Russia Versus The Ukraine

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So I don't think Joe decides anything himself anymore, Joe can't think that far ahead.
The question will be which circles are currently making decisions for the USA?

As far as Ukraine is concerned, only the financial elite is still interested in it, especially in farmland and that the current owners disappear from the world in the meat grinder against Russia.
Blackrock and other financial institutions are buying farmland there as a whole, probably to prevent grain cultivation and the like in the future or to replace it with genetic varieties and to control the food supply for a large part of the world.
Gates and Schwab also have their plans, the banks and the NWO don't care about the Ukrainians, the more Ukrainian men and women fall on the front line, the more the NWO gets its plans implemented.

Selensky is just a willing stooge of the Ukraine, he has nothing more to report himself and if he doesn't do what his financiers or the ASOW gang in the Ukraine want, he will be removed, the latter he will be in due course one way or another.

The USA should really watch out at the moment, Joe is probably in a dementia clinic while the Secretary of Defense is also in a clinic somewhere, the nation's military leadership is probably paralyzed by incompetence.
Furthermore, potential terrorists continue to enter the country unhindered from Mexico which the US leadership ignores and willingly wants to shovel billions more into a country that has nothing to offer except corruption and an anti-democratic leadership.
Like the EU, the USA will one day collapse due to domestic political problems because the leadership politicizes and acts completely apart from the people.

I think this is the big plan of the WEF to destroy Europe and the USA and then to introduce a new dictatorship, but I don't think the WEF will get that far. Either the whole world will be pulverized in a third world war, or those responsible for the WEF will be hanged.

Between you and me, I'm currently betting on the first scenario, and Joe won't understand a nuclear strike either.
--- Here is a video our pro- Russian members won't like . Actually my last report was about 1/3 of Russia's navy has been destroyed . It is amazing to me as to how many people think they can wish something into reality . I don't have a bone in the Ukraine / Russia / NATO war . Whomever is the victor will be the victor . My strategy is not to try to wish something into being reality , but to prepare for what is developing . I have already spent my time on the battle field . This escalating conflict will have to come to me this time , if I participate .
We have pro-Russian members? Really?

The angry Englishman most certainly meant me, he hates me because I called Boris Johnson a scumbag back then.

I stand by my statement that Johnson is a walking garbage bin.

I would like to give Boris Johnson a new hairstyle with my favorite knife, not that he will look any better, but my Knife has a kind of life of its own when I work with it.☠️
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The angry Englishman most certainly meant me, he hates me because I called Boris Johnson a scumbag back then.

I stand by my statement that Johnson is a walking garbage bin.

I would like to give Boris Johnson a new hairstyle with my favorite knife, not that he will look any better, but my Knife has a kind of life of its own when I work with it.☠️
I will suppose Ban 1982 didn't go back and actually read the post , but chose to simply attack . Big Paul did not place the post being questioned . Poltiregist placed the post , and no I don't live in Europe . Anyway the post that I placed was not meant as an attack on anyone . It matters little to me if someone supports Ukraine or supports Russia . I am not prejudice " I dislike both ". However I do like to see posts that present information that is fair to both sides in the conflict and presented from a rational view . --- My view I suppose is self centered . I am in full prepper / survival mode and simply prepare for me and my clan to survive ,. I have no elusions of grandeur of changing the world . The world has turned to cr-p and we are circling the wagons .
I saw NO post by ban that was an attack on BP! I have not seen ban attack anyone here and IMO he has always been very respectful of individual forum members, but yet speaks his mind on issues (truth). Sugar coating ones opinion is not warranted to pacify the sheeple like BP who is not only a Royal pain in the arse, but a Royal arse kisser! As a side note, not really following what you are talking about/referring to anyway.
Yes, i seemingly attacked BP just now calling him a Royal PIA and royal arse kisser.. but! I suppose I'm stuck on BPs post in the King Charles thread, where he said the following:

"that it!!! this site is full of ***** and Brit haters and at least one Russian or Russian loving spy. I'm done with you all and the moderators can remove my account."
I saw NO post by ban that was an attack on BP! I have not seen ban attack anyone here and IMO he has always been very respectful of individual forum members, but yet speaks his mind on issues (truth). Sugar coating ones opinion is not warranted to pacify the sheeple like BP who is not only a Royal pain in the arse, but a Royal arse kisser! As a side note, not really following what you are talking about/referring to anyway.
No post was directly aimed at. BP. As a Brit, he took something aimed at the Monarachy as aimed at him. Don’t blame his loyalty.
I don’t sugarcoat our own leadership and certainly wouldn’t sugarcoat another countries.
I like BP opinion, but like anyone else’s it has to have merit.
If I challenge an opinion, it’s because it stuck in my craw as substantially wrong.
Example from yesterday- everyplace should have a cow.
I did it with a person with vast acreage from a person from a 20a looking to downsize to 3 acre position.
I know things are tense for all of us, lighten up and learn. A little respect and dignity goes a long way. From either side.
Yes, i seemingly attacked BP just now calling him a Royal PIA and royal arse kisser.. but! I suppose I'm stuck on BPs post in the King Charles thread, where he said the following:

"that it!!! this site is full of ***** and Brit haters and at least one Russian or Russian loving spy. I'm done with you all and the moderators can remove my account."
Well English people are always a bit hot-blooded in discussions, I usually appreciate that very much, I've also had enough discussions with English people and I really appreciate their direct manner, even if the word is always used a lot with them.

