Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My attitude would preclude my driving a school bus, it would get me fired very shortly.

I leaned from the group of much older cousins there is no threat, if someone makes a threat treat it as an action, respond full force and make it forever.

It has always worked and when I didn't my end of the situation was much worse, so I take all threats as an action and respond to the action.

That means picking up a confrontational punk and putting them on their back legs locked down and arms crossed wrists crushed in one hand and head held with the other till they decide they cant do anything but stop wiggling and be quiet like I said.

My so had one of the biggest High school senior football players we ever had locally for a best friend and he decided he wanted to wrestle one day because my son had tried it before and told him he didn't want any part of it.

I obliged him and when he was in that position He finally just went limp and I said ready to get up he said yes and I helped him up, but he was a definite handful, I was just about winded when I got him up I said you are making it really hard on an old man and we all laughed.

I used to love to do that stuff, time marches on!!!

Still never say die though or you do.
We voted in the primary election.
On the OUTSIDE of the ballot envelop you were required to pick your party affiliation.
No place to declare Independent just Dem or Rep.
If the declaration was on the inside I would be OK with that.
It would keep the Democrats from voting for Haley but the outside part has me suspicious.
We have all mail in voting so I guess that will make it easier for the Democrats to weed out the Republicans.
Did I mention you register to vote when you get your drivers license and they give DL to illegals.
Nothing to see there just keep moving along.
Always in person and the people behind the desk know everyone who comes in the door, you still have to sign in and be verified.

Absentee is only by verified request returned with chain of custody to the circuit clerk lock-boxed and you will be taken off of the voter roll where you vote so you have no line to sign.
We voted in the primary election.
On the OUTSIDE of the ballot envelop you were required to pick your party affiliation.
No place to declare Independent just Dem or Rep.
If the declaration was on the inside I would be OK with that.
It would keep the Democrats from voting for Haley but the outside part has me suspicious.
We have all mail in voting so I guess that will make it easier for the Democrats to weed out the Republicans.
Did I mention you register to vote when you get your drivers license and they give DL to illegals.
Nothing to see there just keep moving along.
:oops:Reverse rant:
My 'trick' about putting things in my Amazon cart to let them 'age' works :thumbs::
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It's not the $1 that is important, it is the principle that is important:waiting:.
:LOL:Don't think my 'trick' works?
Still going, down another -$1.50 :

Do you think I should pull the trigger today?
:LOL:Don't think my 'trick' works?
Still going, down another -$1.50 :
View attachment 125489
Do you think I should pull the trigger today?
Amazon was being finicky today, dropped me twice while attempting to checkout. I removed the items from my cart and found them on Walmart.com! Just a couple of supplements we take, one was the same price as Amazon, the other was $2 cheaper! Walmart.com got my business!!
I can't remember if I mentioned, but the cloak clasp I was going to wear for the wedding disappeared. I think I heard it fall when I picked up something but I didn't realize what fell. I just remember something fell but I can't remember where and I looked all over for it. Ended up wearing a different one that wouldn't stay closed. But I looked like garbage at the wedding anyway and nobody took my picture. I evaded all of the cameras. When the called out for all the unmarried "ladies" to go stand in a certain spot and then said it was for bouquet toss, I said "OH HELL NO!" and moved away. Bride knows me so she had a good laugh about it. We were all laughing because none of the single ones really wanted to catch the bouquet. I did tell them to start calling for "All the single ladies" at one point.

Before that though, Mom decided she didn't want to go and wouldn't get dressed until I managed to convince her and she almost made us late. We got there one minute before the wedding was supposed to start. Fortunately, other people were late so the wedding was delayed while we waited.

All the activity the last few days has my body wanting to boycott all activity. Had really bad leg cramps this morning. Charlie horses. Started with the left leg and even when I did the thing where I make my foot go flat, the leg was still cramping, but not quite as bad. Then the right one started up and it was knotting at the ankle and just below the knee. It didn't want to loosen up. Lasted about 10minutes. I got up and stood and stretched my achilles tendons a bit and had to stand on just my right leg for a couple of minutes to get it to loosen up. Feet and legs have still been cramping slightly. Right arm and wrist are giving me grief.

I'm also sad that my visiting friend has to leave tomorrow morning and he might not ever come to visit again so I might never see him again in person. Sad to see him go. I adore him and he's such a sweetheart. He's been staying with my friends who just got married and my friend who was the groom doesn't want him to leave now. He hadn't ever really gotten to know him before but enjoyed his company and wants to hang out with him more. Right now, my brother and I are the only ones who hang out with him.

