Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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... ... I'm also annoyed that my friend let his ex move back in. I'm not annoyed with him so much as with her for constantly using him. ... ... Part of my frustration though, is that she uses up his $ and then it costs us $ because we don't want him to be without electricity or water or food so we help him out. ... ... I'm just hoping she will actually move out when it's time, but I'm worried she won't. Without her there, my friend can actually afford to pay his bills.

He chooses to let her use him as an ATM. He knows when he gives her his money, he can turn to you and you'll bail him out. Sounds like he's the one who is actually in control here. Maybe he's the one who needs the ultimatum? I feel sorry for the kids who are helplessly, hopelessly caught in this drama and chaos.
burying the goat? isnt that an awful waste of meat? I love goat meat cant get enough of it, but then I am a carnivore!!
Come and get goat then.
There's another one too.
last time I checked Gizmo was still alive.
Spot is the one that got shot.
Don't ask me about the names.
I don't know.
Husband has friend who has Greek resturant in KCMO.
He's coming for the goats.
Both dead and alive.
By the way she did call my dad to see if he would help bury the goat.
My little brother answered the phone.
Let's just say it wasn't pretty when he got done with her.
They are there
New rant.
Why are there "door close" buttons on an elevator? Have you ever seen one that actually closes the door?
The button is there for the fire department and security to use when the emergency mode is activated. Otherwise, they do nothing but give impatient people something to do while waiting for the doors to close.
Does the "Door Close" Button in an Elevator Work?
She refused to stop talking to the guy so my friend took the phone away, hung up, and refused to give the phone back. About 30min later the cops showed up with the other guy in the back seat claiming that my friend was harming her or something.

He's lucky. I know a guy that was in jail for 2 years for doing the same thing. Something about interfering with communications.
My rant for the day.

Stopped for a 6 pack. Enter a local store, get what I want, head to the counter. Wait for the cashier. She knows me and greets me and tells me she will be a moment or two. I work in a local store as well so I get it so no worries there. Another gentleman waiting by the door. She comes to the counter and I move up on suspicion the gentleman is still waiting for something. They make pizza, etc, so this is normal.

A 30 ish something behind me pops off with a comment to which the gentleman says "hey, I am waiting on things". I complete my purchase and walk up to the young man eye to eye with my fabulous mask on and give him the stink eye. He hides his face and backs up with his energy drink. I am a big boy. Retired law enforcement, friendly and courteous always. No, I will not take your bs. All I could think of was twisted tea.... Never provoke the sleeping bear as it might not go your way.

Video is comical, sad, and not for everyone. View it at your own risk.

My rant today...

When I was a working police officer, I would get a call at least once a week from someone too cheap to contact an attorney, but wanted legal advice. I remember 2-3 times a year, a husband and wife would knock at my front door asking what they should do because they had a small spat the night before, so I would become a marriage counselor.

Having been retired for 10 years, I am happy to say these people have pretty much quit calling or coming over for advice. Well, until last night. A neighbor called me to tell me about her son's baby mama, who invited him to come over for dinner, see the baby, and maybe spend the night. He got there, she began pushing him while screaming for someone to call the police, then began to scratch herself.

(I think everyone here can read the writing on the walls by now).

I told her that this baby mama set him up, and which "head" was he thinking with?

I know she will use my name and tell her son she received legal advise from a cop, even tough I am retired and really could care less, so I stopped her as quick as I could and told this lady to contact an attorney right away. I don't know who is lying since I was not there. I know some women make up abuse to get more money, to get permanent custody, or to get him in jail. I know guys beat up their "baby mama's" to demean them, to make themselves feel good after abusing the girl, to "keep her in line", etc.

I was not there. I don't know who is/was lying, and I really don't care. You have a problem, call the police. You need legal advice, retain an attorney. You need marriage counseling, get a marriage counselor.

Leave me alone. I don't care!

Rant over!
My rant today...

When I was a working police officer, I would get a call at least once a week from someone too cheap to contact an attorney, but wanted legal advice. I remember 2-3 times a year, a husband and wife would knock at my front door asking what they should do because they had a small spat the night before, so I would become a marriage counselor.

Having been retired for 10 years, I am happy to say these people have pretty much quit calling or coming over for advice. Well, until last night. A neighbor called me to tell me about her son's baby mama, who invited him to come over for dinner, see the baby, and maybe spend the night. He got there, she began pushing him while screaming for someone to call the police, then began to scratch herself.

(I think everyone here can read the writing on the walls by now).

I told her that this baby mama set him up, and which "head" was he thinking with?

I know she will use my name and tell her son she received legal advise from a cop, even tough I am retired and really could care less, so I stopped her as quick as I could and told this lady to contact an attorney right away. I don't know who is lying since I was not there. I know some women make up abuse to get more money, to get permanent custody, or to get him in jail. I know guys beat up their "baby mama's" to demean them, to make themselves feel good after abusing the girl, to "keep her in line", etc.

