Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Everyone thinks I am against fire departments, but in reality, they are a very proud profession, and there has been a loving rivalry between cops and firefighters since the beginning of time.

I really appreciate these men and women immensely, especially knowing when a police officer trainee flunks out of the entrance exam, there is always the fire department who will hire them, regardless if they have progressed from writing from a crayon to pencil, or not! (snark)
Havasu, did you ever see the photo where there was a fire station directly next to the police station and the firemen put out a giant cardboard box with a stick holding it up (like a large animal trap) with a plate of donuts underneath and a sign that said "Donuts"? I think there was at least one cop looking at it.

My back hates me and I need to get a lot of cleaning done. I was too tired to do laundry yesterday. I needed the rest. Got Mom to eat some veggies today and she liked them.

I'm annoyed at my brother for not coming home when he said he was going to. He went over to visit our friend instead.

I got him some food and now it is cold. His loss though.

I had to go back into town bc I left my wheelbearing at the tire repair place. Showed it to the owner to see if his people could install that type and then had to use the bathroom. Fortunately, they set it on the desk for me and told me they found it when I called.

My urine was neon yellow and I think I may have passed a kidney stone. But I think I still have another up in my left kidney. I could feel the one working its way down earlier. It's not helping my back pain any.
I went on a swear fest yesterday. I was finishing up our 20x10 ft patio cover. As I was putting up gutters I was using a 10ft step ladder to hold one side. I had it leaning up against the facia with the gutter resting on top. I went to make an adjustment and the ladder started to fall. I grabbed it with my right hand. Well that allowed the gutter to fall behind the ladder. A half a second latter I pinched my fingers between the 2 halves of the step ladder, making me let go. The ladder then fell on the gutter and dented and deformed it.

After I picked everything up I asked my wife if she heard all the commotion. She said she did. I asked how come she didn't see if I was ok? She said she did. She looked out the window. Based on my volume, ability to string so many swear words together she determined my airway was clear my brain function was normal and I was standing. So basically I was fine. Lol
My mother can't seem to make up her mind about what she likes to eat. Changes her mind multiple times per day. One moment says she doesn't want something, then says she wants it and is mad I didn't get it for her. Asks me to buy stuff and then is mad that I bought it bc "You know I hate that!" then when I don't buy stuff she asks me why and I said "You said you hated it!" and she argues with me about it. Today I struggled to find something that she was willing to eat. Had to ask multiple times bc she doesn't listen worth crap and will tune me out and not answer. When I tested her sugar before she ate it was low 70s. Afterward I checked again and it was mid 400s. Really need that CGM and talk to the specialist about how to make sure she takes the right amount of insulin. It's supposed to be with meals but she won't eat regularly. We both got up after noon today. I was exhausted again.

Oh, and I still have at least one kidney stone kicking around. I think it will pass soon, but it's annoying.
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Cruise ship hit by rogue wave during storm, loses ability to navigate

It was due to a power loss on board. I would hope (a false hope I realize) that the ships navigator would know how to use a sextant to get a fix (much easier at night when you have all those stars to choose from - not just the sun and maybe the moon in the daytime). Even I can do that - a little rusty now, would need to practice and re-read the process some, especially running daytime fixes. Simply maintaining your current heading while you search for that rare (?) passenger who has a smart phone to use its built-in GPS would do the job. You don't need cell service for the GPS to work.

Of course, even given the ability to navigate during the ships power loss wouldn't gain you much. You're not going to be able to move the thing anywhere. The engines themselves may be diesel, but all the controllers to monitor them and make them do what you want are electric. I'm not sure a modern ship will be going anywhere useful if it doesn't have electrical power.
Passed all of my kidney stones but had the runs today. Feeling a bit tired. Mom is feeling better at least and has been more decisive on food. Since my sister sent a toaster for Xmas (I picked it out and sent her the link when she was asking me what I wanted) I've been able to make eggs and toast almost every day for her and that makes her happy. But her blood sugar is still out of whack and I don't know enough about when she should take insulin or how much.

