Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Whoo whoo.....nurse emailed and said she went to moms apartment and she was still holding the card, just got off the phone with me. Nurse called in the new number to Walgreens. Someone will pick up her rx this evening, for a charge, but that's ok. They waited till the last minute for free delivery again. Walgreens is closing till this evening for a sterilization. We are there alot picking up husband's meds. Could be where we got covid.
Mo, I hope you get your blood pressure medicine soon. It's so frustrating waiting on the mail sometimes. Especially when it's something you really need.
Amish Heart, Supervisor beat me to it-- they now put the number on the back of the card instead of the front.

Backlash, man, I remember carbon copies. Kids these days don't have a clue about that-- or know the "joy" of rotary phones and hearing dialup internet when it first came out. That noise (and the noise of dot matrix printers) will haunt me. LOL.
Mine also. There really isn't a reason for the numbers to be embossed now that they don't use cc machines with carbon copies. Another thing kids have no idea ever existed.
...And the person standing next to you at the counter can no longer snap a cell-phone pic of it while it is laying on the counter and buy tons of stuff with it on Amazon!

This was long overdue!
With the chip, people with card readers can get near your card and steal the information to use your card-- which is why they recommend an RFID wallet. I have a simple RFID wallet for my cards.
I really don't like this cold damp weather. It does not play nice with my respiratory system. I am actually glad to have a mask when I'm outside because it keeps my face warm.
Again, here i am griping about my broken door. Went to a few shops looking for a new lockset for my broken door, with no luck. Went to a new door shop, showed them the broken lock, called the factory, and said the part was obsolete. She then said I need to replace the two patio doors. Out the door price was $3900!
I laughed as I walked, no, ran out of the store, and went to another door shop. He called the same factory (Milgard) and said yep, they have it in stock, and the price was $194. I almost ordered two of them for that price. By the way, here is the broken lock...
Again, here i am griping about my broken door. Went to a few shops looking for a new lockset for my broken door, with no luck. Went to a new door shop, showed them the broken lock, called the factory, and said the part was obsolete. She then said I need to replace the two patio doors. Out the door price was $3900!
I laughed as I walked, no, ran out of the store, and went to another door shop. He called the same factory (Milgard) and said yep, they have it in stock, and the price was $194. I almost ordered two of them for that price. By the way, here is the broken lock...View attachment 55249
I'd buy two.

There are 2 types of locks. Those that are broke and those that are NOT broke yet.

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Mark, I hate when sellers lie about stuff like that to try to sell you something more expensive. Glad you ran out of there and got a 2nd opinion. Two locks might be a good idea.

Mo, glad to hear you got your medicine.

My rant today is minor. It would be my parents' 50th anniversary if my dad was still alive. Mom is sad about it. So she was watching TV and they had programs set at the zoo. Of course it had to be an episode where they were euthanizing a 23yr old giraffe so it made us both even sadder. I know that having animals die is reality and they show that stuff, but I wish it hadn't been on an already sad day. We both needed something more upbeat.
My rant is about infidelity, unreliable people, and how my friend can't catch a break. People in his life keep failing him/screwing him over. He has invested so much into this relationship with his fiance (although he now realizes that they probably won't get married). He was ready to kick her to the curb until she came up pregnant (and we're not sure if the kid is actually his). She'd been cheating on him with guys to try to get pregnant. Anytime things start getting worse for him financially or he's under a lot of stress she sort of runs off instead of sticking with him. She's high maintenance. So, she developed a crush on a guy they let stay there while waiting for recovery from the hurricane. She'd decided to stay with my friend and cut off the other guy but the other guy started messaging her again and saying he loves her and wants her to ditch my friend to come with him, he's got a job now so he can support her, etc. My friend is now unable to support her financially until/unless he can get disability- and even then it wouldn't be enough to pay for her wants. He bought her like 4 phones throughout the relationship and wasted $ trying to appease her so she wouldn't leave him. Like he thought he could buy her love. I mentioned in another thread that with his ex he was a door mat and would try to get her back after she left him and cheated on him multiple times. She was with at least 20 other guys but he still was afraid to break up with her until her kid burned his house down & he couldn't forgive the kid & couldn't be around him anymore without possibly strangling him. Even though later he realized it was her fault the house burned.
I also mentioned he has no examples for healthy relationships. His grandfather was abusive to his sons and wife. The wife was a door mat. He's taken more after his grandmother. His parents were a hot mess. When he was with his mother, she dated guys who physically abused him. She physically abused him as well (put out lit cigarettes on him when he was a toddler). His dad was too busy doing drugs a lot of the time. So he has low self esteem and especially after the wreck that messed up his teeth he feels unattractive and unworthy of love.
His gf is now asking me for advice on the relationship. I don't really want to get involved. Relationships are not my thing. I avoided them for a reason. I know in the long run it would be better for him if she left but I know it would also devastate him. I know in the long run it would be a disaster for her. This guy she wants to run off with will tire of her and kick her to the curb or cheat on her. She still wants the option to come crawling back to my friend afterward like his ex did numerous times. But he's putting his foot down and said that if she leaves him, it's over and there are no takebacks. He absolutely doesn't need this stress when he's got blood clots in his head and still needs medical treatment that he can't get until/unless he can get the right insurance. Even if he had the $ to self-pay they won't see him. I haven't spoken with him since the gf called (and she hung up abruptly saying she would call back).
Not sure what to say to her bc I don't want to hurt my friend.
That is quite the mess. I will say you are not helping him with the gf in my opinion. I understand you are trying to help but in reality I can see nothing good coming from that relationship. Its often easier to see from outside so I understand.

