Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Mad at me again today. Sunday I bought a cheap non-contact voltage tester, marked down from $5. Worked fine when I got home, worked yesterday. Today, not so much… it lost it’s cheap little mind. Started beeping while in my pocket. Wouldn’t read any ac voltage. Should have known it was junk at $4. This evening I bought a quality tester made by Klein tools for $21. 🤬🤬
I bought a Klein tester a few years ago based on recommendations from folks here on the forum. I can't believe I waited so long in life to get one. They are great. Mine is made by Klein like your new one, and it has functioned flawlessly. Klein makes a bunch of different ones. I keep the battery out of the device and attached to the outside with a rubber band. Since I don't use this frequently and don't want a partially used battery inside to leak and corrode the thing. Here's the one I ended up with:

I bought a Klein tester a few years ago based on recommendations from folks here on the forum. I can't believe I waited so long in life to get one. They are great. Mine is made by Klein like your new one, and it has functioned flawlessly. Klein makes a bunch of different ones. I keep the battery out of the device and attached to the outside with a rubber band. Since I don't use this frequently and don't want a partially used battery inside to leak and corrode the thing. Here's the one I ended up with:


Yours is the ncvt-3p, mine is one model number and $5 cheaper, a ncvt-1p. It's a lot more sensitive than the cheap pos I bought sunday. On a round appliance power cable it'll pinpoint the hot wire of the 3 wires inside the cable, the spot it's closest to the outer edge, impressive!

Yes, I like it better already. I've owned fluke multimeters for 40yrs. Never thought I'd need a non-contact tester but they are handy when all I need to know is if voltage is present or not.
I also got Klein electrical tools. My best friend loves them and uses them almost exclusively at work.

So, yesterday they went to do the struts on my truck and one of the struts was missing. Turns out it was sent 2 days later and had just arrived at the post office so I brought it in. They put it on and I was told that they replaced my rear brakes (which were brand new really good brand ones that last a long time). There was nothing wrong with the rear and no reason to change them. But they didn't charge for it. Owner said they got a bunch of rocks out of the brakes and wheels and stuff but could not figure out why it is making noise. So it is still making weird noises AND I know have a "Check Brake System" warning along with other warnings that were there before. Gonna have to take it to a dealership. Ugh.
My legs got a work out today!!! They are screaming at me every time I move tonight. Climbed a step ladder at least 4 dozen times and I had to stand on the 5th step. The one with the warning label that says ‘do not stand on this step’. Up/down over and over and over! Guess I'll take tomorrow off! Unless I can find something to do that doesn't require climbing that ***** stepladder. 🤣
My legs got a work out today!!! They are screaming at me every time I move tonight. Climbed a step ladder at least 4 dozen times and I had to stand on the 5th step. The one with the warning label that says ‘do not stand on this step’. Up/down over and over and over! Guess I'll take tomorrow off! Unless I can find something to do that doesn't require climbing that ***** stepladder. 🤣
Been there done that and probably do it again.

Gotta earn my keep.

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I've been repotting houseplants this week and doing some long overdue yard work. I've been raking leaves this morning as well as repotting plants. I took a break, came in to eat lunch and looked high and low for my phone. It was nowhere to be found. I kept saying out loud, "Where is my phone?" because sometimes that helps, or not! I finally thought that it might be in my green rolling bin for yard waste that I had filled up with leaves. I have a trash can that I can put a 55 gallon bag into. I did and began removing leaves from the rolling bin and filling the trash bag in the trash can. I was 3/4 done emptying the rolling bin and onto my second 55 gallon bag when I found my phone in the rolling bin, amongst the leaves.
I've been repotting houseplants this week and doing some long overdue yard work. I've been raking leaves this morning as well as repotting plants. I took a break, came in to eat lunch and looked high and low for my phone. It was nowhere to be found. I kept saying out loud, "Where is my phone?" because sometimes that helps, or not! I finally thought that it might be in my green rolling bin for yard waste that I had filled up with leaves. I have a trash can that I can put a 55 gallon bag into. I did and began removing leaves from the rolling bin and filling the trash bag in the trash can. I was 3/4 done emptying the rolling bin and onto my second 55 gallon bag when I found my phone in the rolling bin, amongst the leaves.

And people wonder why opinions may be turning against gays, lesbians and whatever subgroups the other letters stand for?

Here's why:


I have friends that are gay and lesbian. I have always liked them and supported them. Still do. But in the general sense, my support of the LG*** conglomerate as a whole has decreased. Not so much the gays and lesbians, more so the other whacked out groups that have attached themselves to the cause like parasites. They are now going after towns and council members and getting them fined for not proclaiming a month as "Pride month". And for not flying the gay flag on their flagpole (the small town doesn't even have a flagpole). And for voting against making this kind of bowing to the cause mandatory.

If you want to know how to lose long time support that you had previously ... this is a great way to accomplish that. Combine that with forcing men into women's sports, drag queens into preschool library reading sessions, and you have a great recipe for the total demise of your cause. Encourage people to support you if you want. But stop trying to FORCE them to. It seems so weird to me that the LG*** group does not see this. It's not like they are less intelligent than other people. How can they possibly think this forced mandate crap is going to help their cause in any way what-so-ever?

