Remember the freaky "mystery fog?"

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I have a theory about the world wide dirty fog, but I don't think there's a big connection between that and any fires occurring on land. I think the guy in the video is clutching at straws trying to make a connection between the fog and fires.

Have you ever heard of the Axial Seamount? It's an active underwater volcano in the Pacific Ocean 300 miles off the coast of Oregon that is predicted to erupt rather violently sometime in 2025, sometime imminent anyway.

But in the meantime it has already been slowly dribbling and leaking lava and volcanic particles, minerals, etc. and a variety of toxic vapours from small fissures in the sea floor and has been doing that for several weeks to months. Here is the most recent news (from 2 or 3 days ago) about the Axial Seamount.

We had the same fog here too, but it was much earlier than late December, I think I posted about the fog at the time (November??) in the weather thread here. So, my theory about the dirty fog (it dirtied up things here too) is that it's a result of ongoing evaporatives coming from the warming Pacific Ocean in the region of the Axial Seamount. It was a very warm fog and still, cumulative and settled in place while we had it here until the northern jet stream moved it along. All of the other places around the globe that got the fog are all places that are in line with the curving sine wave pattern of the jet stream as it becomes more extreme in winter.

The freezing polar vortex that all of North America has experienced in the past couple of weeks or so was delivered by the jet stream so the extent of it's reach should give you an idea of how it could also have been delivering an abnormal fog of particles and vapours from the Pacific.

I'm not concerned about the sulphuric smell and taste of the short lasting fog that was delivered to so many places. It didn't last long and it seems the worst damage it did was the dirty deposits of ash-like particles it left on land and structures.

I would be more concerned about what will be delivered to the world in a fog, by the jet stream, when the Axial Seamount erupts violently and totally blows its load of heat, molten materials and particles, and toxic vapours into the Pacific Ocean water and thence into the atmosphere as fog.

That's my theory and until proven otherwise I'm sticking to it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when the Axial Seamount blows her top.

I have a theory about the world wide dirty fog, but I don't think there's a big connection between that and any fires occurring on land. I think the guy in the video is clutching at straws trying to make a connection between the fog and fires.

Have you ever heard of the Axial Seamount? It's an active underwater volcano in the Pacific Ocean 300 miles off the coast of Oregon that is predicted to erupt rather violently sometime in 2025, sometime imminent anyway.

But in the meantime it has already been slowly dribbling and leaking lava and volcanic particles, minerals, etc. and a variety of toxic vapours from small fissures in the sea floor and has been doing that for several weeks to months. Here is the most recent news (from 2 or 3 days ago) about the Axial Seamount.

We had the same fog here too, but it was much earlier than late December, I think I posted about the fog at the time (November??) in the weather thread here. So, my theory about the dirty fog (it dirtied up things here too) is that it's a result of ongoing evaporatives coming from the warming Pacific Ocean in the region of the Axial Seamount. It was a very warm fog and still, cumulative and settled in place while we had it here until the northern jet stream moved it along. All of the other places around the globe that got the fog are all places that are in line with the curving sine wave pattern of the jet stream as it becomes more extreme in winter.

The freezing polar vortex that all of North America has experienced in the past couple of weeks or so was delivered by the jet stream so the extent of it's reach should give you an idea of how it could also have been delivering an abnormal fog of particles and vapours from the Pacific.

I'm not concerned about the sulphuric smell and taste of the short lasting fog that was delivered to so many places. It didn't last long and it seems the worst damage it did was the dirty deposits of ash-like particles it left on land and structures.

I would be more concerned about what will be delivered to the world in a fog, by the jet stream, when the Axial Seamount erupts violently and totally blows its load of heat, molten materials and particles, and toxic vapours into the Pacific Ocean water and thence into the atmosphere as fog.

That's my theory and until proven otherwise I'm sticking to it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when the Axial Seamount blows her top.

Fascinating, thanks for the link. That was a fun read.
Fascinating, thanks for the link. That was a fun read.

Thank you and here's another link for you that with your own geographic location and proximity to the coast you'd want to know about.

