So called BARTER-TRADE items for Post-SHTF.

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solar garden lights can come in very handy. the larger glass globe ones are very sturdy but watch for what type of light pattern some of them have. some are just light anfd some have a fractured, artsy design, that could be nice or irritating.

but you can use them to recharge batteries in the sun as well as lights in evening inside or out. thru the years they have been a big help.

can be a great trade item
another tid bit about garden lights is that they will give quite a bit of light form "used up "AA batteries, in a pinch. new ones might wreck the light, not going to experiment.
I still cannot picture myself hauling trade goods in a wagon, wheelbarrow, or sled for 10 miles (round trip) to a small town (Pop, ~800) to possibly trade with someone else.
Are you all by your self or do you have neighbors withing a reasonably short distance, you might want to trade stuff with them?
The best thing to do is be as self sufficient as possible, be as invisible as possible and look as if you are starving and on your last rabbit jerky strip, live in the most inhospitable area you can find and hide any stores you have well and go to them only when you can be sure there are no other humans within miles of you and leave no visible trail to your stores or trackable scent.
The best thing to do is be as self sufficient as possible, be as invisible as possible and look as if you are starving and on your last rabbit jerky strip, live in the most inhospitable area you can find and hide any stores you have well and go to them only when you can be sure there are no other humans within miles of you and leave no visible trail to your stores or trackable scent.
exactly!!! and trust no one.
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Flints from big lighters. they'll last for a long time.i have some refillable lighters and flints from bics. Get a long won't work in a zippo as it gets cut in half.. But then again. A empty big with a flint still in it makes for a good way to light a fire.
The best thing to do is be as self sufficient as possible, be as invisible as possible and look as if you are starving and on your last rabbit jerky strip, live in the most inhospitable area you can find and hide any stores you have well and go to them only when you can be sure there are no other humans within miles of you and leave no visible trail to your stores or trackable scent.
It is done.
That said, there are "NO" subscribers for that line of thinking.
I'll add bury much of the food.
Whenever I see someone planning to barter when S.H.T.F. , it automatically makes me think that person has failed to properly prepare . Obviously there is something they are short of . I simply can not understand why , if someone is short of something , that they don't correct that failure before S.H.T.F. --- Less look at the countries that have collapsed or in the process of collapsing . About the only thing the prepared may be willing to barter for are prostitutes . The desperate plight of 99.5 % of the population may be trading Triva stuff on the streets , but nothing of significant survival value . -- However that is just my personal outlook and admit perhaps my thinking is all wrong . Anyone and all members feel free to correct my dark mind set . --- This observation I know some of the members can relate to . In Vietnam during the war years , Wednesday was market day . The small plywood and grass hut villages would be shoulder to shoulder with impoverished villagers' hoping to trade a chicken , cat or something . Their economic situation was past dire . On the other hand the indigenous Mountanyard people " probably misspelled ' had no need of barter nor money . They lived a simple self sufficient existence and their life was basically untouched by the desperate wanting to trade folks piled into the streets hoping to trade something and perhaps their own bodies for a morsel of food . - That I draw to show the difference between self-sufficient and those hoping to barter .
I only Store very few things that I don't use myself because I already have enough of them, especially things like Gasoline carburetor Lamps and Petrol Stoves that I have enough of.
The purpose of it is if a few like-minded People get together after the Crash, but I'll look for them and find them when the Time comes.