I have been there with toxic people. I have been there with a woman that was trash. Fortunately I knew and understood the legal system but the battle did not come without a price. I did have custody of my youngest afterwards though.

I have zero tolerance for bs and even less for those that preach to me about things they think the are so well versed in. One of the best trainings in my law enforcement career was how to read people and their statements. It has proven time and again its value.

Can you set an example? Can you help him see the potential failure of the relationship? There should be a way to support him without actually getting into the relationship "counseling" side of things. Best of luck. Others have been there. You and him need to be reminded of that.
My 17 cubic foot upright freezer decided to defrost last night. I made some calls but had no luck on replacement. I moved the temperature from max to about 3/4 to see if it was just a bad spot on the rheostat and it is keeping things frozen...
I called around and found that Home Depot just received some small chest freezers. I bought two 7 cubic foot freezers today. I plugged them in to get the temp down and I am transferring meat into the first one. It will fit where the upright is and the other chest freezer will be in the garage. I'll call around to see if one of the repair shops want it. It is working but I won't trust it. If it is just the rheostat they can replace it and make some money.
At least I didn't have to can all that food.
When The Princess purchased her latest chest freezer we had planned to keep it on the back porch. But reading the owners manual revealed it was not designed for use in a cold space and had a minimum temperature rating.

We moved it to the spare kitchen

I mentioned just in case it may help others.

My 17 cubic foot upright freezer decided to defrost last night. I made some calls but had no luck on replacement. ... I'll call around to see if one of the repair shops want it. It is working but I won't trust it. If it is just the rheostat they can replace it and make some money.
At least I didn't have to can all that food.
I found out when I retired that life is too short to try to keep old equipment running.
And this is coming from a guy that made a good living for 35 years fixing equipment, regardless how old.
25 year old garage door opener crapping out? Replace everything.
25 year old central A/C system, can't keep gas in it? Everything got replaced.
Could I have 'fixed' both of them? Yes, repeatedly.
Peace of mind... worth every penny :thumbs: .
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I just learned that lesson the hard way, again. My air compressor broke. I replaced the piston rod, sleeve, and piston for $150. It worked great for about 2 days and then destroyed all the new parts. Now I have to buy a new air compressor and eat the money I wasted on repair parts.

Any words of wisdom you can share?

Whoo whoo.....nurse emailed and said she went to moms apartment and she was still holding the card, just got off the phone with me. Nurse called in the new number to Walgreens. Someone will pick up her rx this evening, for a charge, but that's ok. They waited till the last minute for free delivery again. Walgreens is closing till this evening for a sterilization. We are there alot picking up husband's meds. Could be where we got covid.

How sweet.Some peopel can't show their emotions I think it makes them feel vulnerable.

Any words of wisdom you can share?

