Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Did you try pulling.😁
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Can you pull the hinge pins to remove the door so you can get a better look at the lockset to maybe see what's going one?
I tried, but those are set with allens to adjust to the doorway, and allens are only accessible inside the hinge plates, meaning the door must be open. Good thought though.
Mo, I hate when mail is late and when the order is messed up. Had that so many times and it's frustrating. I am still waiting on something I ordered from HomeDepot that was supposed to be shipped to store back in June (ordered it in May). They took my $ but status shows they haven't even sent it and they don't give me the option to cancel. I will have to physically go to the store to get my refund and have them cancel it. Normally they charge a "restocking" fee, but since they never sent it that shouldn't be an issue. I do feel sorry for my post office employees right now though. The heat in the post office isn't working and the clerk who was handing out packages was freezing her butt off and wrapped in a snuggy.

Meer, I've seen so much hostility on forums. I'm a member of a military family group and it got taken over by some extremists who constantly call other people names and belittle them if they have differing opinions. They let people post anti-semitic, racist, sexist, etc comments (not even jokes, but serious stuff) and verbally abuse other people. But they delete posts that can be proven as factual that are expressed politely if they disagree with the person's views. I'm currently temp-banned for a post politely disagreeing with someone. LOL. Also had someone pull Strawman argument out. He didn't actually read my post or he was just looking to argue and argued the point I had just made as if I had argued against it. I had to point out that he seemed to have missed the point. He apologized at least, but I think he was just looking to argue.

My peeve is rude people. Went to Walmart to get groceries. Only 2 regular registers and the self-checkout were open. I prefer self-checkout to avoid having cashiers handle my stuff bc they have to work while sick (and I've picked up the flu and colds from it in the past). There was a fairly long line that wrapped in to the clothing section. I asked a lady if she was in line to be sure and she said "yes" so I got behind her. We were trying to keep distance. Then some rude lady in a riding cart rolled up and cut in line. We called out to her that there was a line, she was cutting, and she needed to get to the back of the line. She scowled at us (not wearing a mask) and glared before pulling up and almost hitting the person at the nearest checkout. Lady in front of me asked an employee to do something about the rude person who just cut in line. Employee told the lady there was a line and asked her to get to the back of it. She rolled toward the employee and nearly ran her over to get even closer to the checkout she wanted to use. But there was a holdup with the customer there and 2 more registers opened but she wasn't able to get through so the lady in front of me and I both got to them as quickly as I could. Lady in the cart tried to move to the one I was going for but I got my car in front of it and she glared at me. Lady behind me was really pissed off and complaining about the rude woman in the riding cart. I commented to her that we had told her there was a line but she was too rude to listen. She glared at me again when I referred to her as "this rude b****". Got our stuff and got out as quickly as possible.

My friend continues to have bad luck. His truck window jammed and won't roll back up.
Are they both stuck? It looks l like 2 doors? Did they ever work right? What can you tell us about the framework and the foundation?
Not to belabor the point, but the doors are vinyl with steel undercarriage. The left side is primary. The broken thumb latch is prohibiting the bolt from retracting, which when working correctly, allows the right door to release the vertical pins, so it is useless. The door worked great until while opening the door two days ago, is sounded like a spring broke in the primary door, prohibiting the bolt from retracting. Until then, the backyard is off limits, which is miserable, especially to our old dog,
Not to belabor the point, but the doors are vinyl with steel undercarriage. The left side is primary. The broken thumb latch is prohibiting the bolt from retracting, which when working correctly, allows the right door to release the vertical pins, so it is useless. The door worked great until while opening the door two days ago, is sounded like a spring broke in the primary door, prohibiting the bolt from retracting. Until then, the backyard is off limits, which is miserable, especially to our old dog,
...Well, at least you know they have been providing you good security! :thumbs:
It's definitely not one that can be easily "jimmy'd".
