Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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About 15 years ago my wife went to a dentist she had never been to before. He told her she needed 2 root canals and crowns on both.
The bill would be at least $6000 and maybe more depending on what else he found. She said no.
A couple years later she went to a different dentist for a cleaning and checkup.
She asked about the root canals and crowns.
He said her teeth were in great shape and she didn't have any problems.
There are shady crooked people in every business.
Thanks everyone.
Magus, I hope you get some relief soon.
Dentists are one thing I've been lucky with. I've always managed to find good ones. I've had bad luck with cardiologists though. The only good one I ever found died a few years back. I miss my dentist from Singapore. He let me assist on a root canal by doing suction and showed me how the molds for teeth were made and even gave me some of the stuff to make molds. He and my dad became friends & we used to go on hikes together at the Bukit Tima Nature reserve. Before we left Singapore, he gave me a bottle of prescription mouthwash in case I ran out. No charge for it.

So, they didn't call me before the procedure, they planned to call me afterward. My brother & I arrived 15min after they took her in for it and they had us sit in her room to wait for her. Didn't take too long for them to wheel her back in. One of the doctors explained the procedure was to attempt to remove the kidney stone but that it was too large to come out through the stent so they moved it aside to allow urine to flow. Said it had blocked urine flow and had a buildup of stale urine which caused the UTI. They have a new method of breaking things up with lasers but the laser specialist won't be in until Wednesday. So long as the kidney stone is there, her bp won't come down enough. So they keep having to give her meds and nutrients because all she can keep down is water. They tried giving her food and she immediately threw up.

She complained that her phone wouldn't turn on (she was pushing the wrong button) and then got snippy with me on she didn't know why I insisted she have her phone there. For the record, she DEMANDED her phone and kept telling me I *had* to bring it to her so she could make calls. Then all of a sudden she's saying I'm the one who wanted her to have it to make calls. I didn't even think they would allow her to have it.

My brother was an a-hole for most of the ride up and then was an a-hole in the hospital until I told him he could always walk home. Then he started being nicer.

Mom isn't thrilled about staying in the hospital so long and I can't blame her. Her fingertips on her right hand are all purple from all the blood sugar testing & she said that her original IV blew out and it took 5 attempts to get the 2nd IV in & they had to have different people make attempts and that it felt like an hour.

They have a TV in there so she turned it on and started watching football before we left. She's the only one in our family who watches football. LOL.
I had a really great dentist in Orlando, one of the few things I miss here. I do have one here that is pretty good but just about impossible to get an appointment with. Plus I had to lie to them and tell them I have no insurance ( because they won't take the Medicaid insurance) and have to pay for it. Have an appointment for Tuesday to have my teeth cleaned and checked. Son can't find a dentist. They all seem to be booked up. I made that appointment I have about 9 months ago , just noticed it when I flipped the calendar to December. One of the bad things about living in a rural area
About 15 years ago my wife went to a dentist she had never been to before. He told her she needed 2 root canals and crowns on both.
The bill would be at least $6000 and maybe more depending on what else he found. She said no.
A couple years later she went to a different dentist for a cleaning and checkup.
She asked about the root canals and crowns.
He said her teeth were in great shape and she didn't have any problems.
There are shady crooked people in every business.
I'm glad you and your wife walked away from that dentist. When I moved to where I live now 2 1/2 years ago, I went to a dentist and he said I needed four teeth pulled. I walked away and went to another dentist and she is great. She took x-rays, cleaned my teeth and didn't say a thing about the four teeth.

I wish the government would do something about people that are ripping off society but they're too busy trying to control us, including looking at these posts.
Zannej...just reading the conversation you had with your mom about her phone.
Sounds like some dementia. That sometimes makes them angry over things they don't understand, or have forgotten. Not fun to deal with at all, and the meds do not work that docs tend to prescribe for it. It just dopes them up. Demented and doped are not good combinations.
But the study is also careful to note the small sample size of the study and stresses it was careful to avoid "the incorrect and harmful implication that there is a biological basis of race and we actively oppose the incorrect inference that there is something inherent to people assigned to a certain racial category that makes them more vulnerable to disease."

