Russia Versus The Ukraine

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The men the Russians got their hands on would not look good. More blood than skin showing in my opinion. I agree. Looks fake.

Of these 4 men, 3 men were certainly 100% the main perpetrators of the massacre, pictures of them in the concert building show the same clothes and facial contours fit 100% to the perpetrators. There are videos where they shot people with guns and massacred a woman or a man with knives. These bastards were also filmed in the parking lot before they took off, they were caught on radar because they were speeding and there are pictures of the same car and the same bastards when the Russians caught them.
Believe me, the Russians really "greeted" you in Russian, you were beaten up and humiliated a lot before you were sent to the FSB in Moscow, I'll send you the video.
Even if they were only pawns, they killed people and especially children in cold blood, they're worth nothing but filthy dirt.

Sorry about my slang and you can censor it if you like, I hate people who kill civilians like that, they're not even animals anymore.

One thing is certain, they were not IS fighters, they are too cowardly for that, they are freeloaders who are worth nothing, IS soldiers would have blown themselves up, they would NEVER have been caught alive by the Russians.
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These type of attacks is what will happen in the US, times many 1000s if Biden loses the election. Prepare yourselves.
I would say that before you have an election, World War III will be a reality and elections will have become superfluous.
If it does come to an election, idiot Joe will steal the election like last time, the result will be the same, first civil war then world war III when the USA is busy policing itself.

Bad prospects I must say, but it's better to prepare for the worst.
Video of the arrival in Moscow for the criminals, the guards there are certainly not as nice as the ones here in Europe.

To be honest, I don't want to experience for myself what happens behind this door where they are put in, there will probably be another 3 strongly built Men waiting for these criminals and these guys will be singing like birds within a short time, it won't take very long.It's possible that something will happen tomorrow Monday, I'm counting on it, we'll hear and see.
Even though I have absolutely no sympathy for these perpetrators, I don't like these interrogation methods and I condemn them.
But the British should hold back, they would do the same if terrorists did this on British soil. I hope that these terrorists were not hired by the West, these guys will confess to everything, and if the FSB clarifies the background of the guys everything will work out.
tisk tisk, they are so un-woke those Russians. How do they ever expect to move onto gender equality and shared bathrooms with this sort of behavior.

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As I said, it's the Guys' own fault, you knew what to expect when the Russians caught you, and if you didn't know that, then you have as much brains as Joe.

The Bastards should also have known that this is not Europe, where they get a luxury single Cell and end up being released because of "psychological charges", as is so common here.

I have my problems with such perverse methods of torture, no matter which country uses them, and I can't approve of everything, but I can understand if the Russians put these guys through the wringer in a different way.
These criminals thought it was kind of fun and great to bestially murder over 120 civilians and three small children, I understand the FSB employees if they use some old KGB and new FSB methods on the Bastards. The scumbags will sing like Birds with normal interrogation methods, the FSB can leave out the perverted stuff, 3 special forces Soldiers in the same Room as these criminals to make them admit everything.

While we're at it, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson can probably expect a similar Prison Adventure in Russia if they ever plan to take a "beach Vacation" in Russia.
"NATO is not to defend Europe from the Russian hoards, it's to control the global energy system, sea lanes and pipelines. And to serve as a U.S run intervention force." ~Noam Chomsky
President Putin's historical perspective was relevant. He was saying "You Americans have been there for 200 years, we have been here for 1000 years, and we're going nowhere!"
Poland also confirms that several thousand of its citizens volunteered to fight against Russia in Ukraine out of hatred, but Poland does not confirm that 90% of them were never seen again.

I've seen one or two videos of how far the Polish mercenaries got and what the Russians did to them, not very appetizing, but I know why they were probably never seen again, you'll probably never see anything of them either.

Poles still don't understand that the F4 button like in Call of Duty doesn't work in the real War in Russia...
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Once again, a few Poles who still don't understand that the F4 button is absolutely useless in the real war against Russia have flown over the Jordan, in the truest sense of the word.

Russia has destroyed a NATO command post in Khaziv Yar. The post was completely destroyed, but no casualties of NATO soldiers have been reported. The Ukrainian side has so far confirmed the death of the Polish NATO general Adam Marczak

New Update:

The destruction of the NATO HQ in Khaziv Yar was the HQ that had coordinated the defense in the region. In addition to NATO Brigadier General Adam Marczak, at least 4 other high-ranking NATO officers were killed.
The HQ was destroyed by several hits from Iskander missiles, which also destroyed a considerable amount of NATO equipment.

There is nothing to add to this

As long as the West continues to openly say that the matter can only be resolved on the battlefield, there will probably be more such cases. 🤷‍♀️
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Plötzlich und unerwartet starb gestern der polnische Brigadegeneral Marczak, Stabschef EU-Operationskommando Althea in Mons, „aus natürlichen Gründen während seiner Abwesenheit vom Dienst.“Gerücht: Verschüttet bei einem
Raketenangriff Nähe
Tschassiw Jar.
Translated out of the German by Gary:

Suddenly and unexpectedly, Polish Brigadier General Marczak, Chief of Staff- EU Operations Command Althea stationed in Mons, “”has died from natural causes while on VACATION””

RUMOR: buried alive during a rocket attack near Tshassiw Jar.
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Nations only go to war when they want to steal another nations resources, Like the German and Japanese war, and the subsequent US war of retaliation in which they ended up controlling most of what the Germans and Japanese went after via the $US system. It's even been shown that the US supported the anti-colonial uprisings that stripped the UK and other old Euro powers of their Empires. From Africa to the Dutch East indies to India. Nothing wrong with that of course, but alas many of those nations are no better off now, some worse. At least the colonials kept the dictators in line and saw to it that decent infrastructure was built. They might have been exploiting but they brought stability. Look at the transport networks in those nations now, they are terrible.

Russia needs nothing from other nations, it has all the resources it could ever need but the Western European nations are bankrupt and very needy of resources. They have to import everything nearly. Russia's nation debt is about $250 Billion. One years oil exports would settle the books. I just don't see the Russian state as the aggressor in this war, all they were after in the ukraine was a security buffer, to keep NATO off the border. Just like Kennedy did over the russian business in Cuba.

The Russians gave up the USSR and all the satellite nations and NATO has pushed and pushed toward the border ever since. Anyone who thinks this is a wise policy is on the side of the Hawks who are happy to have a nuclear war with them. Those people are career warmongers and to some of them a limited exchange of warheads is just a calculated risk, like when I push a motorcycle through mountain corners a little too fast for safety. But it all comes down to Resources and always has. Food, Oil, Nat Gas, Coal, Minerals. It's been 85 years since the last big recourse grab so we're overdue. It's a very dangerous time and I don't see any of this being resolved easily. The West wants what Russia has and that's all there is to it.

Listen to this Stooge lecturing back in the 90's, she tells us Russia is mega wealthy in resources but has a crap economy because it's not exploiting them in an insane rush to build the utopian dream. She cites Japan and Taiwan, that have no resources but amazing economies. What she fails to say is the obvious fact that these amazing economies have only grown because of resources taken from other parts of the world. And how is the UK and Japan doing today? Heading into poverty because their temporary reliance on other peoples resources has failed because their economic models have failed. Meanwhile Russia is much the same as it was and with a bright future I suspect because of the abundant resources. It's why America was once rich. Abundant resources, now all but used up.

UK. Heat or Eat

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War is always about power or money.
You forgot about the massive killing of innocent civilians by the powers that be---and the money needed to rebuild after they made the money destroying it all. Plus the money that they get to keep in their banks after the OWNERS of the money were suddenly KILLED by the war and nobody touches the accounts any more.

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