Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I now know what direction to go. Just got off the phone, appointment for this afternoon to buy the burial lot. It’s where my ancestors are buried. When I asked wife if she wanted to go along and what cemetery her looks could kill.

Why can’t a woman make up their mind?
She did make up her mind. She wants to kill you.😂
Lazy L, I wonder if the thought of death freaks her out and she doesn't want to make decisions because she doesn't yet want to accept that someday she will die. It's inevitable, but some people can't stand thinking about it.

I've told my family I want my body donated to science. I have myself listed as an organ donor-- not sure if my organs would be any good, but if they can help, then so be it. My mother was told to never put that she's an organ donor bc the doctors would let her die rather than trying to save her so they could take her organs. IMO, if I'm that bad off, I'd rather not wake up and would rather give someone else a chance.

People with poor reading comprehension came up. I posted on the lost & found pets group for my area about a "large brown dog" that I found and I said what street and town. Around midnight, some bint from another town messaged me asking if the dog I found looked anything like her dog- and then she sent a video of a small black and white dog. Not even remotely in the right area either. Then she kept messaging me because I didn't respond-- I wasn't online. I was asleep. I saw the messages in the morning and rather than tell her what a complete moron she is for not bothering to read the original message properly but then spamming my inbox, I decided to be polite and give the description again and tell her I hope she finds her dog. But man, people are stupid. I suppose I can understand she's desperate to find her dog or know what happened to it, but that doesn't fully excuse the stupidity and lack of reading comprehension.

Meanwhile, I'm exhausted again and my left arm is giving me trouble. I was a quarter through cleaning the kitchen when my arm decided to crap out on me. I'm also irritated because I hurt it while taking trash out and my brother is supposed to take the trash out. The ONE chore he has and he won't do it. Even when I pull the bags out and tie them off and stage them for him to take out, he won't do it. He will sometimes help bring groceries in, but once they are in he drops them either on the counter or floor and goes to his room and leaves me to put everything away-- even if its stuff for him. He very rarely helps put stuff away.
There was a news report a few years back about bodies that were donated to science essentially being stolen and sold on the black market. Not just whole bodies but body parts. They literally found a bag of dicks.

I don't want my body donated out of any desire to remain alive in some way. I just want my body to be more useful than just becoming worm food. The whole casket thing is too expensive and a waste of time IMO. And even with cremation, its expensive and something still has to be done with the ashes.

So, I think I might have a roof leak. I noticed one of the ceiling tiles in the kitchen was darker and looked damp. Poked it with a broom handle and it was soft. Today I was standing in the kitchen and water dripped from that tile. It hasn't been raining today as far as I know so I don't know if it is some sort of condensation or roof leak or what. But because I don't have the right sized ladder-- and even if I did, my left arm isn't cooperating enough to lift myself up-- I can't check to see what is causing it. But I know it needs to be addressed before we get a serious mold problem. Ugh.
And, just found out my brother's medical insurance was canceled. So, he got it in 2020 and it was supposed to be good until 2025 (put a pin in that). He got a call saying he needed to renew it by going to their website. He was also given a phone number but was directed to use the website as the phone jockeys allegedly can't do anything. Website said he needed a "case number" to renew. They didn't exist when he got the insurance. Only option was to apply for new insurance to get a case number. But wait, you can't apply for a case number if you already have insurance and because his insurance was supposed to be good 'til 2025, it rejected his application. And because he didn't renew, they canceled his insurance. He's re-applied but it could take a week or more. What a completely asinine system!

He said the website was so stupid it could run for president.

I'm hoping he gets it renewed because his meds would be way too expensive without insurance.

As an aside, I got on a stepladder and got on the 2nd highest rung to look in the attic. Not high enough to climb up in it and I don't trust my left arm for it-- plus ladder wobbled a bit. Tried to take video but it didn't go the first time and 2nd attempt yielded crappy results bc I was trying to balance on the ladder. Couldn't see past the giant ductwork to the leaking area. Tons of mouse crap in the insulation though.
There was a news report a few years back about bodies that were donated to science essentially being stolen and sold on the black market. Not just whole bodies but body parts. They literally found a bag of dicks.

I don't want my body donated out of any desire to remain alive in some way. I just want my body to be more useful than just becoming worm food. The whole casket thing is too expensive and a waste of time IMO. And even with cremation, its expensive and something still has to be done with the ashes.
We prefer the term " Satchel of Richards" :p
I forgot to mention my traffic peeves. As I was driving into town, some jerk pulled out of the driveway onto the road, looked & saw me coming, pulled out more and then stopped. I had to go into the oncoming lane to avoid hitting the front of the truck. Fortunately, no other vehicles were coming. I noticed that he had a rope on the back of the truck going to the bridle of some poor horse that had a 2 person wagon/carriage behind it. When he started moving again it yerked the poor horse. The horse quickly started moving, but it winced when the rope pulled.

Then, on the way back home, another idiot pulled out of one of the business driveways into the middle lane (which is specifically for turning and allowing people to pull out and wait for traffic to clear). He immediately moved into the left (fast) lane and went 30mph in a 50mph zone directly in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting him and then ended up going into the middle lane to pass him. I was able to get back up to speed limit while he was still going 30. There were no cars behind me. He could have waited until I passed.

