Russia Versus The Ukraine

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Mrlemonade, you make some excellent points. Brave soldiers win battles and logistics win wars. Russia had the logistic advantage over Afghanistan but eventually was forced to withdraw. What was the excuse Russia used to invade and what was the excuse they used for their withdrawal? Half the world may not like the USA but half the world is not going to go to war with us either. India may not like us but they are not going to marshal any troops to fight us. China has their own economic problems, just as other hostile enemies have. While we currently do not have much in the way of manufacturing but the USA can certainly ramp up very quickly, in an emergency. True, many nations are not in love with America, they also know what would happen if America lost a conventional war. The other countries would be the next in line. I have stated my opinions and will just be content to leave it at that. I have to admit I just don't have the energy to continue with this debate, nor the desire. Nothing you have posted will change my mind in regards to the Ukraine situation and obviously, nothing I have stated will change your mind. The future will determine which of us is correct in our beliefs.
Being angry over the potential looming world war 3 and kicking the dog or knocking holes in the home's walls will not change the Russia / Ukraine conflict or whom is at fault . Now is the time to be glad we prepared to face a true SHTF event and are prepared to enter a life of living in a post world war 3 environment . " My guess " most along with the people that depend on them for security will perish , but a few serious preppers will live to experience something never seen before on this planet .
I've spent the last few months working on a steam boiler and I got a steam engine from Mike Brown -- I cannot live without electricity!

Of course I have food stockpiled, and a source for more, but electricity is just as important to me as food.
I'd like to hear more about your steam boiler and your steam engine.
Half the world may not like the USA but half the world is not going to go to war with us either. India may not like us but they are not going to marshal any troops to fight us. China has their own economic problems, just as other hostile enemies have.
People are very 20th century in their understanding and thinking on war.

India, with 20% of the world's population, is joining with China, another 20% of the worlds population. Which is joining with Brazil 3%, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran along with Russia. By population that's about 1/2 the world.

Understand the US is pretty lonely over here and has only 5% of the worlds population. Yet we consume a disproportionate amount of goods, mostly from other nations. All that trade, could be turned off like during Covid... And that crashed our economy which was propped up by printing money. Do you recall. Now imagine, no propping up, no more borrowing. The spigot of energy and goods is turned off...

By resources, China is the global industrial hub. Oil, that's Russia (#2), Saudi Arabia (#3), China (#5), Iraq (#6), Brazil (#8), Iran (#9). Economically, these nations can drop the dollar, refuse to trade with the US, and destroy the US economy. In about a few months. By food production, the Top 5 include China, Russia, Brazil, India.

This isn't theory. Research the BRICSS nations and currency.

Militarily, Russia and China are extremely powerful and essentially peers to the US. NATO strong but not much help to the US, based on history. The US carries them economically and militarily.

India may not like us but they are not going to marshal any troops to fight us. China has their own economic problems, just as other hostile enemies have. While we currently do not have much in the way of manufacturing but the USA can certainly ramp up very quickly, in an emergency. True, many nations are not in love with America, they also know what would happen if America lost a conventional war. The other countries would be the next in line.

Nations are going to pick teams and they'll pick the likely winners. The US has not done much for the world in terms of engendering loyalty. Look at Iraq. We invested 8 years and trillions there to liberate Iraq. Guess whose team they just picked. China. Afghanistan kicked us out and is aligned with China.

The US is particularly vulnerable to attacks from within. In 2023 we have experienced grid attacks, very suspicious train derailments, factory fires and explosions, livestock massacres, and so forth. If we get deep into war, it's highly likely that terrorists from within attack our nation daily in significant ways to totally economically cripple us and demoralize us while killing endless numbers of people. I won't list any ideas but use your imagination. You bet that China has cells living here waiting to be activated.

People need to WTFU. The west and the US is about to get our rear ends kicked into the 19th Century. By half the world in population and the bulk of the economic and military power.

We are dangerously in the first stages of a world war that the US is going to lose and lose badly.
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We are dangerously in the first stages of a world war that the US is going to lose and lose badly.
Very correct . Something I find interesting is the reaction I see by many . As this SHTF possibility sits on our doorsteps the reactions ranging from denial that it could happen , anger at the prepared , or are so terrified they proclaim they are going to die and everyone else should give up trying to survive and die with them . --None of the above reactions can be found amongst my tribe and frankly wouldn't want a terror paraylized individual no where around me when the ground begins trembling from Nuclear impacts .
I would think it is obvious to the members of this forum what is transpiring . I have no wish to insult or belittle anyone , but will admit in an attempt to perhaps save someone's life do occasionally poke a stick at someone in an attempt to get them to take prepping a bit more serious . -- Big Paul - Though my above post was not directed at anyone , the impression I get is that you believe it applies to you . Interesting that serious preparing is deemed obnoxious by you . Honestly I suspect many of the members of this forum are better prepared than my tribe . When I see someone fortifying their survival capabilities with livestock such as chickens and honey bees , I know they are serious preppers .
I would think it is obvious to the members of this forum what is transpiring . I have no wish to insult or belittle anyone , but will admit in an attempt to perhaps save someone's life do occasionally poke a stick at someone in an attempt to get them to take prepping a bit more serious . -- Big Paul - Though my above post was not directed at anyone , the impression I get is that you believe it applies to you . Interesting that serious preparing is deemed obnoxious by you . Honestly I suspect many of the members of this forum are better prepared than my tribe . When I see someone fortifying their survival capabilities with livestock such as chickens and honey bees , I know they are serious preppers .
its not your post that is obnoxious, what is obnoxious is your attitude that people who do not share your opinion are somehow not preparing, which is untrue.
Joe is a puppet that was paraded by the Ukrainian despot, Joe certainly can't remember anything about how he got there or what he said.

One thing is funny, Joe always has a black mask on in the USA because of Corona, in the Ukraine he still kissed the guy in the military T-shirt. It may well be that Zelensky is now part of the family, if you have done enough corrupt business with Joe's son Hunter you get the last name Biden and have the right to get asylum in Joe's basement at any time.
Governments routinely lie about a war . I recall one day getting an update on the death toll both friendly and the enemy one day on a radio in Nam . I had personally had seen more enemy killed that day just in my little area as I sat eating my lunch than they reported for the entire country . A helicopter was circling the enemy that conducted a failed ambush and was shooting them down as they attempted to run from their failed ambush .

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