Been having issues with the jet pump for our well though. Water has stopped working 2x in one week and I have to go out to give a little tug on the power cable to the jet pump's pressure switch. I don't know if its the switch going bad or the pressure tank needing to be replaced. I'm afraid I'll slip and break more pipes trying to check the pressure tank and the guy who usually does the repairs won't return my calls. I'm hoping the pump won't burn out because its more expensive to replace now than it was years ago and we've already spent a lot.

My guts hate me today but the Pepto finally kicked in so I don't have to stay in the bathroom. Also, cats are jerks. Walked out in the hallway to see one of the male cats spraying the outside of the litterbox instead of going inside it. He was marking it I guess. Mild sinus headache so I need to take a nap.
The Pepto worked. Had a sinus headache most of yesterday but am better today. but something bit my oldest cat's ear and I had to take him to the vet this morning. He had to get his ear cleaned and get an antibiotic shot. He didn't fuss or fight though. He was so quiet my brother forgot he was in the truck. I hate to see him hurt though. My sister's oldest cat is sick and might have UTI. She's waiting on the urinalysis test results.
This year I froze half my onions, re-chopped, and plaited and hung the rest. Because of our damp year, they weren't great, and I knew I was short, but I thought I'd plant early instead and make up for it. I'm already out of red, only white/brown left. There are no mice because I pop drops of peppermint oil around. However I was going through the hanging ones, which have always hung in the small bathroom we have in the garage, because it's dark and cool, and I keep whatever dog meal is open in there also. TWO WHOLE BUNCHES rotten! I'm mad as hell, bloody damp country. I'm going to have to go through all of them now. 😭
Yesterday I was at Costco, and their self check out line went to the back of the store, before noon! It was so crowded and busy. I knew it would be.

I waited too long this week, because I've been watching a puppy. It was Friday. I try to not go on Fridays, and especially on Friday afternoons, but I've been busy. I actually avoid all afternoons and weekends! I like to be there in the mornings on weekdays.

And, yesterday was the last work day of the month, so pay day for some people and therefore, shopping day. It was also a Friday, pay day for some other people. It was also the last weekday before a BIG holiday. And lots of people shop before the weekend. I knew it was going to be crazy. I was absolutely right.

I was going to be there when it opened, but a friend called me, someone whose life has been upside down for a few months. I ended up getting caught up in conversation with her and realizing it was past opening time!!! "I've got to go! I need to get there because of all the reasons I just wrote above."

Then she started to ask if she could go shopping with me because of Costco membership fees going up. I've seen people trying to shop with someone on their membership and it is not easily allowed. I've seen it.

Also, this person is not a fast person, always late, always distracted. I can get in and out in half an hour, even if I have to wait in line. This person tells me she is usually in there more than an hour, more like an hour and a half and spends about $500 a visit. OMG! I cannot shop like that! With my back, I'd have to crawl to get out. I have my list and am on a mission, zipping here and there, in sequential order to minimize shopping time, until I have what I want or need, and then I'm out. I'm not standing around looking at things saying, "Oh that is a nice couch," that I don't need or want. I know people who shop like that. Nope, I cannot and will not!

And, now she is looking for ways to cut expenses. My thoughts are to cut that $180 a month cable bill, and other subscription fee based things that she uses. When some people grow up with money, they have a hard time knowing how to live on less or how to plan for retirement. I can't work as hard as I have and do and take care of someone who hasn't figured it out.
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I have a friend (the former bouncer who now works at Walmart) who went to Ireland a few years back. He had family over there and asked if there was anything he could bring. They asked for Lucky Charms with the Leprechaun because those are banned over there for being racist/offensive. He was able to sell them for the equivalent of $300USD per box.

My 83-yr-old uncle fell and broke his hip. He was supposed to visit his daughter (my favorite cousin) for the holidays but had to get surgery and is still in rehab. He's incredibly bored and in a lot of pain but he reported that they are taking very good care of him at the rehab center. Said they come almost instantly when he calls for something. He doesn't much like the food and he said the chair they have him sit in is uncomfortable. He wants to get back home where they have good food at his assisted living facility. His son was supposed to visit him in rehab but keeps having bad migraines. He's gotten worse since his mother died. He didn't take it very well at all.

