Suddenly and unexpectedly, Polish Brigadier General Marczak, Chief of Staff- EU Operations Command Althea stationed in Mons, “”has died from natural causes while on VACATION””
RUMOR: buried alive during a rocket attack near Tshassiw Jar.
Well it was a "vacation forever" I don't shed a tear for these idiots, every one of them deserved it.
You should ask yourself what these bastards are doing there, the Russians have long had proof in their hands that NATO superiors and NATO soldiers in Ukraine are insolvent enough, nobody has to curse me about the Tsar, he has his negative sides but he would have long had enough excuse to lay some European decision-making places in ruins.
I don't care how many more Poles and other NATO pack cross the Jordan there, it's ALL their own fault.
On the other hand, I would be interested to hear what you say to their families, probably "he died for the country".
The question is for which country, they are all unnecessary deaths and the relatives are left with suffering, grief and hatred, the ideal breeding ground for the next generation to run to a senseless death.