Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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That is part of what the comedian, Ron White, said... There is always one guy who will not leave.. Saying something like ..it is just a windy day.. But it isn't the wind.. It is what the wind is moving... When it sends a Volvo at you in mid air, you aint got much of a chance...
A rant about Helene since I can't vent to anyone in my family except K about this and even he is sick of hearing it...

I have been hit by "Hurricane Helene" and the destruction She left in her wake has lasted 23 years at this point.

Hearing all the talk about the actual Hurricane Helene has me fuming about the "Hurricane Helene" in my own life. She is my estranged aunt of the same name. She and I were the only beneficiaries of my grandmother's estate. I have yet to receive my share after 23+ years. That share was ear marked for my education costs (would have been nice to have it to pay for college 20+ years ago!), housing (gee, would have been nice to have the money for a downpayment for the homestead) and health expenses (I have Hashimotos and 20+ years ago I had cancerous cells removed from my reproductive system- NOT CHEAP!). Yet here I am waiting for the hag to die so I can finally get my share which was only suppose to be held no later than my 45th birthday if not dispensed for the above reasons. That is 24 days from now.

The fact my lawyer dealing with this whole situation refuses to take my phone calls has me pissed off. Yes, I have been paying for a lawyer for the last 23+ years. My dad had to pay a lawyer just to see his own mother's will when she died! Not to mention this whole situation starts fights between my father and I any time this is brought up! I have gone no contact with my parents many times over the last 23 years because of this.

Doubt I'll see it any time soon.
Happy birthday to me.
F*** you, Helene!
That is part of what the comedian, Ron White, said... There is always one guy who will not leave.. Saying something like ..it is just a windy day.. But it isn't the wind.. It is what the wind is moving... When it sends a Volvo at you in mid air, you aint got much of a chance...
I have loved that piece since I watched it the first time 😍, and I quote it often...
Only 48 seconds long, but so much truth:

"After the storm, if you do have an EV that has been flooded by saltwater and it remains in your garage or near your home, please remove it immediately to a safe location so that you can worry about fixing your home instead of rebuilding it due to fire," he said in part.

EV owners should not operate their vehicles if they have been damaged by flooding, nor should they charge them, Hillsborough County has advised.

"Never drive through flood water," the webpage also stated.

Well, we knew EV's suck in the cold. Now it looks like they suck near the coasts and rivers that can flood too. I wonder where they do well? The middle of the Outback maybe?

It's pretty bad when a bit of rain might total your car.

Well, we knew EV's suck in the cold. Now it looks like they suck near the coasts and rivers that can flood too. I wonder where they do well? The middle of the Outback maybe?

It's pretty bad when a bit of rain might total your car.
Sadly, the "useful idiots" keep on promoting this stuff. Supporting it, voting for it, and paying for it at the taxpayers expense. Nothing will be learned for sure but thats the standard these days. I've so many rants I could write a book on the subject but reality sets in and its obvious no one cares anyway. Bury the head in the sand like an ostrich as so many do. One day things will boil over and then maybe things will change. I doubt it though. So goes America these days.
A rant about Helene since I can't vent to anyone in my family except K about this and even he is sick of hearing it...

I have been hit by "Hurricane Helene" and the destruction She left in her wake has lasted 23 years at this point.

Hearing all the talk about the actual Hurricane Helene has me fuming about the "Hurricane Helene" in my own life. She is my estranged aunt of the same name. She and I were the only beneficiaries of my grandmother's estate. I have yet to receive my share after 23+ years. That share was ear marked for my education costs (would have been nice to have it to pay for college 20+ years ago!), housing (gee, would have been nice to have the money for a downpayment for the homestead) and health expenses (I have Hashimotos and 20+ years ago I had cancerous cells removed from my reproductive system- NOT CHEAP!). Yet here I am waiting for the hag to die so I can finally get my share which was only suppose to be held no later than my 45th birthday if not dispensed for the above reasons. That is 24 days from now.