I was not there. I don;t know who is/was lying, and I really don't care. You have a problem, call the police. You need legal advice, retain an attorney. You need marriage counseling, get a marriage counselor.

Leave me alone. I don't care.

Rant over!

LOL, I did the beat yourself up trick on SOS, I choked myself, scratched myself then put on an acadamy award show for the cops when they got there. They saw our 3 babies [ 1,2 and 3yr olds ] in the living room my red neck ,scratched face they commenced to beat thim down 2 flights of steps ,hope the hippie woman he spent the night with was worth it.:D. In the hippie days he was like a rooster in a hen house, 4 year marriage he had 7 kids, 3 of which were mine and his.
I finally got fixed and started partying with his girlfriends, he told them to stay away from his wife 'me',she was a lady.
LOL, I did the beat yourself up trick on SOS, I choked myself, scratched myself then put on an acadamy award show for the cops when they got there. They saw our 3 babies [ 1,2 and 3yr olds ] in the living room my red neck ,scratched face they commenced to beat thim down 2 flights of steps ,hope the hippie woman he spent the night with was worth it.:D. In the hippie days he was like a rooster in a hen house, 4 year marriage he had 7 kids, 3 of which were mine and his.
I finally got fixed and started partying with his girlfriends, he told them to stay away from his wife 'me',she was a lady.
My friend's first ex used to beat him up all the time and he never hit her back because he didn't want to get arrested. After he finally dumped her, she started lying and telling everyone he beat her. Guys at the Mexican restaurant now give him stink eye bc of her lies.

He's making his current ex buy her own food with her food stamps, is refusing to buy her cigarettes & such, & keeps reminding her that he's doing her a favor. He doesn't think she'll last the full month before he has to kick her out though. I told him he should charge her rent or at least make her pay him for gas and utilities since she's mooching.

Friend would be making these bad financial decisions even if we weren't bailing him out. He'd just be in debt up to his eyeballs in payday loans instead. That's how it was before we started helping him. But he knows how we feel about his exes and he knows he can't keep the latest one around for too much longer. We had a talk with him about how he needs to make it clear that he has no intention of ever taking her back & that she needs to work on just being friends at the most. I really hope the next person he dates isn't an abusive psycho who uses all of his money.
My rant today...

When I was a working police officer, I would get a call at least once a week from someone too cheap to contact an attorney, but wanted legal advice. I remember 2-3 times a year, a husband and wife would knock at my front door asking what they should do because they had a small spat the night before, so I would become a marriage counselor.

Having been retired for 10 years, I am happy to say these people have pretty much quit calling or coming over for advice. Well, until last night. A neighbor called me to tell me about her son's baby mama, who invited him to come over for dinner, see the baby, and maybe spend the night. He got there, she began pushing him while screaming for someone to call the police, then began to scratch herself.

(I think everyone here can read the writing on the walls by now).

I told her that this baby mama set him up, and which "head" was he thinking with?

I know she will use my name and tell her son she received legal advise from a cop, even tough I am retired and really could care less, so I stopped her as quick as I could and told this lady to contact an attorney right away. I don't know who is lying since I was not there. I know some women make up abuse to get more money, to get permanent custody, or to get him in jail. I know guys beat up their "baby mama's" to demean them, to make themselves feel good after abusing the girl, to "keep her in line", etc.

I was not there. I don't know who is/was lying, and I really don't care. You have a problem, call the police. You need legal advice, retain an attorney. You need marriage counseling, get a marriage counselor.

Leave me alone. I don't care!

Rant over!
Understand perfectly
Zannej...You're not helping him if he's still in financial straits. Sometimes you have to make people help themselves by not "helping" them. He's only learned that you will bail him out. This is called enabling, or allowing him to continue doing what he's doing, even though it's not right for either of you. But, some people like to enable, so ok.

My rant is every stinking liberal newspaper is calling a conservative the most God awful names, and considering it news. Where's the news? I guess there isn't any except that we are now all Christian KKK members and covid has new strains to keep us in doors another couple years.
My friend's first ex used to beat him up all the time and he never hit her back because he didn't want to get arrested. After he finally dumped her, she started lying and telling everyone he beat her. Guys at the Mexican restaurant now give him stink eye bc of her lies.

He's making his current ex buy her own food with her food stamps, is refusing to buy her cigarettes & such, & keeps reminding her that he's doing her a favor. He doesn't think she'll last the full month before he has to kick her out though. I told him he should charge her rent or at least make her pay him for gas and utilities since she's mooching.

Friend would be making these bad financial decisions even if we weren't bailing him out. He'd just be in debt up to his eyeballs in payday loans instead. That's how it was before we started helping him. But he knows how we feel about his exes and he knows he can't keep the latest one around for too much longer. We had a talk with him about how he needs to make it clear that he has no intention of ever taking her back & that she needs to work on just being friends at the most. I really hope the next person he dates isn't an abusive psycho who uses all of his money.

