Riots 2020

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2 hardest jobs in the world right now.
1. Secret service protection detail for Trump.
2. Joe Biden's teleprompter operator.
I wish the Justice Department would get off their ass, and start enforcing the law. IMHO the law is pretty clear, although that is an oxymoron. The law is never clear.

Per federal code, it's a crime when an individual "travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent" [to]:

  1. Incite a riot;
  2. Organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
  3. Commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
  4. Aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot.
If the worthless politicians won't enforce their own State laws why doesn't the Justice Department step in and enforce Federal law? If the people behind all of this trouble were prosecuted if it wasn't stopped it would certainly be curtailed.
He does not have to wait for the Governor to ask him in cases of civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. That is just a courtesy.
The Insurrection act gives the President the authority to act unilaterally in such cases. He can nationalize the state's National Guard, and also deploy the Army. (an exception to the Posse Comitatus Act)
He does not have to wait for the Governor to ask him in cases of civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. That is just a courtesy.
The Insurrection act gives the President the authority to act unilaterally in such cases. He can nationalize the state's National Guard, and also deploy the Army. (an exception to the Posse Comitatus Act)
Yeah I know, but he doesn't want to use the Insurrection Act unless they go after Red states instead of Blue. LOL He wants to follow the most used protocol so that he doesn't get hammered.
Have any of you considered the consequences and probable war in the streets...especially in Conservative states and towns if the antiAmerican mobs/rioters continue on with harming our country and others? And in fact increase the burning and destruction.

Could we end up having a low level war like Ireland did? Much like The Troubles?
Have any of you considered the consequences and probable war in the streets...especially in Conservative states and towns if the antiAmerican mobs/rioters continue on with harming our country and others? And in fact increase the burning and destruction.
Could we end up having a low level war like Ireland did? Much like The Troubles?

Is that not in fact what many cities are dealing with right now, on a nightly basis? Democrat run cities, run by dems for decades are the ones letting the rioters go rampant. Businesses and homes and lives are being destroyed nightly. Conservative states and towns are stopping this before it begins. If not by the police, by the people themselves.
My neighbor just stopped by and brought me a potted mum. he was talking about neighbors seeing him bringinf in his deer etc that he has shot. They told him they know where to when the rioting starts here and he told them to be stocking up on their own. He has his own family to feed. He said he had atocked up on ammo too. He lives in a subdivision where the neighbors see everything.
They don't think it will get bad here. There preparing for anything. They will follow the sheriff's orders as long as there constitutional. They will not be confiscating peoples guns, like New Orleans did during Katrina.

Can you share their plans or thoughts on it getting bad or not?
You might have a BLM protester as a hood ornament when you’re done.

It could happen. You know how easy it is for an old guy like me to fear for his life, panic and hit the gas. Loose control, spin around a few times, before getting the car under control and driving away.
Is that not in fact what many cities are dealing with right now, on a nightly basis? Democrat run cities, run by dems for decades are the ones letting the rioters go rampant. Businesses and homes and lives are being destroyed nightly. Conservative states and towns are stopping this before it begins. If not by the police, by the people themselves.

Good point Tex. I guess I just see this all getting to where there are fights in a lot more small towns. Plus, homemade bombs would not surprise me. More deaths of innocent Americans too.
He does not have to wait for the Governor to ask him in cases of civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. That is just a courtesy.
The Insurrection act gives the President the authority to act unilaterally in such cases. He can nationalize the state's National Guard, and also deploy the Army. (an exception to the Posse Comitatus Act)

ALREADY directly threatened for ANY crap after the election !!!!!

the "political gloves" come off - no need to be politically correct & namby pamby about the snowflake's feelings - it's the power of the lame duck prez !!!!!
Remember who is doing the rioting. Multiple groups. The start is with paid rioters. They are mostly felons getting $100 to go out & break stuff, with the promise of bail/lawyer if caught. They are being followed by petty larcenists, people looting the businesses to steal what they can. Neither group have any skin in the game. And that is fine in democrat run cities where anyone trying to protect themselves or their property are the ones really getting arrested / prosecuted.

Now roll that scenario into a small town. Paid rioter gets a beat-down when going against 20 local residence. City looter tries to follow and gets shot by shopkeeper. Police ask shopkeeper to fill out a statement, and remind him to clean is gun in case he needs to use it again. These thugs aren't stupid, they're not willing to take the high risk of dying in that environment. Now it may get cloudy in liberal states where the state attorney will go after people. At least that is my logical thinking.

So the real consequence here is that non-liberal wealthy business owners are going to be moving in droves from liberal cities/states into conservative states. It already has been happening first due to taxes, then Covid19, and now it's really accelerating. The liberals are happy to see them go, until they realize how much of their tax base have left.
The real danger guys, is not from these LARP clowns or even the paid criminals, but from lone assassins taking out Trump or a SCOTUS or two. Maybe a replay of the Reps. baseball team. They know they cant venture out from the inner cities, that would get an insurrection act response... No, the danger is a few dedicated sniper types willing to trade their lives for that one clear shot JMO
The real danger guys, is not from these LARP clowns or even the paid criminals, but from lone assassins taking out Trump or a SCOTUS or two. Maybe a replay of the Reps. baseball team. They know they cant venture out from the inner cities, that would get an insurrection act response... No, the danger is a few dedicated sniper types willing to trade their lives for that one clear shot JMO

Been thinking the same thing. Really wish Trump would spend Less time out in the open...but he is a tough guy and in this to win for the Future of America. Pray for him every single day.
interesting riot intel coming out of the Twin Cities ....

supposedly the street hydrants were valve closed or partially closed and the long-reach wrench access to the valve's "Buffalo box" filled with concrete >>> sabotage done prior to the start of the riots ....

remember that mysterious guy in the gas mask and trench coat walking around busting out store windows with a mallet? ....
The real danger guys, is not from these LARP clowns or even the paid criminals, but from lone assassins taking out Trump or a SCOTUS or two. Maybe a replay of the Reps. baseball team. They know they cant venture out from the inner cities, that would get an insurrection act response... No, the danger is a few dedicated sniper types willing to trade their lives for that one clear shot JMO

The problem becomes that if they want to open a 'war', and want to start sniping conservative leaders, they should know that our side has 1,000 snipers for every sniper on their side. Every gun they have is outmatched by 10 on our side. And we actually have ammo and camo. We also probably have 98% of the class 3 weapons too. It would be like a game of dogs vs moles thrown into a room. Now granted, most liberals don't have the brain power to look that far down the road. But it doesn't make the outcome any different.
The problem becomes that if they want to open a 'war', and want to start sniping conservative leaders, they should know that our side has 1,000 snipers for every sniper on their side. Every gun they have is outmatched by 10 on our side. And we actually have ammo and camo. We also probably have 98% of the class 3 weapons too. It would be like a game of dogs vs moles thrown into a room. Now granted, most liberals don't have the brain power to look that far down the road. But it doesn't make the outcome any different.

We know that, but their street fools don’t. I can see them taking out Trump if he manages to beat them with all this voter cheating.

The debate last night was a very small example of what they are prepared to do to stop Trump...and therefore all of us!

biden cheated with listening devices and wallace interrupted President Trump 75 TIMES in a mere 15 minutes! They gave the Dems the questions well in advance and wallace actually argued for biden. Does anyone remember these jokers called journalists ever doing that before? They are now promising more crap to essentially **** up our President on the supposed debate stage.

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