Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Healthy twins who ate a vegan diet for eight weeks had lower “bad” low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol, better blood sugar levels, and greater weight loss than siblings who ate a diet of meat and vegetables, a new study found.

That's all well and good. For only eight weeks. But what happens one or two years later when the Vegan twin looks like an anemic ghostly white skeleton crypt keeper? You need long term studies too. What's good in the short term may not be good in the long term. I might lose a few pounds if I eat absolutely nothing for four days. That sounds good. But come back and ask me how I'm doing after one month of not eating anything.
Thanks everyone. I felt really horrible last night and kept worrying about her and started to think maybe something happened but the phone didn't ring. Then I remembered I drank tea that has caffeine-- which I very rarely do-- and it was causing the arrhythmia & chest pain. I also tasted eggs but I didn't eat any so there's some gas stuff going on in my guts. Woke up sneezing. The dog lifted his head and looked at me while I sneezed and then flopped his head back down. He's sulking a little bc he misses Mom.
I'm sure this is going to help a lot. People are willing to rob you, point guns at you, shoot you - all of which are already illegal - but banning their ski masks? Yeah, that should stop them dead in their tracks. 🤔

"We must send a message that masks are of no discernible public or private good when they just create fear and anxiety," Councilmember Anthony Phillips said.

The law of unintended consequences says that this councilman's statement is going to make the next covid mask mandate harder to enforce.
My brother had 2 teeth that were really bad.
A dentist said they had to be pulled he did not pull teeth. My brother needed an oral surgeon.
I tried for 3 months to find an oral surgeon that would see him.
I called every oral surgeon in Washington state and a couple in Oregon.
I made so many calls I actually lost track and called a couple more than once.
The major problem was he was on Medicare and Medicaid and was over 25 years old.
According to the dentist they are not allowed to treat anyone over 25 if they have Medicaid.
I said forget about insurance I'll pay out of pocket and they still refused.
My advice is to change your name to Juan and go as an illegal.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
My brother had 2 teeth that were really bad.
A dentist said they had to be pulled he did not pull teeth. My brother needed an oral surgeon.
I tried for 3 months to find an oral surgeon that would see him.
I called every oral surgeon in Washington state and a couple in Oregon.
I made so many calls I actually lost track and called a couple more than once.
The major problem was he was on Medicare and Medicaid and was over 25 years old.
According to the dentist they are not allowed to treat anyone over 25 if they have Medicaid.
I said forget about insurance I'll pay out of pocket and they still refused.
My advice is to change your name to Juan and go as an illegal.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Might try emergency room. Oral surgery is Expensive. $4000.
I’m having similar problems with finding a dentist just to get my teeth cleaned. One I had been going to kept jerking my appointments around, kept canceling them, rescheduling. The final time (fifth time) I said no, I’m not rescheduling, explained why and that was that. This was one appointment and 2 or 3 months later I’m still being jerked around? Now when I try to get an appointment (this was only to get my teeth cleaned), dentist offices I’ve previously used say a SIX MONTH WAIT. I think this is intentional. What?! I switched from them because they were at least a half hour from my home and the more recent one was like 5 minutes away.
In the case of doctors, I hadn’t gone into the office in more than a year so they said they had to treat me as a new patient and it was…a 2 or 3 month wait!!! My appointment is next week and I’m no longer sick. 🤣 just a chronic issue. Fine.
Oh looky, I thought I was going to have to move my comments to the rant thread but here I am.
backlash, I am so very sorry about your brother. I had an online friend who couldn't get a dentist that would take his insurance. He ended up going septic & died in the ICU. When I mentioned people dying because they don't have insurance or insurance is rejected to friends in other countries they are appalled. One of my friends in France got treated for cancer and her entire out of pocket for treatment was 30 euros. She said they told her she didn't even have to pay it all at once if she couldn't afford that. My friend in Israel could not believe that they will let people die over $$$ instead of treating them.

My brother found out the hard way that specialists will not treat people who have Medicaid even if someone else offers to pay for them or they get a gofundme to pay. They are not allowed to treat them by some stupid rules. We actually discussed that with the nurses at the ICU and how asinine it was. And here most specialists refuse to take self-pay patients. You *have* to have insurance and it has to be the right kind. That's why we are paying for my friend to have his teeth pulled-- he's been in bad pain from 2 lower teeth and needs them out. He's got an appointment Dec 14.