"Instead, we emphasize here that variation by race in susceptibility to and hazard of dying from disease reflects the biological and psychosocial effects of racism, which was present in the medieval world (Heng 2018a); race is a social classification and is not based in biological reality, but it does have biological consequences," the author's note.

So in other words, "We ignored all other possible causes and forced the conclusion to be racism."

Alrightly then. Since the air we breathe is racist, I guess this makes sense.

... race is a social classification and is not based in biological reality ...

What the hell?
Most people (I believe, and hope) are not going to go off fighting in some kind of "race war".

I think what will happen when people keep getting called racist simply because they are not black (that seems to be the new definition of a racist), that these people will simply start avoiding the others who are calling them racist. They will stop supporting them, they will stop supporting their causes, they will not respond to their pleas. They will avoid interaction with them. So there will be a divide for sure. This appears to be what those throwing the "racist" word around want, and I predict that this is exactly what they will get.

This is not just a skin color thing. The same result is coming with people being called anti-gay for example. You can live with people you disagree with. Unless they tell you that you can't - because you disagree. Then the response is, "OK, I won't". Thus comes the divide.

I saw an indication of this dividing behavior in the article I linked to above. They are digging up medieval bones to rattle in the name of racism.
Zannej...just reading the conversation you had with your mom about her phone.
Sounds like some dementia. That sometimes makes them angry over things they don't understand, or have forgotten. Not fun to deal with at all, and the meds do not work that docs tend to prescribe for it. It just dopes them up. Demented and doped are not good combinations.
You are definitely right, but a UTI can affect the brain (and whole body) in weird ways!!
Most definitely!

A confused elderly female - one of the first things you look for is a UTI.
Yes, very recently an 86 yr old neighbor to one of my clients was acting confused and not feeling right. She told her daughter she was also feeling dizzy. Daughter took her to an emergency clinic, sure enough, UTI!! Day two of the ten days of antibiotics she was acting normally!
Mini-rant for today...
Spam calls:
The dedicated Hindus at one company have figured out how to break thru my defense...
Let it ring more than 5 times and it will stop, (almost all phones go to voicemail after 4 so the robot-dialer moves on to the next number).
They have been pestering me for months wanting to know if I 'have received my Healthy Food card'.
Today it rang over 10 times and interrupted my nap. :mad:
That is a FELONY!:waiting:
So, I called them back:oops:.
...And then I called them back AGAIN!
Asked the guy what it was like being me and told him not to call me back again. I think he took me off the list.
We will see.
...I would have absolutely no problem making 10 calls in 4 minutes:waiting:.
It's damhard to make spam calls when your phone is constantly ringing:LOL:
In the rare case that I drop my guard and accidentally answer a cold call from a salesperson, I just say, "Hang on for a second..." Then I put the phone on mute, set it down, and go about my business. When they finally hang up, my phone hangs up too - ready for the next call. Doesn't work that way on a landline, but we never answer our landline. That goes to voicemail, every time. We have the ringers turned off. I don't know why we are even still paying for a landline, but we are. We use the landline like our spam-sucker email addresses. We'll give it out to a company if we have a short term need to communicate with them. But really don't want to hear from them again after our original purpose has been completed. We tell them, "You will get voicemail, guaranteed, so leave us a message." Most companies use email these days, so no phone numbers exchanged - but they always get the spam-sucker email address in case they decide to sell our email address to "their partners".
Mini-rant for today...
Spam calls:
The dedicated Hindus at one company have figured out how to break thru my defense...
Let it ring more than 5 times and it will stop, (almost all phones go to voicemail after 4 so the robot-dialer moves on to the next number).
They have been pestering me for months wanting to know if I 'have received my Healthy Food card'.
Today it rang over 10 times and interrupted my nap. :mad:
That is a FELONY!:waiting:
So, I called them back:oops:.
...And then I called them back AGAIN!
Asked the guy what it was like being me and told him not to call me back again. I think he took me off the list.
We will see.
...I would have absolutely no problem making 10 calls in 4 minutes:waiting:.
It's damhard to make spam calls when your phone is constantly ringing:LOL:
My phone ignores calls not in my contact list :). Leave a message or ESAD
I have concerns about my wife now. How many years can these UTIs last?
Not for sure, and YMMV, but my wife had UTI's a lot till she changed doctors, and got off all the meds the last one had her on. She and I I are on High blood pressure meds only. hasn't had one since she changed docs. Makes you kinda go HMMMMM
It doesn't have to be a UTI either. My mom becomes a blithering... if there is infection of any type in her body. She already has dementia, those symptoms increase greatly with any kind of infection. My dad too, same story.