I still support my friends. It's the "friends of my friends" that are really choking the cause.
As a christmas present to me this year I’m replacing some old and badly worn tools. I got a 12pc milwakee screwdriver set already. A great set but it has a problem… there is a ‘stubby’ 4” long. The next shortest is 7” over all length.

I need both flat and ph about 5.5” over all length. I’m sure some one makes what I need. My rant is about the descriptions on websites. I’ve looked at hundreds of screwdrivers the past week. They happily have the tip sizes listed, sometimes the shank length, sometimes the handle length. NO ONE lists the over all length!!!!! grumble grumble….

The same holds true for small needle nose pliers. Poor descriptions… I have 2 that need replaced, a 4.5” and a 5.5”. Over 6” and websites describe them in excruciating detail… Under 6”… crickets… 🤬

And prices are all over the place, can’t tell if it’s a quality tool or over priced crap. I saw a 6pc set of needle nose pliers for $279 on more than one website, same set. For that price the handles better be heated and give my hand a massage while I use them. And not one website listed the sizes of these pricey needle nose pliers!!!!

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They happily have the tip sizes listed, sometimes the shank length, sometimes the handle length. NO ONE lists the over all length!!!!! grumble grumble….
I noticed a related problem. Home Depot was advertising an "18 foot ladder". But guess what? The ladder was only 14 feet long. But you could supposedly "reach" up to 18 feet. Evidently that's good enough for them to label it an "18 foot ladder". Slime bags.

You can't trust anybody anymore. I was looking for grilling utensils on Amazon. There were tons of "stainless steel" things for sale. And there were reviews of rust and flaking plating on all these things. I guess if something is shiny that's good enough for the Chinese manufacturers to call it "stainless steel".

Amazon is getting really bad like this. You can't trust half the products they sell. It's all CCC merchandise ("Cheap, Chinese Crap"). They're getting very close to that "Alibaba" store or whatever it is named (somewhere in China). When you see manufacturers named "XTREFVIOPNQ" and similar, you better watch out. I don't care how many and how great the reviews are. It's all CCC. Stay away, stay far away. Pretty soon Amazon will be lower than Walmart in the crapola department.

At Home Depot today - where I saw that miracle ladder that was advertised as 4 feet longer than it actually was - I was in there to buy a clevis pin (my new Blackstone was missing one). This pin holds the bracket that holds the propane tank. A full "20 lb propane tank" weighs about 40 lbs. And I was looking at the pin in the hardware drawer wondering if it came from China. Was it really "stainless steel"? Or was it chrome plated pot metal? I can see that thing sheering off and sending the propane tank flying. I bought it anyway - for a whopping $4.75! - and I'll just have to pray it's not CCC. Luckily the tank hangs only a few inches above the ground, so hopefully a sheered pin wouldn't be catastrophic. The pin is 0.25" in diameter and that would be plenty strong enough if it's made out of good materials. The missing pin from Blackstone is almost guaranteed to be made in China, so there's that...
I've been looking for some brass fittings and about wet myself! I have an airbrush compressor that's in need of an intake muffler with brass first then pvc will do the rest. I can't believe the prices on small brass fittings today. The world has stopped making brass and those holding brass are selling their stock at "end of the brass age" prices.
I have noticed the already lower quality great values walmart stuff is even more lower quality now. You used to be able to buy their peanut butter for example, now, it's just groce. Full of other oil and junk. The can of green beans I just used not long ago had pieces of stems in it. I tried their toothpaste ( Sensodine rip off) and it felt like baking soda and sand in my mouth
I have noticed the already lower quality great values walmart stuff is even more lower quality now. You used to be able to buy their peanut butter for example, now, it's just groce. Full of other oil and junk. The can of green beans I just used not long ago had pieces of stems in it. I tried their toothpaste ( Sensodine rip off) and it felt like baking soda and sand in my mouth
The sand helps break down the green bean stems as you chew!😮
My rant is about snowbird couples who go grocery shopping together. I’ve encountered this countless times in walmart. The husband pushes the cart. He stops in the middle of isle and turns into frozen statue. His wife is standing at a shelf adjacent to the cart and they have the isle completely blocked. She is holding close a can of cream style corn. She is mouth breathing and gazing at the can so long, she is either trying to create a personal relationship with it or she has fallen deep into a coma. If i politely say “excuse me” to get their attention. They act like I have insulted them! Can’t people do their sleeping at home?
Some people live by the understanding they are the only ones in the universe. I don't even try to be nice about it, I just say excuse me in a half way gruff voice while giving them the hairy eye. Kind of a Jack Elam knock off look but it works.
You're nicer than I am, I'll send my kids right down the middle of the aisle flailing and yelling. And if I have to I'll let one of them push the cart. It isn't a crime if your kid ran them down on accident.
Kind of a Jack Elam knock off look but it works.
When I was about 9yo (circa 1957) we were throwing a ball around in my friends backyard. It went over the fence into to the backyard of
another house. I ran around the corner and up to the front door. The house was ABSOLUTELY HUGE, but no one seemed to know anything about the owner. I knocked on the door and the door abruptly opened. I was was small for my age and there in front of me was Jack Elam, towering over me, not speaking, just glaring down at me! I stood frozen in terror for what seem like forever. Then I ran like hell! I decided he could keep the ball!

