Riots 2020

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I think the radicals have already entrenched themselves too deep into our way of life, and they could easily take over. Then, the "conservatives" retaliate (by taking out hard targets, like the MSM) and are called terrorists. I think the only way America has a chance to survive is if the GOP takes the House, Senate, and Trump wins. Then they MUST end the MSM propaganda machine and incarcerate those players behind the attempted coup, like Soros. Build more federal prisons and fill them with the mayors and governors who provided "sanctuary states" and refused to end the funded terrorism. Whatever happens, it will be a long difficult battle.
Ok, Doc, can you give more details? Note that they have a 3 month lead time on most stuff now. What sets do you recommend? Which pieces? Size to person's size? Anything with less lead times?
I gave you all I've got, LOL. You know as much as I do.

As far as what's available I have started looking at plate carriers made for AirSoft. You can even buy those on Amazon (they don't sell anything labeled as "bulletproof"). You can put steel plates in them, and I think I can find 1/4" AR500 magnum pistol gongs that could be cut down to fit.
You would need some sort of coating on the front to stop spalling fragments. Maybe foam insulation mixed with something. I'd prefer AR550 as you could use thinner plates, but those are hard to find. I need to get a 1/4" AR500 gong and shoot it with green tip penetrators to see if they are stopped. I have seen what they do to the pistol plates at the range, and someone shot up one of my AR550 gongs with them. (dimpled it)
I gave you all I've got, LOL. You know as much as I do.

As far as what's available I have started looking at plate carriers made for AirSoft. You can even buy those on Amazon (they don't sell anything labeled as "bulletproof"). You can put steel plates in them, and I think I can find 1/4" AR500 magnum pistol gongs that could be cut down to fit.
You would need some sort of coating on the front to stop spalling fragments. Maybe foam insulation mixed with something. I'd prefer AR550 as you could use thinner plates, but those are hard to find. I need to get a 1/4" AR500 gong and shoot it with green tip penetrators to see if they are stopped. I have seen what they do to the pistol plates at the range, and someone shot up one of my AR550 gongs with them. (dimpled it)

Check into truck bed liners, something like "Rhino" bed liners to use as an anti-spall protection.
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What's the difference? Both terrorists, one foreign, one domestic, SAME goal. Anyone who supports the democrats who REFUSE to denounce it, is no better. Anyone who votes Democrat is an enemy of the state, and of mine. Pick a side. America, or death to America.

Couldn’t agree with you more. Choose a side! Our Heritage. Our Constitution. Our Freedoms. Our ancestor’s blood, sweat and hard work! Or Marxism. People who back the total destruction of our Nation are my enemy.
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Does anyone else think the democrats aren't going to allow an election? I think they may be planning an all out coup, killing Trump and Pence, putting Pelosi in charge. The pieces fit.

There is 'planning', and there is 'setting up'. I don't think the libs have the cajones to actually do that straight up. But, they have clearly set up the environment for this. It's already there, look at the riots. Look at the stupid things people are saying. Libs have intentionally created this environment. They just need one competent lone wolf wacko who gets lucky. The only great news is the 'competent' and 'liberal' are 99.9999% exclusive.
Wednesday my Foxtrot Mike FM9 9mm pistol finally arrives. Like everyone else has found ammo is freaking outrageous and since I have never owned a 9mm of any kind I had none on hand. I did buy 300 rounds at the outrageous price of 0.62 cents a round. Hopefully I can find a better price soon, got a tip today that a local shop will have alot of 9mm on hand for sale this morning. Got to go check them out.