It's common for people to live with chronic infections. When we're young it's not noticeable. As we age we're far more susceptible to the effects.

Imho... lack of water is the culprit in many cases. Old people don't drink nearly enough water. This hampers our ability to naturally stave off or clear an infection. All i hear from my folks is... I had some coffee this morning. Haven't drank anything else all day!!! Adults should be drinking a gallon a day of water... just water. Not sodas, fruit drinks or caffeine. My folks barely drink 20 oz of all liquids in a day. 1/5th of what they should be drinking.
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I'm sure this has been covered but what's with the huge lines of parents sitting in front of and wrapped around the school. Making a complete dangerous driving situation for anyone near or trying to get by.

Not a parenting tip but if I got dropped off at school, when the car stopped that was my que to pursue a higher education and get out of the car
School rules. Elementary kids have to be dropped off in the supervised drop zone. School bus driver cannot let a kid of any age off the bus, other than the designated drop zone.

That being said, many parents play bumper cars, zip in and out of line and block everything while they do random unrelated, very important tasks such as talk on the phone or trying to make up time because they are late for work.
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Our drop off is not too bad. But at the grade school, no kids can get out of the car unless it's your turn. That way kids are not running willy nilly in the parking lot. There's usually only a two car wait, unless it's the short bus unloading the wheelchair girl. But this school only has 40 kids. The amish school...I'm the only car. It's either tractor with horse trailer or horse and buggy. We do fine.
For the record, as far back as I can remember my Mom has done the thing where she will say she wants something (or doesn't want something) only to later claim she said the opposite and then get mad and try to gaslight people into thinking they remembered things wrong. She tried to pull that with my siblings in the room with me before when they all heard what she said (and didn't say) and then started yelling at me.

One example: Back in the 80s when my dad remodeled the kitchen, he wanted to keep the refrigerator over near the pantry. I remember listening to the conversation and Mom was adamant that she wanted the fridge moved to the other side of the kitchen, closer to the front room. Years later she griped that it was Dad's idea to move the fridge. He argued that no, it was hear idea, he'd wanted to keep it where it was bc it was less work. But she insisted and was angry about it. She has always been *terrible* about communication too. She will think about something but not say it out loud and expect us to read her mind and know what she wants. So, the being mad about the phone thing and revising history is not a new symptom. She's been doing that for 40+ years. She also doesn't listen worth crap to people and is bad at answering questions because she doesn't actually hear what they said (not bc of her hearing, but bc she wasn't paying attention). I brought up numerous things that happened in childhood and she said "Why didn't you tell me?" and I said "I *did*, but you didn't listen to me!" She actually apologized a couple of times for that.

I had "fun" with the idiots driving again. Someone going 20mph on 55mph hwy that had no passing and was one lane each direction. People not using their indicators. People driving over the line and coming at me head-on on narrow roads where there was no shoulder. Friend wasn't able to come over to help bc his daughter got the flu and he had to take her to the doctor. He promised to come tomorrow though. I'd wanted to stay longer for my visit with Mom but I had to pick up my RX and get mail. Post office closes at 4pm so I had to be back before then.
So, got my friend out to help clean up her bed and get stuff in bins. No idea where some stuff is now. She was happy that things were cleaned but not happy that she didn't know where stuff was. While she was in the hospital she complained that they made her take a shower and that while she was showering she accidentally pulled on the string for her stent. Said she'd been leaking ever since. She was massively soaking stuff and she even mentioned to the nurse she thought she pulled the stent loose. The didn't pay any mind to it. I got a call from her doctor (who never spoke to her about her own condition) who said she could be released and that she had some plaque on her brain but nothing severe.