And I forgot to get the last of my chairs to bring home.

I could never be a busdriver. For one, I have a terrible sense of direction. I don't enjoy driving. And I don't like being around kids. Last time I was on a schoolbus with small children I got a migraine.
So, Mom's brand new computer already stopped working. She put it to sleep and when she went to wake it up, it wouldn't come back on. Fan comes on and mouse and keyboard light up, but the lights inside don't light up and it won't boot into windows. Need to get my friend to look at it and see if he can get it to boot. If not, I'm going to have him wipe all of Mom's data off the m.2, pull off all the protective stuff I put on it, and return it. Then I'll order a good mini computer from Amazon instead.
Because I'm up so early this weather, and its bright , I'm managing to fit a quick walk in each morning. I haven't been down our road in ages on foot, and am absolutely raging at the garbage being tossed out of cars. I'll have to take gloves tomorrow and a bag. I understand maybe the odd wrapper blows out of a vehicle (I lost my licence that way lol) or something blows away during the bin collection. But what really gets my goat (I'm presuming you can't swear here) is the plastic children's toy box that's been tossed over the hedge, similarly a plastic mop bucket, several glass alcohol bottles - Bacardi being one. Strangely my two neighbors don't drink or smoke - yet there's a ton of cigarette packets; soft drink cans; plastic drinks bottles stuck onto the branches of hedges, so they've paused to lean out the car and do this. I live pretty rural, to be on my road is only to link into another more rural area - and- and this is why I'm really cross- at each end of these areas there is a BOTTLE BANK!! They are going by a place that takes cans and bottle. Bloody degenerates.
Because I'm up so early this weather, and its bright , I'm managing to fit a quick walk in each morning. I haven't been down our road in ages on foot, and am absolutely raging at the garbage being tossed out of cars. I'll have to take gloves tomorrow and a bag. I understand maybe the odd wrapper blows out of a vehicle (I lost my licence that way lol) or something blows away during the bin collection. But what really gets my goat (I'm presuming you can't swear here) is the plastic children's toy box that's been tossed over the hedge, similarly a plastic mop bucket, several glass alcohol bottles - Bacardi being one. Strangely my two neighbors don't drink or smoke - yet there's a ton of cigarette packets; soft drink cans; plastic drinks bottles stuck onto the branches of hedges, so they've paused to lean out the car and do this. I live pretty rural, to be on my road is only to link into another more rural area - and- and this is why I'm really cross- at each end of these areas there is a BOTTLE BANK!! They are going by a place that takes cans and bottle. Bloody degenerates.
A game camera installed in that area would be pretty telling of your neighbors!

Regulatory mandates to compel the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) may create new emissions problems that undercut some of the green goals they seek to achieve, according to an environmental lawyer.

I was just thinking along these same lines today. Here in Colorado, we have to get emissions inspections on our cars to register them (renew license plates). We have a 1997 van that we never drive, but I had to get an emissions inspection for new plates. I had to get those new plates, despite not driving it, because they fine you for every month that you do not renew your plates if they expire. This doesn't bother many people it seems - I'd say about 1/3 of the cars on the road here have expired plates - some are years out of date. Nobody seems to care, not even the cops.

Anyway, I was siting there in the emissions line in my van thinking. It seems impossible to fail an emissions inspection. This van has never had a tune up that I can recall. It hasn't even been started since the last time I had to get an emissions inspection (two years ago - you only need inspection every other year). The battery was dead as a doornail when I tried to start it. I had to put in a battery borrowed from another car to get it to cough to life. I had to air up the tires to get rid of the "set" they had taken sitting in the same position forever. I drug it's butt over to the emissions place ... and it passed with flying colors! I've never had a car fail, or known anybody who has. A burning oil rig would pass emissions testing here in Colorado.

They force millions of cars to go through this testing every year. I wonder if they even find one or two that fail? In the meantime, they are creating a ton of pollution doing their dynamo testing on all these cars.

I was just thinking along these same lines today. Here in Colorado, we have to get emissions inspections on our cars to register them (renew license plates). We have a 1997 van that we never drive, but I had to get an emissions inspection for new plates. I had to get those new plates, despite not driving it, because they fine you for every month that you do not renew your plates if they expire. This doesn't bother many people it seems - I'd say about 1/3 of the cars on the road here have expired plates - some are years out of date. Nobody seems to care, not even the cops.