Ok, Doc, can you give more details? Note that they have a 3 month lead time on most stuff now. What sets do you recommend? Which pieces? Size to person's size? Anything with less lead times?
Have you checked out AR500 armor. They are running a special now, you get the level III+ plates and carrier for under $300 with 8 weeks lead time. Theres a few upgrades you can choose like trauma pads at $35 if you want. Heres a link
I am laughing, I didn't realize how religious these BLM rioters are. In the first video, in just 13 seconds, I hear at least four "Oh My God". Worth a good laugh...
It looked like the guy intentionally jumped on the officers car. . . what did he actually think was going to happen, just sit there while the others moved in to attack him? I don't think so. He did exactly what I would have done. 🤣
There is no question but that the ANTIFA thugs are engaging in sedition. BLM maybe, maybe not. Some BLM protestors are abiding by the law completely. Some aren't.

By the definition of sedition, I'd say a lot of Democrat politicians are too...

Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or resistance against, established authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel.
Mike Griffin (@votegriffin) Tweeted:
we need to stop this at all cost: activist and organizers, shut down the economy.

if you are financially stable, stop working.

take to the streets, save our democracy

There is zero doubt now that way more innocent, minding their own business Americans are going to be jumped and set upon by crazy ass Dems. I can see them taking to Conservative neighborhoods and throwing Molotov cocktails at homes.

So, anyone have any ideas how to protect your home from these raging animals?
Mike Griffin (@votegriffin) Tweeted:
we need to stop this at all cost: activist and organizers, shut down the economy.

if you are financially stable, stop working.

take to the streets, save our democracy

There is zero doubt now that way more innocent, minding their own business Americans are going to be jumped and set upon by crazy ### Dems. I can see them taking to Conservative neighborhoods and throwing Molotov cocktails at homes.

So, anyone have any ideas how to protect your home from these raging animals?

Take them out before the get to close. Site in your scopes now.
Take them out before the get to close. Site in your scopes now.

Good advice! We will site our scopes tomorrow for the area they will have to come into. The neighbor (ex Chief of police in a large city) stopped firing his weapons a few weeks today, he is shooting a bunch of them! Kinda looks like he read the threats from the animal Dems.
GO Governor DeSantis! This needs adopted Nationwide!! Too many innocent Americans have been harmed by these animals out rioting.

Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) Tweeted:
Today I announced bold legislation that creates new criminal offenses and increases penalties for those who target law enforcement and participate in violent or disorderly assemblies. We will always stand with our men and women in uniform who keep our communities safe.

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GO Governor DeSantis! This needs adopted Nationwide!! Too many innocent A Erica s have been harmed by these animals out rioting.

Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) Tweeted:
Today I announced bold legislation that creates new criminal offenses and increases penalties for those who target law enforcement and participate in violent or disorderly assemblies. We will always stand with our men and women in uniform who keep our communities safe.

wouldn't have half the problems across the country if the organizers - that are moving about the country - were already FED charged & tagged from previous encounters ....

you catch one of those Portland azzholes in Ferguson >> WHAM BAM - he's gone back to FED prison for more time - take the local & state out of the system entirely ....
U-Haul Seen Distributing Shields, Potential Weapons to Louisville Rioters Rented to Holly Zoller of Soros-Connected Louisville Bail Project

The U-Haul that began distributing riot supplies in Louisville immediately following the announcement that no officers would be charged for Breonna Taylor’s death was rented to Holly Zoller of the Louisville Bail Initiative.

The pre-parked truck was loaded with shields painted with anti-police messages, umbrellas, gas masks, and other riot supplies.

Zoller confirmed it was her in a phone call from a concerned citizen who pretended to work for the rental company. You can listen to it in full at the end of this article.

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Anarchists pulling Antifa signs and shields out of a pre-parked UHaul truck in Louisville

The Bail Project website claims to have paid bail for 12,096 criminals to date.

According to her bio on the Bail Project website, Zoller “has organized around anti-fascist movements. Prior to joining TBP, Holly owned a gardening company, worked as a sous chef, and as a professional organizer. Holly lives in Louisville with her three daughters.”

Internal logs leaked by someone at U-Haul, and obtained by Twitter user @IntelDotWav, shows that they are aware of the situation.