She started feeling queasy right before leaving the hospital and she was just constantly dripping clear odorless urine. She kept soaking the bed, the pads, and the diapers. Got her in a fresh diaper and put pads under her. They still said she was good to be released. She started puking in the truck but refused to go back to the hospital. Got her home, she went to the bathroom, changed the diaper, she kept throwing up and feeling nauseous. Couldn't keep anything down again and was just constantly leaking all over the place. Soaked the brand new bed sheets even though I put a pad under her. The diaper exploded and the gel stuff that is supposed to absorb urine just flew all over. Decided to take her to the ER bc she was getting worse. Put a new diaper on her, pads under her for the truck ride, pads under her on the wheelchair, & got her there. My brother got her out the door in the wheelchair but refused to help any further than that. He went back to bed after having a bit of a tantrum.

She was in the ER with high bp for several hours. She'd mentioned trying to go to the ER an hour away but I wanted to get her somewhere faster and didn't think it would be necessary. I should have taken her to the farther one. She was complaining she wanted food but they said they couldn't feed her if she was nauseous. They did scans and found that the stent had indeed come loose. The urologist said they needed to pull it out. The doctor on call said he wasn't comfortable with that. So they played phone tag trying to find out what to do and if she could be transferred to the other ER. I even made calls and the ER over there said she should be transferred. I even went and left a message with our GP (who called me back after 6pm when he finally got the message). They eventually authorized a transfer where I could take her myself (rather than waiting on an available ambulance and using one for non-emergency). For the record, local ER said the urologist never called back but the other ER said they did call back and no one picked up. So, I got Mom to the other ER, rolled her in-- which was a pain bc that ER is NOT ADA compliant. They have an outswing door which won't stay open so I had to have a second person come hold the door open so I could get her through the door. Also, there's no ramp up to the sidewalk near the handicap spaces closest to the ER. You have to go way far away to find a ramp and it was raining.

While she was in the local ER I had drive home to pick some stuff up, then I had to drive to Walmart to get some stuff (and see if her RXs had been filled-- they had not). The parking lot in the local ER turned into a freaking pond from the rain so my shoes and socks got soaked. I had to drop Mom off at the other ER bc I promised my friend I'd meet him in another town to haul in my truck. It was over an hour away. She called me when I was almost there to tell me that the doctor hadn't been able to find the stent (didn't see the string) and said it must have fallen out. But she was still leaking so she checked, found the string, and pulled it out. She showed the nurse when he checked on her. The nurse got the doctor to come back and showed him the stent and chastised him for not seeing it. The doctor apologized and made sure there was no blood and she wasn't in any pain. They discharged her. So I still had to take stuff back to my friend's house, get gas, and then drive to pick Mom up. I had not eaten all day and was exhausted. Had to sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall to keep myself awake.

Picked her up and she wanted apple juice (upside is they fed her at the 2nd ER and she wasn't hungry but the hospital had been giving her apple juice and she wanted some). I stopped to get a burger at DQ and their head manager messed up the order so I had to take it back. A different employee made it and it was done right-- although they did microwave it, but that was fine.

Stopped at Walmart on the way home to get apple juice since Mom was insisting. Did get her a kind she likes with no sugar added so she was happy. Got her home and to the living room (she was too tired to walk all the way to her room and I didn't have the strength to mess with the wheelchair by that point). I finished my burger at home (only ate half before driving and I ran out of something to drink with it). Fed kitties and rested. She went back to her room by herself and called me so I came and helped her get into bed and got stuff out of the truck and brought things to her. Got her settled. She called again bc a cat had gotten in. Got the cat out. She wanted something else later but I can't remember what. Checked on her this morning and she was ok. She's been able to get to and from the bathroom by herself. Went and picked up her RXs and she's absolutely exhausted. I want to check her blood sugar but don't know how to use the meter and thing to stick her. Hoping my brother will wake up soon to show me bc she's too exhausted to answer questions.

She hasn't eaten since she left the hospital and has not checked her sugar. She said she feels bad but is not throwing up or nauseous anymore. I think she's just exhausted. Hoping that is it.

