Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I used to work with a woman who tried to tell her son when she was cooking liver that it was steak. I would imagine that rather than loving liver, he ended up thinking steak was not so desirable. We ate liver fairly frequently when I was a child and I liked it, especially the onions with it. I just never make it.
I used to work with a woman who tried to tell her son when she was cooking liver that it was steak. I would imagine that rather than loving liver, he ended up thinking steak was not so desirable. We ate liver fairly frequently when I was a child and I liked it, especially the onions with it. I just never make it.
You don't need to, there are so many other things on this planet to eat.
Learn to cook mealworms instead.... At least they won't stink. :rolleyes:
At least they won't stink
They will after you puke. :p

Look here, get a pound of thick cut calves liver, bread it in white corn meal with black pepper,
get it simmering in 2 tablespoons of real butter and 1 good shot of French's Worcestershire sauce, and 2 sticks of diced celery remove the liver to a plate add 1/4 cup each of diced onion, green bell pepper, and red bell pepper, 1 diced jalapeno pepper, 1/4 cup of mushrooms. stir fry for 1 minute add 2 cups of Spaghetti sauce and simmer 1 minute, cut your liver into strips and lay over egg noodles and cover in the sauce
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Five Tips For Cooking Liver That Had My Husband Going Back For Seconds​

1. Soak It In Acidic Water​

I read this in several places, including Nourishing Traditions. One of the toughest (pun intended) things to get past about liver is the texture, which is much more dense than meat. The acidity seems to break down the liver and make it more palatable.

To Do: Simply place your cut up liver in a bowl, barely cover with water and add the juice of a lemon or a tablespoon or two of vinegar. Soak for a few hours before cooking, drain and pat dry.

2. Do Not Overcook It.​

In fact err on the side of just undercooked. Even though the lemon juice makes the liver a bit more tender, overcooking can really ruin it. I cooked mine until it just had a hint of pinkness left, and then removed it from the heat.

To Do: Cut the liver in thin strips and fry only a few minutes on each side. It should be a touch pink inside when you remove it from the heat. The residual heat of the pan will finish the job for you.

3. Use A Lot of Cooking Fat.​

Fat carries flavors, which is why it makes things taste so good. It is also good for you, in case you’re worried about that. I recommend an animal fat like bacon drippings, lard, tallow, an unflavored coconut oil.

To Do: Use somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 cup of fat per pound of liver + flavorings.

4. Cook It With Lots of Flavorful Ingredients.​

Liver has a distinct and strong flavor that is tough for some to get over. Cooking it with pungent foods really tones down the "liverness" of the dish.

To Do: I believe onions and garlic are almost a necessity when cooking liver. Also try bacon, chilies, and aromatic herbs like thyme or sage.

5. When All Else Fails, Pass the Ketchup.​

I grew up eating liver with ketchup, so I had some at the ready. The strong sweet-sour flavor really tames the liver flavor.

To Do: Try to avoid high fructose corn syrup by buying organic. Or make your own. Add enzymes with a lacto-fermented ketchup. Sugar-free barbecue sauce is another great option.

I used the above guidelines to cook beef liver last week and my husband asked for seconds. In times past he either choked it down or took a bite and said no thanks. It was a big moment in the nourishing days home.
I'm sorry your brother is gone, @Pearl :huggs:
Well, these people are all just kids themselves, the under 30 gang. We were in someone else's kitchen. They would come to my house on other Thanksgivings and say I was the one who knew how to cook the right foods for the day, the "real" food. One time they complained about a casserole with glass in the food at other homes.
On Christmas I reckon I'll fix real lasagna. I get sick, really sick, when I eat meals or foods others have made.
Nothing like a great lasagna!! That's an excellent idea for Christmas dinner!!😊👍 I don't care to eat food someone else makes!!
Day three of hell.
Nobody can see me for the immediate future, the ones who MIGHT won't take my insurance and wants 300$ up front, I'm down to my last antibiotics/Listerine/pain killers, I've barely eaten since I broke the tooth off during thanksgiving weekend and my POS car door is still broke. I am SERIOUSLY considering sterilizing my forceps and going digging!
I had an infected gum line about 3 weeks ago. It finally took me getting a prescription of Z Pack antibiotics to clear up the infection. I am still scheduled to see the endodontist specialist in 2 days to correct my issue. I honestly believe the first doctor punched through the bottom of my tooth during a root canal, causing my complete jaw bone to become infected. He will never admit it though.
Most doctors will never admit when they make mistakes. Mom had a dentist who left the broken off tip of a tool in one of her teeth. Cost $5k from another dentist to remove it. That was in Guam so it was hard to find dentists & the $5k one had like VR goggles to watch movies, back in the late 90s.