Anyway, I was siting there in the emissions line in my van thinking. It seems impossible to fail an emissions inspection. This van has never had a tune up that I can recall. It hasn't even been started since the last time I had to get an emissions inspection (two years ago - you only need inspection every other year). The battery was dead as a doornail when I tried to start it. I had to put in a battery borrowed from another car to get it to cough to life. I had to air up the tires to get rid of the "set" they had taken sitting in the same position forever. I drug it's butt over to the emissions place ... and it passed with flying colors! I've never had a car fail, or known anybody who has. A burning oil rig would pass emissions testing here in Colorado.

They force millions of cars to go through this testing every year. I wonder if they even find one or two that fail? In the meantime, they are creating a ton of pollution doing their dynamo testing on all these cars.
It's always a money game. pay this, for that, then you get plates.
I voted today... The thing that got me was there was the choices.... Democrat, Republican, and Legal Marijuana Now party.. With a bunch of names no one has heard of... What a waste of ballot paper..

What little I got to hear of the 5pm and 9pm local news saying Trump won 60+% of the Republican vote.. Biden only got about 40% of the Democrat votes cast..

This is the first I have heard about this theory... The news did exit poles of voters and a surprising number expressed they thought if Biden won the nomination and the election he would ....abdicate.... shortly for one reason or another... Anyone else heard this ??
I got ripped off by california years ago. They charged me $385 to register my new trunk in their state because I’d purchased it in another state. I’d bought a new Silverado while living in buffalo ny. Knew I was moving to ca in less than a year. I ordered that truck, had to wait 7 weeks for delivery. I ordered it with california emissions, it was an option!! Yet I still had to pay a “fine” for a “non california vehicle”. :mad:

Many year later there was a law suit, california had to pay thousands of people back. I got a letter with a list of hoops I had to jump through for $50. They didn’t have to pay the full amount they ripped off from people, only part of it!!! At the time it wasn’t worth the effort, to heck with them!!!
It's always a money game. pay this, for that, then you get plates.
You have to pay for a new 'inspection sticker' every year down here.
The one on my truck windshield says: "expires in 2020".
When the cops drive by, they only look to see if you have 'a sticker' on, if not you are presumed to be an "outsider". They can't read the year when driving by.
I did the math, and the fine for having an expired-sticker is less than the cost of 2 years of stickers. Catch me if you can!😁
I’ve posted this before, got pulled over in richmond va by a cop in a jail van on thanksgiving morning. I had alabama plates, california drivers license and a virginia inspection sticker on my windshield. This guy was a bit slow but was sure something was illegal here! :waiting: But everything was legal! Even my illinois auto insurance. 😁 I had to get authorization to drive or park on a military base. Every legal requirement must be met and maintained!

It did not compute with this guy. I could hear other cops on the radio telling him I was legal! Still kept me there a half hour! My buddies and I finally started started taking pictures of each other against the police van. He’d yell at us!!! Get away from the van!!! 🤣 It turned into a joke, guess there was a reason he worked at the jail. He clearly wasn’t detective material. :facepalm:
You have to pay for a new 'inspection sticker' every year down here.
The one on my truck windshield says: "expires in 2020".
When the cops drive by, they only look to see if you have 'a sticker' on, if not you are presumed to be an "outsider". They can't read the year when driving by.
I did the math, and the fine for having an expired-sticker is less than the cost of 2 years of stickers. Catch me if you can!😁
They can and do ticket people for expired inspection stickers here. It's $10 for one year and $20 for two. The vehicles have to be deemed fit for the roads but the roads aren't fit for the vehicles. The politicians have admitted that the purpose of the inspection stickers is to get $$$. We used to get inspected at a place in town but the woman who did the inspections was a raging witch. If you did she was in a bad mood or you did anything to make her mad, she'd say you failed inspection. I had passed the inspection with the same tinging on my windows every time- even from her-- but one day she was doing online shopping when I came in for inspection. I asked if she was on lunch break or something and she said "No" and then gave me attitude and I asked her if she could please do the inspection as I had somewhere to go. She was really nasty about it and then claimed my window tint was too dark and said I had to get it removed before I could pass. Another time she told my elderly friend that his blinkers didn't work. I checked and they worked. She was just being nasty and didn't want to peel the old sticker off and put a new sticker on. Tried getting it done at the Ford dealership in town but they said they were out of stickers and later found out they were lying-- they just didn't want to do it. Finally found someone who is good about it so we go to him to get stickers renewed.