Meanwhile, another peeve: I was backing out of a parking space when some ******** to my left decided to run over and swing his passenger side door open so far it almost hit my mirror. Would have hit if I hadn't braked. He then climbed inside his vehicle with his door in front of my mirror so I couldn't back out while I yelled "HEY, A-HOLE! Shut your damn door! You're blocking me from backing out!" and he was laughing and giggling and ignoring me. I was 2 seconds away from rolling my window down and shoving his door out of the way when he got out and shut the door-- then he stood too close to my vehicle for me to back out for a few seconds while I said "A-HOLE, MOVE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!" He finally moved. I normally am not this cranky with people but I am way too exhausted to deal with inconsiderate people. Dude was an absolute bellend. Didn't help that I kept having charley horses in my legs last night and had to physically grab my feet and pull them flat and they didn't want to go flat so I had to fight with them to make the muscles stop knotting.

Anyway, needed to get that out of my system.

Editing to add that I just tried to check her sugar with the new meter and all it did was put out an error code.

TL: DR? Mom was released but had to go back to ER, had to go to 2nd ER an hour away, she pulled her own stent out, she's still feeling cruddy, & I'm sore and exhausted. Plus her new blood sugar meter only puts out error codes.
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So, got my friend out to help clean up her bed and get stuff in bins. No idea where some stuff is now. She was happy that things were cleaned but not happy that she didn't know where stuff was. While she was in the hospital she complained that they made her take a shower and that while she was showering she accidentally pulled on the string for her stent. Said she'd been leaking ever since. She was massively soaking stuff and she even mentioned to the nurse she thought she pulled the stent loose. The didn't pay any mind to it. I got a call from her doctor (who never spoke to her about her own condition) who said she could be released and that she had some plaque on her brain but nothing severe.

She started feeling queasy right before leaving the hospital and she was just constantly dripping clear odorless urine. She kept soaking the bed, the pads, and the diapers. Got her in a fresh diaper and put pads under her. They still said she was good to be released. She started puking in the truck but refused to go back to the hospital. Got her home, she went to the bathroom, changed the diaper, she kept throwing up and feeling nauseous. Couldn't keep anything down again and was just constantly leaking all over the place. Soaked the brand new bed sheets even though I put a pad under her. The diaper exploded and the gel stuff that is supposed to absorb urine just flew all over. Decided to take her to the ER bc she was getting worse. Put a new diaper on her, pads under her for the truck ride, pads under her on the wheelchair, & got her there. My brother got her out the door in the wheelchair but refused to help any further than that. He went back to bed after having a bit of a tantrum.

She was in the ER with high bp for several hours. She'd mentioned trying to go to the ER an hour away but I wanted to get her somewhere faster and didn't think it would be necessary. I should have taken her to the farther one. She was complaining she wanted food but they said they couldn't feed her if she was nauseous. They did scans and found that the stent had indeed come loose. The urologist said they needed to pull it out. The doctor on call said he wasn't comfortable with that. So they played phone tag trying to find out what to do and if she could be transferred to the other ER. I even made calls and the ER over there said she should be transferred. I even went and left a message with our GP (who called me back after 6pm when he finally got the message). They eventually authorized a transfer where I could take her myself (rather than waiting on an available ambulance and using one for non-emergency). For the record, local ER said the urologist never called back but the other ER said they did call back and no one picked up. So, I got Mom to the other ER, rolled her in-- which was a pain bc that ER is NOT ADA compliant. They have an outswing door which won't stay open so I had to have a second person come hold the door open so I could get her through the door. Also, there's no ramp up to the sidewalk near the handicap spaces closest to the ER. You have to go way far away to find a ramp and it was raining.

While she was in the local ER I had drive home to pick some stuff up, then I had to drive to Walmart to get some stuff (and see if her RXs had been filled-- they had not). The parking lot in the local ER turned into a freaking pond from the rain so my shoes and socks got soaked. I had to drop Mom off at the other ER bc I promised my friend I'd meet him in another town to haul in my truck. It was over an hour away. She called me when I was almost there to tell me that the doctor hadn't been able to find the stent (didn't see the string) and said it must have fallen out. But she was still leaking so she checked, found the string, and pulled it out. She showed the nurse when he checked on her. The nurse got the doctor to come back and showed him the stent and chastised him for not seeing it. The doctor apologized and made sure there was no blood and she wasn't in any pain. They discharged her. So I still had to take stuff back to my friend's house, get gas, and then drive to pick Mom up. I had not eaten all day and was exhausted. Had to sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall to keep myself awake.