My day was frustrating. Body aching & could barely walk. Still haven't picked up the box of screws that fell and one of the cats peed on some of them.

Got email that samsclub order was ready. Let Mom know and she asked me to set her purse somewhere-- the spot she picked it kept falling. So I told her I was putting it near her nightstand where she could reach it from her bed. She said "OK". Unbeknownst to me, right after I left she fell on her way out of the bathroom to her bed and couldn't reach her purse (which had her cellphone). Hour drive up to Sams only to find I can't check in with app as my order isn't ready & it's already past the end time for the pickup window I selected. I had to hobble inside bc they wouldn't answer the phone. Was directed to curbside pickup area and told to grab a cart and that I would have to load my stuff up into my truck. The whole point of curbside was so I wouldn't have to limp in there and lift heavy stuff myself. I told the employee who was about to load my cart that I was having a lot of leg and back pain and that was why I did curbside order. He said he'd load stuff up for me. I apologized to him if I was coming off as cranky but I hadn't eaten & was frustrated that I had to go in instead of checking in with the app. He said he was hangry, hadn't had lunch yet, and was the only one working curbside. I said they needed to staff more people for it instead of expecting employees to be robots. Went to order takeout but the place was closed. I forgot my favorite place is closed Tuesdays.

Before I left I'd called the pharmacy to see if Mom's RX was ready. She's out of one of her pain meds for her neuropathy. They said it wasn't ready, they faxed the doctor but got no response & suggested calling the doctor's office to expedite. Called the doctor's office, they said they never got a fax, but that they would ask the nurse to call it in to the pharmacy. So 3hrs later I got up to the pharmacy window (after driving an hour from Samsclub and waiting in line) and get told its not ready. Nothing from doctor's office. I step out of the line and call the office and they said that the order would be put in when the nurse got around to checking her messages. I said that it had already been 3hrs, Mom was out of the meds, & I was currently at the pharmacy and was exhausted and didn't want to have to wait too long. Ended up getting irritated and telling her that at that rate I'd have to come back the next day. Had to go to the end of the pharmacy line and wait again-- another 20min. Then got up there and told them what happened. They were irritated that the nurse hadn't checked messages. Tried to do an emergency RX for her but their notes said the RX was picked up 90 day supply in October and wasn't due again until January. Now, I vaguely remember going in October & being told it wasn't ready yet and do not remember getting it filled. If it did get filled then I don't know what Mom did with the meds so I will have to search her desk & desk area to see if she set it aside and forgot. Bc they will not refill it 'til January, she's completely out. Last bottle she has was from July. It's entirely possible she misplaced it & my memory sucks so I don't remember even getting it.

So, I tried to call her to let her know but she wouldn't answer the phone. I called over 20x and she didn't pick up so I messaged my brother (who had gone to work in the morning) to ask if he was home yet bc Mom wasn't answering the phone. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom, but I waited a good 20min and got worried. Got the RXs that were ready, plus mine & headed out. Got a message from my brother that he was home, Mom had fallen & couldn't answer the phone. I asked him if she was OK but got no answer. I called and no answer. Called his cell and he finally answered and said he was trying to help her get up and she wanted me to stop calling. I asked if she wanted me to bring anything home for dinner & she just yelled at me angrily (it was on speakerphone).

Got home as fast as I could and she was already in bed but she was mad. Blamed me for not putting her purse in a different spot. Was angry about the positioning of her leg pillow & the covers, etc. I straightened them out for her and got her some soup to eat. She ate and then I had to half-carry her to the bathroom. She started to fall but I caught her. She was able to make it back to her bed after that though. She's really feeling cruddy & I hope she doesn't have Covid again.

On the way to and from the store I encountered every sort of moron-- no blinker, coming to a complete stop in the road instead of using the turn lane, changing lanes without warning, going through red lights, pulling out & going 5mph so I had to change lanes to avoid hitting them, and going 10 to 15mph under speed limit when I couldn't get around them bc of other traffic.

TL: DR? Mom fell, couldn't get her RX for stuff she's out of, pickup order wasn't ready, favorite restaurant was closed, got yelled at, morons in traffic, and I was crabby as hell.
I will admit somedays I am not a very good coworker. I was there Sunday for inventory. The scale I normally use in the cold room was out of tape and I only missed 1 item so went out to use another scale to tag to scan. Came in this morning, it being Tues, scale is still out of paper. I replaced after making a comment to the overnight crew about the tape being out since at least Sunday. Had to go out on the floor and then back into the cold room. And what do I see. . . "Oh look who's using the scale now that I replaced the tape". His reply is Oh I've been off for the last couple days. Really, he was there all night, his shift starting at 10 pm and I replaced the tape around 4 am. I told second in command just incase I got another complaint. She tells me "You know we have to coddle". Nope, sorry that is not going to happen. These preople get paid to do a job, so do it. Really not hard. They actually have "help" on their days off to cover what they do. I am the only person in the entire department that has no cover for my days off.

Found out today that I had a complaint on me because I "slamed a door and turned on the cold" while the overnight crew was in the cold room. Sorry but I laughed when number 2 told me because I knew exactly. Not sure how I could slam a swinging door, but whatever. Yes, I did turn on the blower after product got wheeled in while she was on lunch break. It was on for less than 30 minutes so not that cold. She turns off the cold and props the door back open. I turned the cold back on, closed the swinging door and informed her we had product in the room and the blower needed to stay on.
Dani, that sounds so frustrating. Gotta agree with you though- no coddling. The pay may not be great, but they shouldn't make things harder on other people. You closed the door and turned the cold on for a reason. I think they are in the wrong line of work if they are going to complain over stuff like that. I will say that one thing group projects in school prepared me for was the knowledge that you can't rely on other people to get stuff done & that you will get blamed for their lack of cooperation/participation but they will get credit for your work.
Mom fell again. Twice. First time she fell in the bathroom on her way to the toilet. She had the phone but she couldn't get her mind to work enough to page me. I heard her pounding and rushed in. Heard her calling for help as I got closer & woke my brother up to help. I braced her feet while he lifted and she held onto me once she got her footing, I held her up while she got her pants down to get on the toilet. I waited for her to finish so I could help her out of the bathroom. Held her up and helped her get her pants up and was walking her to the bed when my slippers came off (she accidentally stepped on them), I tripped & started falling, and she fell right next to the bed on a pile of laundry the dog built up to help himself get up onto her bed. Went and got my brother and he braced her feet while I got behind her and lifted her onto the steps and then onto the bed on top of me. Managed to squeeze out from under her, scoot back, pull her further onto the bed, and then I had to swing my leg over her head to get out from behind her. Hooray for heated seats. If not for the heated seats helping my leg muscles earlier today I would not have been able to do that. Got her fully into bed. Brother got the leg pillow under her legs, I got the blankets over her, and brother gave her some Mountain Dew to drink. I'll check on her in awhile. She threw up while in the bathroom. I'm hoping she doesn't get worse before our doctor's appointment.

Also, Walmart & Sams were out of the magnesium vitamins I take and I'm completely out. And I forgot to look for bananas in the store.
I Love Books. My rant today is I HATE MOVING BOOKS. SO many boxes, so I can pick them up. it wasn't bad 30 years ago, But i have Mad bookworm skilz.
SAME. I keep thinking I'll get rid of them, some of them, a couple, but I haven't read some (she means most) of them yet. Most are nonfiction and I see them as perhaps necessary for life skills. And keeping kids entertained and smart, but the kids have all grown and now the grandkids are coming along...Books, what a pain to move, can't do medium-sized boxes, I can't.
These guys are obviously not terribly concerned about safety. My daughter worked at the Denver aquarium. Mostly as a diver who maintained the fish. But sometimes she was the "safety diver" above a mermaid show. They always had a diver in full scuba swimming at the top. Had to be a certified rescue diver. Usually out of sight of the visitors, unless you put your face right on the glass and looked up. They could swoop down in a heartbeat with their octopus rig and get air to someone who was trapped. They had backboards and other rescue and medical gear up above too. And a hot tub. Sometimes that water is pretty cold, depending on the species of fish kept in a particular aquarium. They got to lounge in the hot tub after the cold water dives. Mermaids usually don't get to wear wet suits - it kind of ruins the illusion they are trying to create.
Mom fell again. Twice. First time she fell in the bathroom on her way to the toilet. She had the phone but she couldn't get her mind to work enough to page me. I heard her pounding and rushed in. Heard her calling for help as I got closer & woke my brother up to help. I braced her feet while he lifted and she held onto me once she got her footing, I held her up while she got her pants down to get on the toilet. I waited for her to finish so I could help her out of the bathroom. Held her up and helped her get her pants up and was walking her to the bed when my slippers came off (she accidentally stepped on them), I tripped & started falling, and she fell right next to the bed on a pile of laundry the dog built up to help himself get up onto her bed. Went and got my brother and he braced her feet while I got behind her and lifted her onto the steps and then onto the bed on top of me. Managed to squeeze out from under her, scoot back, pull her further onto the bed, and then I had to swing my leg over her head to get out from behind her. Hooray for heated seats. If not for the heated seats helping my leg muscles earlier today I would not have been able to do that. Got her fully into bed. Brother got the leg pillow under her legs, I got the blankets over her, and brother gave her some Mountain Dew to drink. I'll check on her in awhile. She threw up while in the bathroom. I'm hoping she doesn't get worse before our doctor's appointment.

Also, Walmart & Sams were out of the magnesium vitamins I take and I'm completely out. And I forgot to look for bananas in the store.
You may want to look into a gait belt. We had one for Granny when she still had sitters while we were doing the remodel of our bathroom to accomadate her. Granny was only like 100 lbs so no problem for me, but it helped out with the sitters who tended to be older and really did helped her out with household chores.
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Mom fell again. Twice. First time she fell in the bathroom on her way to the toilet. She had the phone but she couldn't get her mind to work enough to page me. I heard her pounding and rushed in. Heard her calling for help as I got closer & woke my brother up to help. I braced her feet while he lifted and she held onto me once she got her footing, I held her up while she got her pants down to get on the toilet. I waited for her to finish so I could help her out of the bathroom. Held her up and helped her get her pants up and was walking her to the bed when my slippers came off (she accidentally stepped on them), I tripped & started falling, and she fell right next to the bed on a pile of laundry the dog built up to help himself get up onto her bed. Went and got my brother and he braced her feet while I got behind her and lifted her onto the steps and then onto the bed on top of me. Managed to squeeze out from under her, scoot back, pull her further onto the bed, and then I had to swing my leg over her head to get out from behind her. Hooray for heated seats. If not for the heated seats helping my leg muscles earlier today I would not have been able to do that. Got her fully into bed. Brother got the leg pillow under her legs, I got the blankets over her, and brother gave her some Mountain Dew to drink. I'll check on her in awhile. She threw up while in the bathroom. I'm hoping she doesn't get worse before our doctor's appointment.

Also, Walmart & Sams were out of the magnesium vitamins I take and I'm completely out. And I forgot to look for bananas in the store.
Does she have concussion if she threw up?
They actually cut my mother's social security payments by $30 and raised her insurance by like $50.

Mom weighs 20lbs or so more than me, but I'll have to look into the belt thing.

The nausea was apparently from her having a UTI and her bp spiking. Last time she had these symptoms it was bc her sugar was too low so she drank mountain dew and got worse. She was too tired to get of bed so she soiled herself (although she had a tuck pad under her). Got her a bedpan that she used but she was too tired to wipe herself and wouldn't roll to let me wipe her bc she was so exhausted. Contacted friend and he got a wheelchair from a coworker and brought it over. I cleared as much stuff to make a path for the wheelchair as I could and friend moved some furniture and helped me move more stuff. Too many boxes of things. But I did a LOT of cleaning.

Mom finally wiped herself up but she kept throwing up and getting weaker. Friend sat next to her on the bed and got her up and then he & my brother got her into the chair. I backed the chair out enough that they could both get through (not enough room in hallway/doorway for people to pass the chair. Friend & brother got her down the steps and into the truck. I drove her to the ER and they took her fairly quickly. They only allowed one visitor with her at a time so after a couple hours I drove my brother home and then came back. In the time I was gone she got worse. Her blood sugar was 900. Diagnosed with ketoacidosis. Said she needed to go to ICU but that crappy hospital doesn't have an ICU. I sat there with her while they called around trying to find a hospital that would take her. It was after midnight when one said they had a bed. They wouldn't let me go with her and said I wouldn't get to go into ICU with her so they sent her there via ambulance and I went home. Got home after 12:30am. Was late taking my meds. Back was spasming and not feeling good. Did manage to get some sleep.

Called the doctor's office to let him know she'll miss her appointment Friday and that she was in ICU. Visitation hours are weird at the hospital in Eunice (which is where she was transferred-- about an hour away depending on weather & traffic). Went for the 1pm visitation & it was supposed to end at 1:30pm but they let us stay until 2:30pm. She was lucid but very tired. She wanted her cellphone so she can call us. Nurses were very nice there. They got her another blanket, got some socks for me to put on her bc her feet were cold. Got a wedge pillow to elevate her feet, etc. Got her more comfortable and she had fallen asleep when we started to leave but then she called out and said she needed to throw up. My brother grabbed the barf bag for her and the nurse came in and adjusted the bed to sit her up more. Her sugar was still over 200, bp still high, but she was doing a bit better. They said they will keep her on the insulin drip for a few more hours or maybe even until tomorrow and then assess if she can eat or not.

At the local hospital they said Covid had nothing to do with her getting this sick. At the Eunice one they agreed that the Covid threw off her routine and messed with her sugar levels. They seemed to listen better over there. I think she's in good hands. I was so relieved that she was lucid again. My brother wanted to go back for one of the evening visitations but I don't trust trying to drive out there in the dark. Its hard enough to find things when it is daylight. It poured rain on the way home so the roads are slick.

Will be going back to see her tomorrow at the 1pm window (after my brother and I go to our doctor appointments). I'm absolutely exhausted and I know I'm going to need to clean off her bed and change the sheets. Might see if my friend can help me with that. I'm going to buy some bins at Walmart tomorrow to put the stuff in. She agreed to let me clear stuff off the bed to change the sheets. I already removed the soiled pad that was under her.

I'm exhausted though so I'm about to take a nap.
You need one of them special strings with a loop on one end for a nail and a pencil tied in the other hung up somewhere to put all your tape on.
When we get all moved it will be better, right now I'm lucky to guess which house anything is in :(, let alone where in the house.
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