I got a call from an old friend last night and we talked for awhile. We've been friends for 25 yrs, and he is an extremely liberal gay monk that follows Sai Baba (who is/was wacked, I might add). Our common interests have been children (he watched ours grow up, and is good with kids), volunteering, his sister (who is a friend), and parrots. He has visited us many times for weeks at a time, and even though we don't agree on politics or religion, we get along fine. So he calls last night, I'm feeling tired and hurting a bit from covid, but enjoying that he called. I couldn't believe how many jabs he threw my way. He lives in the Portland suburbs and I asked how it's all been, if he'd been alright, and his sister, too, as he takes care of her now. He went on a rant about the "fires", and how the right thinks everything's the fault of the "protestors" and not global warming, which he said it was, but the idiots don't believe that. He made mean comments about "fundamental Christians", and I'm not even sure what that means. He believes in reincarnation, and thinks the Trump supporters will get theirs and come back as some lowly cockroach or something. He said he wasn't surprised that we got covid because we live in a red state now and red staters are all morons who refuse to wear masks, even to their Trump riots. Phew. Made me sad.
I got a call from an old friend last night and we talked for awhile. We've been friends for 25 yrs, and he is an extremely liberal gay monk that follows Sai Baba (who is/was wacked, I might add). Our common interests have been children (he watched ours grow up, and is good with kids), volunteering, his sister (who is a friend), and parrots. He has visited us many times for weeks at a time, and even though we don't agree on politics or religion, we get along fine. So he calls last night, I'm feeling tired and hurting a bit from covid, but enjoying that he called. I couldn't believe how many jabs he threw my way. He lives in the Portland suburbs and I asked how it's all been, if he'd been alright, and his sister, too, as he takes care of her now. He went on a rant about the "fires", and how the right thinks everything's the fault of the "protestors" and not global warming, which he said it was, but the idiots don't believe that. He made mean comments about "fundamental Christians", and I'm not even sure what that means. He believes in reincarnation, and thinks the Trump supporters will get theirs and come back as some lowly cockroach or something. He said he wasn't surprised that we got covid because we live in a red state now and red staters are all morons who refuse to wear masks, even to their Trump riots. Phew. Made me sad.
This is the crap that comes when "common" civility leaves. Rational thought leaves with it.
...He has visited us many times for weeks at a time, and even though we don't agree on politics or religion, we get along fine. So he calls last night, I'm feeling tired and hurting a bit from covid, but enjoying that he called...
Yep. Just surprised he pulled that stuff on me. End of that friendship.
It's a shame you can't return the favor and visit him.
Cough on him and say: "Welcome to Trump's mask-free club!" :huggs:
Yep, not much for retaliation, or arguing with a liberal. I'll just let him go and walk away. He drank too much of the koolaid and let it interfere with our friendship. And kicked me when I was down and not feeling well. It frosts me because he always posts "all we need is love, stuff" and I was genuinely worried about him when the Portland riots started because he posted on facebook that he was looking for a ride down there to chant and instill love and stop the violence. He's nearly 80 now, and I didn't want him getting hurt.
I got a call from an old friend last night and we talked for awhile. We've been friends for 25 yrs, and he is an extremely liberal gay monk that follows Sai Baba (who is/was wacked, I might add). Our common interests have been children (he watched ours grow up, and is good with kids), volunteering, his sister (who is a friend), and parrots. He has visited us many times for weeks at a time, and even though we don't agree on politics or religion, we get along fine. So he calls last night, I'm feeling tired and hurting a bit from covid, but enjoying that he called. I couldn't believe how many jabs he threw my way. He lives in the Portland suburbs and I asked how it's all been, if he'd been alright, and his sister, too, as he takes care of her now. He went on a rant about the "fires", and how the right thinks everything's the fault of the "protestors" and not global warming, which he said it was, but the idiots don't believe that. He made mean comments about "fundamental Christians", and I'm not even sure what that means. He believes in reincarnation, and thinks the Trump supporters will get theirs and come back as some lowly cockroach or something. He said he wasn't surprised that we got covid because we live in a red state now and red staters are all morons who refuse to wear masks, even to their Trump riots. Phew. Made me sad.
Some people have no boundaries or respect for anyone else except their own thinking and ideas. We don't have to speak our mind on everything. He could have limited his conversation and been your friend forever, but he didn't. He already knew your perspective.
My pet peeve is that my best friend was unable to switch his Medicaid plan despite calling every day at 8am and being put on hold until the office shut down and then he got a message to call back during business hours. He did for several days in a row. Now open enrollment is closed. So, he's stuck in limbo unable to get treatment and unable to work.

