Riots 2020

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The Sheriff in my county believes that only the military and law enforcement should be permitted to carry weapons.:mad:


I think any "organization" should be kept as secret as possible. Once you label yourselves, you WILL make a watch list. The idea is that your "mil itia" will go into effect once there is no law and order.

I think any "organization" should be kept as secret as possible. Once you label yourselves, you WILL make a watch list. The idea is that your "mil itia" will go into effect once there is no law and order.

Agreed. We did have one ‘militia’ in our area. All they did was march around weaponless wearing Levis and Hawaiian shirts. Laughable!😅
militia moving into Kenosha . Says they're armed with long guns.

Those kids are making themselves targets. That shooter should have NEVER found himself on the ground, solo, in the middle of the street. I don't know why the patriots aren't taking positions on rooftops, or fortified positions inside the stores. The rioters and looters come in, they don't go out. This is about the only time I would be liberal. Liberal with my shooting. I don't think there's much difference between shooting one terrorist or 20. These monsters have been terrorizing communities for months with ZERO accountability. Once they realize they can die, I bet they get real peaceful, as they should have been all along. I also think we have come to a point were no jury could unanimously convict anyone for shooting these folks, even if they didn't see a weapon. The mob is the weapon. When that mob was forcing that woman eating lunch into a corner, demanding she raise her fist "or else", I could justify her drawing and unloading a mag or two into the crowd. I think that is where we are now, or so I hope.
Those kids are making themselves targets. That shooter should have NEVER found himself on the ground, solo, in the middle of the street. I don't know why the patriots aren't taking positions on rooftops, or fortified positions inside the stores. The rioters and looters come in, they don't go out. This is about the only time I would be liberal. Liberal with my shooting. I don't think there's much difference between shooting one terrorist or 20. These monsters have been terrorizing communities for months with ZERO accountability. Once they realize they can die, I bet they get real peaceful, as they should have been all along. I also think we have come to a point were no jury could unanimously convict anyone for shooting these folks, even if they didn't see a weapon. The mob is the weapon. When that mob was forcing that woman eating lunch into a corner, demanding she raise her fist "or else", I could justify her drawing and unloading a mag or two into the crowd. I think that is where we are now, or so I hope.

Its the young and inexperienced that are in the streets thinking its a video game, they don't understand tactics and OPSEC. These Hot conflicts will escalate and the more experienced Patriots step up and take care of this communists insurgency.
Anyone else stay up til 2am looking at the price and availability, or lack thereof, of firearms and ammo? WOW! So glad I prepped long ago. I hope it was the "alt-right" that bought everything up. I LOVE that liberals are now seeing the value in the 2nd. Yes, Brent, I know, there are dems who support the 2nd (I too was one of them for almost 30 years), but the majority are not, or we wouldn't be having so many anti 2nd laws. In January, at least half the country thought all guns should be illegal.

Here is your reparations:

Doc H gets it.
Anyone else stay up til 2am looking at the price and availability, or lack thereof, of firearms and ammo? WOW! So glad I prepped long ago. I hope it was the "alt-right" that bought everything up. I LOVE that liberals are now seeing the value in the 2nd. Yes, Brent, I know, there are dems who support the 2nd (I too was one of them for almost 30 years), but the majority are not, or we wouldn't be having so many anti 2nd laws. In January, at least half the country thought all guns should be illegal.


Yep, ammo is up there! Not checked out any guns. As I am sure you have come to realize, It doesn’t help to support the 2nd Amendment when you vote in politicians who are promising to TAKE THEM.
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They are charging him with murder. Of course, none of the people that chased him, threw rocks at him, kicked him on the head, or punched him, are being charged. The kid who hit him with the skateboard already got his penalty. A mob of patriots should go to the DA's home at 2am and demand he drop charges while shooting firework mortars at his home, pointing lasers in his windows, setting his car on fire, and beating drums loudly. Of course they should do it peacefully though. Let's see how they like it when the shoe is on the other foot
The way I see it, if your home is not under threat, stay put and don't go out looking for trouble, if one goes out looking for it then they are part of the problem, stay the fxxk home.

I sure as hell ain't going out to protect the community that keeps voting the SOB in office that controls the cities, stay the hell out and let it burn!
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The way I see it, if my home is not under threat, stay put and don't go out looking for trouble, if one goes out looking for it then they are part of the problem, stay the fxxk home.

I sure as hell ain't going out to protect the community that keeps voting the SOB in office that controls the cities, stay the hell out and let it burn!

I tried to like that twice. No luck.
In the same story on the news tonight as the 17yr old being charged I saw a clip of armed white militia protecting boarded up buildings. The media ripped them like they were terrible. Sorry, since no one else is protecting anything it’s the only way to keep the place from being torched. The sherif that was being interview about them was as politically correct as he could be but made it obvious he was supportive of them without risking loosing his job. I don’t care what side of the isle anyone is on, but not standing up to end this violence should get them fired.
@Brent S

Hey brother, your tone since I have been away seems to be getting more right leaning. Is it the lunacy of the left to shut it all down in the name of COVID just to make the economy suffer and make Trump look bad, or the left's completely ignoring, and in some cases denying, antifa and BLM's terrorism? I know you are an intelligent man, and critical thinker, so I'm asking. I watched Tim Pool a couple of years ago, and every few months thereafter, and it's been fun watching him move from his liberal (and self professed Libertarian ideology) viewpoint to the right.

