family viewing. It evolved into being politically correct after a few seasons and the show had reached a popularity level that they could get away with a message and still have viewership. Now they are just in your face from the start with their political statement.

Even Blue Bloods, which I very much like, went over the edge last week with the Woke culture message. I watch some sports, and some history, some politics, but my prime time viewing is miniscule.
Mice.. MICE!! I mean... Srsly, guys??!!


So.. I guess it turns out, that it's - NOT - "safe to assume" that once you 'pressure-test' your double-lined Fire-hose, and put it away in the shed (in a heavy-cardboard box) for that 'one raining fire and sulphur day' - that it Won't get.. EATEN by rodents??! What the heckfire, I just can't understand the 'draw', here.. Smell of the rubber-lining?? Just.. How the.. What the... 🤔 <smdh>

Oh well, lesson learned, I guess.. Word to yo (confused) Mama.. ;)

Are there holes the length of the hose? I guess you need a metal container to store them in the future.
I know that something ate the flexible lines on the gas grills at our pool one year, what kind of critter eats gas lines?

Looking at that hose is just sad on so many levels.....
Are there holes the length of the hose?..

No, mostly just those two spots on BOTH ends :rolleyes: but.. After 'inspecting' how the Ends were put together - I decided that a 'DIY repair' - on a 190psi hose of this 'volume' - was probably not worth the risk.. Better to simply 'bite the bullet' and just buy a replacement.. Which wasn't too terrible (~$100. for 150' of 'new old stock')

I know that something ate the flexible lines on the gas grills at our pool one year,...

Hmm, interesting.. Maybe it Is the 'rubber' they were diggin, then? Dunno, but.. Wierdo-mice, I tell ya.. Must have been Democ-rats <ducks> :)

Looking at that hose is just sad on so many levels...

aka: 'Lessons Learned at the School of Derp'... :rolleyes: ;)

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That kind of hose can be bought by the foot just like rope, chain and wire. I bought 150 ft. The same store provided ends that fit my pump. It was $1.00 a foot. Not bad when you can buy it in custom lengths. Check with a pump supply place. My original hose was packed in a box yet to be found, but when I finally came across it, I was able to connect it to the new hose. I am sure you can re use the ends if your whole hose is done for.

Don't go to a regular home box store, they are useless and expensive. I always buy nut and boots at industrial supply stores. I can get a whole bag full of quality stuff for the price of five or six bolts at home depot. The trick is figuring out what the store might be called and where the real industrial supply store is located.
My rant about industrial supply stores is they never have the price listed. If you want to know the price before you buy you have to ask. Platt Electrical, Fastenal, Irrigation Specialities, and so on. I guess if you are a contractor the price isn't as important as getting the part and getting the job done. I suspect different customers pay different prices depending on the volume they buy.
When I moved, I had to leave behind the best store ever. They had every conceivable doohicky you couldn't think of if you tried, for just about anything. Although they didn't post the price, just as you say, I always left happy as a pig in muck on a hot day.

Many times, I would try to pay for my one or two specialty bolts and they wouldn't take payment: I miss that place. Now I have to find another one to stock pile nuts, bolts and other bits and pieces.
I love the little hardware store here in town. Every little nut, bolt and screw, hatchet handles, shovels, PVC pipes, hinges, nails and wire. You can buy single pieces or by the pound. Chain and steel wire by the meter and enameled pots with a tripod for cooking outside. All half of the prices like in Germany, some even less. Always a friendly greeting and a thank you for coming...
other stores: you wait for the longest time to even find someone who works there and then they do not know where to find what you need........GP
We've got a neat little hardware store in our town, too. Run by two Amish brothers. Their elderly dad hangs out there, too, sometimes and chats with customers. It was started in the early 1900's, one of the first businesses in our town. But, to get a cheaper price, drive the 15 miles to Lowes.
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