The water went out again yesterday so I had to get up early and go out in the cold to get the pump working again. At least its as simple as tugging on the power cord to get the pressure switch to wake up, but it's annoying.

Mom woke me up last night in the middle of the night wanting me to cook some kind of Italian sausages-- the smell of which make me nauseous. I went to defrost them in the microwave but the lights in the house dimmed and the microwave would make a different sound and then shut off and wouldn't keep running. It works on normal setting at least. Then I went to use the air fryer and didn't take out the parchment papers my brother put in there. They are supposed to have the edges folded down so they don't get near the heating element at the top. I put a clean one on top of them and folded it over. I tried heating on the setting mom told me to use but it wasn't cooking so I had to switch it up. I walked away for a minute, came back and saw smoke coming from the air fryer. Looked in and there were flames. The parchment paper my brother put in caught on fire and was burning up. I opened it up and pulled out the rack so it wouldn't damage the inside and I tried to get the fire to go out and kept the flames from getting too high, but it burned up all of the parchment paper and then went out. I had to take the sausages off of the rack, peel off the remnants of charred paper, dumped the rest of the ashes, and then finished cooking them without paper. It was a royal pain. I should have taken the old papers out but was tired. I don't know how they didn't burn up when my brother left the papers like that though.

I'm also worried that my friend's fiance's ex will try to crash the wedding or send his family members over to crash it and cause problems. I keep saying my friend's fiance, but I consider her a friend. She's like a little sister to me. My brother and I have been saying for years we wished the two of them were together instead of them being with abusive people who don't appreciate them. Anyway, the ex's brother is particularly a concern. He already tried to come over to fight my friend when he wasn't home bc he believes the lies the ex told everyone-- that my friend stole her from him and not that he was awful to her and she finally had enough. He didn't accept that it was over when she broke up with him. Said it wasn't until a few weeks later when he finally accepted that it was over. He's bitter and his brother is just the type of person who would try to cause trouble. And my friend's family members are just the type of people who would get into a scrap if someone came to cause trouble at the wedding and I don't want anyone going to jail.

That was a long rant. LOL.
I have a friend (the former bouncer who now works at Walmart) who went to Ireland a few years back. He had family over there and asked if there was anything he could bring. They asked for Lucky Charms with the Leprechaun because those are banned over there for being racist/offensive. He was able to sell them for the equivalent of $300USD per box.
:) I can assure you Lucky Charms are not banned here, they just aren't wildly available, because they are an American import, but they can be got. Though why anyone want to pay five to seven bucks for a box of sugar is beyond me! They were a once-a-year treat here in this house when my son was younger, I'd bring a box home. I don't know anyone who finds them offensive though!
:) I can assure you Lucky Charms are not banned here, they just aren't wildly available, because they are an American import, but they can be got. Though why anyone want to pay five to seven bucks for a box of sugar is beyond me! They were a once-a-year treat here in this house when my son was younger, I'd bring a box home. I don't know anyone who finds them offensive though!
I certainly find the over sugary stuff and marshmallows disgusting. So I don't know why anyone would want to eat them. But I guess some people love sugar that much. Maybe the area my friend visited was where it was banned? I dunno.
Mini-rant: Got a CC statement today (with $40 late fee :mad:) saying I skipped the last payment of $101.18 . I am very diligent with my finances and do NOT make mistakes!
Checked my checking account and sure enough, a payment of $101.18 went out on 11-14-23.
Mad, I called the company and after a half hour, got a human to talk to:waiting:.
She checked my history and said that payment was for November and the one for December was for the same amount, down to the penny!gaah
She was able to reverse the late-fee and interest charges because I had been such a good customer, since 1996! :oops:
I checked my paper statements and both are identical, charges I billed too!
I had thought that they had sent a duplicate of the first one, and just filed itgaah.
I'm glad you got it sorted, Supervisor. My mom had a problem where she thought she had clicked on her computer to finalize the payment but it didn't go through and she didn't realize it. She called them when she got the late fee and they too the fee off since she has only been late on a payment like once in 20+ years.