I spent $150 and the repair didn't last. I put everything together as the instructions said but the piston exploded and destroyed everything I replaced. I'm not sure why it exploded but when it did it took about a millisecond and it was all done. No idea if the parts had a manufacturing defect or if there was another problem. I do know when I buy my next compressor I can add $150 to the cost.
If something is old and the cost to repair it is over a third of the cost of a new one I'll just buy new.
It seems to be a "throw away" society these days. OK, that is my rant, I guess.
We do live in a throw away society. Someone in a sewing group showed her iron with stuff stuck on it, asking how to clean it. Someone told her not to bother, just throw it away and get a new one. I worked with a friend in h.s. to make a bulletin board about iron maintenance, including cleaning.

Ever hear someone say that something died and they are getting a new one. "My car died." What does that really mean? To some it means it stopped working and could be repaired if they could be bothered.

I know someone who if his car needed a new part, it was time for a different car, and not a new one because he couldn't afford a new one. New alternator? No, new to him car.
I just learned that lesson the hard way, again. My air compressor broke. I replaced the piston rod, sleeve, and piston for $150. It worked great for about 2 days and then destroyed all the new parts. Now I have to buy a new air compressor and eat the money I wasted on repair parts.

Not wasted actually. A learning experience. Who knows the actual reason for failure. The important point, even if everything was 100% is that things can and do happen. Preparedness and all that.

It seems to be a "throw away" society these days. OK, that is my rant, I guess.

For sure. Nothing is like it was a few decades ago.
I've told my friend it would be better for him to cut her loose. My brother has said the same. I've told them both I'm not the best person to give relationship advice but I told the girl that if she is truly unhappy in the relationship and doesn't see a future for them together she needs to go back to her mother and let him move on with his life rather than making him miserable. I did tell her that I think going to the other guy would be a mistake and that she would regret it, but it's clearly not working with her and my friend. But now my friend is worried she will take their baby out of spite even though she doesn't actually want the baby. She only wanted a baby because her best friend was having one and then she discovered it requires actual work and effort. She only wants the social media posts and attention she gets for being a mother but hates spending time with the baby and caring for him.
My friend went from being in a good mood the day before to being utterly depressed and wanting to die the next day. We didn't get any of the stuff we'd planned done because he just feels hopeless. He needs to go to the ER again (he's been blacking out more) but he's afraid to get Covid. He was mad at his gf for calling me and asking me to take him to the doctor. I'll have to bring my mother in to convince him to go because he desperately needs to.

I can't blame him on the Covid concerns though. People around here are being complete a-holes about it. I was at the tire shop waiting to get new tires put on my truck and some stupid bint came in without a mask and sat directly across from me and would not shut her piehole the entire effing time. She just kept blabbing about how she'd been exposed to Covid and was waiting for the test and how she wasn't going to visit her mother just in case she had it and didn't want to spread it to her mother-- yet she did not care about potentially infecting other people. I ended up going outside to get away from her because she kept moving closer to me and my coughing into my elbow did not deter her bc she'd already been exposed. People like that piss me off to no end. She was saying "Oh, I'm sure we've all had Covid already at some point" as if to justify infecting other people. It's one thing if she hadn't been exposed, but she knew she had and was waiting for test results and cared enough to not expose her own mother so she recognized that it could be dangerous.
My new rant and also an update on my friend's situation:
His fiance had agreed to cut off all communication with the guy that stayed with them after the hurricanes and whom she fell in love with. She pretended to have done it but couldn't keep it up for long and had the gall to invite the guy over for Christmas and then kept wanting him to come back over. If my friend wasn't still recovering from his stroke he would have thrown the guy out. Anyway, she continued to talk to the guy who was trying to convince her to leave my friend and come with him. Came to a head at 4am last night. She had been talking to the guy on the phone all day and ignoring my friend. They had argued back and forth about her calling the guy (especially since my friend bought the phone and makes the payments). She refused to stop talking to the guy so my friend took the phone away, hung up, and refused to give the phone back. About 30min later the cops showed up with the other guy in the back seat claiming that my friend was harming her or something. Cops know my friend so they didn't approach aggressively. My friend then explained what was going on, mentioned the domestic violence that he'd been on the receiving end of (apparently his blood clot was caused by her smacking him in the head next to his left eye with a pot or frying pan or something). He never hit her back because he knew better but w/ her bipolar disorder (before she was on meds) she was violent. Cops told her she needed to make a decision right then: Stay or leave. Friend told her she could kindly GTFO and told the cops that the guy she brought over was not allowed on or near his property. Cops gave him permission to use lethal force if the guy ever comes back. Girl chose to leave so they took her and her boyfriend away.