At the moment you never know who is prepared and who is not, but on the whole 85% of the rural Population here is unprepared, as tragic as it is.
From what I can see is there are 2 major problems with barter items. What to get and where to store them. Even if I had 1 of each item I'd probably need a warehouse just to keep it in. I'm sure you vets understand logistics. It's about getting things from where they are to where they are needed. Problem is even we really don't know what is needed for whoever. Not saying bartering is a bad idea but it could be anything one needs.
there have been several interesting points brought up here. One would be going out and getting things specifically for barter, that never crossed my mind. I always just get more than I need and keep extra. that I will use around. Some time I end up with stuff for what ever reason, that stuff unless it is a bigger pain to deal with than I feel it is or may be worth I keep it. especially if it is steel. I also find that once I have one of a thing, more find their way, some of that might get bartered for stuff I want more.
I dont just store 1 of everything, I get multiples, things get broken or get used up so more will be needed especially post SHTF when replacements wont be available.
I dont intend to barter as there may not be anyone left alive post SHTF in my rural location to trade with so stocking barter items would be a waste of time.
You can’t possibly have everything you might need. For example, I have many things in my preps but, unless it just got left off the inventory, I don’t have a doctor. We all have limited skills. I plan on bartering my skills and bartering for skills I don’t have. The wife and I are both diabetic. Rice is very bad for our blood sugar. We haven’t bought rice in years and at our reduced consumption we won’t use our rice up if we live another 20 years. I’m not throwing our rice preps away but I’m willing to swap it for something that would make my life more comfortable. A any food will be worth far more than I paid for it. I bought a lot of sugar when I was raising bees. Neither rice nor sugar are Alaskan crops. I could probably swap 50# of sugar for a package of bees.
I already know I'm a walking dead man, but I still intend to prep for at least six months at a time.
Let's face it, even with a storage container full of supplies, whether or not you make it depends on the conditions where you are. I'm 5 miles from ground 0 if we get nuked, BUT I'm a short walk from the foothills of the Appalachia Mountains for another COVID outbreak or civil unrest. Winters are normally survivable here with the right preparation and the whole area is over a lake with many water wells and springs. It all depends on what you think the S*** hitting the fan is in the end. Those getting ready for the tribulation likely have prepared for everything, those prepping for more imminent (maybe?) disasters like storms, grid-down events, or civil war. maybe not so much. When I was young and in good health, I was a doomie/survivalist, now I realize any event longer than a year would be my death. It's all in perspective and perception. I don't prep for floods, earthquakes, and little for tornadoes. None of that gets here, Grid-down, outbreaks and civil unrest, yup. I rode out the blizzard of 93 in style, I even put on a couple of pounds!
You can’t possibly have everything you might need. For example, I have many things in my preps but, unless it just got left off the inventory, I don’t have a doctor. We all have limited skills. I plan on bartering my skills and bartering for skills I don’t have. The wife and I are both diabetic. Rice is very bad for our blood sugar. We haven’t bought rice in years and at our reduced consumption we won’t use our rice up if we live another 20 years. I’m not throwing our rice preps away but I’m willing to swap it for something that would make my life more comfortable. A any food will be worth far more than I paid for it. I bought a lot of sugar when I was raising bees. Neither rice nor sugar are Alaskan crops. I could probably swap 50# of sugar for a package of bees.
depends how complicated one wants to make post SHTF life, I have lived a simple off grid life for many years before and post SHTF will do again.
KISS principle, keep it stupidly simple.
bartering may be possible in a larger population but I already live in a low population rural area and post SHTF it will be even lower, I may even be the last one left alive in my area. dosent bother me I like being alone.
my recent ancestors lived without a lot of what I already have, and thrived, modern people have too much STUFF, most of which will not work post SHTF.
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If SHTF comes, our Life expectancy will be minimal either way, anything can cause death, a broken tooth, a small Infection, or even an appendix or something similar.
If there is absolutely no Medical care left after SHTF, and there is no one left who has medicine or can operate, life expectancy will be 30 Years or less.

Modern People today who only consume FB and Cell Phones will all be dead after a week, death because they can no longer Live without the Internet and virtual Friends, death because these People no longer have any idea how to pick up a shovel, death because you no longer have more than 1 Day's supply at Home.

If SHTF comes, the State will no longer be able to Help, the first two Weeks will be hell on Earth, after these 2 Weeks, for example in Europe, 85% of the People will be gone, with or without a Nuclear Strike.

If we are Lucky (or Unlucky) to survive these 2 Weeks and there is no improvement from SHTF, we will have to flee villages or Cities because of diseases of Thousands of deaths and we will have to start again in a very hard Time, a time where there is no longer any modern Technology.

Those who can still live without Modern Technology will survive, but as I said, our Life expectancy will also only be short.
I do know enough people who feel the apokalypse has started if they haven't WiFi for longer than 10 minutes...
If the worst case really happens and the shopping mall was cleared from TV's, AC's and whatever the masses realize there's no food neither. But if they hear you got things to barter i'm pretty sure they will help you to reduce your storages, if you agree or not.

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