Yep…that Jack Elam look definitely works!
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My rant is about snowbird couples who go grocery shopping together. I’ve encountered this countless times in walmart. The husband pushes the cart. He stops in the middle of isle and turns into frozen statue. His wife is standing at a shelf adjacent to the cart and they have the isle completely blocked. She is holding close a can of cream style corn. She is mouth breathing and gazing at the can so long, she is either trying to create a personal relationship with it or she has fallen deep into a coma. If i politely say “excuse me” to get their attention. They act like I have insulted them! Can’t people do their sleeping at home?

Just walk up to the guy and act like you're old buddies, then say "Man, I haven't seen you at the strip club in weeks! Those girls must be losing a lot of money!" Then say "See you next week?" and walk away. Situation will take care of itself.
I have noticed the already lower quality great values walmart stuff is even more lower quality now. You used to be able to buy their peanut butter for example, now, it's just groce. Full of other oil and junk. The can of green beans I just used not long ago had pieces of stems in it. I tried their toothpaste ( Sensodine rip off) and it felt like baking soda and sand in my mouth
When SAM was alive and owned Walmart he only sold goods made in USA and high quality, His inherited money grubbers tried to buy the cheepest and worse quality items so they could make more money, Hope they go broke!
I talked to an employee who was working at Walmart back when Sam was still alive. He said Sam actually came out to the Walmart he worked at and helped stock the shelves.

The decreasing quality of items reminds me of what I read about the ruins of Harappa in the Indian subcontinent. The older structures were built with good quality bricks and were very sturdy but later on the quality decreased and those structures didn't last as long.

So, my truck isn't making all the horrible squealing noises it had been making but the tire is still rubbing something when I turn the wheel to the left. Struts are breaking in so the ride isn't as bouncy. I had reported to Amazon that one of the struts was missing but then called them back to tell them it arrived (just a couple days late) and canceled the replacement. They still sent out the replacements & this time via UPS so they were put on my porch. I tried to do a return online and it was only wanting to do one label because they recorded it as being one box. They wanted $1 to send me a return label and wanted $5 to have UPS come to my house to retrieve the struts, but still would only do one box. I called Amazon CS and fortunately the lady told me that it was free to have UPS come get the packages since they were heavy. They were not wrapped in anything inside the box so the boxes arrived full of holes. I let the lady know that and said I'd do my best to tape it up. I also had another item to return via UPS so I put that box out there and put sticky notes on all of them.

Weather has been crappy and I'm still tired. Could be worse though. Oh, best friend's microwave blew up out of nowhere. His daughter was heating up popcorn on the popcorn setting and it fried itself and had stuff inside melting. No idea why. It happened right after Cyber Monday.

Husband leaps onto polar bear that lunged at wife in surprise attack

If the wife was close enough to a polar bear that it could lunge at her, and the husband was close enough that he could leap onto the bear - was it really a surprise that it attacked???!!! Yes, it was in their driveway. But if I saw a polar bear in my driveway (that would be pretty hard to miss), I think I would have quietly gone back inside and not approached it to lunge distance. I truly hope this was a concealed polar bear in hiding that surprised them. If they actually approached the beast - they are felony stupid.
Yall ain’t gonna believe this mess… Today I bought new kitchen counter containers, for flour, sugar, cornmeal etc. Got them washed this evening they were just about dry when….

I was cleaning up in the kitchen, sweeping and mopping. I filled the dog’s big 2L water bowl. Had an extension cord run to a fan to dry the floor. Had a 5lb bag of flour open on the counter, ready to go into a new container.

I have a small aluminum folding camp table against my movable island. On it was a 50pc gun cleaning kit, open.. dremel case open.. case of small specialty screw drivers and wrenches that won’t latch.. and a bowl of assorted ammo, 9mm, .38, .22lr.

I noticed the out side temp was about 35f. I had a case of soda’s on the porch getting cold. Decided to move them into one of the crisper drawers in my fridge before they froze.

I noticed some loose plant material in the bottom of the crisper. Decided to wash it quickly. To get it out of the fridge I had to carefully move the little folding table out of the way of the fridge door.

That’s when all heck broke loose!!!! The table legs folded dumping everything on to the floor. The dog was getting a drink, he freaked, knocked over 2L bowl of water and ran… into the extension cord which raked all the clean containers onto the floor along with the bag of flour.

Then I had a 5lb lump of dough on the floor spiced liberally with a bowl of ammo, gun and dremel kits and a few dozen tiny screw drivers and specialty wrenches.

I’ll still be cleaning parts, pieces and ammo tomorrow!!! And then I have to wash my new flour/sugar containers again!!!! 🤬

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