Not that he can go back to work anyway. His boss told him he can't return to the Casino because the tribal police put out a warrant for his arrest. He was literally in the ER at the time the crime was committed. He saw the footage and said that the guy they claimed looked like my brother didn't even remotely look like him. He said he looked just like a 19-yr old casino employee who happens to be the son of one of the cops (not tribal). Guy did a good job of hiding his face but my friend said weirdly enough, he recognized him from his arms/elbows because he has weird ones. The casino people tried to rule out that employee since he came back in and gambled after and showed a Texas ID-- my guess is it was a stolen or fake ID. Plus, they have his fingerprints on stuff, but my concern is if they bust the guy he may claim that my friend put him up to it. So, now my friend needs to find a new job. Also, he had a bunch of tools over there and some of them were mine that he borrowed. I can't go get my own tools and my friend can't get them without getting arrested. He said his boss will let him know if it becomes safe to go back, but if it doesn't, he will make a list of all the tools and make his company reimburse him for it. His boss knows he had nothing to do with the crime and he didn't get any $ out of it. I wish he could find out who falsely accused him and sue them for defamation. I'm also worried that the perp's father being a cop will come in to play and that the father will try to pin it on my friend instead and do everything he can to keep his son out of jail. Cops in this area are sickeningly corrupt.
Received partial medicine order.
Still waiting on blood pressure medicine.
A friend shared this email she got today. She sews and sells things and then ships them. It doesn't help you, but this is what is going on. I heard of more than one mail carrier working more than 100 hours a week last year.
It makes me want to leave a gift for my mail carrier, but I understand it cannot be cash or anything of value over $5.
A friend shared this email she got today. She sews and sells things and then ships them. It doesn't help you, but this is what is going on. I heard of more than one mail carrier working more than 100 hours a week last year.
It makes me want to leave a gift for my mail carrier, but I understand it cannot be cash or anything of value over $5.View attachment 55220
Thank you Weedy,
But this shipment was ordered first of November.
Have already ordered medicine for December.
Post office tracked it mail carrier truck.
There it sits along with about 55 other VA prescriptions.
With post marks from October, November, and December.
I just got October's medicine 3 days before Thanksgiving.
This morning they played Tom Cruise's cursing, yelling rants at co-workers...so sad...he made himself open to scorn for such behavior...listened to Doug Steffan also, discussing how Smithyfield has bought out American Pork, now they have a genetic modified pig they can use for some people with allergies...not a good thing, scary really..I stopped buying their product when they bought out America...next will be poultry...this should not be happening...support American farmers and products as much as you can...check your labels...buy from local farmers you know and trust...
Mom says her new credit card has no number on it. I told her to rub her finger over the front of the card, and the number is raised, then she'll know where the number to read back to me is. She says she is rubbing the card and no number is appearing, so no, the credit card has no number.
Silly me, I gave her the new credit card last month because her old one was expiring. She uses it when we go shopping together. And I get a call from Wallgreens saying that her cc is not good because they have the old one still on file. I email her nurse at the assisted living place. She know we have covid, so can't go out. Walgreens delivers the prescriptions to this nurse for mom, and they charge her to administer her meds daily. She says it's not her responsibility to get her cc number to walgreens. Ugh. Told her the meds are going to have to wait a week then, and I hoped that they called in the refills early and not waited till the last minute
Mom says her new credit card has no number on it. I told her to rub her finger over the front of the card, and the number is raised, then she'll know where the number to read back to me is. She says she is rubbing the card and no number is appearing, so no, the credit card has no number.
Silly me, I gave her the new credit card last month because her old one was expiring. She uses it when we go shopping together. And I get a call from Wallgreens saying that her cc is not good because they have the old one still on file. I email her nurse at the assisted living place. She know we have covid, so can't go out. Walgreens delivers the prescriptions to this nurse for mom, and they charge her to administer her meds daily. She says it's not her responsibility to get her cc number to walgreens. Ugh. Told her the meds are going to have to wait a week then, and I hoped that they called in the refills early and not waited till the last minute
All of mine are on the back of the card now.
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