The fact my lawyer dealing with this whole situation refuses to take my phone calls has me pissed off. Yes, I have been paying for a lawyer for the last 23+ years. My dad had to pay a lawyer just to see his own mother's will when she died! Not to mention this whole situation starts fights between my father and I any time this is brought up! I have gone no contact with my parents many times over the last 23 years because of this.

Doubt I'll see it any time soon.
Happy birthday to me.
F*** you, Helene!

Yeah, **** you Helene!

Just being supportive. That whole situation sucks.
@Grimm, wish you could get a different attorney that would actually take action. Hope he doesn't get a dime of any inheritance if you ever end up getting any of it. Sorry to hear your parents aren't being helpful or understanding about the situation. It's so frustrating when people get away with not turning over inherited assets like that. I hope you get interest that should have accrued on any $ you were slated to get.

My friend was supposed to inherit his late grandmother's house. Since he was a child when his grandma died, they put the house in his father's name and his mother's name. Instead of passing his father's share to him when the father died, his Mom somehow had his father's name taken off the deed and has it solely in her name and uses it to manipulate him. It's one of the reasons he's trying to get out of that house bc he doesn't believe she'll ever sign the deed over to him. Even though he pays the taxes and fixed it up so it's livable (as per the agreement to get it turned over in his name), she has reneged. The house would belong to the city now and would not be livable if not for us.

Friend's Mom is so entitled that she barged into his house while we were over visiting to go use his washing machine. Only he still had wet clothes in the washer. Did she take them out and put them in the dryer? Did she ask him if she could use his dryer or say anything to him? Did she even say "hello" to him? Nope. She marched straight to the machine, opened it, threw his wet clothes on the dirty floor (she tracked in dirt from outside) and then put her stuff in the wash. He didn't find out she did that until his wife got home and wanted to know why their stuff was on the floor wet. Friend was pretty pissed about it, but he's too much of a doormat to stand up to her. If it'd been me, her clothes would be out on the porch, my clothes would be back in the wash, and her code to the door would be removed. If she tries to evict him we take everything we put into the house-- the metal roof, the flooring, the cabinets, the shower, the washer & dryer, the fridge, the stove, the microwave, the toilet, the vanity.... All of it. Chances are she won't bother to try to evict him though. She'll just whine and guilt-trip him.

While we were visiting his grandfather stopped in front of the house in his SUV about 3 times. Each time he sat there laying on the horn for several minutes before driving off. Don't know if he came back after we left, but old man does that about 10x per day. Turns out he owes my friend about $30k but refuses to pay him back. He actually tells people that my friend owes him money. Found out he rolls up to Walmart and lays on the horn until an employee comes out and then demands they get stuff for him or demands they bring him a riding cart. He also apparently sexually harasses and stalks younger female employees. It sucks that my friend has such jerks in his family on both sides. His mom acts like he owes her. She didn't even raise him. When she did spend time with him when he was little she abused him and allowed him to be abused by her boyfriends.

Meanwhile, my brother decided to ruin my birthday-- which was already going bad bc I was sick. My sister called to wish me happy birthday and my brother also picked up the line. He decided to dominate the conversation, interrupt me, talk over me, and then scream at me when I was trying to tell her something because he wanted to tell her. So I hung up and sent her a message explaining that I was already feeling cruddy and didn't need to have him being a dick to me. He's got main character syndrome so badly I don't think he knew or even cared that I hung up. He knew it was my birthday too-- but only because I told him. Then a couple hours later he barged into my room to yap at me while I was listening to music and trying to take my meds. I didn't respond to him so he called me an a-hole several times before storming out.

Oh, and when I finally got him to take some trash bags out (ones I'd previously asked him to tie off and take out) he complained that I didn't tie them off for him and how inconvenient it was-- it's his job to take out the trash but he doesn't do it. Anyway, I asked him to take them out to the burn pile. Went out the next morning to find he just dumped them all on the steps. So I had to move them out of the way for Mom to get out of the house.