Whole other situation. This one worked but spent his money on pool halls and loose women.
My friend is going to charge his ex $ for bills, make her pay for her own food, make her pay for gas, etc. She will have to contribute for the time she stays there. Before he was in a bad wreck and his house burned down, he was doing OK. But things just keep spiraling down for him. He's got some of the worst luck of anyone I've ever seen. Before the wreck he was always coming over and helping us. He did yard work for free, fixed computers, helped with cleaning (bc I was injured and couldn't do stuff) & was always doing stuff to help us out. The last message he sent me before his wreck was that he was going to get a chainsaw and cut some fallen tree branches for us. He suffered a traumatic brain injury in the wreck so it affected his decision-making process somewhat. He's really trying to get back on his feet & wants to pay us back. When he's well enough, he's going to help us with our house renovations. He's already replaced a couple of faucets for us and he's replaced stuff on our well system.
But, my mom is going to tell him that if he wants to keep getting help he needs to get the ex to contribute or kick her to the curb. Well, more the latter-- give her time to get on her feet and then kick her out. My mom was ready to go over there and tell the ex to get out. LOL.
Is it really that hard to deliver canning jars undamaged let alone in one piece!?!? Yet another damaged order from Walmart. Jars in pieces. Crappily packaged. Guess yet another phone call to Walmart. They haven’t even sent out the replacements for the last order of 75% broken jars. If I could find them elsewhere I would buy them but we can’t. Grrrrrrrr :mad:
That's one of the nice things abouit living near a city with a population of ~50,000: a half-hour in, go to any store you want, and then a half-hour back to the homestead with six dozen Ball jars -- all unbroken. Maybe some people don't seem to care, and they're the ones likely to be packing your boxes!
Is it really that hard to deliver canning jars undamaged let alone in one piece!?!? Yet another damaged order from Walmart. Jars in pieces. Crappily packaged. Guess yet another phone call to Walmart. They haven’t even sent out the replacements for the last order of 75% broken jars. If I could find them elsewhere I would buy them but we can’t. Grrrrrrrr :mad:
Can you have them delivered to the store and pick them up there? Then at least they might be undamaged or if they are shattered, they could just take care of it without bugging you and taking your time.
That's one of the nice things abouit living near a city with a population of ~50,000: a half-hour in, go to any store you want, and then a half-hour back to the homestead with six dozen Ball jars -- all unbroken. Maybe some people don't seem to care, and they're the ones likely to be packing your boxes!
We are an hour away from 300K. If not for The Princess doing Kung-fu we don't go there. The last time I did that was 1-1/2 years ago to see a musical production.

Can you have them delivered to the store and pick them up there? Then at least they might be undamaged or if they are shattered, they could just take care of it without bugging you and taking your time.
Good thinking. Maybe we will try that. Big pain in the bum but we may try that next. Some places wouldn’t do that but some would.
Here's a minor.....yet annoying rant. I don't watch a whole lot of TV and if I do, it's usually not typical primetime stuff. But there are a couple of shows I like to watch like The Good Doctor or The Resident. I started DVR'ing Nurses, thinking it might be good. The first trailer I saw showed two female nurses having the hots for each other and locking lips. Good grief! I deleted it and cancelled it from my DVR. Clearly, I've got better things to watch.

So then there were old episodes of The Good Doctor on there from December. It was all about the China Virus. These 'doctor shows' show so much garbage on there it just makes my eyes roll. It's clearly propaganda. The doctor in the elevator barks at a woman in the elevator 'wear your damn mask!' when the doctor just walked away from an aide who was not wearing one, nor was she more than a couple of feet from her. If a doctor....or anyone.....fed that line to me, I'm sure a 3 word response would come tumbling out of my mouth.:eek: Not only am I tired of the hypocrisy, but I'm also tired of being preached at by what's supposed to be a mental 'getaway'. I sooooo wish that a conservative channel would create a network with some good, non-political, options to watch. Small rant over........I guess it's time to start reading some books.
I agree. SWAT is all racial divide, The Good Doctor is all about covid, and why does every show have half the actors as gays or lesbians? How does a traditional male female couple explain this to their young children. Holy lordie, im glad im closer to death than many!
I agree. SWAT is all racial divide, The Good Doctor is all about covid, and why does every show have half the actors as gays or lesbians? How does a traditional male female couple explain this to their young children. Holy lordie, im glad im closer to death than many!
Oh yeah, I forgot about The Rookie (cop show) and of course the last one I saw had a racist mentor. :rolleyes: It's just so blatent and rapid fire at the audience anymore that it's just ridiculous. They know how to muck up a perfectly good show.

I still like Blue Bloods. At least on that one, it usually looks at both sides of the issue. Although, I like the older episodes better.
I agree. Blue Bloods is kept in check pretty well.

The Rookies has a racist cop they have been trying to fire for the last 2 weeks and future weeks. In real life, just one claim would put him on the desk for a week or two. Any future racist remarks would be cause for days off, then termination. All this TV show is doing is causing an even deeper racial divide. What they think is helping is only making things worse.
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