"SHTF"....."SHTF" how many different ways can you "COMMUNICATE" that same message/title......???

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Examples of what I am looking for:

Bad moon arising.

When the balloon goes UP

There is a storm coming

Try to keep it to six words or less (eight would be OK)
Murphy was right

..So was McCarthy.. And Smedley Darlington Butler.. o_O

SHTF? 🤔 To me, it's the 'New World Order' 🤬

I mean.. Aside from "natural disasters", it's (and those who 'invented' it / foment it / all it's 'presentations' and machinations (AG21 / 2030 / 2050, the WEF, etc, etc) pretty much at the Core of ALL the political / social and even military unrest in the World.. These would-be 're-designers' of Our Lives / World have done NOTHING but 🤬-up an already imperfect 'System of Things', into a diabolically-marionetted Zommie Hellscape.

ie: The "United Nations"?? 🤣 Pfff, one of The most inept, corrupt, and Evil Corp-failures in the History of Mankind. 🤬 But they - Ultimately - Shall Not Prevail. They Will Own NOTHING, and Be Unhappy.

Oh yeah, PS: Paul Harvey and George Carlin nailed it, too. o_O

..So was McCarthy.. And Smedley Darlington Butler.. o_O

SHTF? 🤔 To me, it's the 'New World Order' 🤬

I mean.. Aside from "natural disasters", it's (and those who 'invented' it / foment it / all it's 'presentations' and machinations (AG21 / 2030 / 2050, the WEF, etc, etc) pretty much at the Core of ALL the political / social and even military unrest in the World.. These would-be 're-designers' of Our Lives / World have done NOTHING but 🤬-up an already imperfect 'System of Things', into a diabolically-marionetted Zommie Hellscape.

ie: The "United Nations"?? 🤣 Pfff, one of The most inept, corrupt, and Evil Corp-failures in the History of Mankind. 🤬 But they - Ultimately - Shall Not Prevail. They Will Own NOTHING, and Be Unhappy.

Oh yeah, PS: Paul Harvey and George Carlin nailed it, too. o_O


Do you think the new world order effects everyone negatively?
Do you think the new world order effects everyone negatively?
except for the pure evil behind it, if you are talking about the WEF based new world order
If you were "titling" and article or book or movie and did not want to use "SHTF" what other words could be used...???
Ran away screaming
or this is country specific and already happened:
Turdo "won" the "election"
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Do you think the new world order effects everyone negatively?

Yes. Details / expounding on 'Why' I believe that way is prolly best for a new / different Thread.. :cool:👍

If you were "titling" and article or book or movie and did not want to use "SHTF" what other words could be used...???

The End.