Next gripe is idiot drivers who don't know what a Stop sign is and don't understand right of way. I was driving home when some clown in a pickup truck coming from a side road just blew through a stop to make a left turn in front of me and an oncoming vehicle. Oncoming vehicle was in the turn lane with a left turn signal but still had right of way over this clown. I was going straight so I had right of way over both of them. Not only did he pull out without stopping, he also went so slowly that he blocked both lanes and I had to come to a complete stop to avoid hitting him. I laid on the horn, flipped him off, and waited for him to get out of the way. Then the oncoming vehicle veered to its right instead of turning left, followed him and turned the blue lights on. Sheriff Department vehicle. Instant karma.
Friend's Mom is so entitled that she barged into his house while we were over visiting to go use his washing machine. Only he still had wet clothes in the washer. Did she take them out and put them in the dryer? Did she ask him if she could use his dryer or say anything to him? Did she even say "hello" to him? Nope. She marched straight to the machine, opened it, threw his wet clothes on the dirty floor (she tracked in dirt from outside) and then put her stuff in the wash.
Sounds like your friend should have helped this poor lady get her clothes really clean by adding a quart of Clorox to the wash while she was waiting in the other room for the wash to finish. That would have been the thoughtful thing to do.
Friend's Mom only came in long enough to dump his laundry on the floor, put her laundry in the wash, and then left. She catches rides with guys and leaves her car in his driveway. She's on some kind of drugs and is a total flake. She's actually an intelligent and hardworking woman but the drugs have her acting erratic and she's too unreliable to hold a regular job. She also steals from people so that makes it harder. At least she's not as bad as his grandfather. That old man actually whined that people were paying more attention to a 2 week old baby than to him. His wife would probably be alive now if he hadn't harangued her to death.

Poor Merlin. Cats do not like getting medicine.
A rant about Helene since I can't vent to anyone in my family except K about this and even he is sick of hearing it...

I have been hit by "Hurricane Helene" and the destruction She left in her wake has lasted 23 years at this point.

Hearing all the talk about the actual Hurricane Helene has me fuming about the "Hurricane Helene" in my own life. She is my estranged aunt of the same name. She and I were the only beneficiaries of my grandmother's estate. I have yet to receive my share after 23+ years. That share was ear marked for my education costs (would have been nice to have it to pay for college 20+ years ago!), housing (gee, would have been nice to have the money for a downpayment for the homestead) and health expenses (I have Hashimotos and 20+ years ago I had cancerous cells removed from my reproductive system- NOT CHEAP!). Yet here I am waiting for the hag to die so I can finally get my share which was only suppose to be held no later than my 45th birthday if not dispensed for the above reasons. That is 24 days from now.

The fact my lawyer dealing with this whole situation refuses to take my phone calls has me pissed off. Yes, I have been paying for a lawyer for the last 23+ years. My dad had to pay a lawyer just to see his own mother's will when she died! Not to mention this whole situation starts fights between my father and I any time this is brought up! I have gone no contact with my parents many times over the last 23 years because of this.

Doubt I'll see it any time soon.
Happy birthday to me.
F*** you, Helene!
Stories like this, is why I am paying extra to put my things in a trust, no one can hide it or change it.
Stories like this, is why I am paying extra to put my things in a trust, no one can hide it or change it.
Make sure you keep up with it. That is the hardest part for us - to religiously title everything to the trust. There is a clause in our trust that says something about "new purchases become the property of the trust" (I don't know the exact wording). Put this sounds highly suspicious to me. Will that clause actually work in a court of law? My guess is it might work for random small house goods. Or was put in there by the lawyer as a last ditch "cover all bases, who knows, maybe this will fly" type of thing. But I'll bet it wouldn't work for things that actually have a title - land, houses, cars, etc. I doubt it would work for, say, a CD you opened at a bank and did not specify beneficiaries. You should never do that, but it could happen. The trust can be named as the beneficiary of CD's.

Anyway, my point was to make sure you continuously follow up and continuously fund the trust by titling new items to it. This is the hard part to keep up with, for us at least. We are a bit behind at the moment.
He is at the end of his dosing, he got 14 teeth extracted.
On the plus side, that makes it harder for him to bite you when you try to give him medicine.

One of my son's cats had to have most of its teeth extracted. It was not neglected or anything, my son provides a great home and care for it, but stuff happens sometimes I guess. The cat is doing just fine with no teeth. Doesn't bother it one bit. Its happier now.
On the plus side, that makes it harder for him to bite you when you try to give him medicine.

One of my son's cats had to have most of its teeth extracted. It was not neglected or anything, my son provides a great home and care for it, but stuff happens sometimes I guess. The cat is doing just fine with no teeth. Doesn't bother it one bit. Its happier now.
Our oldest cat, Bailey, had most of hers extracted too, she does fine.

Merlin took his last Clavamox dose this morning, he is doing fine. Vet visit on Monday for his follow up.

Jessica Chastain sparks outrage on social media after complaining about a $15 credit from JetBlue Airlines

In screenshots obtained by the Daily Mail, Chastain wrote, "Thank you @JetBlue for your $15.00 credit. My flight was $1,500 and the credit is 1/100 of the money I paid you," the actress posted on Wednesday. "Strange that I paid that for your flight entertainment system that didn’t work for the duration of my 6hr flight, but I guess it was worth it for this $15 credit."

Oh! She is going to be so pissed when she finds out how United treated me and my wife when the same thing happened to us. The seat-back TV's didn't work in our row two weeks ago. ☹️ (Not that we would have used them anyway - the first thing I do is figure out how to turn them off)

So, before we even boarded, they called us up to the gate agent stand and told us the TVs for our seats in the cattle section were broken. And they moved us up into Economy PLUS 🙃 Take that, little miss Jessica! PLUS I say, PLUS! Woohoo! And I no longer was assigned the middle seat. I got an AISLE seat! The wife got the window seat. And NOBODY was in the seat between us! Take that, little miss Jessica!
Celebrity status for you? Ha, you're a loser, na, na, na, na! :LOL:
Rupert had some sort of allergy to plack that made his gums inflamed constantly. I brushed his teeth and he had to have some pulled but eventually his teeth just ALL fell out. If I have chicken or beef or something for humans I chew it up for him. Or I use a blender to make it into puree. He seems happier without teeth, although he was frustrated when one of the cats caught a mouse and left it and he tried to eat it.

My newest microwave died. It worked in the morning and afternoon but I went to use it in the evening and it was off. I checked to see it was plugged in. I moved the plug to different outlets. Made sure those outlets worked. I checked to make sure the cord wasn't damaged. It's just dead. I sealed it up to keep roaches out but I think they still got in. Ugh. Friend said he'd look at it and see if he can figure out what is wrong. I'm hoping its just a fuse or something that can be replaced. If not, I'll have to buy another one.

Really need to figure out how to get rid of these roaches. I've tried peppermint oil as repellant but it wears off too fast, diatomaceous earth, roach spray, roach traps, roach bait, boric acid tablets, boric acid powder... The latter two seem to reduce the numbers short term but they still come back. I need to find all of their nesting areas. And I really need to get my brother's help on cleaning up.
Make sure you keep up with it. That is the hardest part for us - to religiously title everything to the trust. There is a clause in our trust that says something about "new purchases become the property of the trust" (I don't know the exact wording). Put this sounds highly suspicious to me. Will that clause actually work in a court of law? My guess is it might work for random small house goods. Or was put in there by the lawyer as a last ditch "cover all bases, who knows, maybe this will fly" type of thing. But I'll bet it wouldn't work for things that actually have a title - land, houses, cars, etc. I doubt it would work for, say, a CD you opened at a bank and did not specify beneficiaries. You should never do that, but it could happen. The trust can be named as the beneficiary of CD's.