There was also more than one person who hit their brakes and stopped in the road to make a turn without using a turn signal.

On the bright side, we got my friend's new stove in.
I forgot to mention my traffic peeves. As I was driving into town, some jerk pulled out of the driveway onto the road, looked & saw me coming, pulled out more and then stopped. I had to go into the oncoming lane to avoid hitting the front of the truck. Fortunately, no other vehicles were coming. I noticed that he had a rope on the back of the truck going to the bridle of some poor horse that had a 2 person wagon/carriage behind it. When he started moving again it yerked the poor horse. The horse quickly started moving, but it winced when the rope pulled.

Then, on the way back home, another idiot pulled out of one of the business driveways into the middle lane (which is specifically for turning and allowing people to pull out and wait for traffic to clear). He immediately moved into the left (fast) lane and went 30mph in a 50mph zone directly in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting him and then ended up going into the middle lane to pass him. I was able to get back up to speed limit while he was still going 30. There were no cars behind me. He could have waited until I passed.

There was also more than one person who hit their brakes and stopped in the road to make a turn without using a turn signal.

On the bright side, we got my friend's new stove in.
I hate that when someone pulls out in front of me when there is no one behind me.
I just want to go fishing in a little inflatable on an empty lake in the boonies. Just spent six hours of my life on- line taking a mandatory boating compliance course and exam. Most of it for ocean going vessels, sailboats and tugs.

My butt has a headache.
I HATE it when my butt gets a headache. As much training as we have to endure at work, it gets to be a regular thing.
I never understood pellet stoves. Don't you need electricity for it to work?
You need electric for the auger to move the pellets through. Pellets are not a bad idea. Clean, using materials that would have gone to waste, fairly easy to store and handle. They were definitely the in thing when I worked at TSC. Cleaner than wood, maybe less overall heat. There’s a model for trailers. They do have their issues.
Talking to a "co-worker" about how it is kind of sad when people get hired anymore, they don' t stay long then new people have to be trained all over again even if they have been in the same field, different location, different protocols. I said I wished people would stop jumping from job to job all the time. Not much of a future in job hopping; if you're full time the retirement package is good, and after 5 years you get three weeks vacation (as opposed to two weeks or NONE, and to a point you can accumulate your sick leave). This co-worker said that their generation doesn't like staying in one place for long, they don't see much value in being loyal to a business or a company. Is that how they feel about marriage and relationships too?
From what I've seen, staying at the same location for more than 3 years is not common anymore.
A lot of places no longer offer pensions or any sort of retirement plans. The place where my sister works doesn't. A lot of places aren't even hiring fulltime anymore because they don't want to have to provide benefits. Loyalty to a workplace goes both ways. A workplace has to treat the employees right in order to keep them. A lot of places are no longer doing that. My sister has job security because she's very skilled at what she does and she's worked at that company since she was an intern. She's a genius and works hard and is able to figure out complex things so they need her. But not everyone has that advantage. If she'd been trying to get a job in today's market she'd be screwed because they wouldn't offer her anywhere near what she gets paid now.
Talking to a "co-worker" about how it is kind of sad when people get hired anymore, they don' t stay long then new people have to be trained all over again even if they have been in the same field, different location, different protocols. I said I wished people would stop jumping from job to job all the time. Not much of a future in job hopping; if you're full time the retirement package is good, and after 5 years you get three weeks vacation (as opposed to two weeks or NONE, and to a point you can accumulate your sick leave). This co-worker said that their generation doesn't like staying in one place for long, they don't see much value in being loyal to a business or a company. Is that how they feel about marriage and relationships too?
From what I've seen, staying at the same location for more than 3 years is not common anymore.
Talking to a "co-worker" about how it is kind of sad when people get hired anymore, they don' t stay long then new people have to be trained all over again even if they have been in the same field, different location, different protocols. I said I wished people would stop jumping from job to job all the time. Not much of a future in job hopping; if you're full time the retirement package is good, and after 5 years you get three weeks vacation (as opposed to two weeks or NONE, and to a point you can accumulate your sick leave). This co-worker said that their generation doesn't like staying in one place for long, they don't see much value in being loyal to a business or a company. Is that how they feel about marriage and relationships too?
From what I've seen, staying at the same location for more than 3 years is not common anymore.
My husband worked for the same company for 41 years until he retired. After he got his 2 Masters degrees, he got hired on and never had another job after that. He was well payed, had a 401(k) AND a pension. I job hopped due to circumstances such as better pay, moving, etc.
Most of you don't have to deal with door bell ringing being out in the country n all. Guy just tried to make me feel like I'm missing the best thing by not getting a contract with his company for security, door camera, etc. I reminded him I'm on the do not knock list with the city, then I looked up at my wasp nest that was about five feet from his head, which he noticed and backed up accordingly, while I was holding my 6 foot long big A walking stick in one hand, barefoot, and hearing the dog barking like she's going to kill that emmfffer. He asked me if I knew the people in back of me, so and so, or these people, the whatevers, no, I don't. He said that I would get a discount rate if I purchased now for allowing the company to post their sign in my yard and I wouldn't be allowed to discuss price with anyone, etc. What a bunch of hooey. No. Oh, okay, he says, well then you won't have that protection, I said, "the dog works." He scoffed. :rolleyes: please laugh. I am.
edited for clarity
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