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S/O Do you have a hot tub?

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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S/O Do you have a hot tub?

  • Yes, I do have a hot tub

  • No, I do not have a hot tub

  • No, but my therapist has a hot tub

  • No, but I go to my neighbors' when they're not home

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Yes, OP resuscitated it. It was originally created because of …never mind why.
I was curious if homesteaders had hot tubs (medical therapy, water storage).
Created back in the day before we had the extra emoticons. We weren’t just liking. 🤣🤣
We have a hot tub. We use it rarely, as do probably 99% of tub owners. They're like a boat or an RV - kind of expensive, seem cool at first, but your use of it falls off rather quickly over time. We knew this ahead of time, but chose to get one anyway.

If you have to think for even 5 seconds about the financial wisdom of getting one, I recommend that you do not. But if you want one and don't have to worry about the money, sure, buy it. They are quite nice when you do eventually decide to get into them. I remember the salesman telling us that it wouldn't increase our electricity bill much. I kind of laughed at that, then asked him why it needed a 220 volt 100 amp circuit then? He was unable to stammer out an answer for that question.

Maintenance is very simple with ours. Test the water every now and then and adjust the chemistry as needed. We treat ours to preventative maintenance rather than corrective maintenance. We never get into it unless we shower immediately before - and not with regular soap/shampoo - only with scent free and oil free baby products. We don't wear swim suits which hang onto laundry detergent after being washed (so don't come peeping over our fence if you don't have your eye bleach handy!) My wife doesn't wear makeup, so we don't have to worry about that greeze getting in there. Guests that come over and want to get in (wearing makeup) are told the must be power washed first. We let them were swimsuits, but only after we have run them through a rinse cycle or two in our washer to get residual soap out. We don't get many guests in our hot tub because of these rules. Fine by me.
I was curious if homesteaders had hot tubs (medical therapy, water storage).

I always thought it would be good to use one for soaking our old bones after doing so much physical labor trying to get this property going, and then building a house. I imagined how helpful and relaxing that would be the end of the day.

But besides the fact that we don't have the $ for one, we tend to crawl into the house once it's dark (after working outside), without the energy to get into a hot tub even if we did have one.

I'd still like to think that someday we will have a healing soak at the end of the day. Maybe when we're in more of 'maintenance mode' around the property. Does that ever happen?
My old job wasn’t very physical but a few times a year I’d be sent to install a ct. The first 7 or 8 days were very physical, positioning tons of equipment, pull a mile of cables. The hotel hot tub always saved me! Great for aching muscles! I be in it every night.

But for regular health benefit I prefer a sauna, wish I had one. Sauna’s are simple to use and quick. 8/10 minutes, rinse off, be dressed and ready in 20. A good sweat always makes me feel better. It’s why I look forward to summer temps, break a sweat at least once a week.

Tubs are more involved, maintain 400g of water, and a bit of planning to use it, takes me 20min to get warmed up. And I despise the chemicals in tub water also. It stinks for starters and chlorine is a weapon. At least the way some hotels use it. 😒

A hot tub does help sore muscles, but for me a long hot shower helps just as much. Last time I hurt my back I got a shower chair, just sit and let the hot water run. Never cared for heating pads though, too concentrated. Better to heat up the whole body i think.

At the end of the day I wouldn’t spend a dime on a hot tub. Rather have a sauna, it’s something I know I’d use.
We had a small hot tub for years. It had a lot of problems & needed worked on a lot. But it was worth it because it helped my wife's back. We finally gave up on it & gave it away. My wife has brought up getting another a couple of times in the last year or so. Each & every time I point out to her that sitting in a tub of OUR WATER would not be a good thing. Water quality here it horrible.

Funny story: We had been investing for about 5 years & we hit the magic number of $30,000. We had a chilled bottle of wine & broke it out & sat in the hot tub & drank it. When we got out we found out that drinking in a hot tub can hit you HARD. From the hot tub to our bed was about 9 ft & I had to help my wife or she wouldn't have made it.

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