Picked her up and she wanted apple juice (upside is they fed her at the 2nd ER and she wasn't hungry but the hospital had been giving her apple juice and she wanted some). I stopped to get a burger at DQ and their head manager messed up the order so I had to take it back. A different employee made it and it was done right-- although they did microwave it, but that was fine.

Stopped at Walmart on the way home to get apple juice since Mom was insisting. Did get her a kind she likes with no sugar added so she was happy. Got her home and to the living room (she was too tired to walk all the way to her room and I didn't have the strength to mess with the wheelchair by that point). I finished my burger at home (only ate half before driving and I ran out of something to drink with it). Fed kitties and rested. She went back to her room by herself and called me so I came and helped her get into bed and got stuff out of the truck and brought things to her. Got her settled. She called again bc a cat had gotten in. Got the cat out. She wanted something else later but I can't remember what. Checked on her this morning and she was ok. She's been able to get to and from the bathroom by herself. Went and picked up her RXs and she's absolutely exhausted. I want to check her blood sugar but don't know how to use the meter and thing to stick her. Hoping my brother will wake up soon to show me bc she's too exhausted to answer questions.

She hasn't eaten since she left the hospital and has not checked her sugar. She said she feels bad but is not throwing up or nauseous anymore. I think she's just exhausted. Hoping that is it.

Meanwhile, another peeve: I was backing out of a parking space when some ******** to my left decided to run over and swing his passenger side door open so far it almost hit my mirror. Would have hit if I hadn't braked. He then climbed inside his vehicle with his door in front of my mirror so I couldn't back out while I yelled "HEY, A-HOLE! Shut your damn door! You're blocking me from backing out!" and he was laughing and giggling and ignoring me. I was 2 seconds away from rolling my window down and shoving his door out of the way when he got out and shut the door-- then he stood too close to my vehicle for me to back out for a few seconds while I said "A-HOLE, MOVE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!" He finally moved. I normally am not this cranky with people but I am way too exhausted to deal with inconsiderate people. Dude was an absolute bellend. Didn't help that I kept having charley horses in my legs last night and had to physically grab my feet and pull them flat and they didn't want to go flat so I had to fight with them to make the muscles stop knotting.

Anyway, needed to get that out of my system.

Editing to add that I just tried to check her sugar with the new meter and all it did was put out an error code.

TL: DR? Mom was released but had to go back to ER, had to go to 2nd ER an hour away, she pulled her own stent out, she's still feeling cruddy, & I'm sore and exhausted. Plus her new blood sugar meter only puts out error codes.
Not asking you to be graphic, but what is this Stent used for? I'm sorry you are dealing with this, but no doubt your mom is alive because of you!
Not asking you to be graphic, but what is this Stent used for? I'm sorry you are dealing with this, but no doubt your mom is alive because of you!
A stent is a long tube (rather small) that opens up the passageway more to help the passage of kidney stones. Some of them (kidney stones, not stents) have spikes on them and stick in the skin. It can also be used to move kidney stones aside out of the passageway to clear the way for fluids to come out so they don't get stuck behind the stone and stagnate-- which leads to infection. In this case, the stone was so large it would not fit through the stent. When it is put in, its supposed to still allow some bladder control but because it dislodged it moved to block muscles from holding anything in. Sort of like when the shut off in a faucet wears out or can't shut all the way. It had a long thread-like string on the end to allow it to be pulled out. It didn't appear to be one solid piece. Looked like it had sections that were stiffer with joints that allowed it to flex. When the kidney stone couldn't fit through, they had to use a laser to blast it (don't know exactly how) and break it up enough that it could pass. It was supposed to stay in until her appointment on the 12th but since it dislodged it was causing more trouble.

Meanwhile, I got Mom a blood sugar meter. Supposed to be super easy to use. Followed the directions. Brother loaded up the lancet. I got Mom to prick her finger, put the blood on the test strip, popped it into the machine. Error code E 7. Ugh. And her blood came off the strip and got into the slot. I tried to clean it up but it wouldn't come off. Taking it back and trying a different one. And this is the one that had the best ratings (that was available locally). If the good pharmacist comes back in I will ask him if he knows what code numbers are needed for Medicare to approve Dexcom G7. Hopefully that will be easier than having to prick her finger every damn time.
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