BP shouldn't take everything so seriously, because he also likes to lash out at others, I hope he comes around again and above all that he realizes that our Elites don't always (or almost never) want the best for us.

I'm going to light a candle for BP in Church on Sunday and I hope that he recovers from his anger.
Unfortunately I have to do this in a Church away from my parish, the Priest here is very strict and controlling and always threatens his Sheep with eternal Damnation from the pulpit if you break the 11 Commandments or fall asleep during his endless sermon.

The Priest here loves me as little as BP and tells me that I love my gun and other deities more than his Almighty.
Since I once told him that I can rely on my gun more and that it is always there for me within seconds, which his Almighty has never been able to do in that time, I am no longer welcome in his Church.

But I can live with that, there are always things that happen.
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Just in time for the security conference in Munich, the Russia critic Navalny apparently died today in a Russian prison camp.

"Wir müssen dieses Übel besiegen" – Julia Nawalnaja ruft bei Münchner SiKo zum Kampf gegen Putin auf — RT DE

On the one hand, his death is tragic, and I find that regrettable, even if he knew when he voluntarily returned to Russia that he would be imprisoned.
At the moment all the media and governments in Europe and the mummy Joe are screaming for repression against Russia, which was to be expected, apparently they are now considering going into Russia or supplying Ukraine with long-range weapons to shoot at Moscow.
But the whole thing reeks of intrigue. Navalny was no longer worth talking about for Russia and Putin and the Kremlin had no interest in eliminating him because Navalny posed no danger at all in the prison camp.
His death, as regrettable as it is, now causes more problems for Russia and Putin than if he were still alive and I don't think he was eliminated by the Russian regime, wrong time and wrong place.
Moscow has no advantages that the man is dead, only disadvantages, for that reason I think he was liquidated on the orders of an oligarch or a Western group, his death only benefits the West at the moment.
As luck would have it, his wife was at the Munich Security Conference today, the question is, what is she doing there and why was she invited, since only very high-ups are there?
She wasn't brought in after the news of Navalny's death but was already there before his death was reported, there is something big going on in the background and I think Joe has something to do with it.

Joe can now put more pressure on Ukraine to get his billions while the US continues to be flooded with migrants, Europe will now supply Ukraine with long range weapons and NATO might now be tempted to go into Ukraine.
Russia is on red alert, they know that the West has big plans now.
If Russia is attacked by Ukraine with long-range missiles and there are dead civilians in Russia, Ukraine as a whole will be gone, the same will happen if NATO goes into Ukraine. Russia will then also attack the hardware suppliers because Russia will then have no other choice.The situation is really dangerous at the moment, Joe and Europe wants to escalate this damn war at all costs, and you will escalate it like that.
American hit list....Ukrainian hit list...Israeli hit list....Hesbollah hit hit list....
everybody wants to kill everybody else???

War was still nonsense. The Russia/Ukraine war is even more stupid because it is only financed by the West.
The two warring factions there would have found and agreed a long time ago and the war would have been over long ago and hundreds of thousands of citizens would still be alive.

But the West prevented that, especially that scumbag Boris Johnson, I wonder if the guy can still sleep well with his guilt.
On the other hand, Johnson won't have a bad conscience like European politicians don't, here there are new slogans to the people every week.

"Weapons create peace" "This war must be fought for peace" "Ukraine is fighting for our peace"

In the past, the main concern was always to end a war at the round table to save people's lives, but with the Russia/Ukraine war and Israel's Arab problem, they don't want to solve the matter diplomatically but with genocide.

I don't give a damn about these lying politicians here, I don't give a damn about their solutions to give billions of dollars to the Ukraine while their own pensioners are dying in cold apartments and children have nothing to eat and are freezing because the people don't even have money for energy and health care, that in Europe and Ukraine.
The Ukrainian people are also poor, they are being liquidated on a senseless front by a cocaine-addicted lunatic with no scruples, while the guy himself has millions in bank accounts abroad and buys villas. 🤮
Read this and I think you can imagine for yourself what the consequences will be.