On the upside, I was able to return the computer to Walmart without any problems. Took all of mom's data off the m.2 and pulled out her 2.5" SSDs that had been put in. Took off all the mesh and stuff that I'd put on. Clerk checked for serial number and to make sure all the accessories were included in the return. Ordered a mini computer from Amazon instead.
They can and do ticket people for expired inspection stickers here. It's $10 for one year and $20 for two. The vehicles have to be deemed fit for the roads but the roads aren't fit for the vehicles. The politicians have admitted that the purpose of the inspection stickers is to get $$$. We used to get inspected at a place in town but the woman who did the inspections was a raging witch. If you did she was in a bad mood or you did anything to make her mad, she'd say you failed inspection. I had passed the inspection with the same tinging on my windows every time- even from her-- but one day she was doing online shopping when I came in for inspection. I asked if she was on lunch break or something and she said "No" and then gave me attitude and I asked her if she could please do the inspection as I had somewhere to go. She was really nasty about it and then claimed my window tint was too dark and said I had to get it removed before I could pass. Another time she told my elderly friend that his blinkers didn't work. I checked and they worked. She was just being nasty and didn't want to peel the old sticker off and put a new sticker on. Tried getting it done at the Ford dealership in town but they said they were out of stickers and later found out they were lying-- they just didn't want to do it. Finally found someone who is good about it so we go to him to get stickers renewed.

On the upside, I was able to return the computer to Walmart without any problems. Took all of mom's data off the m.2 and pulled out her 2.5" SSDs that had been put in. Took off all the mesh and stuff that I'd put on. Clerk checked for serial number and to make sure all the accessories were included in the return. Ordered a mini computer from Amazon instead.
I would be interested in what mini computer you picked, I'll be in the market soon.

Light duty, World of Warships and ham radio software.
I forgot to mention that people in my rural area love to dump dogs, cats, appliances, furniture, and trash all over. At least they have cut back somewhat on the dog roaming/hunting. It is actually illegal now. Don't know if it was back in the 80s when we had to chase hunting dogs off from our yard constantly. They tried to get to our chickens and one of them killed a baby goat and my favorite cat before. The practice is barbaric. They starve the dogs until they are nearly skin and bones and then send them out into the woods to hunt- woods that are flagged as wildlife reservation and not for hunting. They end up getting mauled by bobcats, wild boars, other dogs, or shot by homeowners defending their pets & livestock. Or they simply starve to death. There had been some law on the books that would allow a hunter to climb over a farmer's fence to retrieve a deer or bird or something they shot that crossed over onto the property-- but that led to some hunters trespassing to shoot things on people's property, people getting shot (or threatened) and hunters breaking people's fences. We had some problems with people cutting our back fenceline, setting up loudspeakers with crow calls, and shooting crows down just for fun. It was terrifying our animals and annoying us. Dad had to chase them off and then notified the sheriff.

Dademoss, I believe you saw the link to the mini pc in another thread. Its supposed to arrive Friday, so we'll see if its on time and how it runs. Friend is going to put mom's other m.2 SSD in it (assuming it has a single 1TB and not two 512s in).

Mom just requested food so I need to go cook.
Dademoss, I believe you saw the link to the mini pc in another thread. Its supposed to arrive Friday, so we'll see if its on time and how it runs. Friend is going to put mom's other m.2 SSD in it (assuming it has a single 1TB and not two 512s in).

Mom just requested food so I need to go cook.
Most likey, sometimes it's hard to keep all the threads straight. Mine should arrive friday also.
My guess is that the baby was born with malnutrition from the mother not getting enough to eat while pregnant. It said "lack of medical attention" as well as starvation so I'm guessing there were other health issues that came into play and not just starvation. It is tragic what is happening to the Palestinians who are trapped there with Hamas. Between the bombings of the path to get out of Gaza and Hamas shooting people who flee, many of the people are afraid to try to leave. It's hard to know what is going on over there.
This is why I find it difficult to believe any reports coming out of Gaza:


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I would think it physically impossible to die of starvation in one day. If this is how they're gathering data to support their claims - I think their claims are bogus.
Respectfully disagree with you here. The mothers have not enough suitable food and are too scared to travel to hospitals. By all accounts what is being consumed at the minute is animal feed which in itself would not be fresh. The final three months is when babies in the womb put on weight; and due to stress this child may well have been born underweight or premature. Regardless of what news reports or propaganda comes out, it's no place for children.
It amazes me as to how many forget what instigated this war in the first place. What about the hundreds of Jewish family members who were slaughtered and raped in front of their own family members, including the slaughter of their family pets. Now that they are getting their butts kicked, they are crying foul?
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