Are you ready to #walkaway?
@Brent S

Hey brother, your tone since I have been away seems to be getting more right leaning. Is it the lunacy of the left to shut it all down in the name of COVID just to make the economy suffer and make Trump look bad, or the left's completely ignoring, and in some cases denying, antifa and BLM's terrorism? I know you are an intelligent man, and critical thinker, so I'm asking. I watched Tim Pool a couple of years ago, and every few months thereafter, and it's been fun watching him move from his liberal (and self professed Libertarian ideology) viewpoint to the right.

Are you ready to #walkaway?
I’ve always had somewhat conservative values, but look at each individual issue, not party lines. I don’t think either side is all bad, nor all good. I am disgusted by the media coverage of all the violence going on now, and am a big supporter of law and order. I will agree with the fact that most of the ones that praise the BLM violence as peaceful protests are the liberal democrats. I’ve just always said that not all democrats are stupid like those ones.
As far as shutting down for covid, in the beginning we didn’t know how bad this thing was going to be. So I support that decision at the time. Now, we know it’s not good but isn’t like Ebola by any stretch. So no, we don’t need to shut down again. People starving from another Great Depression will cause more suffering and death than the virus. That being said though, mandating mask use and some common sense measures until a proven vaccine is developed and available makes sense.
agreed. Sooooo, you still thinking Biden/Harris is what America needs?
I was actually ok with Biden, but the more he is caving to the BLM movement and all the pc crap he is loosing my interest. Harris seems like an angry black woman with a chip on her shoulder to me. As far as Bernie goes, I think he means well but he’s is just too radical for me. So, to sum it up, I’m not happy with the Democratic ticket as it stands. I have given my opinion about trump and pence many times here, so don’t need to beat a dead horse with that. I guess at this point I am simply trying to decide which ticket is the worse to choose from....
Brent, I applaud your honesty. I respect a person who speaks their mind and can rationally word their thoughts.
The point of theses discussions is to be able to present our views and hear others as well. They are not always going to be the same but sometimes we can learn from others perspectives. Being able to listen to others different or opposing ideas without loosing your cool is becoming a rare talent now days.
Brent, I applaud your honesty. I respect a person who speaks their mind and can rationally word their thoughts.
I wholly agree - being a 'foreigner' here, I do watch US politics with interest. Unfortunately, many can't see past their own nose, and can't stomach views different to theirs. Though, it was fun reading the banter between some of you and those recently banned members - I was disappointed though, I was getting a good laugh from all sides of the arguments.

I think there are valid points from all sides of politics, and this discussion is probably one of the most sensible I have encountered.
Georgia, Even though I am fully stocked, I am hesitant to go practise because I never touch my ammo stockpile, and always buy my 9mm or reload my .308 for the range.... Damn the shortage in one respect and praise it for the awakening we all appreciate. It is unfortunate that we had to be proven correct about the 2nd, instead of people just using common sense without all the violence
The way I see it, if your home is not under threat, stay put and don't go out looking for trouble, if one goes out looking for it then they are part of the problem, stay the fxxk home.

I sure as hell ain't going out to protect the community that keeps voting the SOB in office that controls the cities, stay the hell out and let it burn!

I agree 110%, Mav

The conflict (if it truly becomes one) will be in the suburbs, not the cities. If you have a business you dont want burned, hire armed and licensed security. Otherwise let it burn and pray the insurance company doesn't go belly up.

I personally look for this rioting to continue and even increase leading up to the election. The Dems are just now realizing they ******-up big time, but here is no way to reel these people in now. It's over. I hope Trump/Barr has inserted 100s of undercover Federal LEOs in these mobs gathering intelligence and video evidence. when he invokes the Insurrection Act and brings in the troops, the hammer drops. Regulars not Just NGs. Then we can round them all up and put them in federal court and then Leavenworth, not in state courts... no parole for federal crimes, kiddies, 10 years is ten years.

PS... I would love to see their faces when they realize they are facing the Marines, or the 82nd, or the 101st, or the 10th Mountain or the 75th Rangers... o_O
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I honestly feel it’s well overdue that federal forces haven’t been brought in to arrest these mobs in mass. Don’t mistake a tough stance on violence and rioting with being against our rights to protest. I’m all for citizens being able to assemble and make a stand for their cause even if I do or don’t back their cause. I’m just not for any one being allowed to destroy others property, ever.....
Here is my understanding of the Kenosha shootings so far.

The 17 y.o. is the one being charged with murder. But...
* He was not the first person to shoot
* The first guy he shot in the head was a convicted child molester who earlier in the day was filmed running around yelling 'shoot me ni**a'.
* The second guy shot in the chest & died was convicted of multiple domestic abuse cases & served prison for it.
* The third guy shot in the arm (and holding a pistol) is a convicted felon and committed a felony by having a gun.

So the 17 year old kid was shot at first and fired back. Then while retreating, he was tripped & knocked down & assaulted (pics of chest-shot guy hitting him in the head with a skateboard), and took out #2 and arm-shot #3. Got up, & still walked away.

And he is being charged with murder? He should get a metal for bravery and accuracy and doing a public service (times 3). I'd call it a very good start.

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