Just for the record, It isn't called fog, it's called vog, which means volcanic smog coming from underwater volcanoes or magma from above ground flowing into the ocean.

It does pose some health and environmental hazards just like a surface volcanic eruption poses, this link below from USGS explains about that.

If any people who were exposed to the "fog" that this thread is about (which was likely actually vog) got sick it will be because of the sulfuric acid and other toxic vapours and particles that they were breathing in when exposed.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of exposed people had eye problems at the very least even if not notably with their respiratory systems. Those miniscule volcanic particles floating on the air are actually miniscule particles of sharp glass and other mineral crystals dust. (volcanic smog) is a,oxygen, moisture, and dust.
Thank you and here's another link for you that with your own geographic location and proximity to the coast you'd want to know about.

Just for the record, It isn't called fog, it's called vog, which means volcanic smog coming from underwater volcanoes or magma from above ground flowing into the ocean.

It does pose some health and environmental hazards just like a surface volcanic eruption poses, this link below from USGS explains about that.

If any people who were exposed to the "fog" that this thread is about (which was likely actually vog) got sick it will be because of the sulfuric acid and other toxic vapours and particles that they were breathing in when exposed.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of exposed people had eye problems at the very least even if not notably with their respiratory systems. Those miniscule volcanic particles floating on the air are actually miniscule particles of sharp glass and other mineral crystals dust. (volcanic smog) is a,oxygen, moisture, and dust.

Thank you for this resource !!
The internal link also gives the current Air Quality and Historical Air Quality. (by State) Fabulous!!
Naples Florida lab sample said it was a Rare Opportunistic Nosocomial Bacterial Pathogen
Serratia Marcescens, historically found in hospital infections from patient's stomachs.
Not sure how it could be grown in such a number/quantity, stored and sprayed over so many different cities.
Can be killed by cleaning surfaces with a mixture of baking soda and dish soap.

As in the earlier video, sulfur dioxide gives longevity to Serratia Marcescens.
The Navy (as directed by infamous Sydney Gottleib) sprayed this over 800,000 unsuspecting people in San Francisco
sometime in the 1950s.
11 of these people documented their similar symptoms, ultimately resulting in UTIs and discharging tiny crystals.

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So when this thing goes boom, are we looking at tsunamis, An ash cloud like St. Helen's or just Gaia farting in her sleep?
No tsunami unless the eruption is accompanied by an actual high magnitude earthquake, however, a strong earthquake at that location might precede an eruption and a tsunami because the volcano sits directly over top of the meeting of two tectonic plates that regularly rub together and sometimes slip, slide and separate from each other by approximately 2 inches and then slide back together again. It's called an ocean spreading center. The two plates that the volcano sits over are the Pacific Plate and the Juan de Fuca Plate. There is actually more than one volcano running along the ridge.

There would be no ash cloud like St. Helens because of suppression from the water above it, the volcano is one mile beneath the ocean's surface. So although it is presently what's called a quiet black smoker that is steadily producing incontinent dribbles of magma on the floor of its caldera and is producing vog above the surface of the water, a very strong eruption would be more like Gaia getting a sudden bad case of food poisoning resulting in violent stomach cramps, the runny trots and 'vogging' rather profusely. 🤢 She won't be getting any sleep through all of that.

1738444739378.png setting,-Position of Axial&text=de Fuca Ridge.-,Axial Seamount is the youngest volcano and current eruptive center,298 mi) west of Oregon.

...... Axial Seamount is the youngest volcano and current eruptive center of the Cobb–Eickelberg Seamount chain, a chain of seamounts that terminates south of Alaska.[6] Axial lies where the chain intersects with the Juan de Fuca Ridge,[7] approximately 480 km (298 mi) west of Oregon. It is a product of the Cobb hotspot, but now sits on an ocean spreading center between the Juan de Fuca plate and the Pacific Plate,[8] offset by the Blanco fracture zone to the south and a ridge-built triple junction to the north.....
No tsunami unless the eruption is accompanied by an actual high magnitude earthquake, however, a strong earthquake at that location might precede an eruption and a tsunami because the volcano sits directly over top of the meeting of two tectonic plates that regularly rub together and sometimes slip, slide and separate from each other by approximately 2 inches and then slide back together again. It's called an ocean spreading center. The two plates that the volcano sits over are the Pacific Plate and the Juan de Fuca Plate. There is actually more than one volcano running along the ridge.