Just like Denmark, almost all European countries are giving everything to Ukraine and will then "own nothing and be happy" as far as weapons and ammunition are concerned.
The guy in Moscow will realize that and when he is done with Ukraine, which will inevitably be the case, he will think about whether he should avenge his dead Russian soldiers, what then????
Europe will have nothing left and the Russian army will march through here if things go badly, the future US president will think 10 times about whether he will still mess with the Russians.

One thing would be best, no more money and no more weapons to Ukraine, Zelensky will then be forced to negotiate with Putin within 4 weeks and the war will be over. Every dollar that disappears into the Ukraine is missing somewhere in our country, with every dollar more Ukrainians are killed or crippled and the Ukraine will not win the ******* war either way.
Zelensky shouldn't have gone along with Johnson and made the deal with the Russians back then, he would have saved more of his own country and around 1 million Ukrainians from death and mutilation.
Today Zelensky is losing more every day and is still sending women to these human slaughterhouses at the front, the guy is a finished sadist. Who destroys his country and people without scruples.

As far as Europe is concerned, Europe is making exactly the same mistake today as Adolf did around 1939, with an uncertain outcome. Europe's economy is dying and politicians and the arms industry are laughing about it, Europe is finished and will sink into insignificance in the next few years, just like Africa, with or without a war with Russia.
The Russians are unfortunately better off industrially since this ****** war than before, they have achieved something there in the last two years that was unimaginable, many experts say that they would never have suspected such a thing.
I don't like to say it, but the Russian army has left the Europeans behind in all areas in terms of technology and other things.

If Putin lets his army visit Europe, it will not invade, but he will send his missiles, then mercy on any almighty what will happen, they definitely have no defense against that.
Let's look further, one thing is certain, even the new billions will NEVER let Ukraine win, Russia calls this conflict a question of existence, for this reason there is no option for withdrawal for Russia.
Joe would better invest these billions of US tax money in the southern border, a win-win situation for all, the USA would have illegal immigration under control and fewer people would fall on the front line in the Ukraine, which would also be humane.

But apparently Joe and Zelensky including EU politicians are so satanically inclined that they support further senseless mass murder in war zones at any price, such a policy is anything but normal and someone in the background profits enormously from it.
She is talking about why do they have to stay back, the men are NEEDED TO KEEP FIGHTING somewhere else.
She keeps repeating that it is not right, you cannot do this and it is not right.......
The third girl on the left is just left crying into her hands and no one to comfort her....
Black hearted bastards, leaving YOUNG WOMEN to cover their FEARLESS RETREAT??????
FIND A LAND MINE that is exactly your boot size on the way home bastards....
Zelensky's army shows your true value, none at all.

I must say that there is a lack of honor in Zelensky's Army, as soon as you are wounded you are left behind or killed, it is absolutely ruthless and the Nazi commanders throw untrained women with old weapons to the front.


But the main thing is that the arms industry in Europe and the USA laughs, the thousands of crippled Ukrainian soldiers who may one day come home to their wives will receive no more help and live a life of misery.
This country is ******, politically, economically and socially, it was literally destroyed by the West for higher purposes.
This war is pointless and Zelensky should have been sitting at the negotiating table a long time ago, I wonder if he really doesn't want to, or if he's not allowed to.

I have no sympathy for Zelensky either way, but I do have real sympathy for his people, and I mean that seriously. His people are being betrayed, ruined and negligently killed by Zelensky and the West. It will end exactly like Germany in 1945.

I would say every Ukrainian Soldier who ends up alive in Russian captivity is Lucky; for these Men and Women the horror is over and they are treated god in captivity as if they were in their own ranks. Zekensky and Budanov once said that all those captured are considered traitors and will be punished under the law of desertion if they return.

These Women were really lucky, I wish you all the best for surviving, and respect to the people who saved these women alive and didn't have their finger too tight on the Trigger.
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the thousands of crippled Ukrainian soldiers who may one day come home to their wives will receive no more help and live a life of misery.
That will be the day...thousands of crippled Ukrainian soldiers will come home----to empty apartments and houses!!!
Their wives and children are SCATTERED all over Europe and the world now and will not plan to go back home to a poisoned and bombed out landscape covered with mines, blood, schrapnel and shredded bodies in shallow graves---just like Croatia, Bosnia, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lybia and now Gaza.
These Women were pressed into service, I estimate the woman who is talking to be 18-20 years old and she had almost no Military Training and was thrown out of a Truck with no scruples about the Front.
Women who volunteered for the Ukrainian army didn't talk like that, they didn't say anything except insulting their guards. This is a beastly mess that is going on in this country and has nothing to do with honor and normality.

However, these women will not be able to return to their country as long as the current regime is in power.
Your faces are familiar and you will now be branded as traitors on Ukrainian death lists. You must expect that someone at home will be allowed to kill you with impunity.

It's just sick what's going on in this war and every politician here who wants to give money for this war should see this video and then say how they want to support something like that.
But I think the politicians here don't care.:mad: