Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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That is part of what the comedian, Ron White, said... There is always one guy who will not leave.. Saying something like ..it is just a windy day.. But it isn't the wind.. It is what the wind is moving... When it sends a Volvo at you in mid air, you aint got much of a chance...
A rant about Helene since I can't vent to anyone in my family except K about this and even he is sick of hearing it...

I have been hit by "Hurricane Helene" and the destruction She left in her wake has lasted 23 years at this point.

Hearing all the talk about the actual Hurricane Helene has me fuming about the "Hurricane Helene" in my own life. She is my estranged aunt of the same name. She and I were the only beneficiaries of my grandmother's estate. I have yet to receive my share after 23+ years. That share was ear marked for my education costs (would have been nice to have it to pay for college 20+ years ago!), housing (gee, would have been nice to have the money for a downpayment for the homestead) and health expenses (I have Hashimotos and 20+ years ago I had cancerous cells removed from my reproductive system- NOT CHEAP!). Yet here I am waiting for the hag to die so I can finally get my share which was only suppose to be held no later than my 45th birthday if not dispensed for the above reasons. That is 24 days from now.

The fact my lawyer dealing with this whole situation refuses to take my phone calls has me pissed off. Yes, I have been paying for a lawyer for the last 23+ years. My dad had to pay a lawyer just to see his own mother's will when she died! Not to mention this whole situation starts fights between my father and I any time this is brought up! I have gone no contact with my parents many times over the last 23 years because of this.

Doubt I'll see it any time soon.
Happy birthday to me.
F*** you, Helene!
That is part of what the comedian, Ron White, said... There is always one guy who will not leave.. Saying something like ..it is just a windy day.. But it isn't the wind.. It is what the wind is moving... When it sends a Volvo at you in mid air, you aint got much of a chance...
I have loved that piece since I watched it the first time 😍, and I quote it often...
Only 48 seconds long, but so much truth:

"After the storm, if you do have an EV that has been flooded by saltwater and it remains in your garage or near your home, please remove it immediately to a safe location so that you can worry about fixing your home instead of rebuilding it due to fire," he said in part.

EV owners should not operate their vehicles if they have been damaged by flooding, nor should they charge them, Hillsborough County has advised.

"Never drive through flood water," the webpage also stated.

Well, we knew EV's suck in the cold. Now it looks like they suck near the coasts and rivers that can flood too. I wonder where they do well? The middle of the Outback maybe?

It's pretty bad when a bit of rain might total your car.

Well, we knew EV's suck in the cold. Now it looks like they suck near the coasts and rivers that can flood too. I wonder where they do well? The middle of the Outback maybe?

It's pretty bad when a bit of rain might total your car.
Sadly, the "useful idiots" keep on promoting this stuff. Supporting it, voting for it, and paying for it at the taxpayers expense. Nothing will be learned for sure but thats the standard these days. I've so many rants I could write a book on the subject but reality sets in and its obvious no one cares anyway. Bury the head in the sand like an ostrich as so many do. One day things will boil over and then maybe things will change. I doubt it though. So goes America these days.

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