More and more I appreciate where I live....comments like this from UserNameTaken...
"I have tried every which way, but the fact is, without power and flowing water from the faucet the Colorado River valley is untenable. There is 80,000 people living in a 30 mile long valley that 200 years ago supported 400 indians, and they were smart enough to head to the high country for the summer. And there's plans for 15,000 more homes."
I live close enough to the missouri river, 70 or so miles from where three amazing mountain trout streams join to form it and the population stretched along the next 500 or so miles includes one city of 50,000 or so...
We live in the splatter zone of missel fields but we have no nuke plants that could melt down with a major grid down situation that endures too long... The Mississippi corridor has what? 50 or so nuke plants with their holding ponds cooling the hot "depleted" fuel.
Cold? you betcha but I could take my wheel barrow and a bow saw and cut enough wood in a hour to heat for a day.
A wide mix of people from the dopers to right wing strict bible believers to the liberal any thing goes as long as it is my beliefs types.....The thing is there is enough unoccupied space people don't get to jammed together right now so if you meet someone of similar interest a conversation can spring up and i value that.
Just some musings on a windy 40 degree afternoon.