Anyway, my point was to make sure you continuously follow up and continuously fund the trust by titling new items to it. This is the hard part to keep up with, for us at least. We are a bit behind at the moment.
Titles & deeds should be add as needed. House is easy, deed the land & everything on it to Jack & the house, barn, pool, greenhouse, BBQ pit, smoke house, shop, garden, tractor & equipment all go with the land, after all lends are paid.
I have individual stocks that I can leave to a name. Over all the caught phase is all unnamed good to be split 34%/
33%/ 33%/, most of which will be monies that I did not spend.
"Really need to figure out how to get rid of these roaches. I've tried peppermint oil as repellant but it wears off too fast, diatomaceous earth, roach spray, roach traps, roach bait, boric acid tablets, boric acid powder... The latter two seem to reduce the numbers short term but they still come back. I need to find all of their nesting areas. And I really need to get my brother's help on cleaning up."

DW use the Organic Pyrethrum, as well as many of the other thing you listed.
I buy diatomaceous earth by the 50 pound bag & dust all root crops, before planting.



Also if you kill all roaches day one, everyday for six weeks(42 days), you will have roaches hatching from eggs lift behind. The Pro change the type of spray every 3-6 months to keep the ambush on going.
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Stories like this, is why I am paying extra to put my things in a trust, no one can hide it or change it.
It is in a trust! My aunt refuses to accept who I want as my trustee because the trust says it needs to be in the hands of a corporate trustee. The trustee assigned by my grandmother refused to be the trustee after she died. Now we are fighting to find one that I am okay with and my aunt is okay with. She is in NY and I am in TX. She does not know I moved from CA yet. She wants my share held in trust in NY by her credit union. Uh.... HELL NO!
My rant today is of a political nature, so please excuse me it you don't like what I say.... Background: Where I work I sometime am in a position to see what the political appointees are doing, it's not that I am looking for it but that I can observe and am smart enough to understand the implications. My rant is in 2 parts; Observations and Deductions.

My Observations:
1. The government is operating under a continuing resolution, which means that funding was provided to maintain normal operations until Dec 20.
2. The political appointees (Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, and the like appointed by the Administration (President)) are diverting operational funds to front load (pre-pay) things that are important to the current Administration. This will ensure that these Politically Sensitive Activities continue for the next 4 years, unless Congress steps in to stop them by resending funds.

My Deductions:
1. The Political Appointees believe that there is a strong possibility that the current Administration will not continue into the next 4 years and they are trying to pay for things that would normally be cut or eliminated if the Administration changes. Opinion: They are trying to circumvent the next Administration.
2. Because many of the normal operations are being short funded now, there will be a number of "emergencies" just after the election that will need to be addressed to keep the Government fully operational. Opinion: They will demand emergency funds before January 2025 to avert a disaster. This will occur under the current Congress and Administration.

This is just a rant based on my observations and opinions, but it make me very upset just thinking about them.
My rant today is of a political nature, so please excuse me it you don't like what I say.... Background: Where I work I sometime am in a position to see what the political appointees are doing, it's not that I am looking for it but that I can observe and am smart enough to understand the implications. My rant is in 2 parts; Observations and Deductions.

My Observations:
1. The government is operating under a continuing resolution, which means that funding was provided to maintain normal operations until Dec 20.
2. The political appointees (Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, and the like appointed by the Administration (President)) are diverting operational funds to front load (pre-pay) things that are important to the current Administration. This will ensure that these Politically Sensitive Activities continue for the next 4 years, unless Congress steps in to stop them by resending funds.

My Deductions:
1. The Political Appointees believe that there is a strong possibility that the current Administration will not continue into the next 4 years and they are trying to pay for things that would normally be cut or eliminated if the Administration changes. Opinion: They are trying to circumvent the next Administration.
2. Because many of the normal operations are being short funded now, there will be a number of "emergencies" just after the election that will need to be addressed to keep the Government fully operational. Opinion: They will demand emergency funds before January 2025 to avert a disaster. This will occur under the current Congress and Administration.

This is just a rant based on my observations and opinions, but it make me very upset just thinking about them.
I too have seen this happening.
It's happening at a local level here too. The lame ducks are the most dangerous! Fortunately for the situation I have seen, they will not win with that strategy. The people who are replacing the outgoing members will simply undo their idiotic decisions at their first meeting which will be well in advance of when the projects (and spending) would be able to start. The new members will not allow the tax payers to get hosed. Amen!

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