She started calling my friend about an hour later crying and saying she missed him and then asking for money. She texted multiple times saying she wanted him to go buy things for her and bring it over to her boyfriend's place. Then she somehow got back to the house & banged on the door and begged for money for cigarettes (she promised my friend she'd quit smoking). He shut the new door in her face and sent her away. She didn't even want to see their baby. She just wanted to use my friend more. I really don't get how her stupid little mind works if she thinks my friend is going to financially support her while she's with someone else and he has the baby.

The pregnant girl who is staying there has been helping with the baby. My brother babysat today while my friend took her to an appointment for an ultrasound. He's a bit frustrated, sad, but also relieved. His 8-yr-old daughter was crying when she found out that the fiance wasn't coming back, but hopefully she'll get over it. She's a very sweet kid. It's going to be rough for both of the kids. I hope the baby takes more after his father than after his mother.

I'm still boggled at the audacity & stupidity of my friend's ex though. He told her it was her last chance & if she screwed up again it was over for good. She apparently didn't believe him (probably bc he'd said that to her numerous times and caved). But this time it's done. Gonna be interesting when she has to get the cops to come get her stuff & her boyfriend isn't allowed to come with her.
Seems stupidity just isn't in Washington DC lately.
Seems stupidity is alive and well in Missouri too.
Someone shot my cousin's male goat .
This someone had to cross the front yard.
And shoot the goat point blank.
Then recrossed the front yard and drove away.
She calls me to help her dig a hole to bury the goat.
Did you call the Sheriff to report someone shot your goat?
No, she didn't, she doesn't trust the new Sheriff.
Not my problem, you voted for him.
Either way, I'm not helping her dig hole to bury a goat.
Her husband, tells her,"you wanted them goats, your problem"
Both have bad knees, both are heavy.
Weather is crappy.
So cousin calls back to see if I will borrow my dad's mini exavator to help her bury goat.
Nope, not doing that either.
Well did I think, he would come out and help her.
Nope, I don't.
My dad is 84 years old and not in good health.
Would my oldest son, help her.
Probably not.
Take your truck, get chain, hook the goat up with chain, drag into woods away from house.
You got 50 acres.
Otherwise that goat will start to stink sooner than later.
WTF is wrong with someone that they would go on her property to kill her goat? People who harm/abuse/neglect animals tick me off.
The puppy my friend had that died was from a litter of puppies where all of the other puppies (except one) died because they were kept in a tiny filthy box that was never cleaned and the ammonia from their own urine suffocated them. The person who put them in that box should go to jail, IMO. But people around here don't treat animals like living creatures that deserve humane treatment.
I'm also annoyed that my friend let his ex move back in. I'm not annoyed with him so much as with her for constantly using him. He told her that they are over and he will not take her back but she refuses to accept it. She's claiming he told her there's a chance- but he said that's BS. He showed me the messages. He told her they are never getting back together. I sat down and talked to her and told her how the have nothing in common, she's not happy with him, and she needs to get her life in order and find someone who makes her happy. I also pointed out that he had given her multiple chances and she blew it every time. She cheated on him multiple times. I said he went through that with his previous ex and he can't do that again. She claimed my friend doesn't want to date anyone else-- which is also BS. He has several women on his short list, but she gets insanely jealous. He told her she has 1 month to get things together and move back out. He also told her if she breaks his house rules and starts causing drama, she'll be out. She started to forget the other night and was giving him attitude. He pulled her aside, chewed her out, and she was all crying. He told her she better treat him like he saved her from being on the streets- because that is what happened- and she doesn't get to make demands.
I hope he will stick to what he's said. He's caved so many times in the past. He's too nice sometimes and he's a doormat.
Part of my frustration though, is that she uses up his $ and then it costs us $ because we don't want him to be without electricity or water or food so we help him out. But my mom is tired of it and she now hates his ex. The ex was extremely rude to her when we were over there after the hurricane. My mother holds grudges for a long time. She's still mad at her little sister over stuff that happened 60 years ago.
I'm just hoping she will actually move out when it's time, but I'm worried she won't. Without her there, my friend can actually afford to pay his bills.
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