I ate something that didn't agree with me on Thursday and was absolutely miserable that night and Friday morning. Was trying not to throw up at the doctor's office. He was concerned. Said I might have gallstones but that I can't get checked unless I have insurance bc he knows how asinine the protocols are. He then suggested a way for me to get insurance that I think will work. Gotta talk it over with Mom when she's out of the hospital.

The ICU did a scan to try to figure out why she was still nauseous and her bp won't go down. Turns out she has a large kidney stone. Nurse told me that the kidney stone caused the UTI which raised her bp and threw her sugars out of whack and caused the dka. The doctor (our regular gp) said that she would have been dead in 24hrs if we hadn't gotten her to the hospital and gotten her sugars down..

At least I felt better after drinking some Pepto but I accidentally left the bottle in Mom's ICU room. Brought it with me in case I started feeling sick again.

Still need to get some bins, clear off her bed, organize laundry (figure out what needs to be washed and what is clean but got knocked out of the basket when we were trying to get her out of the room). I admit I got behind on laundry during and after Covid so there's a lot to mess with, and stuff that she pushed onto her bed and stuff the dog dragged. Her room is piled up with boxes so we need to clear those out. Most of the boxes have stuff in them so we need to take the stuff out and find places for them so she can actually access drawers and the armoire. She's got so much stuff piled up against her closet doors that they can't be opened. She sort of nests and I learned that habit from her. Getting her room cleared is a priority though. At the very least I need to make sure she won't trip and that I can change her bed sheets.

No call from the hospital yet about her procedure for kidney stone. But I will try to head up for the 1 to 1:30 appointment slot. On the upside, the person who donated the wheelchair is my brother's direct supervisor and she got someone to cover his shift yesterday-- well, the person said she was going to volunteer anyway. They look out for each other there and his supervisor is very sweet.
I got an email from a place that I don't want to hear from anymore. I hit unsubscribe and it takes me to their site.
I hit unsubscribe and I get "Sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties with out site. Please try again later."
I know it's all BS to keep me from unsubscribing.
And sometimes it makes things worse. They broadcast your email and all of a sudden you are getting dozens of emails a day. Ask me how I know! I tried to unsubscribe. It tells them that this is a working email address! Now it gets broadcast to all the spammer/scammers in the world.
They actually cut my mother's social security payments by $30 and raised her insurance by like $50.

Mom weighs 20lbs or so more than me, but I'll have to look into the belt thing.

The nausea was apparently from her having a UTI and her bp spiking. Last time she had these symptoms it was bc her sugar was too low so she drank mountain dew and got worse. She was too tired to get of bed so she soiled herself (although she had a tuck pad under her). Got her a bedpan that she used but she was too tired to wipe herself and wouldn't roll to let me wipe her bc she was so exhausted. Contacted friend and he got a wheelchair from a coworker and brought it over. I cleared as much stuff to make a path for the wheelchair as I could and friend moved some furniture and helped me move more stuff. Too many boxes of things. But I did a LOT of cleaning.

Mom finally wiped herself up but she kept throwing up and getting weaker. Friend sat next to her on the bed and got her up and then he & my brother got her into the chair. I backed the chair out enough that they could both get through (not enough room in hallway/doorway for people to pass the chair. Friend & brother got her down the steps and into the truck. I drove her to the ER and they took her fairly quickly. They only allowed one visitor with her at a time so after a couple hours I drove my brother home and then came back. In the time I was gone she got worse. Her blood sugar was 900. Diagnosed with ketoacidosis. Said she needed to go to ICU but that crappy hospital doesn't have an ICU. I sat there with her while they called around trying to find a hospital that would take her. It was after midnight when one said they had a bed. They wouldn't let me go with her and said I wouldn't get to go into ICU with her so they sent her there via ambulance and I went home. Got home after 12:30am. Was late taking my meds. Back was spasming and not feeling good. Did manage to get some sleep.