Got a bit of a cough and some post-nasal drip. Had a sinus headache last night. Mom is not letting me check her blood sugar as much.

Also, she lost the engagement ring she was still wearing. I was her mother's. I gave her my jade ring and she put it on the finger she usually wears her mother's ring on and she switched her mother's ring to another finger and now it is missing. I hope it didn't fall in the trash or toilet or something. I'm going to have to look for it. Her cross necklace disappeared when she was in ICU. It might still be somewhere in her purse, but I'm not sure. I hate when things get lost.
:) I can assure you Lucky Charms are not banned here, they just aren't wildly available, because they are an American import, but they can be got. Though why anyone want to pay five to seven bucks for a box of sugar is beyond me! They were a once-a-year treat here in this house when my son was younger, I'd bring a box home. I don't know anyone who finds them offensive though!
I think that most of the cereal that is sold in America is just garbage. There is so much food that is highly processed and full of who knows what additives. Once in a while I will buy a box of Cheerios, but I can't remember the last time I bought them.
I think that most of the cereal that is sold in America is just garbage. There is so much food that is highly processed and full of who knows what additives. Once in a while I will buy a box of Cheerios, but I can't remember the last time I bought them.
I hate cereal, but sometimes it is the only thing around the house in the mornings. I've looked at many boxes, and the cereals you think might be good are just as crammed with sugar as something like Captain Crunch. Really. Many of the granola's (which sound healthy) have just as much or more sugar.

I found that basic cornflakes (unsweetened) are one of the best. They don't taste very good to my tongue, but they are low in sugar (at least the generic store brand that I bought are). And when you look at the cost-per-serving of many cereals, they rank right up there with high priced restaurants. I'll bet Rice Krispies and plain Shredded Wheat are good too, but I don't have any of those around to go check the box right now. Plain Cheerios are something I should look at too. When I've gotten Cheerios in the past, it was always the "Honey Oat" ("Honey Nut"?) ones. Which probably kills any low sugar claim they could have made if they were plain.

My breakfast Go-To's these days are scrambled eggs or grits. The grits are probably OK other than all the carbs (probably "bad" carbs) in them. But I do add a little butter and salt after cooking them. They are just too blah without that. With it, they're good, but less healthy - if they were ever healthy in the first place.
Mini-rant: Got a CC statement today (with $40 late fee :mad:) saying I skipped the last payment of $101.18 . I am very diligent with my finances and do NOT make mistakes!
Checked my checking account and sure enough, a payment of $101.18 went out on 11-14-23.
Mad, I called the company and after a half hour, got a human to talk to:waiting:.
She checked my history and said that payment was for November and the one for December was for the same amount, down to the penny!gaah
She was able to reverse the late-fee and interest charges because I had been such a good customer, since 1996! :oops:
I checked my paper statements and both are identical, charges I billed too!
I had thought that they had sent a duplicate of the first one, and just filed itgaah.

Same scenario got me several years ago, thought i got a duplicate bill. These days i have a couple bills with a regular monthly fee that are charged to a credit card. It's a card that has to be paid each month. Some months there are no other charges so now i get identical bills often.

I used to keep raisin bran in the house. Gave it up years ago, don't miss it. Can't imagine anyone in another country wanting a crappy american cereal. They have their own crappy cereals made by the same companies that makes our crap.
My breakfast Go-To's these days are scrambled eggs or grits. The grits are probably OK other than all the carbs (probably "bad" carbs) in them. But I do add a little butter and salt after cooking them. They are just too blah without that. With it, they're good, but less healthy - if they were ever healthy in the first place.
My go to breakfast is a couple eggs over easy. I may have a slice or two of toast.
Smoothies: I make them in my Vitamix. My daughter buys a case of canning jars and sets them up with things to make smoothies and put them in the freezer. In the morning she pulls out a jar and adds whatever liquid she adds.
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