There would be no ash cloud like St. Helens because of suppression from the water above it, the volcano is one mile beneath the ocean's surface. So although it is presently what's called a quiet black smoker that is steadily producing incontinent dribbles of magma on the floor of its caldera and is producing vog above the surface of the water, a very strong eruption would be more like Gaia getting a sudden bad case of food poisoning resulting in violent stomach cramps, the runny trots and 'vogging' rather profusely. 🤢 She won't be getting any sleep through all of that.

View attachment 172695 setting,-Position of Axial&text=de Fuca Ridge.-,Axial Seamount is the youngest volcano and current eruptive center,298 mi) west of Oregon.
Do you think the gasses will come inland and poison people like that lake in Africa?
Do you think the gasses will come inland and poison people like that lake in Africa?
No, I don't think so, I think it's highly unlikely it could happen. What happened at Lake Nyos, a fairly stagnant lake in Africa was what is called lake overturn. Lake overturn is when the water in the lake turns over completely, so the surface water rolled around and down to the very deep lake bed. The very heavy gaseous toxins in the deep stagnant water that had been enclosed and trapped under pressure at the bottom of the lake was displaced by the surface water and it rolled around and up to the surface of the lake then released a burst of its trapped gasses into the atmosphere just above the lake. Those heavy toxic gasses spread out at quite low elevation and killed all lifeforms on land depressions and valleys that were in low elevation pockets that were within 20 miles of the lake. Beyond 20 miles nothing appeared to have been effected, nor was anything that was within 20 miles but at higher elevations effected.

The Axial Seamount volcano is a completely different situation. It's a black smoker in the Pacific, the largest open body of constantly moving non-stagnant water on the planet and it is 300 miles distant from the nearest land. Gasses and small amounts of flowing lava and particulates within the volcano are being slowly released all the time through fissures in the bed of the caldera into the water. They get dispersed into the moving ocean water and the lighter gasses and small particulate debris rise to the surface of the ocean. The surface of the Pacific is always exposed to wind generated by the Northern Jet Stream way up high in the atmosphere. There at the surface the wind would lift up light gasses and other particulates as evaporates and disperse them as a dirty fog (vog) even further as they're carried west by the wind. The very heavy, very toxic gasses the wind might pick up wouldn't get very far anyway, they would sink back down into the ocean before travelling even 100 miles, let alone 300 miles.

So no, I don't think anything similar to what happened to Lake Nyos and its surrounding valleys would happen out there in the ocean.
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You sure know your stuff about geology Blinky! I know it's off-topic, but any thoughts on the Yellowstone Caldera? That's the one that worries me! Is there any chance of venting some pressure off before it goes boom?
Messing with nature, I'm afraid that's a bit of a sore point for me.

Yellowstone has already always been maintaining balance and venting itself in its hot geysers, boiling hot pools and fissures for 70,000 years so I don't think it needs to be vented by man's artificial means and interference. I think any attempts to mess around with Yellowstone would make matters worse and we'd fully deserve the wrath of nature that we'd get for interfering.

I know I'm sort of anthropomorphizing Earth here but there are times we have to accept that Mother Nature already knows best what Earth as a living, breathing, heart beating entity needs and she has everything under control the way she wants it according to her own grand plan. We need to just let Earth do it's own thing.

We are just temporary guests crawling on the face of Earth like 8 billion bedbugs sucking it dry and if and when the time comes that Yellowstone or any other supervolcanoes need to blow their tops there won't be any humans left on Earth by then anyway. We'll have outlived any usefulness that we might represent (I'm still trying to figure out what that usefulness might be) and she'll have already gotten rid of us long before then. It's a waste of time to worry about it. Just go with the flow.

Here, read this article from Livescience publication, it's some of the most recent news about newest Yellowstone findings, published only a month ago. You will find this interesting:
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