Called the doctor's office to let him know she'll miss her appointment Friday and that she was in ICU. Visitation hours are weird at the hospital in Eunice (which is where she was transferred-- about an hour away depending on weather & traffic). Went for the 1pm visitation & it was supposed to end at 1:30pm but they let us stay until 2:30pm. She was lucid but very tired. She wanted her cellphone so she can call us. Nurses were very nice there. They got her another blanket, got some socks for me to put on her bc her feet were cold. Got a wedge pillow to elevate her feet, etc. Got her more comfortable and she had fallen asleep when we started to leave but then she called out and said she needed to throw up. My brother grabbed the barf bag for her and the nurse came in and adjusted the bed to sit her up more. Her sugar was still over 200, bp still high, but she was doing a bit better. They said they will keep her on the insulin drip for a few more hours or maybe even until tomorrow and then assess if she can eat or not.

At the local hospital they said Covid had nothing to do with her getting this sick. At the Eunice one they agreed that the Covid threw off her routine and messed with her sugar levels. They seemed to listen better over there. I think she's in good hands. I was so relieved that she was lucid again. My brother wanted to go back for one of the evening visitations but I don't trust trying to drive out there in the dark. Its hard enough to find things when it is daylight. It poured rain on the way home so the roads are slick.

Will be going back to see her tomorrow at the 1pm window (after my brother and I go to our doctor appointments). I'm absolutely exhausted and I know I'm going to need to clean off her bed and change the sheets. Might see if my friend can help me with that. I'm going to buy some bins at Walmart tomorrow to put the stuff in. She agreed to let me clear stuff off the bed to change the sheets. I already removed the soiled pad that was under her.

I'm exhausted though so I'm about to take a nap.
Everyone's prayers are with you and your family 🙏 Have a blessed day
And sometimes it makes things worse.
Never unsubscribe from something that you didn't subscribe to in the first place. That is for sure a scam, and you email address with be "verified good" upon your unsubscribe attempt, no matter what bogus message they display to you ("unsubscribe successful", "unsubscribe failed", "try again later", "unexpected error"). All messages are bogus. They just wanted to verify your email address as good, after that's done, they will display whatever message they want to you, as it no longer matters. You've been had. Because they can sell verified email addresses for a higher price than unverified email addresses.
I’m having similar problems with finding a dentist just to get my teeth cleaned. One I had been going to kept jerking my appointments around, kept canceling them, rescheduling. The final time (fifth time) I said no, I’m not rescheduling, explained why and that was that. This was one appointment and 2 or 3 months later I’m still being jerked around? Now when I try to get an appointment (this was only to get my teeth cleaned), dentist offices I’ve previously used say a SIX MONTH WAIT. I think this is intentional. What?! I switched from them because they were at least a half hour from my home and the more recent one was like 5 minutes away.
In the case of doctors, I hadn’t gone into the office in more than a year so they said they had to treat me as a new patient and it was…a 2 or 3 month wait!!! My appointment is next week and I’m no longer sick. 🤣 just a chronic issue. Fine.
Oh looky, I thought I was going to have to move my comments to the rant thread but here I am.
My denist died on me. . . I told him years ago, don't ever retire on me. He said he didn't plan on it. He loved me and at Christmas time I would bring my fudge to him which he and his Sister-in-law that worked as his receptionist and assissant loved it. Then he was found in his deer stand, having a heart attack. At that time. I was having an issue and their office was gracious enough to find me a dentisr who could take me. I went and got the issue taken care of, but the office didn't impress me at all. When you are sitting in the chair, you have an option to watch whatever channel you want from Cable or whatever they use. My old dentist would just play old music from the radio.
My denist died on me. . . I told him years ago, don't ever retire on me. He said he didn't plan on it. He loved me and at Christmas time I would bring my fudge to him which he and his Sister-in-law that worked as his receptionist and assissant loved it. Then he was found in his deer stand, having a heart attack. At that time. I was having an issue and their office was gracious enough to find me a dentisr who could take me. I went and got the issue taken care of, but the office didn't impress me at all. When you are sitting in the chair, you have an option to watch whatever channel you want from Cable or whatever they use. My old dentist would just play old music from the radio.
Our dentist retired!!☹️
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